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Clinton lawyer says her email server was wiped clean


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Everybody's got data.

I stay close to citing the money and the odds which as of this morning continued to be even on HRC being elected next president on November 8th 2016, same as it's been the past three months, I also note the great majority of the respected and reliable polls such as the CNN/ORC the past week that had HRC beating every Republican. The R leaning Quinnipiac poll was inconclusive for the Rs in some of the so-called swing states.

Speaking of Republicans, they are in the minority this year in voter registration figures, significantly behind Democrats, with Independent voters being slightly ahead of the Ds. R's don't have enough voters as is demonstrated by the elections of 2008 and 2012....2004 was a squeaker with Karl Rogue firing up the evangelical vote in Ohio to tip the state for GW Bush. Most reliable polls show more people than ever call themselves liberals while conservatives keep losing ground steadily and consistently.

I'm not going to chase after all this data for anyone either cause I know what I've been seeing over the past 8-9 months and so do many other people too. You can bet on it.

Obviously very adept at obfuscation with data. When you take a look at the last couple of general elections the trend is clear beyond the "hope and change" phenomena of Barry Obama when the dems held both houses of congress. What is also even more clear when jerry picking the polls the ever present collapse of Hillary Clinton. Her designated replacements, a nearly 74 year old Socialist from Vermont, Bernie Sanders and a 73 year old king of one line gaffs, Joe Biden won't change the status quo of the loosing agenda of Establishment Liberals.

  1. There are currently 31 Republicans, 18 Democrats, and one independent that hold the office of governor in the states. Additionally, two Republicans, two Independents and two Democrats (one is also a member of the PPD) serve as governors of United States Territories and Mayor of the District of Columbia.

  • 435 Members
  • 5 Delegates
  • 1 Resident


Party Divisions
  • 246 Republicans
  • 188 Democrats
  • 0 Independents
  • 1 Vacancies

  • 100 Senators

    (Vice President votes in case of a tie)

Party Divisions
  • 44 Democrats
  • 54 Republicans
  • 2 Independents

Her designated replacements

Is that a designated replacement rule that everyone outside the Republican right has missed and that only applies to HRC in this election only...yes it is.

Yes, everyone has his data. The data presented in the post fail to refute the reality the Republicans don't have enough voters to elect their guy as president. Whomever their guy will be.

The Ds need a net gain of only 5 to win back majority control of the Senate and the trends indicate they may well have that already. The House is gerrymandered for the Rs to the 2022 election yet the Republicans are battening down the hatches in the House ahead of the 2016 election.

The past is on your side while the future resides over here on this side.

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Jennifer Palmieri, Communications Director for the Clinton campaign has admitted that Hillary is un-fit and not qualified to be President. In an interview yesterday she said that Hillary "did not think it through" in regard to having all her government email pass through a private, unsecured server. With her "what difference does it make" or "the attack was in response to a video" statements she has a proven history of very serious lapses of judgement.

It's time to bring on Bernie!


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Jennifer Palmieri, Communications Director for the Clinton campaign has admitted that Hillary is un-fit and not qualified to be President. In an interview yesterday she said that Hillary "did not think it through" in regard to having all her government email pass through a private, unsecured server. With her "what difference does it make" or "the attack was in response to a video" statements she has a proven history of very serious lapses of judgement.

It's time to bring on Bernie!


Oh, c'mon now, do you really believe this nutjob with her far right wing media agenda is going to say....wait, what? She's the Clinton Communications Director, you say? Oh.

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Depending on what business you are in, there may be laws that mandate that you keep emails for a year or more.

However, in this instance since she claims to have turned over all the work emails, there is no legal requirement for her to keep the top secret ultraclassified ones personal ones she sent to her mates.

Since she wasn't supposed to use that account for personal email, she was required to turn over all emails per the subpoena, not just the one's she cherry picked.

If you can't see that, then you are either being obtuse, intellectually lazy or a blind partisan.

She's losing support among Dems and Indy's


I saw that press conference where she was asked about wiping the server, she pretended ignorance, tried to make a joke and when pressed further turned around and walked away. Fitting that she was wearing prison orange me thinks.

I saw that press conference

She is sure you did.

She was not directing her remark or her attitude to her huge number of supporters across the country who are going to vote for her next year.

She was in fact straight out telling the right to kiss her on both cheeks.

Her supporters will go high while those she was most directly speaking to will have to get on down to it thumbsup.gif

So get in the line. Be sure to wear orange so she can know it's you. cheesy.gif

" Be sure to wear orange "

yes a very appropriate colourcheesy.gif


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It's not the violation. It's the coverup. If she's not covering up something, I'm the Queene of England.

She's become NIXONIAN.

I've seen enough already. Get her out of there!
I hope the democratic party does the right thing before it's too late to salvage the chances of winning in 16.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just reported by NBC that the FBI believes they can recover some of the files that were wiped from the server.

This isn't going away and it's just getting worse for HRC

2 Months ago, she was at 59%, now she is at 51% and is in a free-fall.

Trump was at 4% 2months ago and he is now at 45% and continues to ascend.

I thought Trump would self-implode by now but he hasn't.

The only question is will he peak too early.

As far as HRC it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.

You don't know what was on the server and I'd bet HRC doesn't remember either so this wild speculation from the political enemies and detractors on the far away right is conjecture and hysterical speculation as it is repeated and recited in statement after statement. If I were HRC or at the top of her campaign organization I'd want the server wiped clean too due simply to the reality that anything on it will be subjected to accusatory attacks that are largely unjustified on any rational or bipartisan basis.

HRC on October 22nd will go before the Republican controlled House Ben Ghazi committee on that and the emails so settle in for the coming televised completely partisan and tea party political showdown that will occur then. No one is going anywhere in the meantime. The drips are political and they are on the extreme right to include most of the Republicans on the Ben Ghazi committee in the US House.

In legal terms . . . there is a strong presumption that the missing or destroyed evidence is missing or destroyed because it would have been unfavorable. Juries are provided an adverse inference instruction consistent with that presumption.

Normal intelligent people are smart enough to read between the lines here. Hillary is not an honorable person and she has done nothing but CYA over the lat few years. Disappointing to me as I am a Clinton fan

I, as did Trump, was initially an Obama fan until his true colors and real agendas began to emanate in 2012. If you have not been disturbed by Obama's actions and attitude since 2012, you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

RE: Trump

I gotta say I was anti Trump early on, but the last couple of weeks . . . who knows. He actually makes sense whether you agree or disagree with all of his platforms. Fact is no one with half a free thinking brain will agree with every single platform of every single political figure of political platform.

Trumpet the nail on the head last night. He said he though Obama (AS DID I) would be great for bringing harmony among American people, but has turned out to be one of the most divisive people ever in America history. If you cannot see that, you fit three options above with a bit more of the partisan induced idiorecessivegenenism syndrome.

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It's not the violation. It's the coverup. If she's not covering up something, I'm the Queene of England.

What? :blink:

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

How is the alleged coverup illegal?

Has she given sworn testimony that I'm not aware of?

Do you have a link that says she lied to Federal agents?

If not, at this stage it can only be about the violation and whether or not it was illegal.

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It's not the violation. It's the coverup. If she's not covering up something, I'm the Queene of England.

What? blink.png

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

How is the alleged coverup illegal?

Has she given sworn testimony that I'm not aware of?

Do you have a link that says she lied to Federal agents?

If not, at this stage it can only be about the violation and whether or not it was illegal.

Just a guess but server "wiping", deletion of possible incriminating emails, etc, etc might be the "covering up" that brought out the FBI hounds.

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Hillary is just another butt kissing politician with no back bone.

RE: Difference between Hillary and Trump and why Trump is now popular

Trump is actually demonstrating in a manner never before how Hillary and all politicians are wimps, butt kissers, say anything they can to make people happy and become so apologetic if they dare something they meant but it hurt someone's feelings.

In short Hillary and politicians are wuss butt kissers that constantly say what they think you want to hear instead of what they really believe.

Trump would not have erased the computer and would have manned up and said: "here it is, don't care what you think about what is on it if there was truly nothing on it."

Hillary, on the hand as well as all of the pathetic butt kissing politicians, would erase in a heart beat if something may be on there that might hurt them or their image and proceed to blame others.

Option (1): Hillary - blame others.

Option (2): Trump - I did it and don't care if you don't like it.

Candidly, option (2) is the kind of person I would want running the country, not the whinny "did I say that, I am sorry, I did not really mean that and the other side is just taking it out of context bs."

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The big question is, when Hillary does her Trey Gowdy perp walk will she pull a Lois Lerner?


The bogus case against Lois Lerner was dismissed a long time ago for what it was, the Republicans and the far right pursuing their long time hate of the IRS dogging after their tax evasion and the Republican anti-social resistance to taxes which the right believes are only for the working stiffs to have to pay.

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The big question is, when Hillary does her Trey Gowdy perp walk will she pull a Lois Lerner?


The bogus case against Lois Lerner was dismissed a long time ago for what it was, the Republicans and the far right pursuing their long time hate of the IRS dogging after their tax evasion and the Republican anti-social resistance to taxes which the right believes are only for the working stiffs to have to pay.

Lol, you live in in a glass Dorothy and Toto bubble surrounded by yellow brick roads, fields of flowers and the great Obama who pulls a lever and gives you what you want.

Lois Lerner was as guilty as the sky i blue and the trees are green. She got what she deserved, but no one ever actually gets prosecuted criminally in Washington. They are disgraced, removed and then forgotten about. No one, and I mean no one including Hillary, wants any criminal prosecutions of anything political because that is too serious and hits too close to home.

You gotta mess up real bad (blatantly steal money, rape children and etc.) to be an exception to the norm.

Newsflash: There are whole bunch of liberals, Democrats and business owned by liberals that also do everything they can to avoid paying taxes. Conservatives do not hold a monopoly on not liking giving away hard earned money to pay taxes or being greedy. That is human nature regardless as to one's political beliefs.

Come to think of it, seems like most of the time I run across someone that does not pay taxes at all it is the lower income folks that just do not file, do not care and skate under the radar of the IRS.

Once again, you reveal just how clouded your judgment is because you have an absolutely inability to ever see or believe anyone liberal can ever do anything wrong or be wrong about anything. This demonstrates an absolute inability to be a free and independent thinker.

Edited by F430murci
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I saw that press conference where she was asked about wiping the server, she pretended ignorance, tried to make a joke and when pressed further turned around and walked away. Fitting that she was wearing prison orange me thinks.

I saw that press conference

She is sure you did.

She was not directing her remark or her attitude to her huge number of supporters across the country who are going to vote for her next year.

She was in fact straight out telling the right to kiss her on both cheeks.

Her supporters will go high while those she was most directly speaking to will have to get on down to it thumbsup.gif

So get in the line. Be sure to wear orange so she can know it's you. cheesy.gif

" Be sure to wear orange "

yes a very appropriate colourcheesy.gif

Maybe HRC was going in to visit with the 14 law firm employees in the orange juice state of Florida who were fired by their bosses for wearing a color.

Law firm fires 14 employees for wearing orange shirts
They weren't wearing sagging pants or revealing clothing. But dressing in an orange shirt is apparently enough to get fired at one Florida law firm, where 14 workers were unceremoniously let go last Friday.
"I'm a single mom with four kids, and I'm out of a job just because I wore orange today," Meloney McLeod told the paper.



Why does Donald Trump wear too much makeup?


Vote for me I will set you free.


Edited by Publicus
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Just reported by NBC that the FBI believes they can recover some of the files that were wiped from the server.

This isn't going away and it's just getting worse for HRC

2 Months ago, she was at 59%, now she is at 51% and is in a free-fall.

Trump was at 4% 2months ago and he is now at 45% and continues to ascend.

I thought Trump would self-implode by now but he hasn't.

The only question is will he peak too early.

As far as HRC it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.

You don't know what was on the server and I'd bet HRC doesn't remember either so this wild speculation from the political enemies and detractors on the far away right is conjecture and hysterical speculation as it is repeated and recited in statement after statement. If I were HRC or at the top of her campaign organization I'd want the server wiped clean too due simply to the reality that anything on it will be subjected to accusatory attacks that are largely unjustified on any rational or bipartisan basis.

HRC on October 22nd will go before the Republican controlled House Ben Ghazi committee on that and the emails so settle in for the coming televised completely partisan and tea party political showdown that will occur then. No one is going anywhere in the meantime. The drips are political and they are on the extreme right to include most of the Republicans on the Ben Ghazi committee in the US House.

In legal terms . . . there is a strong presumption that the missing or destroyed evidence is missing or destroyed because it would have been unfavorable. Juries are provided an adverse inference instruction consistent with that presumption.

Normal intelligent people are smart enough to read between the lines here. Hillary is not an honorable person and she has done nothing but CYA over the lat few years. Disappointing to me as I am a Clinton fan

I, as did Trump, was initially an Obama fan until his true colors and real agendas began to emanate in 2012. If you have not been disturbed by Obama's actions and attitude since 2012, you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

RE: Trump

I gotta say I was anti Trump early on, but the last couple of weeks . . . who knows. He actually makes sense whether you agree or disagree with all of his platforms. Fact is no one with half a free thinking brain will agree with every single platform of every single political figure of political platform.

Trumpet the nail on the head last night. He said he though Obama (AS DID I) would be great for bringing harmony among American people, but has turned out to be one of the most divisive people ever in America history. If you cannot see that, you fit three options above with a bit more of the partisan induced idiorecessivegenenism syndrome.

you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

Thank you Dr. Fraud Freud who always puts thinking and life in (re)verse terms.

In legal terms

Legal advice for free at an internet forum cheesy.gif

Donald Trump is not going to be elected POTUS. The money remains today at even odds HRC will be elected the next POTUS. Republicans and the right are going all out to try to prevent that by hook or by crook. It is always possible a determined bunch of fanatics can succeed. So far however it's all been a failure. If youse guyz on the right haven't reversed it by now, when will you reverse it and how.....giggle.gif

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Well, maybe now the stage is set for Bernie Sanders to first beat Clinton, and then Trump (or Bush); and be the next President of the USA.

Not a chance. Sorry for your loss.

Also don't assume the republican ticket will be Trump or Bush.

I predict this ticket: KASICH - RUBIO (VP)

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Just reported by NBC that the FBI believes they can recover some of the files that were wiped from the server.

This isn't going away and it's just getting worse for HRC

2 Months ago, she was at 59%, now she is at 51% and is in a free-fall.

Trump was at 4% 2months ago and he is now at 45% and continues to ascend.

I thought Trump would self-implode by now but he hasn't.

The only question is will he peak too early.

As far as HRC it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.

You don't know what was on the server and I'd bet HRC doesn't remember either so this wild speculation from the political enemies and detractors on the far away right is conjecture and hysterical speculation as it is repeated and recited in statement after statement. If I were HRC or at the top of her campaign organization I'd want the server wiped clean too due simply to the reality that anything on it will be subjected to accusatory attacks that are largely unjustified on any rational or bipartisan basis.

HRC on October 22nd will go before the Republican controlled House Ben Ghazi committee on that and the emails so settle in for the coming televised completely partisan and tea party political showdown that will occur then. No one is going anywhere in the meantime. The drips are political and they are on the extreme right to include most of the Republicans on the Ben Ghazi committee in the US House.

In legal terms . . . there is a strong presumption that the missing or destroyed evidence is missing or destroyed because it would have been unfavorable. Juries are provided an adverse inference instruction consistent with that presumption.

Normal intelligent people are smart enough to read between the lines here. Hillary is not an honorable person and she has done nothing but CYA over the lat few years. Disappointing to me as I am a Clinton fan

I, as did Trump, was initially an Obama fan until his true colors and real agendas began to emanate in 2012. If you have not been disturbed by Obama's actions and attitude since 2012, you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

RE: Trump

I gotta say I was anti Trump early on, but the last couple of weeks . . . who knows. He actually makes sense whether you agree or disagree with all of his platforms. Fact is no one with half a free thinking brain will agree with every single platform of every single political figure of political platform.

Trumpet the nail on the head last night. He said he though Obama (AS DID I) would be great for bringing harmony among American people, but has turned out to be one of the most divisive people ever in America history. If you cannot see that, you fit three options above with a bit more of the partisan induced idiorecessivegenenism syndrome.

you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

Thank you Dr. Fraud Freud who always puts thinking and life in (re)verse terms.

In legal terms

Legal advice for free at an internet forum cheesy.gif

Donald Trump is not going to be elected POTUS. The money remains today at even odds HRC will be elected the next POTUS. Republicans and the right are going all out to try to prevent that by hook or by crook. It is always possible a determined bunch of fanatics can succeed. So far however it's all been a failure. If youse guyz on the right haven't reversed it by now, when will you reverse it and how.....giggle.gif

You label others fanatics. You do realize what you write and how you write it makes you seem more a fanatic than anyone else I have ever run across regardless as to what side of the aisle they are on.

RE: "legal advise"

Your comment about "legal advise" is as poignant as the rest of what you typically write. Legal advise denotes that I have advised someone as to their rights or a recommended course of action. I did neither in my post. I simply stated a law which I have actually briefed on about 4 or 5 occasions in the last couple of years in cases where evidence has been lost, destroyed or withheld by my opposition.

Edited by F430murci
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Just reported by NBC that the FBI believes they can recover some of the files that were wiped from the server.

This isn't going away and it's just getting worse for HRC

2 Months ago, she was at 59%, now she is at 51% and is in a free-fall.

Trump was at 4% 2months ago and he is now at 45% and continues to ascend.

I thought Trump would self-implode by now but he hasn't.

The only question is will he peak too early.

As far as HRC it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.

You don't know what was on the server and I'd bet HRC doesn't remember either so this wild speculation from the political enemies and detractors on the far away right is conjecture and hysterical speculation as it is repeated and recited in statement after statement. If I were HRC or at the top of her campaign organization I'd want the server wiped clean too due simply to the reality that anything on it will be subjected to accusatory attacks that are largely unjustified on any rational or bipartisan basis.

HRC on October 22nd will go before the Republican controlled House Ben Ghazi committee on that and the emails so settle in for the coming televised completely partisan and tea party political showdown that will occur then. No one is going anywhere in the meantime. The drips are political and they are on the extreme right to include most of the Republicans on the Ben Ghazi committee in the US House.

In legal terms . . . there is a strong presumption that the missing or destroyed evidence is missing or destroyed because it would have been unfavorable. Juries are provided an adverse inference instruction consistent with that presumption.

Normal intelligent people are smart enough to read between the lines here. Hillary is not an honorable person and she has done nothing but CYA over the lat few years. Disappointing to me as I am a Clinton fan

I, as did Trump, was initially an Obama fan until his true colors and real agendas began to emanate in 2012. If you have not been disturbed by Obama's actions and attitude since 2012, you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

RE: Trump

I gotta say I was anti Trump early on, but the last couple of weeks . . . who knows. He actually makes sense whether you agree or disagree with all of his platforms. Fact is no one with half a free thinking brain will agree with every single platform of every single political figure of political platform.

Trumpet the nail on the head last night. He said he though Obama (AS DID I) would be great for bringing harmony among American people, but has turned out to be one of the most divisive people ever in America history. If you cannot see that, you fit three options above with a bit more of the partisan induced idiorecessivegenenism syndrome.

you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

Thank you Dr. Fraud Freud who always puts thinking and life in (re)verse terms.

In legal terms

Legal advice for free at an internet forum cheesy.gif

Donald Trump is not going to be elected POTUS. The money remains today at even odds HRC will be elected the next POTUS. Republicans and the right are going all out to try to prevent that by hook or by crook. It is always possible a determined bunch of fanatics can succeed. So far however it's all been a failure. If youse guyz on the right haven't reversed it by now, when will you reverse it and how.....giggle.gif

You label others fanatics. You do realize what you write and how you write it makes you seem more a fanatic than anyone else I have ever run across regardless as to what side of the aisle they are on.

RE: "legal advise"

Your comment about "legal advise" is as poignant as the rest of what you typically write. Legal advise denotes that I have advised someone as to their rights or a recommended course of action. I did neither in my post. I simply stated a law which I have actually briefed on about 4 or 5 occasions in the last couple of years in cases where evidence has been lost, destroyed or withheld by my opposition.


Your posts the past few months counselor have focused on me rather than the thread topics or the various threads, consistently and with an obvious inability to discuss the issues. So counselor, I'd invite you to recognize I am not a hostile witness in the box nor am I the accused at the defense table who you can point to and defame as a psychotic criminal. This is an internet discussion forum and not a court of law where a lawyer can persecute his case ad hominem and by throwing against the wall anything he likes in opening and closing.

As the old lawyer's saying goes, if you have the facts pound on the facts, if you don't have the facts pound on the table.

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You gotta give the leftist ideologues credit for sticking by their girl. Her passion of incompetence, dishonesty and corruption gives them so much to cheer about.

Well I don't consider her a leftist. More like a left of center moderate. Loyalty is good when it makes sense. I just feel now if the democrats don't have anyone other than Damaged Goods Hill who is capable of winning the presidency this time, we don't DESERVE to win. That would be tragic of course considering the likely SCOTUS openings coming up.

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You don't know what was on the server and I'd bet HRC doesn't remember either so this wild speculation from the political enemies and detractors on the far away right is conjecture and hysterical speculation as it is repeated and recited in statement after statement. If I were HRC or at the top of her campaign organization I'd want the server wiped clean too due simply to the reality that anything on it will be subjected to accusatory attacks that are largely unjustified on any rational or bipartisan basis.

HRC on October 22nd will go before the Republican controlled House Ben Ghazi committee on that and the emails so settle in for the coming televised completely partisan and tea party political showdown that will occur then. No one is going anywhere in the meantime. The drips are political and they are on the extreme right to include most of the Republicans on the Ben Ghazi committee in the US House.

In legal terms . . . there is a strong presumption that the missing or destroyed evidence is missing or destroyed because it would have been unfavorable. Juries are provided an adverse inference instruction consistent with that presumption.

Normal intelligent people are smart enough to read between the lines here. Hillary is not an honorable person and she has done nothing but CYA over the lat few years. Disappointing to me as I am a Clinton fan

I, as did Trump, was initially an Obama fan until his true colors and real agendas began to emanate in 2012. If you have not been disturbed by Obama's actions and attitude since 2012, you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

RE: Trump

I gotta say I was anti Trump early on, but the last couple of weeks . . . who knows. He actually makes sense whether you agree or disagree with all of his platforms. Fact is no one with half a free thinking brain will agree with every single platform of every single political figure of political platform.

Trumpet the nail on the head last night. He said he though Obama (AS DID I) would be great for bringing harmony among American people, but has turned out to be one of the most divisive people ever in America history. If you cannot see that, you fit three options above with a bit more of the partisan induced idiorecessivegenenism syndrome.

you are either a racist (suffering from verse racism), a loser depending on government resources or suffering from partisan induced idiorecessivegenism syndrome that clouds your judgment.

Thank you Dr. Fraud Freud who always puts thinking and life in (re)verse terms.

In legal terms

Legal advice for free at an internet forum cheesy.gif

Donald Trump is not going to be elected POTUS. The money remains today at even odds HRC will be elected the next POTUS. Republicans and the right are going all out to try to prevent that by hook or by crook. It is always possible a determined bunch of fanatics can succeed. So far however it's all been a failure. If youse guyz on the right haven't reversed it by now, when will you reverse it and how.....giggle.gif

You label others fanatics. You do realize what you write and how you write it makes you seem more a fanatic than anyone else I have ever run across regardless as to what side of the aisle they are on.

RE: "legal advise"

Your comment about "legal advise" is as poignant as the rest of what you typically write. Legal advise denotes that I have advised someone as to their rights or a recommended course of action. I did neither in my post. I simply stated a law which I have actually briefed on about 4 or 5 occasions in the last couple of years in cases where evidence has been lost, destroyed or withheld by my opposition.

What good knowledge of the law or legal advice would a good lawyer provide to a client the lawyer agreed to represent when the client successfully insisted 100% that the email server be wiped clean before being reviewed by an adversary or by otherwise legit legal examiners/investigators. What defense would you recommend to the client.

Or, conversely, if you were the lawyer advising investigators (private or public), what legal defense would you expect from lawyers for Mrs Clinton and how would you advise prosecuting the case based on an anticipated defense by Mrs. Clinton's lawyers.

Choose one or the other inquiry or both, it would be up to you what or how you would want to post as a response.

If the TVF House Lawyer wants to present his stellar knowledge of law or legal advice to the body, this could be his opportunity to shine...so counselor you just got handed the ball to run with. You gonna go up the middle or make an end run after a few dekes of the line.... wink.png

Keeping in mind of course the fact there are no charges in this brouhaha nor is there a criminal or a civil investigation, and that no person is being investigated what so ever.

Edited by Publicus
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What good knowledge of the law or legal advice would a good lawyer provide to a client the lawyer agreed to represent when the client successfully insisted 100% that the email server be wiped clean before being reviewed by an adversary or by otherwise legit legal examiners/investigators. What defense would you recommend to the client.

Or, conversely, if you were the lawyer advising investigators (private or public), what legal defense would you expect from lawyers for Mrs Clinton and how would you advise prosecuting the case based on an anticipated defense by Mrs. Clinton's lawyers.

Choose one or the other inquiry or both, it would be up to you what or how you would want to post as a response.

If the TVF House Lawyer wants to present his stellar knowledge of law or legal advice to the body, this could be his opportunity to shine...so counselor you just got handed the ball to run with. You gonna go up the middle or make an end run after a few dekes of the line.... wink.png

Keeping in mind of course the fact there are no charges in this brouhaha nor is there a criminal or a civil investigation, and that no person is being investigated what so ever.

The FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton’s private email server out of of its headquarters in Washington, D.C., in an “unusual move,” the New York Times reported.

“But given this inquiry’s importance, senior F.B.I. officials have opted to keep it closely held in Washington in the agency’s counterintelligence section, which investigates how national security secrets are handled.”



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You gotta give the leftist ideologues credit for sticking by their girl. Her passion of incompetence, dishonesty and corruption gives them so much to cheer about.

And here I'd thought all the leftist ideologues had turned against their one-time political flame.

And that the only people their girl had left defending her against the hook or by crook Right and Republicans were the "idiorecessivegenism syndrome" reverse racist partisan degenerates. laugh.png cheesy.gif clap2.gif

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