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Seen Often on Sathorn 10, Suspect Thought to Use Fake Turkish Passport

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I think we all know they aint gonna catch this guy. All of these reports sound too staged to lead the authorities down the wrong track. And in true keystone fashion, they are being obliging and making any conclusions they can come up with on the spur of the moment so they can feel important and think they did a good job for their 'face'

I reckon he's a disguised Thai and is now in some remote village keeping his head down. He is probably scared stiff someone is going to bump him off, but at least his family will have some money now.

I miss Chalerm. He would have announced what happened at breakfast, would have a couple of suspects paraded in front of the TV cameras by lunchtime then by dinner he would declare the case closed and nobody must mention it again.

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Sorry, but I am not ready to jump aboard this particular band wagon of blame. Too many inconsistencies. The forced deportations, rapes, extortion and murders of refugees from Laos, Cambodia and Burma have gone on for decades and no one set off a bomb over it. Now a small number of Uyghurs are sent back to China and all of a sudden there's a bombing with a Turkish link? Yes, Turkey has been a transit point for ISIS terrorists. Yes, Turkey was a close ally of the despotic Syrian regime. Yes, Turkey has caused trouble in its region and yes, Turkey is now intent of killing the Kurdish people. However, none of that links to the Bangkok bombing.

OK. Ignore the fact that Uyghurs attacked the Thai embassy in Istanbul on 9 July.

Smashing a few windows and pulling down a flag are a little bit different from setting off bombs.


Yes the motorbike driver did say before that he always picked him up at the same spot and he always dropped him off at Asoke, he also added that the suspect was always in a hurry...

Anyone who regularly rushes to Asoke at 5:30 am is acting strangely, unless maybe you're a boiler room operative whose shift starts at 6:00 am. What else is happening there at that time in the morning?

I've been doing just that for 5 years. Not from that location, but to Asoke. And I work a normal job that happens to have 24 hour operations and foreign offices that expect reports at hours that don't coincide with the Thai working day.

Lots of companies like that in Exchange and Interchange Towers at Asoke.

Not so suspicious.


Sorry, but I am not ready to jump aboard this particular band wagon of blame. Too many inconsistencies. The forced deportations, rapes, extortion and murders of refugees from Laos, Cambodia and Burma have gone on for decades and no one set off a bomb over it. Now a small number of Uyghurs are sent back to China and all of a sudden there's a bombing with a Turkish link? Yes, Turkey has been a transit point for ISIS terrorists. Yes, Turkey was a close ally of the despotic Syrian regime. Yes, Turkey has caused trouble in its region and yes, Turkey is now intent of killing the Kurdish people. However, none of that links to the Bangkok bombing.

OK. Ignore the fact that Uyghurs attacked the Thai embassy in Istanbul on 9 July.

Stop embellishing and get your facts straight.

1. The Thai embassy was not attacked. There was no embassy attack. Stop saying there was one.

The office of an honorary consul was ransacked. No Thais were assaulted.

ISTANBUL, July 9 (Reuters) - Turkish protesters attacked the Thai honorary consulate in Istanbul overnight,

2. The protest was organized by Turkish supporters of the Chinese refugees.

3. Turkish nationals were arrested for the trespass and vandalism.

Protests happen all the time, particularly in western countries. I remember the weekly protests outside a Russian consulate when I was a kid. Then it was the Cuban consulate, and before the fall of communism in Poland, the Polish consulate. I remember the red paint and smoke bombs tossed by protestors at the US consulate during the Iraq wars.


Yes the motorbike driver did say before that he always picked him up at the same spot and he always dropped him off at Asoke, he also added that the suspect was always in a hurry...

Anyone who regularly rushes to Asoke at 5:30 am is acting strangely, unless maybe you're a boiler room operative whose shift starts at 6:00 am. What else is happening there at that time in the morning?

Is there a mosque nearby?


Yes the motorbike driver did say before that he always picked him up at the same spot and he always dropped him off at Asoke, he also added that the suspect was always in a hurry...

Anyone who regularly rushes to Asoke at 5:30 am is acting strangely, unless maybe you're a boiler room operative whose shift starts at 6:00 am. What else is happening there at that time in the morning?

Is there a mosque nearby?

I'd be more suspicious of the drunks from Soi Cowboy being propped up by a hooker under each arm. See more of those at 05:30 at that intersection.


Yes the motorbike driver did say before that he always picked him up at the same spot and he always dropped him off at Asoke, he also added that the suspect was always in a hurry...

Anyone who regularly rushes to Asoke at 5:30 am is acting strangely, unless maybe you're a boiler room operative whose shift starts at 6:00 am. What else is happening there at that time in the morning?

Is there a mosque nearby?

As much as I despise people jumping to Islamaphobia, you ask a good question. The time of morning is right.


The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

From Usual Suspects, one of my favourite movies

Verbal: Who is Keyser Soze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Soze. You never knew. That was his power.


...if they are saying that he has now left Thailand...what good will it do...

...maybe they should not have posted his pic so early to give him a false sense of security...

...then again....I suppose his escape would have been planned long ago as well...


Why say a fake turkish passport ?

Turkish is a well know terrorist state murder of opponents in foreign country....... This state play a dual game with IS since years

When Thailand decide to deport Uyghur to China, Turkish governement was very unhappy with Thai decision

Thai consulat in Turkish has been stormed by protester with benevolence of the Turkish state.

I think we can put Turkey on the list of suspects

I thought Turkey was a loyal NATO ally, buying oil from and supplying ISIS fearlessly helping to crush the Kurds ISIS.

You understant why US is reluctant to call Bangkok attack an terrorist act whistling.gif


Call me cynical, but if Mohamed is being dropped off in a hurry from Sathorn 10 to Asoke at 5:30 in the morning. I know of one place I would ask a few questions.

"When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles."

Horace Walpole


The Uighurs were sent back to China only a few months ago, so if this guy was seen as far back as December then the idea that some Turkish/Uighur bomb plot was being hatched then is ridiculous.You can of course string a whole lot of " if's" together, if this , if that but relying on eye witness testamy from this far back is appalingly unreliable . I personally have favoured the Uigher theory but this seems to make everything more murky not clearer.

Only if he/suspect has been here before, which doesnt make sense. A normal profesional operation will have person A scout the area for a list of targets. After a list of targets are identified person B will work out the logistics, sourcing of the bomb, fake passports, flight tickets, hotel accommodation, money, escape route incase something go wrong etc. Person C will then be the one to go in and do the bombing. There will be no links between them.

At present they are grasping at straws thats been provided by tuk tuk drivers that is thriving in their new found stardom. Remember it is easier for someone to stay a virgin in this country than to keep a secret, if they knew who it was we would also have known.


The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

The greatest trick god ever pulled is convincing the world he does exist.


Thai taxi is "100%" sure. The Thais gave upwards of 10 rides. Surely they can "be sure" where they took him? And presumably picked him up at same spot?

These drivers are motorcycle taxi drivers at the front of Sathorn Soi 10, which is why it wasn't unusual to have taken him places on several days. Mentioned elsewhere was one driver said he would go to Asoke at 5:30 in the morning. One place said Asoke Hospital. There doesn't seem to be an Asoke Hospital, but there's an Asoke Skin Hospital. Not likely he was going there early in the morning, but just to that area.
Also, as I've said elsewhere, and has been stated above, this does not mean the backpack guy and passport are the same person.
It is very likely the investigators went through local hotel records, found some guy who's passport photo looked like the backpack guy, then went to check if the people recognized him. If that is the case, it is extremely likely to find drivers or shop clerks who would recognize that guy. But until the people who saw him that night also think that's him, it doesn't mean anything.
Sathorn Soi 10 directly connects through the back to Silom Soi 9. Which is why I suspect they would have gone through local hotel records to try to find someone who looked like the guy. Every hotel I've stayed at the last several years has taken a photocopy of my passport. Those copies are probably held by the hotels, though maybe they're sent in somewhere. Hotels also have to report who stays there, but then that process would have meant look up names, then look up their passport photos. Seems very time consuming compared to looking through a stack of photocopies.

I know bar girls that went to the Skin Hospital to have tatoos removed, could be why he was going there and the reason there were clothes wrapped around his forearms.


It seems he took a cab from where he was staying to the train station then hailed a tuk tuk from there I think to cover his tracks


Sorry, but I am not ready to jump aboard this particular band wagon of blame. Too many inconsistencies. The forced deportations, rapes, extortion and murders of refugees from Laos, Cambodia and Burma have gone on for decades and no one set off a bomb over it. Now a small number of Uyghurs are sent back to China and all of a sudden there's a bombing with a Turkish link? Yes, Turkey has been a transit point for ISIS terrorists. Yes, Turkey was a close ally of the despotic Syrian regime. Yes, Turkey has caused trouble in its region and yes, Turkey is now intent of killing the Kurdish people. However, none of that links to the Bangkok bombing.

Turkey and Syria were anything but allies.


Has anyone considered that the trouble in the South may have connections to IS who now want to expand their area of influence? I hope they aren't but it would be in line with their techniques.


Call me cynical, but if Mohamed is being dropped off in a hurry from Sathorn 10 to Asoke at 5:30 in the morning. I know of one place I would ask a few questions.

"When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles."

Horace Walpole

The circumstantial evidence seems to indicating an Islamist attacker. Islamists are generally dedicated worshippers. The main suspect was often in that area at the time of morning prayers. Maybe someone from that area has seen him / knows him / can confirm some of the statements. But lets forget that line of thinking because it might be considered profiling.


Sorry, but I am not ready to jump aboard this particular band wagon of blame. Too many inconsistencies. The forced deportations, rapes, extortion and murders of refugees from Laos, Cambodia and Burma have gone on for decades and no one set off a bomb over it. Now a small number of Uyghurs are sent back to China and all of a sudden there's a bombing with a Turkish link? Yes, Turkey has been a transit point for ISIS terrorists. Yes, Turkey was a close ally of the despotic Syrian regime. Yes, Turkey has caused trouble in its region and yes, Turkey is now intent of killing the Kurdish people. However, none of that links to the Bangkok bombing.

OK. Ignore the fact that Uyghurs attacked the Thai embassy in Istanbul on 9 July.

Smashing a few windows and pulling down a flag are a little bit different from setting off bombs.

The Thais sent the Uighur back to China where there is every chance they got a bullet in their head.

The Thais broke long standing international convention about these refugees for political friendship.

A non fanatic Uighur could have been very angry if his relatives were in that group deported back. A fanatic would be absolutely enraged.

If it turns out to be a Uighur attack, Thailand will well and truly have egg on its face. What were they doing showing these people being transported with bags on their heads.

Really dumb Thai superiority.


Call me cynical, but if Mohamed is being dropped off in a hurry from Sathorn 10 to Asoke at 5:30 in the morning. I know of one place I would ask a few questions.

"When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles."

Horace Walpole

I actually think that, IF the motosi driver's account is credible, that this is a valid line of inquiry.

However, I'm not certain the motosi guy can be relied upon.


Call me cynical, but if Mohamed is being dropped off in a hurry from Sathorn 10 to Asoke at 5:30 in the morning. I know of one place I would ask a few questions.

"When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles."

Horace Walpole

I actually think that, IF the motosi driver's account is credible, that this is a valid line of inquiry.

However, I'm not certain the motosi guy can be relied upon.

There is more than one motorbike driver, it also confirms what the tuk tuk driver said to police the day before yesterday that he didn't speak Thai or English and looked "Khon Kaek". Nobody knows for sure but there is enough circumstantial evidence to at least follow that lead.


OK. Ignore the fact that Uyghurs attacked the Thai embassy in Istanbul on 9 July.

Nobody killed, nobody even seriously hurt. That's a far cry from a bomb in a popular shrine.

I'm not claiming it wasn't the Uyghurs. I don't know. But it's just as likely to be someone that wants to point the finger at them. That's a long list.

Or it could be a simple business dispute, another long list.

Maybe you missed this: http://www.euronews.com/2015/07/09/watch-thai-consulate-in-istanbul-attacked-in-protest-over-treatment-of-uighar/


If this is true and the passport photo is actually a much-better identifier of the suspect, then why is that photo not being released to the public? Not denying the motorbike taxi driver's story, just wondering why the police would not want an actual photo released after they've already released a sketch that, according to the moto-taxi man, doesn't look all that much like the actual person. If they're sure that this passport photo is their man, then it should be released worldwide and fast.


If this is true and the passport photo is actually a much-better identifier of the suspect, then why is that photo not being released to the public? Not denying the motorbike taxi driver's story, just wondering why the police would not want an actual photo released after they've already released a sketch that, according to the moto-taxi man, doesn't look all that much like the actual person. If they're sure that this passport photo is their man, then it should be released worldwide and fast.

There's a pretty good chance that every immigration official in every airport in the world is looking at a bulletin with that passport photo as I type this.

Not much use in making it public in Thailand if they have information that he's already outta here. Given that they didn't know it was him for several days, he may have used that same passport to leave the country that night- and his departure is in the computers. (I doubt he asked for a re-entry permit, but wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts?)


At the risk of being unnecessarily speculative, I think the link with Turkey needs to be pursued. There is a close link between the Uighurs and the Turks. Supposedly, the Uighurs that were returned were wanted by China for acts against the Chinese gov't -- what could be loosely described as terrorism. The remainder were allowed to travel to Turkey.

If those returned were in any way linked to international terrorism, then this could be the work of an organization that wants to revenge their return. This is speculation, but the dots connect tenuously.

Thailand is starting to be a crossroads of something that could be quite dangerous. This could be a game changer.

(Edit: I don't believe the Turkish gov't had anything to do with this).


He didn't leave that night if he stuck around to blow up bomb 2 the next day. But yeah I am sure he had no trouble leaving if he did.

They have CCTV video of someone placing what looks like that second bomb 30 minutes after the first one went off. It didn't go off until the next day.

10 minute BTS ride from Lumpini Park to the Taksin Bridge, so it could be the same guy, though he was wearing a blue shirt.

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