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Thai Army sues Thaksin for linking coup to Privy Council


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Army sues Thaksin for linking coup to Privy Council

BANGKOK: -- THE CRIMINAL Court has accepted a complaint against ousted and fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is accused of defaming the Army by linking it to the Privy Council in staging the coup on May 22 last year.

The court will examine the evidence and testimony on October 12.

While visiting South Korea between May 19 and 22 this year, Thaksin allegedly said in a filmed interview that the Privy Council played a role in last year's coup.

The criminal complaint was filed by the Army, whose legal representative described Thaksin to the judges as "an undesirable person and a danger to the country", adding that what the former PM allegedly said in the interview was untrue.

The plaintiff also told the court that Thaksin had accused the Army of admiring the kind of "democracy that exists in Myanmar". The Army's advocate-general added that this video was later shared via YouTube, thus causing further damage to the Army's reputation.

The legal representative then submitted a copy of the said video, along with a transcript of the interview, to court. The interview is believed to have taken place on May 22 - one year after the military's most recent seizure of power from an elected government.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Army-sues-Thaksin-for-linking-coup-to-Privy-Counci-30266916.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-19

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BTW, is the military's not wanting to be associated with the privy council for a coup defaming the privy council?

Or should the privy council be suing Thaksin here?

Or is this just more stupid defamation cases among the rich and powerful? ....

Bingo. More coffee, please... coffee1.gif

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Hmmm seems the army could find better things to do than sue a guy not living in the country and has not intention of returning.

Oh i dont know the "gentleman" concerned is suing people in a country he dont live in for stripping him of his police rank and how you know he has no intention to return ? Speak to him do you ?

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BTW, is the military's not wanting to be associated with the privy council for a coup defaming the privy council?

Or should the privy council be suing Thaksin here?

Or is this just more stupid defamation cases among the rich and powerful? ....

Bingo. More coffee, please... coffee1.gif

Where would some Thais be without defamation and LM so readily available ?

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Hmmm seems the army could find better things to do than sue a guy not living in the country and has not intention of returning.

My sentiments also , Thailand has more important things to get on with and don't forget what comes around goes around, just ask Tarit.

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Memo to Army and its thousands of Generals

Please focus on containing the southern insurgency, and dealing with the Bangkok bombing.

When you have a chance please provide an update on that war on corruption the army was going to wage as I do not believe anyone has been prosecuted.

Also, an update on the Koh Samui bombing would be appreciated. This was the bombing you had solved in the days following the explosion and you announced that big names would be named and big names would be charged. Nothing happened.

Thank you.

A concerned taxpayer.

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Hmmm seems the army could find better things to do than sue a guy not living in the country and has not intention of returning.

Oh i dont know the "gentleman" concerned is suing people in a country he dont live in for stripping him of his police rank and how you know he has no intention to return ? Speak to him do you ?

Thaksin has filed defamation lawsuits, even though he has not consented to jurisdiction of the criminal courts with respect to his conviction. What is good for the goose . . .

Besides, it all goes to show how silly Thai defamation laws are. The courts are completely jammed with defamation lawsuits filed by the rich and powerful. It's not just politicians. There are thousands of lawsuits filed by businessmen and their companies for the slightest transgressions. More importantly, the courts are disinclined to throw the idiots out of court, because the idiots are the rich and the powerful.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

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Hmmm seems the army could find better things to do than sue a guy not living in the country and has not intention of returning.

Oh i dont know the "gentleman" concerned is suing people in a country he dont live in for stripping him of his police rank and how you know he has no intention to return ? Speak to him do you ?

"Oh I don't know the "gentleman" concerned is suing people in a country he don't live in for stripping him of his police rank and how you know he has no intension to return? Speak to him do you?"

Sorry I may have missed that story, can you provide a link??? as I can't find one anywhere that say he "is suing people" .

What I have found is Deputy PM Wissanu has suggested that Thaksin could sue if he is dissatisfied, Not quite the same thing now is it???

Ya need to be a little more careful mate or some people could think you are bias or making false claims which could be against forum rules?

But I'm sure it was an honest mistake huh.whistling.gif

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Hmmm seems the army could find better things to do than sue a guy not living in the country and has not intention of returning.

Oh i dont know the "gentleman" concerned is suing people in a country he dont live in for stripping him of his police rank and how you know he has no intention to return ? Speak to him do you ?

Has Thaksin told you he's suing ? It was nothing more than a headline by Wissanau who said he "could" sue, never confirmed whether he would, after it was confirmed he'd lose his rank.

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In 20 years time they will still be linking this guy to terrible things that have taken place in the Kingdom the elitists despise the guy and the poor love him sadly there are more poor people in Thailand who are denied the chance to better there lives it was he who gave them the chance to vote and free medical treatment something that is very basic rights in the Western World.

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In 20 years time they will still be linking this guy to terrible things that have taken place in the Kingdom the elitists despise the guy and the poor love him sadly there are more poor people in Thailand who are denied the chance to better there lives it was he who gave them the chance to vote and free medical treatment something that is very basic rights in the Western World.

Your right mate!!! but when the red haters, Shin haters are confronted with those facts they try in vain to spin it which just makes me laugh.

Crazy thing is these very same people Thai family's extended family's would more than likely use the 30 Baht scheme and Swapy air port, among others and have no idea or legitimate argument that Under Mr T/S PM ship the GDP increased and national debit fell, Standard Ostrich syndrome, Only see what I want to seewhistling.gif

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Of all the issues they could be using to go after Thaksin, this is just plain daft.

Thaksin is an unhappy, vindictive, cowardly little man hiding in the desert. Things like this will just inspire him, even push him, into vindictive action against the people he percieves as his enemies, and even against the country. He has no conscience, nor morals or ethics, nor does he really care about the Thai people or the country. ALL he cares about is power and money, and of course, face.

If pushed too far, beware of what this vindictive little man might do. His money can buy a lot of sycophantic lackies.

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Hmmm seems the army could find better things to do than sue a guy not living in the country and has not intention of returning.

Oh don't worry. It's not the whole army involved in this charging and processing. Probably just one or two people got the task. The rest of the army will be busy for other things to annoy you.

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They must be getting really desperate that their "rape" of the countries main assets, ie the normal people, are going to come to an end one day, hopefully soon

Nice soundbite, but somewhat meaningless. Some must be getting desperate.

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Memo to Army and its thousands of Generals

Please focus on containing the southern insurgency, and dealing with the Bangkok bombing.

When you have a chance please provide an update on that war on corruption the army was going to wage as I do not believe anyone has been prosecuted.

Also, an update on the Koh Samui bombing would be appreciated. This was the bombing you had solved in the days following the explosion and you announced that big names would be named and big names would be charged. Nothing happened.

Thank you.

A concerned taxpayer.

Dear taxpayer,

Thank you for your inquiry. Please don't worry, we can multi-task and have put only two people on the case against a criminal fugitive former-PM. The bombing cases are handled by the RTP and progressing. To divulge detailed and accurate information would work counter productive, you will have to do with some obfuscation in the mean time. Sorry about that.

With any regards possibly due,

Crpl. B.

(as assigned by Gen. P.)

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

So rubl, which principle of justice do you prefer?

Innocent until proven guilty.


Guilty until proven innocent.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

You need to read up on the defamation laws here. The "beauty" of the Thai law is it doesn't matter if what was said is true or false. What matters is it was said and has adversely affected the reputation of the person / organization which was the objective of the statement.

So, if you buy something that is crap, or receive a crap service, and comment about it publicly the supplier could sue you for defamation. You are hurting their reputation which may have consequences for them. They could also claim ridiculous "damages" for perceived losses due to your defamation. Remember the juice firm that tried to sue the HR people who reported on their HR violations.

Thaksin flung defamation charges at journalists who made comments he didn't like, seeking massive damages. Seems somewhat ironic he's now the recipient.

Defamation is also a criminal offense in Thailand.

The rich and powerful use it to stop comments about them, their families, their businesses and their activities being openly talked about or discussed in the media. Politicians use it when their opponents say something they don't like or accuse them of something.

The courts sometimes dismiss the charges, with some quiet "interesting and creative reasoning".

All part of the system - closely resembling Alice in Wonderland.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Hmmm seems the army could find better things to do than sue a guy not living in the country and has not intention of returning.

Oh i dont know the "gentleman" concerned is suing people in a country he dont live in for stripping him of his police rank and how you know he has no intention to return ? Speak to him do you ?

I have yet to see any law suit - as he hasnt been stripped of the title yet. Get your facts together

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