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Despite lack of evidence, Thai media points blame at Uighurs


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Quote from OP:

" Thai media have been less shy about making unsubstantiated leaps to cast suspicion on usual-suspect ethnic and minority groups."

Any further comments require substantiated evidence.

20 dead and 180 injured is a tragic event.

If the perpetrators are Muslims, Uighurs or related to their extradition - why so far no statement? It becomes a pointless exercise in cruelty. I see no logic.

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Yes... strange to blame a particular terrorist group without any evidence, but on the other hand, the Uighurs cannot be ruled out either until evidence is turned up.

So by your logic, no one can be ruled out. So should we include you in the list of suspects? Seriously, most people could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap out a more intelligent sentence than that!

Now there is the pot calling the kettle black.

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Yes... strange to blame a particular terrorist group without any evidence, but on the other hand, the Uighurs cannot be ruled out either until evidence is turned up.

So by your logic, no one can be ruled out. So should we include you in the list of suspects? Seriously, most people could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap out a more intelligent sentence than that!

Barry Friedman, - your name or a call name (?) obligates to be more clever and less rude.

I can visualise a whole bunch of Friedman's screaming: "He is not with us!"

If you want to be rude or demonstrate lack of brains try "Simpson" next time. (Apology to any real Simpsons)

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The RTA should be looked at also.

Send in some "provocateurs" or a single sod,

plant a bomb or two, one bomb detonates with

horiffic results, Aemy enters & saves the day.

Happened in Insonesia at the turn of the century.

Hapened in the 60's all over Latin America.

Happens all over the world really.

Army's not really that popular despite their

propaganda here....why not rush in & try to

save the day & their face.

Think about it.

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R.I.P to victims and my condolences to their families.

Quiet surprise that nobody looks for the reason of such terrible and blooded attack.

There must be reason (not justifying)for this attack,in my opinion it could be assassination of specific target/s.

There is few reasons to make me think in this direction :

1.number of victims (to much blood to be classified as political action from side on any fraction in Thailand)

2.there is definitely two and more people involved (one that drove motorcycle and one that placed bomb) and those guys are not mastermind of this operation

3.the kind of bomb in use(design for max causality/or to make sure that target person -s will be killed,without to care for collateral deaths

4.profile of cctv captured Arabic looking guy not fitt as Muslim extremists nor anyone from political parties in Thailand nor any Ujgurs either.

To me personally looking as someone hired to place bom on that specific place at exactly time and definitely like part of team that executed carefully planned operation.

Time of bombing it had been not most busy time of day to have bigger number of causality but it looks that is been time that possible target has been attending to pray at shrine ,the answer may be in identity of victims that have been nearby bomb at time of blast,there is number of not identified victims that have suffered full force of blast.

At this point nobody takes responsibility for bombing and there is second day after without any leads of who and why have done bombing,it my be good to find out if there is some important people in victims that have been not identified yet,it my lead to bombers.

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I thought the Mr PM blamed someone from the political divide hiding in the northeast as the perpertrator from the very start..

That was AFP misquoting the PM, who was referring to the person who posted on Facebook a warning of impending violence in Bangkok.

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In the horrific wake of the devastating bomb attack, the need and rush to assign blame in the absence of reliable information has proven a toxic mix for a Thai media too willing to set aside due diligence and cast its own net of suspicion.

Wow that is a pretty accurate description of the majority of posters on Thai Visa, uncanny.coffee1.gif

Indeed yes, and a reflection on our species that does it no credit at all.

It's also appalling, in my judgment, to see the refugees in the photo above hooded, numbered and dehumanised, for the crime of wishing to flee from the overarching dictatorship of the Communist Party of China, which is bent on destroying their traditional way of life.

In the OP the Uighurs are referred to as both refugees and terrorists. They might be either, or both, but they are still human beings and should be treated with some respect no matter who they are, or what they might have done.

The 'photos of the hooded UIghurs on the plane and disembarking clearly show the Thai culture of classing other nationals as lesser beings. It's a pity we didn't see full length 'photos, because it's likely they wore the mandatory leg-irons, just to confirm their lowly status. I thank my lucky stars that i wasn't born into a persecuted society/minority, but I can honestly say that if I were one of these Uighurs being 'repatriated' in this way, I'd be more than a little bit 'Pi##ed Off' with both the Chinese and more especially the Thai authorities.

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In the horrific wake of the devastating bomb attack, the need and rush to assign blame in the absence of reliable information has proven a toxic mix for a Thai media too willing to set aside due diligence and cast its own net of suspicion.

Wow that is a pretty accurate description of the majority of posters on Thai Visa, uncanny.coffee1.gif

Why let lack of evidence ruin a perfectly good conspiracy rant? Boring responsible people like you spoil everything for the rest of us fun loving TVF posters.

Boring responsible people like you spoil everything for the rest of us fun loving TVF posters.

So you think it is fun reading about this atrocity? You must be the only poster who thinks so.

There were at least twenty innocent people killed here.

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Well said, bumpity. But pointing at Prayuth as co-conspirator is without reason as he is the LAW of the LAND.

I really feel for the Uiguhurs in Xinjiang. Totally overwhelmed by the ruthless Han. All in name of national betterment, cultural homogenization, and xenophobia. The Han (CCP) ain't anyone's friend.

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The fact that there have been no arrests or "man hunts" tell you all you need to know. As yet, they have no idea. The pressure to clutch at straws will be fierce. Careers and saving face are the motivations. All that is needed is the perp. Failing that a scapegoat. The world is watching, as are your new Chinese masters, do screw up boys.

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Yes... strange to blame a particular terrorist group without any evidence, but on the other hand, the Uighurs cannot be ruled out either until evidence is turned up.

Thai media is just repeating what international media is speculating, as if that should be a surprise.

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Ok, let's recap the "official" pronouncements;

1st claim: Hidden in motorcycle and wrapped in white towel.

2nd claim. "Redshirts"

3rd claim: Someone from the north east, and known to security forces

4th claim: Arab looking

5th claim: Uighur

How soon until someone of dark complexion from Issan is given the Burmese" treatment?

.Ok...can I had my list of "yet to be officially pronounced"

1. American looking

2. British looking

3. ISIS looking

4. Syrian looking

5. Just looking

6. Australian looking

7. New Zealand looking

8. Palestinian looking

Whoever is running the manhunt show should be very careful indeed of accusing even loosely, any specific group of people...lest they become so incensed by a false accusation that they react unfavourably

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. . .

Second, the police have not officially revealed that they have identified the bomber, and have accessed his facebook and instagram accounts. There are pictures of our friendly neighborhood bomber in military fatigues holding a gun on those websites and the media has accessed these as well. Somyet should keep his mouth shut until the investigation is complete (which of course he is not doing, and why hasn't he been sacked yet?). But the media has every right to be taking a hard look at the Uighurs and is not off-base by focusing the public's attention on them.

Well, let's consider Thai culture for a moment: One cannot be seen as not having the answers and it is better to say something (anything) than admit to not know.

Now, combine the cultural aspects of not wanting to lose face with the questionable translations being published verbatim by English media sources and we end up in a situation with much confusion for us non-Thai speakers. Remember, none of these quotes are directly from the horse's mouth.

With that being said though, isn't it better for police to take a leaf out of the books of other countries forces when it comes to speaking to the media and say:

'The investigation is on going', 'We are following leads' et al. instead of the cock and bull story that they always churn out?

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I would expect the U.S. ATF and FBI as well as Interpol would be looking at this.Terrorism is becoming a World Wide Cancer and it boils down to two things (1) Cultural/Religious Difference and (2) The Have Not's Vs The Haves !!

Some epeople are taught "Because I am you owe me", AKA Welfare and goodies they do not have to earn.

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Once back in China:

1. A quick blood test

2. Bullet in the back of the neck

3. body parts industry

.. oh of course, some sort of cursory court hearing to make it legal.

In Thailand:

The police can say "Case closed" on the first bombing.

When the real culprits attack again, the police can say the incidents are not related.

Round up a few more to send off to China - another case closed.

(Sh*t .. have I been here too long?)

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The innocent Muslims in the world need to organise agaist the Islamic terrorists for their own peaceful living. Since the US supported Taliban got the taste of modern technology in organised terrorism during the USSR era starting from Afghanistan Islamic terrorism re-wrote safety rules putting ordinary life into a lot of trouble

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If the Uighur wanted to make an example of Thai or Chinese in Thailand, surely there are better places to target. And if they really wanted to target those that sent back Uighurs to China, then attacking a temple devoted to an Indian deity, makes no sense at all.

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Not saying it is right by any means, but does make sense. Just because they were taken back to China hooded and probably chained, escorted by forces of the government does not excuse action of Thai government. What goes around comes around, or as they would say "karma". Site was perfect: get some Chinese and some Thais: both nations involved in that episode of "clean and tidy" state sponsored elimination of minorities. Should have sent them on to a Muslim country where they would be welcomed.

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Thai media points to Uighurs because the government told them to do it. Internal violence is returning to Thailand because there is no movement to democracy. More violence will fallow and less tourist will come. The new PM is acting like a dictator which could anger many parties in Thailand. He loves the power of being PM and has the army and police protecting him and has no plans on leaving soon!.

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