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49% of young Brits are gay or bi


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a stat as in 51% thank god now where's my bible gone Noah's ark 2x2 not gay but male female gender oh and what about Adam and Eve, and the little baby Jesus, not religious minded but I do remember the right from wrong that was taught at school.

Ah yes the joys of religion. Kill all the Jews gays and anyone else all in the name of your god.

And you call it knowing right from wrong.

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  • 2 months later...

It's a mildly offensive term for a gay. It rhymes with poofter, which British slang for gay.

It's not particularly appreciated being used in this forum.

If they choose to be gay, it's up to them. Live and let live.

Is the term pillow - biter offensive? As it can be used for males and females (and transsexuals), that term seems to be non gender specific.

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I have no idea if this 49% figure is true or not, but I am booking a flight. It's certainly worth checking out....give or take a few percentage points.

I'm joining you, can't wait to try some British boys!

Statistics bend towards you both having a fun filled holiday trying out the British boys, happy travels!

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Last real survey I saw said as a percentage of the UK population it was closer to 3% for gay and 5% if you added the bi and occaisional dabblers..

It only seems to be growing because of the huge gay lobby pushing their agenda in the media and Parliament.

The only reason that has so much weight is that gays are massively over represented in Films, TV, Politics, Fashion, Press and Advertising.. There's probably a larger proportion of the population into building model trains, but they never get a minutes airtime..

Spot on about the over representation. Whatever the real percentage is, this poll's allegation is absurd. I honestly have nothing against gays, but it seems there's some gay representation in virtually every show produced in the US now -- every family is touched by it in some way, but that's just not at all realistic. I know many sorts of families very well, and the real proportion is nothing remotely close to what's shown on TV.

Edited by Inn Between
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It's a mildly offensive term for a gay. It rhymes with poofter, which British slang for gay.

It's not particularly appreciated being used in this forum.

If they choose to be gay, it's up to them. Live and let live.

Is the term pillow - biter offensive? As it can be used for males and females (and transsexuals), that term seems to be non gender specific.

First being gay isn't a choice, but that is a whole different topic.

I think that a lot of terms, including pillow biter, can be offensive. A lot of it depends on who is using it and the context in which it is being used.

In this forum, which is for gays, there is a little more protection given, so it's best not to use those terms here.

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Its not surprise to me... its nature... people are usually not 100 percent straight or 100 percent gay.....

Its good that the younger generation don't see the world in black and white. There are always shades of grey in all situations.

Seems the only people that have problems with ideas about peoples sexuality is because of their religion.

People don't choose to be gay, straight or whatever... but people DO CHOOSES THEIR RELIGION.

People who are not religious don't need to follow religious rules.

As for people saying gay and lesbians are over represented in the media... I think those people are blind to others around them.

The media also has very sexy looking people.. fit and healthy... wealthy and funny.... perfect people... but that does not make real people in the real world become like that... just take a look at the general population next time you go shopping. Not many look like Hollywood superstars or models.

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I can assure you there is not 49% of English gay. Disgusting habit, was illegal in my Island until recently, the way it should be.

Your disgusting opinion is quite interesting. Why would you want "your island" to turn back into bigotry and lose all the insight your fellow-citizens have? For example that being gay is not a "habit"?

More to the point: What exactly does this have to do with you personally, so that you are afraid of it? Deep down inside, do you fear you would like it? Because if you didn't, you couldn't care less whether anybody is gay or not, it simply wouldn't have anything to do with you. But obviously it does. Makes one think.

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I can assure you there is not 49% of English gay. Disgusting habit, was illegal in my Island until recently, the way it should be.

Your island - I presume you mean the Isle of Man, the place where until recently they liked caning handsome, muscular young men on their firm, pert buttocks. Nothing gay about that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can assure you there is not 49% of English gay. Disgusting habit, was illegal in my Island until recently, the way it should be.

Your disgusting opinion is quite interesting. Why would you want "your island" to turn back into bigotry and lose all the insight your fellow-citizens have? For example that being gay is not a "habit"?

More to the point: What exactly does this have to do with you personally, so that you are afraid of it? Deep down inside, do you fear you would like it? Because if you didn't, you couldn't care less whether anybody is gay or not, it simply wouldn't have anything to do with you. But obviously it does. Makes one think.

You also probably wouldn't be interested in reading a gay forum either, but don't worry, once the closet doors swing open and you come out, we'll be there for you!

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