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Palestinian killed after stabbing Israeli police officer

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Palestinian killed after stabbing Israeli police officer
IAN DEITCH, Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli military and police shot two Palestinians, one fatally, after separate stabbing attacks on security forces in the West Bank on Saturday, authorities said.

Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said a Palestinian approached officers conducting a routine security check and stabbed one in the back with a knife, moderately wounding him. An officer nearby opened fire and killed the attacker, identified by doctors at Rafidia hospital in Nablus as 21-year-old Rafeq Ahmad al-Taj.

Earlier in the day, a Palestinian was shot by Israeli troops after asking soldiers at a West Bank border crossing for a glass of water, then stabbing the soldier who turned to get it, the military said.

The soldier was treated at the scene and the Palestinian was taken to a hospital with a light shoulder wound, the military said.

Israeli media said the Palestinian told investigators he carried out the attack after arguing with his father. Channel 10 TV identified him as a 19-year-old from a nearby village and cited security officials as saying he acted independently from any militant group.

The attacks came as Israelis and Palestinians follow the fate of a Palestinian hunger striker who slipped into unconsciousness a day earlier after a 60-day fast to protest his detention without charge. Mohammed Allan, 30, remained hospitalized in southern Israel.

Allan was arrested in November 2014 and detained for two six-month periods under a measure called administrative detention that allows authorities to hold detainees for months without charges.

Israel says the practice is a necessary tool to stop militant activity. Authorities said Allan was being held for his activities in Islamic Jihad, a group which has carried out numerous violent attacks against civilians.

Palestinian prisoners have held rounds of hunger strikes in recent years, sparking tension in the streets.


Associated Press writer Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-16

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Thousands of such incidents have happening now and in the past, a lot of good it deed to the Palestinians

so far, they stab, they shoot they run amuck with vehicles, kill, mime and injure people, but most of all, they

hurt themselves and the cause...condoned and encouraged by their families and leaders, you think how such

people can even run a country where they value the life of their people and garbage and collateral to put

their point forward....

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On the whim of a handful of nasty men, and on the stroke of a pen, "administrative detention" becomes "legal" and thus OK.

It's not OK. It's a tool to oppress, nothing more.

It's used sparingly against Jewish terrorists, mainly for PR, and I also disapprove of it's use in those cases.

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An off topic post, and a number of quoted responses removed.

Despite the fact that I removed the reference to administrate detention following a number of complaints , I've revisited the fact that administrative detention is mentioned in the original post, and as such I've reinstituted the deleted posts.

That said the crux of this story is the fact that somebody felt fit to stab somebody be cause they had been the subjected to administrative detention, administrative detention is legal and used any many countries, including the UK, it is not used at "on the whim of a handful of nasty men", there are certain criteria to follow and those using it are legally accountable for their decisions.

Whilst I've reinstated some posts, please stick to the subject matter.

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This happened in the West Bank illegally occupied by Israel since 1967. What the hell were the Israeli police and army doing there in the first place manning checkpoints in someone else's land?

How can administrative detention be regarded as legal, when the whole Israeli administration's occupation of 2.5 million Palestinians is illegal according to the Geneva Convention, UN, EU, USA, and 70% of the world's sovereign countries?

Israel get out of the West Bank and leave the Palestinians in peace. That's how these incidents will end.

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Administrative detention sounds suitable for that environment, IMO.

Wearing flip flops in a field of thorny scrub, is to be ill equipped.

False analogy fallacy. What on earth had detaining people without trial got to do with wearing flip flops?

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An off topic post, and a number of quoted responses removed.

Despite the fact that I removed the reference to administrate detention following a number of complaints , I've revisited the fact that administrative detention is mentioned in the original post, and as such I've reinstituted the deleted posts.

That said the crux of this story is the fact that somebody felt fit to stab somebody be cause they had been the subjected to administrative detention, administrative detention is legal and used any many countries, including the UK, it is not used at "on the whim of a handful of nasty men", there are certain criteria to follow and those using it are legally accountable for their decisions.

Whilst I've reinstated some posts, please stick to the subject matter.

you are wrong. Administrative detention cannot be deemed legal if it has been done by occupation forces illegally occupying another country. I suppose that you would deem the detention of French resistance fighters by the Nazis as legal during the war

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What country is being occupied? "Palestine" has never existed as a country. As usual, we get the inflammatory Israel demonization trope suggesting Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany.

No, nobody here is suggesting the Israeli government is perfect and faultless, far from that, but enough already with the Nazi equivalency garbage.

Edited by Jingthing
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What country is being occupied? "Palestine" has never existed as a country. As usual, we get the inflammatory Israel demonization trope suggesting Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany.

No, nobody here is suggesting the Israeli government is perfect and faultless, far from that, but enough already with the Nazi equivalency garbage.

To use one of your phrases: Take a chill pill dude. Where are the Nazi references????? And it does not matter about the "existence" of a country or not...it is their homeland, and it has been illegally occupied. It is their homeland, as recognised by 70% of the rest of the world. By bringing up the "There is not, and has never been, a country called Palestine" non-argument, you infer that you think Palestine should not exist. Nice talk from one who argues for Israel, considering.

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What country are they occupying?

Is stabbing someone legal in this imaginary country?

You misquote me. I said "Palestinian land" not country....do you remember? .....that place that was 100% inhabited by Palestinians prior to Israeli occupation in 1967.

Pilpul nitpicking of country status is an old chestnut in the Israeli apologists' deflection collection.

But since you asked.... a Palestinian country is not far away.

As of 30 October 2014, 135 (69.9%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine. Many of the countries that do not recognise the State of Palestine nevertheless recognise the PLO as the "representative of the Palestinian people".
I don't know what the motivations were of the Palestinians in the OP, but if it were resistance to an occupying army, it is perfectly valid
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What country is being occupied? "Palestine" has never existed as a country. As usual, we get the inflammatory Israel demonization trope suggesting Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany.

No, nobody here is suggesting the Israeli government is perfect and faultless, far from that, but enough already with the Nazi equivalency garbage.

To use one of your phrases: Take a chill pill dude. Where are the Nazi references????? And it does not matter about the "existence" of a country or not...it is their homeland, and it has been illegally occupied. It is their homeland, as recognised by 70% of the rest of the world. By bringing up the "There is not, and has never been, a country called Palestine" non-argument, you infer that you think Palestine should not exist. Nice talk from one who argues for Israel, considering.

And your point is what? It's also the Jewish homeland.

So, stabbing is OK?

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What country is being occupied? "Palestine" has never existed as a country. As usual, we get the inflammatory Israel demonization trope suggesting Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany.

No, nobody here is suggesting the Israeli government is perfect and faultless, far from that, but enough already with the Nazi equivalency garbage.

To use one of your phrases: Take a chill pill dude. Where are the Nazi references????? And it does not matter about the "existence" of a country or not...it is their homeland, and it has been illegally occupied. It is their homeland, as recognised by 70% of the rest of the world. By bringing up the "There is not, and has never been, a country called Palestine" non-argument, you infer that you think Palestine should not exist. Nice talk from one who argues for Israel, considering.

And your point is what? It's also the Jewish homeland.

So, stabbing is OK?

I disagree, but OK, if its' the Jewish homeland also, then Israel should annex the place and grant equal Israeli citizenship to the 2.5 million Palestinian residents it has been occupying since 1967 and who have lived there for centuries if not millenia.

It's the apartheid style occupation that is causing the friction manifested in the OP. Make peace, have a truth and reconciliation tribunal to clear the air and start looking towards the future.

As Kerry and Obama have stated...the present situation is unsustainable.

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False analogy fallacy.

What on earth had detaining people without trial got to do with wearing flip flops?

Pleeeaase, don't act dense. You know full well what was being pointed out.

Yes, I do. you were trying to mislead readers with phony metaphorical language.
False analogy fallacy is a neat mindless soundbite that helps the writer and reader nod sagely and say "yes how very true" without even pausing to think it all through, but when you examine it closely you realize you are comparing chalk with cheese, and the comparison is false.
Perhaps behaving more humanely towards the people you are occupying while working towards a peaceful solution would produce better results and avoid the conflict in the OP.
..or, if it helps you understand things more clearly: don't wear menacing steel capped work boots when trying to get people to cooperate with you.
See what I mean. Thorny stuff, a veritable minefield even this false analogy business.
Bottom line: if you do not wish to mislead readers, speak plainly.
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What country is being occupied? "Palestine" has never existed as a country. As usual, we get the inflammatory Israel demonization trope suggesting Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany.

No, nobody here is suggesting the Israeli government is perfect and faultless, far from that, but enough already with the Nazi equivalency garbage.

To use one of your phrases: Take a chill pill dude. Where are the Nazi references????? And it does not matter about the "existence" of a country or not...it is their homeland, and it has been illegally occupied. It is their homeland, as recognised by 70% of the rest of the world. By bringing up the "There is not, and has never been, a country called Palestine" non-argument, you infer that you think Palestine should not exist. Nice talk from one who argues for Israel, considering.

And your point is what? It's also the Jewish homeland.

So, stabbing is OK?

Que? Eh?? Arai na?? What??? Jumping from my comment about non-existent Nazi references to "Stabbing is OK?"? How can you?


Conflating "Jewish homeland" with Israel and the Westbank issue actually makes the discussion degress....I won't go there so as to stay closer to topic.

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Bottom line: if you do not wish to mislead readers, speak plainly.

Bottom line: if you want that glass of water, don't then stab the dispenser in the back.

By this example alone, steel toe capped boots make perfect sense.

Issuing Israelis with flip flops in that environment, is unwise.

Clearly you understood but it enraged you (up to yoooouuuu)

Accusations of some intent on my part to mislead readers, followed.

Nah, that is paranoia.

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Bottom line: if you do not wish to mislead readers, speak plainly.

Bottom line: if you want that glass of water, don't then stab the dispenser in the back.

By this example alone, steel toe capped boots make perfect sense.

Issuing Israelis with flip flops in that environment, is unwise.

Clearly you understood but it enraged you (up to yoooouuuu)

Accusations of some intent on my part to mislead readers, followed.

Nah, that is paranoia.

Enraged?laugh.png Far from it ...amuses me.

The false analogy fallacy is lazy, simplistic, superficial thinking.


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There are over 5,750 Palestinian political prisoners from the occupied territories..about 400 of whom have been held in administrative detention without trial - some for up to 11 years.

As the OP mentions, one prisoner detained without charge finds this situation so intolerable that a hunger strike is his only weapon of resistance. No wonder tensions are high.

This is not the way a supposedly European style democracy behaves.

I hope one day Israel will end its occupation and join the family of civilized nations.

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On the whim of a handful of nasty men, and on the stroke of a pen, "administrative detention" becomes "legal" and thus OK.

It's not OK. It's a tool to oppress, nothing more.

It's used sparingly against Jewish terrorists, mainly for PR, and I also disapprove of it's use in those cases.

The alternative is to shoot first. Look at the recent incidents. Israelis attacked while being civil or trying to help.

These arabs do not wish to live in peace. The Israelis are wise to protect themselves and keep the arabs far away.

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On the whim of a handful of nasty men, and on the stroke of a pen, "administrative detention" becomes "legal" and thus OK.

It's not OK. It's a tool to oppress, nothing more.

It's used sparingly against Jewish terrorists, mainly for PR, and I also disapprove of it's use in those cases.

The alternative is to shoot first. Look at the recent incidents. Israelis attacked while being civil or trying to help.

These arabs do not wish to live in peace. The Israelis are wise to protect themselves and keep the arabs far away.

So why go and build settlements right in the heart of Palestinian land, then have to use soldiers to protect them and hassle and humiliate Palestinians on a daily basis, provoking incidents such as the OP?

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An off topic post, and a number of quoted responses removed.

Despite the fact that I removed the reference to administrate detention following a number of complaints , I've revisited the fact that administrative detention is mentioned in the original post, and as such I've reinstituted the deleted posts.

That said the crux of this story is the fact that somebody felt fit to stab somebody be cause they had been the subjected to administrative detention, administrative detention is legal and used any many countries, including the UK, it is not used at "on the whim of a handful of nasty men", there are certain criteria to follow and those using it are legally accountable for their decisions.

Whilst I've reinstated some posts, please stick to the subject matter.

you are wrong. Administrative detention cannot be deemed legal if it has been done by occupation forces illegally occupying another country. I suppose that you would deem the detention of French resistance fighters by the Nazis as legal during the war

Is the United States an occupier of Mexican land ? (Texas and other areas that the U.S. gained in war)

The West Bank was captured by Israel during the Six Day War back in 1967 along with the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. They decided to return the Sinai... That was nice of them, but they didn't have to do it.

Countries don't have to return territory gained in war unless they want to.

Have you any idea what that would lead to? How many countries today occupy land won in war ? ?

Should Germany get East Prussia back? Should Canada return Quebec to France? Should the U.S. return Texas and other areas back to Mexico? Just three examples out of hundreds.

Maybe the U.S. and Canada should hand back their countries to the North American "First Nations".

See where this could lead ? ? Forget it. Israel occupies the West Bank just as other countries occupy land gained in war. They can say there if they wish and if hey are able to hold it.

Edited by Catoni
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An off topic post, and a number of quoted responses removed.

Despite the fact that I removed the reference to administrate detention following a number of complaints , I've revisited the fact that administrative detention is mentioned in the original post, and as such I've reinstituted the deleted posts.

That said the crux of this story is the fact that somebody felt fit to stab somebody be cause they had been the subjected to administrative detention, administrative detention is legal and used any many countries, including the UK, it is not used at "on the whim of a handful of nasty men", there are certain criteria to follow and those using it are legally accountable for their decisions.

Whilst I've reinstated some posts, please stick to the subject matter.

you are wrong. Administrative detention cannot be deemed legal if it has been done by occupation forces illegally occupying another country. I suppose that you would deem the detention of French resistance fighters by the Nazis as legal during the war

Is the United States an occupier of Mexican land ? (Texas and other areas that the U.S. gained in war)

The West Bank was captured by Israel during the Six Day War back in 1967 along with the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. They decided to return the Sinai... That was nice of them, but they didn't have to do it.

Countries don't have to return territory gained in war unless they want to.

Have you any idea what that would lead to? How many countries today occupy land won in war ? ?

Should Germany get East Prussia back? Should Canada return Quebec to France? Should the U.S. return Texas and other areas back to Mexico? Just three examples out of hundreds.

Maybe the U.S. and Canada should hand back their countries to the North American "First Nations".

See where this could lead ? ? Forget it. Israel occupies the West Bank just as other countries occupy land gained in war. They can say there if they wish and if hey are able to hold it.

Yes, European colonial powers got away with murder,land theft, ethnic cleansing and hypocrisy with ease over the last 5 centuries.
Nobody gave a hoot 200 years ago if Europeans murdered raped and pillaged, but today most of us in the civilized world have moved on. You can't judge 21st century behavior by 19th century values. When Davy Crockett was defending the Alamo, Americans were also transporting Africans across the Atlantic as slaves.
When Israel was stealing land in 1967, African Americans were still being forced to sit at the back of the bus.
You don't want to live in that time warp do you? Can't you see how acceptable values have changed. Nowadays the whole world is watching via the social and mass media.
Israel's problem is that it has left its run at colonialism about 100 years too late.The game is up, and Israel must move with the times.
Just because the bully wins does not make it right.
Maybe you would like the world to accept Israel behaving like Genghis Khan, but in the 21st century the global community won't allow it.
Anyway, enough of history. Besides the immorality of Israel's colonialist 1967 land grab in the West Bank, it is also illegal.
Israel is a signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention. If it doesn't like the law it should never have signed up for and ratified it.
Under international law a state cannot capture territory, annex it as its own, displace the existing population and transfer its own people there.
What Israel continues to do is unequivocally illegal, and shame on the USA for its complicity.
I hope Israel will soon make peace with its neighbors, end the occupation and join the family of civilized 21st century democracies for the sake of its own future, making incidents such as the OP a thing of the past, just as other European style democracies have moved on.
Edited by dexterm
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Is the United States an occupier of Mexican land ? (Texas and other areas that the U.S. gained in war)

The West Bank was captured by Israel during the Six Day War back in 1967 along with the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. They decided to return the Sinai... That was nice of them, but they didn't have to do it.

Countries don't have to return territory gained in war unless they want to.

Have you any idea what that would lead to? How many countries today occupy land won in war ? ?

Should Germany get East Prussia back? Should Canada return Quebec to France? Should the U.S. return Texas and other areas back to Mexico? Just three examples out of hundreds.

Maybe the U.S. and Canada should hand back their countries to the North American "First Nations".

See where this could lead ? ? Forget it. Israel occupies the West Bank just as other countries occupy land gained in war. They can say there if they wish and if hey are able to hold it.

Yes, European colonial powers got away with murder,land theft, ethnic cleansing and hypocrisy with ease over the last 5 centuries.
Nobody gave a hoot 200 years ago if Europeans murdered raped and pillaged, but today most of us in the civilized world have moved on. You can't judge 21st century behavior by 19th century values. When Davy Crockett was defending the Alamo, Americans were also transporting Africans across the Atlantic as slaves.
When Israel was stealing land in 1967, African Americans were still being forced to sit at the back of the bus.
You don't want to live in that time warp do you? Can't you see how acceptable values have changed. Nowadays the whole world is watching via the social and mass media.
Israel's problem is that it has left its run at colonialism about 100 years too late.The game is up, and Israel must move with the times.
Just because the bully wins does not make it right.
Maybe you would like the world to accept Israel behaving like Genghis Khan, but in the 21st century the global community won't allow it.
Anyway, enough of history. Besides the immorality of Israel's colonialist 1967 land grab in the West Bank, it is also illegal.
Israel is a signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention. If it doesn't like the law it should never have signed up for and ratified it.
Under international law a state cannot capture territory, annex it as its own, displace the existing population and transfer its own people there.
What Israel continues to do is unequivocally illegal, and shame on the USA for its complicity.
I hope Israel will soon make peace with its neighbors, end the occupation and join the family of civilized 21st century democracies for the sake of its own future, making incidents such as the OP a thing of the past, just as other European style democracies have moved on.

An excellent and comprehensive answer to a specious justification of the Zionist agenda for Eretz Israel.

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What country is Israel "colonizing" for?

Answer: None.

The colonialist explanation of Israel is the classic Israel demonization meme that ignores the ancient ties of the Jewish people to THAT SPECIFIC region and also totally ignores the vital reasons the Zionist movement found resonance in the first place (thousands of years of Jews being persecuted in the diaspora).

Look at a map of British Mandate Palestine.


Does anyone in their right mind think that Israel wants to expand to that level?

Of course they don't as most of that land is not linked to the Jewish people.

Particularly Jordan .

Given the history of resistance against the existence of Israel by it's neighbors, of course Israel needs and will continue to need to be bigger than a postage stamp.

It's funny that the obsessive Israel demonizers can't take a news story and just see it for what it is. Instead, every story from Israel is for their propaganda purposes to trash everything about Israel. It used to be the BDS movement was only about west bank products. Now it's about artists from Tel Aviv and recently, disgustingly, a festival in Spain banned an AMERICAN Jew because he refused to state an "anti-Zionist" agenda. In other words, so much of the Israel demonization agenda (and BDS) is deeply infected with Judeophobia.

So don't wonder why the vast majority of global Jews support Israel's right to exist and defend itself against such racists.

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What country is Israel "colonizing" for?

Answer: None.

The colonialist explanation of Israel is the classic Israel demonization meme that ignores the ancient ties of the Jewish people to THAT SPECIFIC region and also totally ignores the vital reasons the Zionist movement found resonance in the first place (thousands of years of Jews being persecuted in the diaspora).

Look at a map of British Mandate Palestine.

<snip large graphic>

Does anyone in their right mind think that Israel wants to expand to that level?

Of course they don't as most of that land is not linked to the Jewish people.

Particularly Jordan .

Given the history of resistance against the existence of Israel by it's neighbors, of course Israel needs and will continue to need to be bigger than a postage stamp.

It's funny that the obsessive Israel demonizers can't take a news story and just see it for what it is. Instead, every story from Israel is for their propaganda purposes to trash everything about Israel. It used to be the BDS movement was only about west bank products. Now it's about artists from Tel Aviv and recently, disgustingly, a festival in Spain banned an AMERICAN Jew because he refused to state an "anti-Zionist" agenda. In other words, so much of the Israel demonization agenda (and BDS) is deeply infected with Judeophobia.

So don't wonder why the vast majority of global Jews support Israel's right to exist and defend itself against such racists.

Whoa there. No-one mentioned BDS in this thread. YOU are the first.
I merely said that the stabbing in the OP would not have happened if the Israelis were not occupying land they did not hold before 1967. To end these violent incidents and Jewish fanatical settler violence too, do as the UN,US,EU and 70% of the world's sovereign countries insist is a prerequisite for peace...
Israel, end the occupation and leave the Palestinians in peace! You have ethnically cleansed them twice already in 48 and 67. Enough's enough.
You and other Israeli apologists are in a time warp (in your case a 2,000 year old one) in which you try to justify this occupation and expansion from the area originally proposed by Partition. Some even believe they are acting under instructions from god! This is the 21st century. Get real.
Simple question.
If Israeli is not into expansionist colonialism, please could you tell the forum readers a simple fact....where are Israel's borders? They seem to keep changing.
Judaism is a religion not a race somehow still holding 2,000 year old title deeds, while all other inhabitants have been merely caretakers awaiting the return of their masters. Jews have no more right to Palestine than all the other peoples who have ever lived there. Canaanites, Philistines, Romans, Crusaders, Muslims to name but a few.
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What country is Israel "colonizing" for?

Answer: None.

The colonialist explanation of Israel is the classic Israel demonization meme that ignores the ancient ties of the Jewish people to THAT SPECIFIC region and also totally ignores the vital reasons the Zionist movement found resonance in the first place (thousands of years of Jews being persecuted in the diaspora).

Look at a map of British Mandate Palestine.

<snip large graphic>

Does anyone in their right mind think that Israel wants to expand to that level?

Of course they don't as most of that land is not linked to the Jewish people.

Particularly Jordan .

Given the history of resistance against the existence of Israel by it's neighbors, of course Israel needs and will continue to need to be bigger than a postage stamp.

It's funny that the obsessive Israel demonizers can't take a news story and just see it for what it is. Instead, every story from Israel is for their propaganda purposes to trash everything about Israel. It used to be the BDS movement was only about west bank products. Now it's about artists from Tel Aviv and recently, disgustingly, a festival in Spain banned an AMERICAN Jew because he refused to state an "anti-Zionist" agenda. In other words, so much of the Israel demonization agenda (and BDS) is deeply infected with Judeophobia.

So don't wonder why the vast majority of global Jews support Israel's right to exist and defend itself against such racists.

Whoa there. No-one mentioned BDS in this thread. YOU are the first.
I merely said that the stabbing in the OP would not have happened if the Israelis were not occupying land they did not hold before 1967. To end these violent incidents and Jewish fanatical settler violence too, do as the UN,US,EU and 70% of the world's sovereign countries insist is a prerequisite for peace...
Israel, end the occupation and leave the Palestinians in peace! You have ethnically cleansed them twice already in 48 and 67. Enough's enough.
You and other Israeli apologists are in a time warp (in your case a 2,000 year old one) in which you try to justify this occupation and expansion from the area originally proposed by Partition. Some even believe they are acting under instructions from god! This is the 21st century. Get real.
Simple question.
If Israeli is not into expansionist colonialism, please could you tell the forum readers a simple fact....where are Israel's borders? They seem to keep changing.
Judaism is a religion not a race somehow still holding 2,000 year old title deeds, while all other inhabitants have been merely caretakers awaiting the return of their masters. Jews have no more right to Palestine than all the other peoples who have ever lived there. Canaanites, Philistines, Romans, Crusaders, Muslims to name but a few.

Well, it's as JT says in his post....underlined and bold by me....above. Which is an honest, albeit careless, admission of Israel's expansionism. Odd that in the same post he reverts to the old (and contradictory to his first bit) "the vast majority of global Jews support Israel's right to exist and defend itself "

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