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More than one person behind blast, Bangkok bomb makers may be foreign: experts


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Right on Sherlock Holmes. A Thai terrorist could never get hold of TNT, one of the most common military and industrial explosives on the planet.

And, as our 'experts' rightly point out, no Thai with access to Google would ever think of using ball bearings as a cheap and ready source of shrapnel. Only a foreigner could have thought of that.

Blame it on the foreigners, as they always do.

Why don't they shut up until they have solid evidence?

Even watching a couple of movies, such as "Kingdom" with Jamie Foxx, and "Act of Valour" would be enough to give dedicated bombers ideas about such devices.

The movie "Shooter" with Mark Wahlberg shows him and his FBI side kick making pipe bombs.

If the authorities spent more time actually investigating the crime scene, and going over it with a fine tooth comb, instead of hurrying to mop it all up as it would have an impact on tourism, they might have been getting somewhere.

Somyot is a puppet copper, whoever the farangs were on here who lauded his appointment as being a "breath of fresh air" need to go and make merit forever, as he's been far from a "breath of fresh air", he's been no different to all the other coppers who bought their way up the ranks!!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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The guy in the photo fit pic certainly looks foreign. But if a foreigner did it for his own reason, why has he not claimed responsibility unless he is just a lunatic. The second bomb was almost certainly connected to this same guy. So far it seems he acted on his own. A pipe bomb such as this is not difficult to build. As someone already wrote, instructions can be found on-line . And the detonator most likely was a mobile phone which when activated by a call would have set off the detonator which in turn explodes the TNT , from which the shockwave and ball bearings cause the terrible damage we all saw. The TNT if civilian is different from military, as is the detonator. Someone somewhere knows this man.. Lets hope that person will come forward.. wai2.gif

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4 witnesses refused to cooperate?? Publish their Names and addresses on Facebook and the victims relatives will get the truth out of them...

I've heard a tazor to the testicles is a great interrogation device also, wonder why the police didn't wouldn't just use that if these people really know something about this...

They are potential witnesses to the crime, not suspected accomplices....

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Interesting to learn that bombs with ball bearings have never been used in Thailand. I think the Iranian that blew his legs off a few years back might disagree.

Sorry my friend, that was a grenade.... The victim had thrown the grenade at a taxi but it hit a tree and rebounded against him just as it exploded. That explosion blew his legs off..

.. Don't you love trees..?

It was a bomb packed with ball bearings that the Iranian threw at a police car like a grenade. The loss of his legs was a key reason that the police were able to apprehend the bomber, while his accomplices escaped. Later all were arrested but sent back to their paymasters in Tehran unpunished in exchange for an undisclosed sum.

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Thais never use ball bearing in bombs, despite the fact they are prescribed in all standard bomb making manuals available online in English and Arabic and the fact that the ball bearings are readily available in Thailand. This is because Thai bomb makers are unable to read either of those languages. A Thai language manual would result in a sudden upsurge in demand for ball bearings and a decline in the demand for nails and other metal fragments. Bombs would become more efficient as ball bearings can be packed into bombs more efficiently and have better trajectories, range, velocity and energy, even though nails can cause nastier injuries to a lesser number of people who are close enough to the blast.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Interesting to learn that bombs with ball bearings have never been used in Thailand. I think the Iranian that blew his legs off a few years back might disagree.

Sorry my friend, that was a grenade.... The victim had thrown the grenade at a taxi but it hit a tree and rebounded against him just as it exploded. That explosion blew his legs off..

.. Don't you love trees..?

If you read reports that weren't written by a Thai translator, they often refer to them as improvised explosives or homemade bombs. Thais also called the explosion that went off under the Taksin bridge a grenade before the investigation had gotten very far. I surmise that the Thai translation for bomb is generally grenade.

Great point- mistranslation is the root of lot of this confusion-which is used as a basis to ridicule the investigations. I'm no fan of Thai police but before you judge a report, remember it likely went through a Thai translator, and we all know how poor those skills can be, then maybe even an English one who is not at all familiar with the details.

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Another U-turn,they say one thing and a couple of days later

the story is a complete opposite,not only in this case but lots

of other policies that are put out,

If they were foreign terrorists ,I think they would be more likely

claim responsibility.

regards worgeordie

I don't think that is the implication

I believe they are saying that some group in Thailand hired a foreign team to help carry out this attack, there does seem to be a level of expertise not seen in Thailand before, someone with a large amount of money and a motive to disrupt the Thai economy and the level of calm that existed before this incident - who has the biggest axe to grind - who will do anything to prevent reconcilliation unless he is involved, I have my own thoughts

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...while four witnesses of the incident were not very cooperative with police.

What on earth does that mean??

It means they are not willing to say what the police wants them to say.....simple, this is thailand.

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Right on Sherlock Holmes. A Thai terrorist could never get hold of TNT, one of the most common military and industrial explosives on the planet.

And, as our 'experts' rightly point out, no Thai with access to Google would ever think of using ball bearings as a cheap and ready source of shrapnel. Only a foreigner could have thought of that.

Blame it on the foreigners, as they always do.

Why don't they shut up until they have solid evidence?

Even watching a couple of movies, such as "Kingdom" with Jamie Foxx, and "Act of Valour" would be enough to give dedicated bombers ideas about such devices.

The movie "Shooter" with Mark Wahlberg shows him and his FBI side kick making pipe bombs.

If the authorities spent more time actually investigating the crime scene, and going over it with a fine tooth comb, instead of hurrying to mop it all up as it would have an impact on tourism, they might have been getting somewhere.

Somyot is a puppet copper, whoever the farangs were on here who lauded his appointment as being a "breath of fresh air" need to go and make merit forever, as he's been far from a "breath of fresh air", he's been no different to all the other coppers who bought their way up the ranks!!

What do you suggest then? Getting rid of the Thai police force completely and let people rule themselves? Or maybe you want an alcoholic reinstalled? Thailand is in Southeast Asia not in Europe. It takes time to build up a civil society. Give it another 20-30 years.

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Interesting to learn that bombs with ball bearings have never been used in Thailand. I think the Iranian that blew his legs off a few years back might disagree.

Sorry my friend, that was a grenade.... The victim had thrown the grenade at a taxi but it hit a tree and rebounded against him just as it exploded. That explosion blew his legs off..

.. Don't you love trees..?

If you read reports that weren't written by a Thai translator, they often refer to them as improvised explosives or homemade bombs. Thais also called the explosion that went off under the Taksin bridge a grenade before the investigation had gotten very far. I surmise that the Thai translation for bomb is generally grenade.

Great point- mistranslation is the root of lot of this confusion-which is used as a basis to ridicule the investigations. I'm no fan of Thai police but before you judge a report, remember it likely went through a Thai translator, and we all know how poor those skills can be, then maybe even an English one who is not at all familiar with the details.

Indeed. There is no specific Thai word for a grenade. It is just known as a 'look rabert' (bomb) or a 'look rabert lek' (small bomb).

Edited by Dogmatix
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Another U-turn,they say one thing and a couple of days later

the story is a complete opposite,not only in this case but lots

of other policies that are put out,

If they were foreign terrorists ,I think they would be more likely

claim responsibility.

regards worgeordie

I don't think that is the implication

I believe they are saying that some group in Thailand hired a foreign team to help carry out this attack, there does seem to be a level of expertise not seen in Thailand before, someone with a large amount of money and a motive to disrupt the Thai economy and the level of calm that existed before this incident - who has the biggest axe to grind - who will do anything to prevent reconcilliation unless he is involved, I have my own thoughts

Nooooo, Smedley, they are not your own thoughts. Everyone with a lick of common sense on TVF is very familiar with your attempts to link the Devil in Dubai to anything and everything you possibly can.

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Right on Sherlock Holmes. A Thai terrorist could never get hold of TNT, one of the most common military and industrial explosives on the planet.

And, as our 'experts' rightly point out, no Thai with access to Google would ever think of using ball bearings as a cheap and ready source of shrapnel. Only a foreigner could have thought of that.

Blame it on the foreigners, as they always do.

Why don't they shut up until they have solid evidence?

Even watching a couple of movies, such as "Kingdom" with Jamie Foxx, and "Act of Valour" would be enough to give dedicated bombers ideas about such devices.

The movie "Shooter" with Mark Wahlberg shows him and his FBI side kick making pipe bombs.

If the authorities spent more time actually investigating the crime scene, and going over it with a fine tooth comb, instead of hurrying to mop it all up as it would have an impact on tourism, they might have been getting somewhere.

Somyot is a puppet copper, whoever the farangs were on here who lauded his appointment as being a "breath of fresh air" need to go and make merit forever, as he's been far from a "breath of fresh air", he's been no different to all the other coppers who bought their way up the ranks!!

What do you suggest then? Getting rid of the Thai police force completely and let people rule themselves? Or maybe you want an alcoholic reinstalled? Thailand is in Southeast Asia not in Europe. It takes time to build up a civil society. Give it another 20-30 years.

I'm suggesting that instead of being fixated with "tourism" and how much in means to the country, that the powers that be, stop interfering, and actually let the experts in this field do their freakin jobs!!!

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Jonathan Head, BBC, tried to deliver pieces of shrapnel to the Police HQ found 3 days after the blast but was told it was 'closed'

the 'accomplices' are also cleared

instead of wanting the truth it's all about face, face and more face

Has it occurred to you that the so called accomplices could just be innocent bystanders....!


Edited by off road pat
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Maybe the guy in yellow shirt was really a foreigner (some Thais have similar looks though) and he was used by a local group.

First, I had guessed that it was the work of ISIS or a related group; but the police (I know many of you don't trust them but they seem so insisting) insist that it wasn't done by an international group. Surely, they must have some knowledge for saying this.

So, anyway, my guess now is that it was the work of a Southern Thailand terror group and that the guy in yellow shirt was most probably a foreigner hired by them.

The fact that Southern groups hadn't done such a terror act in Bangkok before doesn't mean that they would never do it.

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They don't know anything, haven't a clue, so they just make up face saving sound bytes as they go along...

As a resident I hope & pray that there is never a serious terrorist campaign here as there is no one with any competence to stop one... sad.png

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4 witnesses refused to cooperate?? Publish their Names and addresses on Facebook and the victims relatives will get the truth out of them...

I've heard a tazor to the testicles is a great interrogation device also, wonder why the police didn't wouldn't just use that if these people really know something about this...

No money in it...

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Another U-turn,they say one thing and a couple of days later

the story is a complete opposite,not only in this case but lots

of other policies that are put out,

If they were foreign terrorists ,I think they would be more likely

claim responsibility.

regards worgeordie

I don't think that is the implication

I believe they are saying that some group in Thailand hired a foreign team to help carry out this attack, there does seem to be a level of expertise not seen in Thailand before, someone with a large amount of money and a motive to disrupt the Thai economy and the level of calm that existed before this incident - who has the biggest axe to grind - who will do anything to prevent reconcilliation unless he is involved, I have my own thoughts

Who would do anything to remain in power and prevent reconciliation.. ? hmmmmm yes, I also have my own thought.

Why Bangkok, and why this particular shrine? Why not "Walking street in Pattaya, or Bangla Road in Phuket? Two of the biggest tourist attractions going, if the person you truly suspect of being behind this, he wouldn't need to hire any foreigners, and if he really really wanted to, what with all his money, could cause even bigger problems for this Junta, who have been wobbling like a fat man on a bed of Jelly for the past few months, who have lost their sense of direction, and also lost their priorities..

Yes, lets make a song and dance about Thaksin's police rank... but our fishing industry is in tatters, our airlines have cut more corners than formula 1 drivers, our economy is faltering, the jet ski mafia's are back, the Koh Tao murder trial, which gets pretty much zero mention on the news here, is falling apart like a Wenslysdale cheese !!

The Junta don't need a bogeyman to discredit them, they're doing a fine and dandy job all on their own some!!

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So all the bangkok CCTV cameras, Internet monitoring, telephone surveillance, suppression of civil liberties, jailing of people for desent, miltary rewrite of the constitution, and martial law has done nothing to make Thailand safer.

People who give up their freedoms for security deserve neither.

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So all the bangkok CCTV cameras, Internet monitoring, telephone surveillance, suppression of civil liberties, jailing of people for desent, miltary rewrite of the constitution, and martial law has done nothing to make Thailand safer.

People who give up their freedoms for security deserve neither.

Agree completely but you left out registration of SIM cards. However if not registered, can still receive calls, say to set off a bomb.

Keep it low tech, simple with few participants and the fact is governments cannot prevent terrorism. The only way is to have fair policies and completely involved citizens who have healthy, constructive outlets to vent their concerns. Currently Thailand is about as opposite from that as it can be.

Edited by FBlue72
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You would have thought that cctv cameras installed would go to a central centre and if not working reported and get fixed! If the cctv cameras were working the day before the "bomb planting" then who can turn them off? Or who disabled them?

Oh sorry forgot TIT

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'No Thai person could ever do this'. (One of my students reiterated this to me?)

Some people are just dwelling in a river in Egypt.

Just out of curiosity, is your student Thai? Because Thais have done some seriously horrendous things. Probably your student has never heard of the Red Barrels, and I'll bet he/she has never heard of the Thammasat Massacre of 1976. Thais are deeply ashamed of that one and want to put it down the memory hole, but they did it.

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I'll bet he/she has never heard of the Thammasat Massacre of 1976. Thais are deeply ashamed of that one and want to put it down the memory hole, but they did it.

Thais so deeply ashamed that Samak Sundaravej who played a pivotal role in the Hok Tula massacre was subsequently appointed Prime Minister by Thaksin?

Shame just doesn't cut it. It's not shame the has led to suppression of past history. It's something else.

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Interesting to learn that bombs with ball bearings have never been used in Thailand. I think the Iranian that blew his legs off a few years back might disagree.

Talking about that... Where is that retard now? Edited by tolsti
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