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SURVEY: Are the recent attacks in Bangkok a harbinger of a new and dangerous chapter in Thailand?

Are the recent bombings a new and dangerous turn of events in Thailand?  

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Abstain. It's too early to say. Until we know who did the BKK bombs, there can be no way to judge if it is a harbinger of more to come.


The most likely perpetrators of the deadly Bangkok bombing last week were militant members of a right-wing Turkish organization infuriated by the Thai government’s forcible repatriation of Uighur refugees back to China. Anthony Davis, a veteran security analyst with IHS-Jane’s, made a persuasive case for the Grey Wolves on a panel at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand Monday evening.

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Okay, I'll take a stab at this by saying that I would be very surprised if this bombing did not have something to do withThailand sending more than one hundred Uighurs back to China. And while that's just a guess, I do know for a fact that the Thais really pissed a lot of people off in that part of the world where large numbers of people know how to build bombs.

It's still the most logical theory - especially as no Islamist groups have claimed responsibility.

If the bombing was carried out by Turks then there's no need for them to claim responsiblity - doing so would make identification of the perps much easier, as well as make life difficult for all the Turks in Thailand. Their agenda would simply have been to cause harm to Thailand, and that mission was accomplished.

I agree and more Chinese were killed than any other ethnicity. Look for more bombings where Chinese tourists are Phuket next?



Do you believe the recent bombings are a new and dangerous turn of events in Thailand?

Nine days on now, the answer, thus far, seems to be no.


i say no because in europe we have had a lots of terrorism situation....these people who are ready to kill inocents massivly are really a few fanatics and the police will do his job.thailand is not afganistan or pakistan...even with the south muslim problem, they will handle it...what it is impossible to handle anywhere in the world is a crazy person...somewhere who will decide then to make a crime putting a bomb or even kill him or herself at the same time.

Really ,,, like the English 'handled' the IRA and the south Africans handled the ANC? According to reports the thai authorories havent
A scoobies on whats going on in the south, who does it or how to handle it, barring press wise best keep it quite as possible. surprising the similarity post the incident hasnt been made more of with this bombing.

you are talking about a diferent kind of political situation and terrorism.. the ocupation of a a part of irland by the english or the war made by the blacks to get back there freedom after generation of slaving or even the comunist "brigade rosse"in italy or more recently the ETA in spain where i lived for 15 years without fear.
here the bombs are not send for freedom or to liberate thailand, they are send by stupid, ignorant and mostly analphabet asle who pretend to make us beleive their god is better than the others....they are quiet more easy to controll, find and arrest to give them life prison for assasins....but perhaps , if you are so afraid, then you should take the desicion to live thailand and go back to your country now, so you will be very much safer....!
Best you go and look at the south thailand situation from my understanding its not primarily bout religion i believe they want a.seperate state.so,,,

You're joking, right? Which group wants a separation down there? Would it be ... Muslims?

Next ...

But they dont want the seperation because they want a muslim state they feel the land belongs to them its a terrotorial issue not a relugious issue.


Not really, it could happen in any country with poor security. Anyone with a bomb can choose an easy target if they want to .

The only surprising thing about Bangkok is that no one claims responsibility for it , can't remember last time that happened.


i say no because in europe we have had a lots of terrorism situation....these people who are ready to kill inocents massivly are really a few fanatics and the police will do his job.thailand is not afganistan or pakistan...even with the south muslim problem, they will handle it...what it is impossible to handle anywhere in the world is a crazy person...somewhere who will decide then to make a crime putting a bomb or even kill him or herself at the same time.


Really ,,, like the English 'handled' the IRA and the south Africans handled the ANC? According to reports the thai authorories havent

A scoobies on whats going on in the south, who does it or how to handle it, barring press wise best keep it quite as possible. surprising the similarity post the incident hasnt been made more of with this bombing.


you are talking about a diferent kind of political situation and terrorism.. the ocupation of a a part of irland by the english or the war made by the blacks to get back there freedom after generation of slaving or even the comunist "brigade rosse"in italy or more recently the ETA in spain where i lived for 15 years without fear.

here the bombs are not send for freedom or to liberate thailand, they are send by stupid, ignorant and mostly analphabet asle who pretend to make us beleive their god is better than the others....they are quiet more easy to controll, find and arrest to give them life prison for assasins....but perhaps , if you are so afraid, then you should take the desicion to live thailand and go back to your country now, so you will be very much safer....!

Best you go and look at the south thailand situation from my understanding its not primarily bout religion i believe they want a.seperate state.so,,,


Best you look just a little further: WHY exactly is it that they WANT a separate state,,,



The call for sepratism goes bac

hundreds of years and aint just about the muslim faith. But.the.'no negotiation' stance by the BRN sort of fits in with this current thing of no announcement on who laid this bomb.



Yes there's a history but Thailand has every right to demand their current borders be respected. Whether this bomb has any link to that conflict, we do not know, but it MIGHT.


Okay, I'll take a stab at this by saying that I would be very surprised if this bombing did not have something to do withThailand sending more than one hundred Uighurs back to China. And while that's just a guess, I do know for a fact that the Thais really pissed a lot of people off in that part of the world where large numbers of people know how to build bombs.

It's still the most logical theory - especially as no Islamist groups have claimed responsibility.

If the bombing was carried out by Turks then there's no need for them to claim responsiblity - doing so would make identification of the perps much easier, as well as make life difficult for all the Turks in Thailand. Their agenda would simply have been to cause harm to Thailand, and that mission was accomplished.

I agree and more Chinese were killed than any other ethnicity. Look for more bombings where Chinese tourists are Phuket next?


The argument to that for me would be, if they were not claiming responsibility for their actions, why not blow up a Chinese tour bus? Much softer target IMO and easier to avoid CCTV (for what that was worth). This would devastate tourism from China and affect Thailand seriously.

No, i think this was a much bigger statement, but what the statement was is still a mystery. As for the grey wolves being involved, this is one man's evaluation (regardless of who he works for or what his experience is) based on nothing concrete. It is just an opinion. My mind is certainly still wide open.


A shrine is something special in peoples minds, a tour bus bombing is something sad but quickly forgotten. I was in the philippines when the muslims from mindanao set a bomb in the rear of a bus. When it exploded there were many horrific casualties from fuel burning. Sad to say, it was quickly forgotten. Erawan shrine atrosity will be referred to long after now.


Yes it was a historically important attack and definitely terrorism. The terrorists got both a soft target and an iconic one. They must be proud of themselves.


Yes it was a historically important attack and definitely terrorism. The terrorists got both a soft target and an iconic one. They must be proud of themselves.

Depends on who they were and what they were trying to accomplish.


Yes it was a historically important attack and definitely terrorism. The terrorists got both a soft target and an iconic one. They must be proud of themselves.

Depends on who they were and what they were trying to accomplish.

They WILL be proud of themselves (whatever their motive). It is the mindset of a criminal, unfortunately. coffee1.gif


Yes it was a historically important attack and definitely terrorism. The terrorists got both a soft target and an iconic one. They must be proud of themselves.

Depends on who they were and what they were trying to accomplish.

They WILL be proud of themselves (whatever their motive). It is the mindset of a criminal, unfortunately. coffee1.gif

If they were trying to kill Hindu's I think they messed up and would not want to admit the mistake.


The thing that should worry people is not bombs.....those need some work to meet their objectives.

Grenades are the problem....they seem to be easy to procure and you can throw one from quite a distance away.


I voted no . I believe this was done in revenge for mistreatment of Muslims not only the wiggers but the rohingyas as well. Junta will not admit who it is as the bomb would probably seen as their own fault. One thing this Junta plays on as do many Thais is the Hard done by wrongly accused and stoic in the face of adversity poise , but really they are as guilty as F and and are so devious that they actually believe themselves they are innocent. I think they have learned a lesson here , they cannot treat the rest of the people of the world in the same way they do their own, with callous abandon and agression


Not really, it could happen in any country with poor security. Anyone with a bomb can choose an easy target if they want to .

The only surprising thing about Bangkok is that no one claims responsibility for it , can't remember last time that happened.

It usually only happens when the job is botched or something similar...

But this one may have been designed to cause confusion and chaos.... And its working


No but it could encourage more people to bomb their point of view in Thailand because its easy to get off with murdering 20 people in Bangkok as no police to speak of with the capabilities of punching their way out of a wet paper bag let alone catching a criminal who does not hand himself in and confess to any crime, even catching a car offender seems an impossible task for the RTP.


No but it could encourage more people to bomb their point of view in Thailand because its easy to get off with murdering 20 people in Bangkok as no police to speak of with the capabilities of punching their way out of a wet paper bag let alone catching a criminal who does not hand himself in and confess to any crime, even catching a car offender seems an impossible task for the RTP.

That's an interesting point.

More minor bombings clearly meant for terror purposes but also clearly not meant to murder large numbers of people have been seen in Bangkok for many years now.

They are always big news.

But now that THIS has happened, a small bomb in a trash can that kills a few people will not be big news anywhere.

To really rate, terrorists in Bangkok are now going to have to step up their game to get their wanted attention.

So ... this is not good.


Another ridiculous poll. NOBODY casting a vote has any facts, only information the media is releasing.

The media in Thai can only publish the facts that police feed them. Independent investigative journalism in Thai is almost non-existent due to the defamatory laws that exist. The civil law system is to blame.

The army control the media, not the police.


Amateur night? Give us a break. The bomb was very sophisticated.

The bombs are being reported as pipe bombs. Pipe bombs are not sophisticated when it comes to explosive devices. The authorities have stated that the shrine one was detonated on a timer, not remotely detonated. The only difference to previous devices used in Thailand is that they were enhanced with ball bearings instead of the normal scrap metal and nails.

This is going by what has been reported up until now. If it was a pipe bomb, then it was not very sophisticated.

Sophisticated enough to kill 20 innocent people and injure over a hundred. In your expert opinion, what should deaths/injuries add up to before you'd refer to a bomb as 'sophisticated'?

There's "sophisticated", and there's "effective". A bomb can be either, neither, or both. Based on what I've read, the Erawan bomb was relatively unsophisticated, but unfortunately effectively deployed. Just because someone isn't impressed with the technology or inventiveness behind the bomb doesn't mean they can't mourn the deaths & injuries it's caused as much as anyone else.


Abstain. It's too early to say. Until we know who did the BKK bombs, there can be no way to judge if it is a harbinger of more to come.


The most likely perpetrators of the deadly Bangkok bombing last week were militant members of a right-wing Turkish organization infuriated by the Thai government’s forcible repatriation of Uighur refugees back to China. Anthony Davis, a veteran security analyst with IHS-Jane’s, made a persuasive case for the Grey Wolves on a panel at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand Monday evening.

Having taken the time to educate myself on the Grey Wolves it's so obviously them. Attack on a religious shrine with lots of Chinese milling about in a famous capital city of a country much criticised for their forcible and ignoble repatriation of their compatriots. The problem for the Thais is how on earth to deal with them? We are all well aware of the consequences of any retaliation, just more of the same, and in this case from a far more sophisticated outfit than the Thais have ever been used to. What to do? Lie low and pray it doesn't happen again's my best bet.


Abstain. It's too early to say. Until we know who did the BKK bombs, there can be no way to judge if it is a harbinger of more to come.


The most likely perpetrators of the deadly Bangkok bombing last week were militant members of a right-wing Turkish organization infuriated by the Thai government’s forcible repatriation of Uighur refugees back to China. Anthony Davis, a veteran security analyst with IHS-Jane’s, made a persuasive case for the Grey Wolves on a panel at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand Monday evening.

Having taken the time to educate myself on the Grey Wolves it's so obviously them. Attack on a religious shrine with lots of Chinese milling about in a famous capital city of a country much criticised for their forcible and ignoble repatriation of their compatriots. The problem for the Thais is how on earth to deal with them? We are all well aware of the consequences of any retaliation, just more of the same, and in this case from a far more sophisticated outfit than the Thais have ever been used to. What to do? Lie low and pray it doesn't happen again's my best bet.

If the Grey Wolves, why do they quail from claiming credit? To what purpose the whole thing if they don't? I don't see how leaving the world guessing accomplishes anything. Now if the bomber's only objective was to undermine & discredit the government and/or the tourist industry (without attribution), THAT I could see ... And look at the heat the govt and the police ARE in fact taking! (The bomber's only problem is that those entities didn't have much to lose in the first place...)


There's "sophisticated", and there's "effective". A bomb can be either, neither, or both. Based on what I've read, the Erawan bomb was relatively unsophisticated, but unfortunately effectively deployed. Just because someone isn't impressed with the technology or inventiveness behind the bomb doesn't mean they can't mourn the deaths & injuries it's caused as much as anyone else.

Maybe think again about whether the bomb was "sophisticated" or not. The details of the bomb is a MAJOR CLUE.


The Erawan pipe bomb, employing industrial pipe and packed with TNT and ball bearings, was much more sophisticated than anything used so far by domestic groups

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