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Thai Army sues Thaksin for linking coup to Privy Council


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Sure the poor love him because he pays more for there votes. Let them borrow 10.000b each out of his million b per village loan program. They are all scared he will either ask for it back.....or not give them anymore.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

So rubl, which principle of justice do you prefer?

Innocent until proven guilty.


Guilty until proven innocent.

Lol Uncle Rubie (bah.gif ) tying himself in knots again!!

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

So rubl, which principle of justice do you prefer?

Innocent until proven guilty.


Guilty until proven innocent.

Good move, pressing him for a straight answer. That usually gets rid of him for a while...

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

So rubl, which principle of justice do you prefer?

Innocent until proven guilty.


Guilty until proven innocent.

Good move, pressing him for a straight answer. That usually gets rid of him for a while...

"Umm, uhhh, umm proscratinate *some stomach turning uncle rubie comment*, please get back on topic"

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What a bunch of pansies.....let me guess , Army in power, court run by army, conclusion.... guilty, why waste time and not just say he's guilty, in fact why waste time even bothering with this crap at all?

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

Can we ask the mods to add a short definition of defamation in Thailand when posting these defamation type stories? After literally hundreds of similar stories, it seems that there is still a lack of understanding of the defamation laws in Thailand, and a response like this occurs (usually multiple times) for every defamation type story.

Defamation can occur whether the statement is true or not. The key is that the statement causes harm to reputation.

Truth is only a defence if there is a valid reason that the public needed to be aware of the statement.

Section 326. Defamation

Whoever, imputes anything to the other person before a third person in a manner likely to impair the reputation of such other person or to expose such other person to be hated or scorned, is said to commit defamation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both.

Section 329. Good Faith Statement

A person, in good faith, expresses any opinion or a statement:

  1. By way of self-justification or defense, or for the protection of a legitimate interest;
  2. In the status of being an official in the exercise of his functions;
  3. By way of fair comment on any person or thing subjected to public criticism; or
  4. By way of fair report of the open proceeding of any Court or meeting

shall not be guilty of defamation.

Section 330. Truth as a Defense
In case of defamation, if the person prosecuted for defamation can prove that the imputation made by him is true, he shall not be punished. But he shall not be allowed to prove if such imputation concerns personal matters, and such proof will not be benefit to the public.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

So rubl, which principle of justice do you prefer?

Innocent until proven guilty.


Guilty until proven innocent.

I think it rather depends which side of the political divide the accused comes from.

Don't worry, no doubt the smokescreen is being planned even now!


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What a farce-this country looks like a civilsed democracy until you live here for a while-why did they let Taksin go abroad after he was already convicted?

Corruption methinks

Ask Somchai Wongsawat who was the PPP government PM at the time.

Incidentally Somchai is also Thaksin's brother in law.

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Sure the poor love him because he pays more for there votes. Let them borrow 10.000b each out of his million b per village loan program. They are all scared he will either ask for it back.....or not give them anymore.

Specific evidence, please ere you be considered a lipflapper.

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I am puzzled. What exactly is tarnishing the army's reputation?

- Is it the fact that they staged a coup? For an army of a democratic country this would indeed be a bad image. But here?

- Is it the allegation that they worked with the Privy Counsel? How is this tarnishing anyone's reputation?

- Or is it the allegation that the Privy Counsel was involved in the coup? Such an allegation can only be detrimental to one's reputation

if the coup itself is considered as a bad thing.

or maybe the army doesn't know and it's nothing personal; they just like to sue.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

You have that backwards...

The Thai Defamation laws do not require the plaintiff to prove but rather the defendant must prove :

1. That what they said was true

2. That there was an over whelming need/ benefit to society that required them to say what they said

So the overwhelming burden is on the defendant NOT the plaintiff.

This is why it is such a power weapon

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In 20 years time they will still be linking this guy to terrible things that have taken place in the Kingdom the elitists despise the guy and the poor love him sadly there are more poor people in Thailand who are denied the chance to better there lives it was he who gave them the chance to vote and free medical treatment something that is very basic rights in the Western World.

There is a little good in all of us. Sadly doing good things for the masses is falling out of vogue around the planet. Big business through their political allies have a choke hold on all of us "little people" The political "machine" is now a huge juggernaut financed by billions of dollars by well billionaires of course. They use all kinds of "get your vote" terms i.e. "returning the middle class to prosperity( furthest thing from their mind)" "the middle class has remained stagnant no wage increases(only true statement they make)" "tax the rich more(what a joke)""simplify the tax code(so it benefits the rich more)" "secure our borders" Last but not least "Return America to the Americans" By now your in tears so you go into the booth and say do I vote for party A or party B. Well at this point it does not really matter. A and B are both in bed together. Your think your voting for a "Robin Hood" party but actually your voting for a "Rob Peter to Pay Paul" party. You and I know who is Peter and who is Paul but the sheeple well its fleecing time. A good example are these survey guys with microphones asking people who the president of the United States of America is and they scratch their head and say "That black man"

Edited by elgordo38
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In an amused and ironic kind of way, I find the way you spell "idiotic", as being a bit idiotic. whistling.gif

But I do agree with you, if you meant the Thai Army suing Thaksin for linking the coup to the Privy Council was idiotic. thumbsup.gif

Way too much litigation happening in Thailand.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

I don't think, under Thai Law, that something has to be untrue to be defamatory.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

So rubl, which principle of justice do you prefer?

Innocent until proven guilty.


Guilty until proven innocent.

firing squad at dawn.

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Presumably if the army go ahead with this they will have to actually prove that there is no link between their coup and the privy council - prove that Thaksin's allegation was defamatory as it was untrue - which would be interesting to hear - or will they just rely on the fact that there is no independent judiciary or rule of law here?

The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

So rubl, which principle of justice do you prefer?

Innocent until proven guilty.


Guilty until proven innocent.

firing squad at dawn.


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The Pheu Thai Prompong approach "I accuse prove me wrong".

Well, doesn't it work the other way round? The accused should proof what he said is true.

So rubl, which principle of justice do you prefer?

Innocent until proven guilty.


Guilty until proven innocent.

firing squad at dawn.


I recognise a baiting or aimed at distracting question when I see one.

I didn't really need confirmation from the others in this

smutcakes: Lol Uncle Rubie (bah.gif ) tying himself in knots again!!

baboon: Good move, pressing him for a straight answer. That usually gets rid of him for a while...

smutcakes: "Umm, uhhh, umm proscratinate *some stomach turning uncle rubie comment*, please get back on topic"

phoenixdoglover: deflect!

You can still see my reply to millwall_fan. That should explain sufficiently what I think about this topic.

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And a lot of people still don't see that whatever Thaksin does or says is for personal gain only. The guy is a proven crook and liar who pays people to become his propaganda puppets. He is directly responsible for many deaths caused by instigating violence. I hope that the army can get rid of him for good.

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And a lot of people still don't see that whatever Thaksin does or says is for personal gain only. The guy is a proven crook and liar who pays people to become his propaganda puppets. He is directly responsible for many deaths caused by instigating violence. I hope that the army can get rid of him for good.

Same old drivel from you. So who on TV are are the posters who think Thaksin is so good ? You keep making such allegations without ever any links or evidence .

It's just a total fabrication that ' a lot of people don't see....Thaksin. Etc..etc'. Everybody who has been here more than a few years know what Thaksin was, so no more BS please!

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Good move, pressing him for a straight answer. That usually gets rid of him for a while...

"Umm, uhhh, umm proscratinate *some stomach turning uncle rubie comment*, please get back on topic"

Talking of procrastinating Smutty, how's your research progressing? Did you find that Forbes article on the Shin family wealth increasing by 450% during the Yingluck regimes period in office ? Remember that thread and discussion?

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Good move, pressing him for a straight answer. That usually gets rid of him for a while...

"Umm, uhhh, umm proscratinate *some stomach turning uncle rubie comment*, please get back on topic"

Talking of procrastinating Smutty, how's your research progressing? Did you find that Forbes article on the Shin family wealth increasing by 450% during the Yingluck regimes period in office ? Remember that thread and discussion?

I would love to see that supposed article from Forbes. Why don't you post a link?

According to Forbes, which chronicles the estimated net worth of rich people worldwide, the period from the 2011 to 2015 rankings was indeed a good time to be a rich Thai.

The Thaksin family did well, increasing in the estimate from USD 600 million to USD $1.7 billion. (not 450%, but damn good)

But almost all the super rich in Thailand made excellent gains in that same period.

Kraisorn USD 460 to 700 mil

Boonchai USD 550 mil to 1.1 bil

Somporn 610 to 840 mil

Prasert 620 mil to 2.8 bil

And those are just the "bench warmers".

Up top...

Dhanin 7.4 to 14.4 bil

Chalerm (Chaleo) 5.0 to 9.6 bil

Charoen 4.8 to 13 bil

Chirathivat 4.3 to 12.3 bil

How did these tycoons do so well?

One major explanation is "a rising tide carries all boats". In 2010, many investors were not doing well as a result of the financial crises from 2007-2008. From 2011 onward, the situation much improved. So almost anyone with a decent investment portfolio came roaring back.

NYSE composite index: mid 2010, around 7,000 points. late 2014/early 2015, around 11,000 points.

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The criminal complaint was filed by the Army, whose legal representative described Thaksin to the judges as "an undesirable person and a danger to the country", adding that what the former PM allegedly said in the interview was untrue.

Wait a minute. I believe in a few Wikileaks direct quotes (Privy Council President Prem himself said that

about another "Gentleman"....???

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