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American newspaper mistakes Thailand for Taiwan


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Looks like the OP Newspaper Headline is less interesting than the TV members demonstrating how Farangs react when "Loss of Face" is apparent.

Many have taken their oft opportunity, presented by an American newspaper mistakenly confusing Thailand with Taiwan and displayed on a predominately English language website, to vent their anger on the Thais and Thailand again. How many Thais will read TV? As many as the farangs that read Thai language websites? Please tell, what is your objective in doing this?

Congratulations to the US farangs that have the sense of humor to respond as they do.

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Wow, a story on a newspaper mistake quickly turned into American bashing. What some of you posters accuse American people of can pertain to any country in the world. Most of you American haters probably never been there and don't know shit about Americans. Anybody from anyplace should be proud of their home country.

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I wasn't quite believing this, but here is what is posted on their website:

"SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT (publ. 8/20/2015, pg. A4) A headline incorrectly referenced Taiwan instead of Thailand. Police in Thailand are looking for the chief suspect in Monday's deadly bombing of Bangkok's Erawan Shrine.

A formal posted correction.

Has Coconuts ever issued one for any of their multiple mistakes?


I doubt Coconuts could be classified as a major news source... hence the name.

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Saw a YouTube clip showing a map and asking Americans whether the US should nuke Iran, naturally most thought it was an excellent and timely idea (presumably to spread democracy). Only problem was he was pointing at Australia...

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Not surprising at all. Americans only care about America. You won't find any more ignorent people than in America.

Not surprising at all. abernaert's nationality only care about abernaert's country. You won't find any more ignorant (abernaert's misspelling corrected) people than in abernaert's country.

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Why all the anti-Americanism? Next time there is a war like WW1 or WW2 maybe they will stay home. Better bone up on your Russian and Farsi just in case. If you want to look at statistics in the USA separate black from white and you'll get a slightly different outcome. Yellows would probably score at the very top. This from a very old newspaper editor - shit happens especially when you"re trying to make a print deadline.

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My first and second year U.S. college students were convinced I was the Devil incarnate for requiring them to know where the nations they were studying were located and to correctly spell the names of those countries (Western Civ.). What a burden for students from the strongest military power on the planet. There is a great danger in ignorance and want (poverty) as Charles Dickens warned us in, "A Christmas Carol".

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AS an American by birth and a long time resident of Thailand, I am embarrassed by the complete lack of knowledge by Americans in general. However, there is a reason for this. American primary and secondary schools are some of the worst in the World. If you live in an area where money is short-education is poor. Some schools have a dropout rate of 50%. In addition teenage pregnancy is at a very high rate. I can't think of anything worse for a Nation than having an uneducated population and no real hope for the future. American major cities are hotbeds of crime again spurred on from a lack of opportunity in the workplace. In addition, as many posters have indicated- the source of news and information is basic television fueled by special interests and a complete distortion of what actually is happening in the World. The sole purpose of Television and the news is to get viewers to watch commercials and be consumers. Money controls everything in America except most people don't have much of it. During the Bush and Obama regimes, the poor in America have grown larger and those considered middle class have moved backwards. However, those who are considered wealthy have increased their wealth considerably. This points to a society that is completely out of sync and cannot survive this way. My own daughter who just finished obtaining her Master's Degree- now has a bill to pay to the US government of $242,000 which will take 20 years to pay. This is absurd. Other countries are educating their populace for 10% of what Americans have to pay and some are provided no cost education. America still has no universal healthcare. Obama care is a joke involving policing by the Internal Revenue Service (the tax department) and many people unable to afford the mandatory insurance. Obama caved into the special interests in the Insurance and healthcare industry by not going to a single payer system- the government. While America has an excellent healthcare provider system- no one can afford it. Healthcare is an inalienable right- no one should be making money off another person's illness or death. Look at the American minimum wage- politicians continuously fight over giving Americans a living wage. There are so many people working in fast food restaurants making a low, unlivable wage, they can hardly afford the food they are selling.

This is the so called 'greatest country in the World' And you wonder why Americans can't figure out the difference between Taiwan and Thailand!

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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

To hear some people talk, I was under the impression a large part of the US population travelled thru New Mexico on entering the US.....I have not encountered most of them so I speak with little real knowledge. on the topic.

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This Paper must be owned by Mr. Bush. He can not remember foreign Presidents names even when he is in their Country. cheesy.gif

Was it Al Gore who wished he had paid more attention to Latin so he could converse with Latin Americans? One of Clinton's staffers anyway, I am sure.

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The people who should sue are the American people- hoodwinked by 40 years of incompetent and self serving leadership. Using taxpayers hard earned money to fight useless wars, providing assistance to countries that are direct enemies of the United States, creating a permanent underclass of Americans and generally not caring about the healthcare or education of United States citizens.. The only hope is there will be another American Revolution.

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The USA (like everywhere) has lots of flaws, I agree with that, but I think people are going way over the top in response to the matter of an embarrassing EDITING mistake. Again, this editor didn't have to know anything ... he just had the cross check with the story. So he had a bad day, a brain fart, WHATEVER!

Like that hasn't happened to all of us. But his mistake got magnified of course.

Edited by Jingthing
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I show my disdain by telling the truth- if you want to make your country better- you have to admit when there are problems and help to find solutions.Politicians putting out slogans to fool people into thinking that what is happening is justice and truth are playing to the ignorance of the American people and getting richer while dining on the blood of the poor. In regards to Social security- I paid into the system for 50 years- the government taxed me for all those years- No one is giving me anything free. I don't know if you are an American- but you may want to educate yourself on how the Us government works and what entitlements that citizens are owed.

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Most Americans know when and when not to use the plural form of 'Americans,' and the difference between 'thanks,' 'thinks' and 'think.'

the funny part about your post is: 30 years ago I would have agreed with you, now, not so much. the school system in this country is gone downhill due to lowering the standards so that the dummies will pass. I deliberately, when I go to 7-11, any burger joint, i will wait until they ring up the item...pull out a $5, $10 or $20 bill. They will enter that amount...then I will give them pennies or 15 cents or some part of the change so that I end up with larger coins. These people have no idea how to add and subtract. They are lost..9 out of 10 times I get anywhere from .25 to a $ 1.00 extra because they cant add or subtract. I dont do it for the piddle little money, I do it for my amusement. SO...to say they know the difference...no, they dont.

Edited by jaybas
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This Paper must be owned by Mr. Bush. He can not remember foreign Presidents names even when he is in their Country. cheesy.gif

Was it Al Gore who wished he had paid more attention to Latin so he could converse with Latin Americans? One of Clinton's staffers anyway, I am sure.

No, it was Dan Quayle. He was joking, by the way.

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