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It's done how many Km's ? 200+ and you want them to put your old clutch back in ? hahahahah For less than 300 bucks ? hahahah.. It two weeks time when your old clutch gives up you'll be back... and you won't get a 10% discount then.. Only hope they don't bugger something else just to spite you.. You be bette off leaving the new clutch in and negotiating a larger discount.

First rule of fault finding... Check the simple/cheap stuff first.. Second rule... never listen to a Thai mechanic... hahahaah

It's after 4 pm and I'm still sitting here.As already mentioned, the clutch's still okay for another 40- 80 K (or more).

You can laugh and laugh, but that doesn't change my decision. The foreman just told me to come back tomorrow to check again, what's wrong.

I politely told him to change the Diesel filter, which they do right now. I'm not planning to come back once my clutch gives up. I can get the parts for about 4 K and I know a place where they might charge 1 K to put it in.

I was really polite to them and had to tell them that the problem might be somewhere else, pointing out several possibilities.

I thought that they'd leave the new clutch in and write it off, but up to them. I'm done with this shop and won't be back tomorrow, as they'd like to continue their troubleshooting.

Not with me, sitting here for nine hours isn't really how I like to spend my days.

You might not believe me, but my rear brake shoes are still the first. Just cheeked them today, still good for many more km's....

If the problem's still there after the filter change, I'll try some things by my own, if not, I'll go to Sisaket Diesel, they know their stuff.

There's absolutely no reason to come back to waste another day. I have enough, they destroyed my whole day's planning.

It's really your decision when you change your clutch, but please leave it to me, when I want to change mine.

I've seen all parts and know that I'll be okay for a few more months.

I need to find out what's causing the loss of power, but not with these guys. I'm done with them. But thanks for your hahaha's.


turbo not working,

usually a blocked pipe.

It's not the turbo version. Only the no idea what it's called valve that opens at a certain RPM's.

The valve isn't working for ages, but it's got nothing to do with the problem. I'll try if there're some vacuum leaks, if not then to a good Diesel shop.

It could be shitty Diesel oil, as Transam already pointed out. And this might teach them a lesson when the next customer arrives with the same problem, a sort of a learning curve.

It's 4.25 pm now and I'm sick and tired of that bullshit.


It's done how many Km's ? 200+ and you want them to put your old clutch back in ? hahahahah For less than 300 bucks ? hahahah.. It two weeks time when your old clutch gives up you'll be back... and you won't get a 10% discount then.. Only hope they don't bugger something else just to spite you.. You be bette off leaving the new clutch in and negotiating a larger discount.

First rule of fault finding... Check the simple/cheap stuff first.. Second rule... never listen to a Thai mechanic... hahahaah

It's after 4 pm and I'm still sitting here.As already mentioned, the clutch's still okay for another 40- 80 K (or more).

You can laugh and laugh, but that doesn't change my decision. The foreman just told me to come back tomorrow to check again, what's wrong.

I politely told him to change the Diesel filter, which they do right now. I'm not planning to come back once my clutch gives up. I can get the parts for about 4 K and I know a place where they might charge 1 K to put it in.

I was really polite to them and had to tell them that the problem might be somewhere else, pointing out several possibilities.

I thought that they'd leave the new clutch in and write it off, but up to them. I'm done with this shop and won't be back tomorrow, as they'd like to continue their troubleshooting.

Not with me, sitting here for nine hours isn't really how I like to spend my days.

You might not believe me, but my rear brake shoes are still the first. Just cheeked them today, still good for many more km's....

If the problem's still there after the filter change, I'll try some things by my own, if not, I'll go to Sisaket Diesel, they know their stuff.

There's absolutely no reason to come back to waste another day. I have enough, they destroyed my whole day's planning.

It's really your decision when you change your clutch, but please leave it to me, when I want to change mine.

I've seen all parts and know that I'll be okay for a few more months.

I need to find out what's causing the loss of power, but not with these guys. I'm done with them. But thanks for your hahaha's.

Sorry Dude.. I just couldn't help but see the funny side.. getting the simplest thing done here can sometimes be the most exasperating.. My rules are, find out what I need before I go looking for anything.. I don't even go to the hospital unless I have a really good idea whats wrong.. As for the mechanical genius's in most workshops here.. That can be a nightmare unless you know and trust them.. I won't even mention the "engineers'' that come to wire up washing machines or put TV's on the wall.. They are all banned from my place.. Luckily I'm a tech so can do most things.. Sorry for your pain.. but you brightened my day..


Sorry to hear about your lost day L in Isaan.

Try and find a worthwhile mechanic. Trial & error and a pain in the butt.

I asked one of the Taxi drivers here in Korat & he put me onto a great mechanic.

Hope you find the problem without too much hassle.


It's your decision, but if the clutch is in, I'd leave it in and get it for free......or start there and work to a mutually acceptable price....after all you're going to have to but one eventually and a cheapie is always nice.....so long as it lasts.

Has anyone driven the car yet to see if the performance is back?


Short update.

Now the story becomes really strange and weird at the same time.....wink.png

I just came home at 5. 30, but not with my Pick-up. Got their service car, a Mtsu Triton, in front of our house.

What happened to my car's a miracle. They couldn't make it happen (being there for more than nine hours) to put the old clutch back in.

My plans to let it go were being destroyed, as they decided that they want to troubleshoot the problem tomorrow. I was sitting in their waiting room when the foreman came by, gave me the key for their service car and told me he'd deliver the car to my house tomorrow. rolleyes.gif

I sat in the waiting room and thought I'd go back with my car and do it my way. When I took off from Sisaket the foreman even told me that my old clutch would be okay. The same guy who told me before the clutch job and also afterwards that the clutch would to 100 % be the problem.

He then told me that the old clutch's okay for about another 40- 90 K, exactly what i thought and also wrote in one reply.

They didn't change the Diesel filter what I wanted them to do, nor did they put my clutch back in. Don't ask me for what reason, it seems that they want to a sort of cover up?

I'll have to stay at home tomorrow, because TOT guys come by, which might have been the reason why they gave me their service car.

What amazes me is the fact that they'll even deliver the car, once they've found and fixed the problem, right to my house. But will they find the problem and when? I'm not planning to wait a few days......

Okay, to make a long story short, the Tourist Authority of Thailand's Logo "Amazing Thailand" is to 100 % true.

What if I'd have planned a holiday over the weekend? Okay, not wanting to go deeper, it only shows how incompetent some people in this country can be.

At least did they confirm that I was right when I ( in the beginning) said that I do not believe that it's the clutch? It seems that they must have lost a lot of face and they do respect me, know what I'm doing and they also understand that I'm not a tourist on a two week holiday.

I'm talking to my wife right now and she doesn't get the whole thing either. Well, I do have a vehicle to get around, but still don't know how long it will take to find the actual problem.

I had my plan to get the Diesel filter changed, then if I won't find the problem, I wanted Sisaket Diesel have a look at the system.

So what did the whole wasted day teach me? I really don't know and I've learned that mama soup isn't the right food for me.

I was just thinking, if my wife would have been there alone? Holy shit, I guess then I'd have to pay for quite more things than just a clutch.

I apologize for the long story, thus I'm still trying to digest the whole thing, but I always reach a point where all logic doesn't make any sense.

Should anybody on this forum be interested in a nice 4 door Triton, please page me. Really cheap, you won't find a cheaper one. thumbsup.gif

I'm totally confused and got no idea where to start my weekend. sad.png

In addition I've got the feeling that I'm living in a dream.A dream within a dream, perhaps.

Amazing Thailand, indeed. Welcome to the Sunshine State.....wai2.gif


Short update.

Now the story becomes really strange and weird at the same time.....wink.png

I just came home at 5. 30, but not with my Pick-up. Got their service car, a Mtsu Triton, in front of our house.

What happened to my car's a miracle. They couldn't make it happen (being there for more than nine hours) to put the old clutch back in.

My plans to let it go were being destroyed, as they decided that they want to troubleshoot the problem tomorrow. I was sitting in their waiting room when the foreman came by, gave me the key for their service car and told me he'd deliver the car to my house tomorrow. rolleyes.gif

I sat in the waiting room and thought I'd go back with my car and do it my way. When I took off from Sisaket the foreman even told me that my old clutch would be okay. The same guy who told me before the clutch job and also afterwards that the clutch would to 100 % be the problem.

He then told me that the old clutch's okay for about another 40- 90 K, exactly what i thought and also wrote in one reply.

They didn't change the Diesel filter what I wanted them to do, nor did they put my clutch back in. Don't ask me for what reason, it seems that they want to a sort of cover up?

I'll have to stay at home tomorrow, because TOT guys come by, which might have been the reason why they gave me their service car.

What amazes me is the fact that they'll even deliver the car, once they've found and fixed the problem, right to my house. But will they find the problem and when? I'm not planning to wait a few days......

Okay, to make a long story short, the Tourist Authority of Thailand's Logo "Amazing Thailand" is to 100 % true.

What if I'd have planned a holiday over the weekend? Okay, not wanting to go deeper, it only shows how incompetent some people in this country can be.

At least did they confirm that I was right when I ( in the beginning) said that I do not believe that it's the clutch? It seems that they must have lost a lot of face and they do respect me, know what I'm doing and they also understand that I'm not a tourist on a two week holiday.

I'm talking to my wife right now and she doesn't get the whole thing either. Well, I do have a vehicle to get around, but still don't know how long it will take to find the actual problem.

I had my plan to get the Diesel filter changed, then if I won't find the problem, I wanted Sisaket Diesel have a look at the system.

So what did the whole wasted day teach me? I really don't know and I've learned that mama soup isn't the right food for me.

I was just thinking, if my wife would have been there alone? Holy shit, I guess then I'd have to pay for quite more things than just a clutch.

I apologize for the long story, thus I'm still trying to digest the whole thing, but I always reach a point where all logic doesn't make any sense.

Should anybody on this forum be interested in a nice 4 door Triton, please page me. Really cheap, you won't find a cheaper one. thumbsup.gif

I'm totally confused and got no idea where to start my weekend. sad.png

In addition I've got the feeling that I'm living in a dream.A dream within a dream, perhaps.

Amazing Thailand, indeed. Welcome to the Sunshine State.....wai2.gif

Me thinks that you might have been better off sitting eating your noodles at the side of the truck ... I wonder, as you do, what cover-up they are planning sad.png ... sleep easy tonight... and good luck.


Check the VIN tomorrow, new truck, same plates smile.png

So what did they do with the clutch, they dropped the box a second time but then didn't put the old parts back in?

Personally, I would have insisted that they returned MY vehicle to how it was before they started mucking around and let me take MY vehicle away with me.

EDIT Doesn't retaining your property without you permission count as theft??

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Sorry to hear about your lost day L in Isaan.

Try and find a worthwhile mechanic. Trial & error and a pain in the butt.

I asked one of the Taxi drivers here in Korat & he put me onto a great mechanic.

Hope you find the problem without too much hassle.

Thanks a lot Jessi,

It got taken out of my hands in a way I don't really appreciate. Not talking about more than nine hours sitting in their waiting room.

Insanity at its best. wai2.gif


Check the VIN tomorrow, new truck, same plates smile.png

So what did they do with the clutch, they dropped the box a second time but then didn't put the old parts back in?

Personally, I would have insisted that they returned MY vehicle to how it was before they started mucking around and let me take MY vehicle away with me.

EDIT Doesn't retaining your property without you permission count as theft??

I do feel like I was being robbed and raped at the same time.<?>

They made it look like they put the old clutch in, one guy was constantly working at my truck, the first guy even worked through the lunch break.

They made me think that they put my old clutch back in, but..............( many question marks here)

The clutch is sitting on a huge tool box, the gear box next to the tool cart. I was really shocked when I saw it and it was already 4.25......

I'm really speechless, no idea what t say, it's way too much to digest. It made my weekend to a nightmare, no idea what will follow.


It's your decision, but if the clutch is in, I'd leave it in and get it for free......or start there and work to a mutually acceptable price....after all you're going to have to but one eventually and a cheapie is always nice.....so long as it lasts.

Has anyone driven the car yet to see if the performance is back?

not to mention they probably weren't all that careful when they took it out. i reckon he is lucky if he gets all the pieces on the re-install


Predicted scenario - (tongue near cheek)

You will get your car back tomorrow with new air and fuel filters, it will perform just fine. They will have put "your" clutch back in and will be all smiles, sorry, sorry, small bill.

In reality you will have a busted release bearing, loose pressure plate and drive plate that's on the rivets, maybe a handful of cotton waste in the oil filler and a nut in the inlet manifold.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Predicted scenario - (tongue near cheek)

You will get your car back tomorrow with new air and fuel filters, it will perform just fine. They will have put "your" clutch back in and will be all smiles, sorry, sorry, small bill.

In reality you will have a busted release bearing, loose pressure plate and drive plate that's on the rivets, maybe a handful of cotton waste in the oil filler and a nut in the inlet manifold.

Then it could happen that the foremen's nuts will hang inside the Diesel pump......bah.gif

P.S. Thought about it. I might buy a new clutch disk and bearing, be there at eight and tell them to put these parts in.

There's a shop in Sisaket where all the Changs buy their stuff and these two parts might be 2 K, not more.

That would be a win-win situation and a sort of pay back. thumbsup.gif


You spend more time and get more opinions than you really want listing A mechanical problem.

Best thing you could have done was just take it to A shop and have someone take it for A test drive and schedule an appointment.


It's your decision, but if the clutch is in, I'd leave it in and get it for free......or start there and work to a mutually acceptable price....after all you're going to have to but one eventually and a cheapie is always nice.....so long as it lasts.

Has anyone driven the car yet to see if the performance is back?

Wow! I find myself in agreement with Cum, the sky must be falling in a sense, but for the life of me I can't see why you'd have them remove the new clutch instead of bartering for either a free or at least massive discount on the new clutch since it didn't solve the problem but you're in for a new clutch in the near future anyway, that's a given. I think you shot yourself in the foot twice and compounded your problem by insisting they re-install the old clutch instead.


Being wise after the event here, but did you take a load of photos?

I have to confess I'm having difficulty following events.

Today you will get your car back, right?

You will have your old clutch in it?

They will have checked both fuel lines and air filters

If the fuel is seriously contaminated they will need to drain the tank.

We assume the tank is OK?

Has the vehicle been left standing for along time?


Just used for very short trips so you didn't notice a gradual loss in performance?


Predicted scenario - (tongue near cheek)

You will get your car back tomorrow with new air and fuel filters, it will perform just fine. They will have put "your" clutch back in and will be all smiles, sorry, sorry, small bill.

In reality you will have a busted release bearing, loose pressure plate and drive plate that's on the rivets, maybe a handful of cotton waste in the oil filler and a nut in the inlet manifold.

Crossy, poor guy will read this and loose sleep for a week. Please have some compassion for Lost after all he is lost in his problem. whistling.gif


Lostinesaan, Its good to see you have kept your sense of humor through all of this.

If it gets too much for you do what I do use the "Serenity prayer" its OK it was written by a German. coffee1.gif


Feeeeeeeeeeerk, OP never drank Trans beer whilst Trans feeeeerked around with the ride...........coffee1.gif...Gawd..

Dear Mr. Trans,

I really have to apologize for my rude behavior. Your beer's always very tasty ( considering that it was free), but sometimes too warm for a guy who's from THE best beer producing country.

Regarding my trip to Ubon, I had to visit a very sick foreigner at Ubon Rak, for an organization called DHV I'm volunteering for.

We have an old saying: "sleep over it for one night and things will be different the next day." I woke up early today, drove to the shop where all the Chang Rot ( no, I don't mean your preferred beer brand) are buying their parts and bought a set for the sum of 2,950 Thai baht.

Took my old set from Mitsubishi, left the new set there and acted like somebody had died and I said to the foreman that my wife's considering to talk to our neighbor, who's a good lawyer.

That helped a lot and the guy promised me to do his best to give me my fixed car back as soon as possible.

I couldn't believe my own eyes when I purchased the three parts, as they're imported from Germany, guess you know the company "Schaefer"?

I do not think that they'll charge me any money for putting my new clutch in, my "lawyer" might not be okay with it.

Now I'm waiting for Mitsubishi to bring back my car, plus TOT to connect me to Fiber Optic, which I've already payed for.

One way the other will I have a new clutch and they might find the problem by only changing the Diesel filter. I'm not joking, nobody even checked on this part, which I assume would be the first place to look at.

I've filled in some Diesel injector cleaning fluid in cans you can get at some Esso gas stations a few times when I made my tank full and that might be the cause of it.

Or as you've already posted in the beginning, the power might come back when the tanks empty and refilled with real Diesel oil, which isn't mixed up with any other (cheaper) substances like for god's sake water?

Pick Ups are similar to women. You can't live with them and you can't live without them. Hope to see you soon somewhere. Should you make it to Sisaket, please give me a ring, the beer is on me, I promise. Including some decent German food, made by my wife.

Kindest regards to your wife and of course to you, thanks a lot for your always useful posts. Cheers-biggrin.png

P.S. Here's the UK price:

£105.00 ex VAT

£126.00 inc VAT



Lostinesaan, Its good to see you have kept your sense of humor through all of this.

If it gets too much for you do what I do use the "Serenity prayer" its OK it was written by a German. coffee1.gif

I hate these Krauts with their Lederhosen. Similar to a man wearing a skirt and a blubba on his back....coffee1.gif


The nightmare's over!!!!! thumbsup.gif

While I had the TOT guys at my house for 4 hours, the Mitsubishi guys didn't find our house drove around for about an hour, but finally delivered my truck with the from me purchased new clutch in it. We did the exchange, both parties said goodbye and Mitsu "advised' me that my Diesel pump would be the cause of the power loss.

They finally put the clutch I bought from a great store in. ( they had no other choice, because I took my old one back home) The set, consisting of the pressure plate, the clutch disc and bearing imported from good old Germany, all together for 2,950 Thai baht.

I've checked the packages the parts were in and it came from a well -known company, called Schaefer, so no freaking Chinese wannabe parts.

I started laughing, but could cover it up by saying that my son just told me a very good joke. No charge for changing the new clutch, good that I was using the last three grey brain cells to get this done the way I wanted it...

But they told me that after their troubleshooting that my Diesel pump would be at fault, had to start laughing again. Maybe it was really too much beer, after such a tremendous waste of time.

They 'advised me' to go there and get the pump and injectors overhauled.......smile.png

But they didn't tell me that so much black smoke would come out of my truck's exhaust system and when I drove downtown, I couldn't see anything that was behind me. Was it on purpose, a face saving thing, or did they try to change the pump's settings? Okay, not relevant now.

Almost forgot that I needed an oil change and almost had a heart attack on my way to Esso, to get it changed, when I couldn't see anything behind me.

Okay, drove to Sisaket Diesel, the place where my pump and injectors got overhauled about 60,000 km ago. The same guy who'd done the job wanted to tell me that I'd have to overhaul both. I was very close to say yes, but then thought about Mr. Trans, who'd have killed me with words....

The pump and the injectors. That had an end when i had to remind him that he's the guy who messed the one valve up, which opens at about 200 RPM at the inlet manifold.

Once he understood my point, right when I wanted to express my feelings to the manager, he must have changed his mind and told a guy to bring some tools. Mitsubishi seemed to have the whole pump screwed up and adjusted the pump that way too much Diesel came into the pump's system.

It doesn't really matter now if it was a pay back from Mitsu, or a failed try to get it fixed. After only two minutes, the black smoke was gone and past and I was good to go, without the so needed overhaul. Amazing how fast people can change their mind.

Next destination gas station and I filled up my tank with Esso genuine? Diesel oil, tank was less than half full.

Then I cheap oil change ( 100 baht, incl. filter), the guy there does a great job, he lets all oil drain out, cleans the air filter and seems to know what he's doing and i was back on the 226.

I couldn't believe it, but a lot of more power was back, just because I filled in decent Diesel?

Let's see. Would I have followed Mitsu's advice, the whole stuff would have been very expensive. 9,000 baht for the clutch kit, 2,000 baht for an il change with filter and about 5,700 baht for the Diesel pump overhaul thingy is 16,700 Thai baht.

Now here's what I finally paid for: Quality clutch kit or 2,950 baht, 6 l oil with oil filter 600 baht, 100 baht for the change. Makes 3,650 baht.

So all in all, I have saved 13,050 baht. Which leads me to the final sentence: He who laughs last, laughs longest.

I hope that my story will help some guys out there to think twice whenever some mechanics here are telling them some bullshit.

But it's the same thing in Europe and elsewhere. Please send your Thai wife to a garage somewhere in Europe and see what she's paying for.

My dogs watching the TOT guys doing nothing. Aeeh their job.



so you went in with a fuel problem and bought your own clutch (although it was OK) then went somewhere else and fixed the problem for 600 baht?

Nope, please let it be. Enough. Oil and filter was 600 baht.


Lostinisaan which Mitsu dealer in Sisaket performed the clutch change.

1. Mitsu Thaiyont

2. Mitsu TT Auto

The first one. But they already messed things up when they "redid" the whole car after a very serious accident, where I almost got killed.

The second one just opened and I have no idea about the quality of their mechanics, the waiting area is quite impressive, but that doesn't mean a lot......

They even welded the frame, had the whole truck in parts, excluding engine and gearbox, but left four very damaged ball joints in.

When I was asking the foreman how that could happen, he said that nobody told them to change these so very important parts.

I could snap one out with a screwdriver, if you know what I mean..............facepalm.gif

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