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American newspaper mistakes Thailand for Taiwan


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Some people just have no idea about geography. I once worked with a South African that asked me if I could speak Taiwanese because I lived in Thailand.

One American girl told me she knew a British guy that was from Paris.

Buy a globe you retards.

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Most Americans know when and when not to use the plural form of 'Americans,' and the difference between 'thanks,' 'thinks' and 'think.'

the funny part about your post is: 30 years ago I would have agreed with you, now, not so much. the school system in this country is gone downhill due to lowering the standards so that the dummies will pass. I deliberately, when I go to 7-11, any burger joint, i will wait until they ring up the item...pull out a $5, $10 or $20 bill. They will enter that amount...then I will give them pennies or 15 cents or some part of the change so that I end up with larger coins. These people have no idea how to add and subtract. They are lost..9 out of 10 times I get anywhere from .25 to a $ 1.00 extra because they cant add or subtract. I dont do it for the piddle little money, I do it for my amusement. SO...to say they know the difference...no, they dont.

When I worked in the US I went to Walmart, and the cashier rang up my items. It came to something around $55, I can't remember exactly. I paid with a $100 bill, and her finger hit the 2 instead of the 1 and she gave me change back to the sum of $145. She even counted the money and handed it to me. I'd just given her a $100 bill and she gave me it back along with some more.

I stopped off at the liquor counter and treated myself to a few free bottles of JD and Bacardi.

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Why all the anti-Americanism? Next time there is a war like WW1 or WW2 maybe they will stay home. Better bone up on your Russian and Farsi just in case. If you want to look at statistics in the USA separate black from white and you'll get a slightly different outcome. Yellows would probably score at the very top. This from a very old newspaper editor - shit happens especially when you"re trying to make a print deadline.

Why all the anti - black Americanism?

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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

Most Americans know when and when not to use the plural form of 'Americans,' and the difference between 'thanks,' 'thinks' and 'think.'

Kind of proved the point of the spell checker, don't you thank?

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Most Americans know when and when not to use the plural form of 'Americans,' and the difference between 'thanks,' 'thinks' and 'think.'

the funny part about your post is: 30 years ago I would have agreed with you, now, not so much. the school system in this country is gone downhill due to lowering the standards so that the dummies will pass. I deliberately, when I go to 7-11, any burger joint, i will wait until they ring up the item...pull out a $5, $10 or $20 bill. They will enter that amount...then I will give them pennies or 15 cents or some part of the change so that I end up with larger coins. These people have no idea how to add and subtract. They are lost..9 out of 10 times I get anywhere from .25 to a $ 1.00 extra because they cant add or subtract. I dont do it for the piddle little money, I do it for my amusement. SO...to say they know the difference...no, they dont.

When I worked in the US I went to Walmart, and the cashier rang up my items. It came to something around $55, I can't remember exactly. I paid with a $100 bill, and her finger hit the 2 instead of the 1 and she gave me change back to the sum of $145. She even counted the money and handed it to me. I'd just given her a $100 bill and she gave me it back along with some more.

I stopped off at the liquor counter and treated myself to a few free bottles of JD and Bacardi.

Maybe she had a Family to Feed,but after your Binge,She was Fired for being Short on the Till,I had a girl give me a 100 baht extra at 7/11,immediately questioned her on it,Friendly Wai's all around.
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Thailand, Laos, Vanuatu, Albania, UK, Macedonia, France. These are all tiny places with relatively insignificant impacts on American lives--or people in most other nations, either. I'm sure all these little spots are nice places and all, but America is a big place, with varied geography, landscapes, peoples, and languages within it. You can spend a lifetime exploring the US. Most of these other places, while I'm sure they're picturesque and such, can usually be explored in fairly short order. Easy to confuse them.

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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

And most Mexicans think the USA is their country and they do not need a passport to visit!

(Sorry, just had to slip that one in)

Edited by jacko45k
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So this is like some big surprise? Not only newspapers, but many people,,,, Gee whiz, I guess we need a geography class again. But today it is about the environment, not geography. What else can I say? So generally when people ask my wife, her nationality, she responds , I am Thai. Then they ask her how it is in Taiwan? Somehow it just does not sink in their heads. There is Thai and there is Taiwanese. So if my wife told them she is from Siam, they would really be lost, and reply gee I thought that was a breed of cat..... History lesson done for today. rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif .

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That's pretty bad.

I might expect that in Kansas but San Jose is a major city and also hosts a very large (mostly Vietnamese) Asian American population.

who told you that the san jose mecury news was very important? have you been to the states lately? the san jose news is for san jose! it is not snydicated! get your story straight!

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That's pretty bad.

I might expect that in Kansas but San Jose is a major city and also hosts a very large (mostly Vietnamese) Asian American population.

who told you that the san jose mecury news was very important? have you been to the states lately? the san jose news is for san jose! it is not snydicated! get your story straight!

Snydicated, syndicated....Thailand, Taiwan......tomato, tomayto

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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

And most Mexicans think the USA is their country and they do not need a passport to visit!

(Sorry, just had to slip that one in)

Much of the western U.S. was Mexico before the U.S. took it away from them, including most of California.

The Mexicans are doing a great job of taking it back, not by fighting, but by breeding!

There are now more Hispanics in California than white people.gigglem.gif

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As has been previously eluded to, the peoples of the usa have NEVER been respected for their knowledge in the topic of geography.


The U.S. military seems to have no problem finding their way around any part of the world they want to be!cheesy.gif

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coffee1.gif This is no surprise to this American. My nephews (2) think my thai wife is 'taiwanese'sad.png Welcome to Obama education.

Yes, I'm sure the educational level dropped drastically as soon as Obama took office!

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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

Too true. The vast majority of americans who have never left their country are appallingly ignorant of anything outside their own country. I have visited on several occassions and found them very pleasant and friendly but many when asked where New Zealand or Australia was had no idea including anywhere in SEA. This attitude is shown in another way in that except for athletics they do not compete in the sporting arena in international sport. Their main sports, football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, (although they do compete with Canada in this), have all their top competition totally within their own country.

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Wow, a story on a newspaper mistake quickly turned into American bashing. What some of you posters accuse American people of can pertain to any country in the world. Most of you American haters probably never been there and don't know shit about Americans. Anybody from anyplace should be proud of their home country.

This is an honest (although stupid) mistake but it brings out the frothing-at-the-mouth US bashers in droves. Pathetic. Hey guys; do you prefer China?? Well, I (not a Yank) guess you will get your wish fulfilled because in another 20-30 years China will be the big dog.

"Anybody from anyplace should be proud of their home country."


BTW, I'm amazed that the bogeyman in Dubai has not been mentioned in this thread yet. Normally the Thaksin haters manage to insert his name into absolutely any subject being discussed.

Edited by MZurf
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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

Too true. The vast majority of americans who have never left their country are appallingly ignorant of anything outside their own country. I have visited on several occassions and found them very pleasant and friendly but many when asked where New Zealand or Australia was had no idea including anywhere in SEA. This attitude is shown in another way in that except for athletics they do not compete in the sporting arena in international sport. Their main sports, football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, (although they do compete with Canada in this), have all their top competition totally within their own country.

Baseball and basketball are played globally. Track and field events are global. Wrestling, boxing, and gymnastics are global. A pot has just called a kettle black.

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When I first moved to California I met some locals and told them I was from back east. (How Californians generally refer to the US east coast.) One guy replied. I've been back east. Nevada.

Alternately, when I spent a summer in Massachusetts, I told a neighbor I was from "out West."

He replied, "I spent a summer out west once--Buffalo." [New York]

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A lot of American bashing (some justified and much not) going on here just over a botched newspaper headline.

All I have to say is that 3 Americans (and a Brit I think) gave a "geography lesson" to a Morroccan on a train in France on its way to Belgium (in Europe I believe) yesterday while a bunch of French and other nationalities did absolutely nothing. I'm sure some of the chronic cynics on TV will find something to bash in that.

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