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Immigration Police Chief Moved To Inactive Post

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If we talk about nepotism, this a good example, just fire anyone, who have not been proven a threat, but only on the grounds that they are close to someone. Than put people in charge who are clos eto you. Ahh well in two years time we have to go an other round I suppose, when the guards will change again. Or everybody here is quite ignorant or stupid, or they simply love non democratic people.

If you have a cancer in your body you will have to get rid of all cells of it, not just tha main one, otherwise the resurrection is guaranteed and your lifetime limited. Cleaning all out and then monitor what comes appears to be quite intellgent.

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Just an observation which has aroused my curiousity and hope it is not way off topic.

There are / where a moment ago 376 viewing this thread of which 99 are members.

Most of these members names i am not familar with and many maybe are newbie,s.

This leaves 277 guests logged on.

As admin has already pointed out there are strict forum rules and just maybe.


Some of the senior members are renewing their interests in T.Visa after being dormant for x periods or there are trolls about.


Among the guests their are several making observations as to the content of our posts under the current situation and the guidelines we all follow

It wouldn,t take much from the newbie,s to plant feeders to entice reaction and comments contrary to our policies.

We must all keep this in mind when posting or reacting to newbie letters on all the relevant threads that are running, comes to mind.

The mods have a tough enough job keeping an eye on the situation and maybe we can assist them by.........

Staying coollllllllllllllllllllllll and don,t take the bait if i might be allowed to say.

In my own humble opinion of course.

marshbags :o:D:D


Posting as an interested T.Visa member by the way and again hope i,m not of topic to much.

Edited by marshbags
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Inactive posts are like an American general being sent to Greenland to watch a radar screen, but it preserves their face. Some of these cronies used to be real people with worthwide careers and Taskin corrupted them, so it is like the rest of this coup, .... gentle. :o

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Sonthi is really doing a first class job. What I still cannot come to grips with is this inactive posts business. Just fire them and be done with it. And make sure that they are never ever in a position in the future to wield their crooked agenda's.

you can not until you find something he did very wrong, as well as you can not in the west.

but you can move him to a positon where he sorts the photocopys of the farang passports accourding to the alphabet or make him officer of the immigration in ban nok.

Really love Sonthi cleaning all the thaksin junk out....


But remember "normal rules" doesn’t necessary apply during a coupe.

But having said that, it is as you guys say a better idea since the loss of face is larger than if he was just to get sacked. He will still have to face colleagues that where employees before. Also you will still be able to monitor activities from this person. If he was sacked you would have to use a larger scale operation to monitor him. Like someone said cleaning out the followers is as cleaning out cancer cells. Easier if you know where the cells are.

Edited by Oishi
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Among the guests their are several making observations as to the content of our posts under the current situation and the guidelines we all follow

It wouldn,t take much from the newbie,s to plant feeders to entice reaction and comments contrary to our policies.

We must all keep this in mind when posting or reacting to newbie letters on all the relevant threads that are running, comes to mind.

The mods have a tough enough job keeping an eye on the situation and maybe we can assist them by.........

Staying coollllllllllllllllllllllll and don,t take the bait if i might be allowed to say.

Good point Marshbags

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I Had noticed this myself. It may be simply that, when you click on a thread advertised by a "breaking news" email from Thai Visa, you do not automatically log-on, you read the forum as a guest. You are only forced to log-on if you wish to post etc. Due to the number of "breaking news" items of late, maybe more members are reading topics directly from the link from their email...

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If we talk about nepotism, this a good example, just fire anyone, who have not been proven a threat, but only on the grounds that they are close to someone. Than put people in charge who are clos eto you. Ahh well in two years time we have to go an other round I suppose, when the guards will change again. Or everybody here is quite ignorant or stupid, or they simply love non democratic people.

NEP O TISM (noun)

favoritism shown by somebody in power to relatives and friends, especially in appointing them to good positions.

I have yet to hear of or see anyone appointed to a lucrative money making position. I think the intent of Gen. Sondhi is to "stop the bleeding" so the new government can get an idea of the extent of damage that was done by the previous government officials. Such as....

1) The government subsidy of gasoline and deisel was stopped (for the good of the people)

2) The attemped privitazation of EGAT so a chosen few would sell and control the Thai power market. (So blatantly illegal it was stopped by the courts...Toxins courts!) (for the good of the people)

3) You can't buy gas after 10:00 pm (unless you want to pay double behind the station) (for the good of the people)

4) Wasn't it posted here sometime before that Mrs. T was selling parking concessions at the new airport for 300 mil. baht? How can a private citizen sell government assets? (for the good of...never mind)

Some of the above are "quality of life" issues...some are $$$ issues. Regardless, I'm very happy to see adult supervision returned to Thailand. We have no where to go but up.

And yes, I am ignorant, stupid and very mild mannered. As a matter of fact, if the meek shall inherit the earth, I'll be a land baron.

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Not a single descenting voice on the coup then.

I really hope it turns out bloodless and good for all. So far so good, but I don't see that the change will benefit foreigners. Many Thai's dislike too many foreigners in their country intensely and although they need the currency, it comes at a price.

I think the rules will be tightened in due time and recieve popular support, from many that just want to see less foreigners living and misbehaving in LOS. Not great changes as they need tourists and currency, but I really do not see any cause for celebration on this question. as the facts of control, income generation, illegal working and wanting a better class of foreigner to visit will not change.

There is even a remote possibility that the new administration will pander to a pouluar vote and make things harder for foreigners. After all this is just what many of us in Britain want our government to do and complaints about immigration are a hot topic.

I think the jury is out and it could go either way, but it is possible that we foreigners may even live to regret the removal of TAXIN. Now that would be bizzare!!!

I'd like to think that many here are celebrating the demise of the Thaksin regime, not because they necessarily think the next government will be more sympathetic to foreigners, but because they think Thaksin was bad for Thailand and Thai people.

None of the changes Thaksin implemented have really affected me personally in a negative way. Things like the Skytrain ond the subway have been very positive, and who knows if these would have been build under a different government (I know they were planned long before Thaksin). I just think that the long term damage to Thailand, it's democracy and Thai unity would have been extensive had Thaksin and TRT been allowed to rule for much longer.


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Finally; one who has the grasp of things........SADAKO..........Here here!........When will the 'self-confessed' experts on this country keep quiet before they type/speak?????..........One of 12 years solid-standing!............over & out........

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Finally; one who has the grasp of things........SADAKO..........Here here!........When will the 'self-confessed' experts on this country keep quiet before they type/speak?????..........One of 12 years solid-standing!............over & out........

Foxie, I am sure you tried to convey something very profound and it must be due to my intellectual handicap that I am completely unable to grasp it.



– “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” _ George Bernard Shaw

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I have a feeling the reshuffles arent being implemented to help border runners. But maybe the new guys in charge want to reach out to farangs and revoke the new laws, you never know.

Head of Immigration is a senior police position. So the job needs to be de-Thaksinated whatever. The urgency at this point would probably be to be able to control over Thaksin cronies leaving or entering the country. At least the new guy is unlikely to be any more unfriendly towards farangs than the round eye haters, Thaksin, Purachai etc.

Re inactive posts there is a very important element to this special Thai style sidelining. The inactive posts usually have no particular responsibilities other than signing in for work at the designated place. This means of course that they lose whatever opportunities for graft they had in their former position.

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I was listening to Army Radio this morning and the guy made many references to "Tham pen thai"....doing it the Thai way, or Thainess. Now how do you fit in with that, Farang?! What...get yourself a few flags and walk around flapping 'em in your yellow shirt?

I was having a massage in town the other day and one of the masseuses told me almost gloatingly, "Now the farang won't be able to stay more than three months." She doesn't own the joint, she's only an employee but I found her attitiude odd considering 50% of her clients happen to be farang. She seemed to be disappointed when I suggested that this being Thailand it remains to be seen how the new visa regulations will be implemented.

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Whilke we are currently not able discuss freely, after the dust settles it would be most interesting to see the money trail:

1. all the people who Thaksin replaced, who and where did the money trail lead from them?

2. the people Thaksin appointed, who and where did the money trail lead?

3. the new appointees replacing Thaksins appointments, who and where?

I'm confident this would be of interest to all who are actually interested in the truth, THE WHOLE TRUTH.

It would also be of interest to see full asset disclosure for ALL the parties involved in the current situation.

Surely the truth is the highest ideal of all concerned?

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I think <but am not 100% sure> that firing civil service folks is as hard to do here as in the West ..... until they can prove malfeasance etc.

You are correct. I have a tech (civil service) I would like to get rid of at the uni but not possible. Problem with these positions is they know they can't be fired so they feel they can do nearly anything without repercussions.

I had a similar problem child working with me. Got him a promotion to a section that was being closed down. :o

Do you suppose that they might reconsider all the new Visa rules that were to go into effect in one week?

October 1st not September, If I remember right for the new visa rules...

More importantly, I think they should reconsider the National Park fees. They last government said they would double them by next year in November for both Foreigners and Thai's. 400 Baht is a little expensive I think. I thought 200 Baht was already too expensive.

I have a feeling that for every 1 farang who will pay the 400 Baht, 10 won't, which will leave them with a net loss of 1600 Baht. If they reduced them to 100 Baht instead, I think they would get at least 10 times the customers they get now at the National Parks... but you guys all know that, so I am preaching to the converted. :D


Look here, some one is listening.

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I Had noticed this myself. It may be simply that, when you click on a thread advertised by a "breaking news" email from Thai Visa, you do not automatically log-on, you read the forum as a guest. You are only forced to log-on if you wish to post etc. Due to the number of "breaking news" items of late, maybe more members are reading topics directly from the link from their email...

bkkandrew - you are not neccessarily correct here.

Members who have their own computer

who just close their Thaivisa page


when they click on a link in an email

will automatically be Logged In to Thaivisa.

You can probably program your computer to prevent this from

happening if you wish - but my guress is that many members will

leave themselves Logged In

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I have a feeling the reshuffles arent being implemented to help border runners. But maybe the new guys in charge want to reach out to farangs and revoke the new laws, you never know.

Head of Immigration is a senior police position. So the job needs to be de-Thaksinated whatever. The urgency at this point would probably be to be able to control over Thaksin cronies leaving or entering the country. At least the new guy is unlikely to be any more unfriendly towards farangs than the round eye haters, Thaksin, Purachai etc.

Thaksin tried to cover all bases with his TRT textbook populism. Big business (cronyism and government concessions, corruption, old friends network), the rural poor (populist policies, 30 Baht healthcare, OTOP, village fund) as well as the "urban middle class" ("Thai Rak Thai"-nationalism, IMF-out, drug-war/92 percent of Bangkokians supporting the "war on drugs" at the time, disco cleanup to have the kids home early).

The first and second don't care much about foreigners. Big business profits from globalization and FTAS. The rural poor don't mind foreigners and they plug their OTOP and rice exports into the global economy with farm incomes rising.

The urban middle class is disillusioned with Thaksin being squeezed by globalization (FTAs, competition by foreigners) and the local taxman while they weren't able to restructure their debts as big business did at taxpayers' expense. They are also the most nationalistic group as they have most to lose from foreign competition. Recently TRT tried to appease them by squeezing foreigners out of the real estate business and tightening visa laws.

Still, they didn't forgive Thaksin selling "national assets" tax free to a foreign entity while the tax-man squeezes every last satang out of SMEs and small property owners to give to the rural poor and spend on mega projects (read: pass on to big business cronies).

Summing it up, the urban middle-class who wanted Thaksin out have the strongest xenophobic sentiment (while still ranking amongst the most welcoming people in the world), which you can also see from the messages their teenage daughters post on discussion boards. So I wouldn't expect the visa rules to get any laxer, the opposite might be true.

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Not a single descenting voice on the coup then.

I really hope it turns out bloodless and good for all. So far so good, but I don't see that the change will benefit foreigners. Many Thai's dislike too many foreigners in their country intensely and although they need the currency, it comes at a price.

I think the rules will be tightened in due time and recieve popular support, from many that just want to see less foreigners living and misbehaving in LOS. Not great changes as they need tourists and currency, but I really do not see any cause for celebration on this question. as the facts of control, income generation, illegal working and wanting a better class of foreigner to visit will not change.

There is even a remote possibility that the new administration will pander to a pouluar vote and make things harder for foreigners. After all this is just what many of us in Britain want our government to do and complaints about immigration are a hot topic.

I think the jury is out and it could go either way, but it is possible that we foreigners may even live to regret the removal of TAXIN. Now that would be bizzare!!!

Not Correct!

Reports in Dubai Newspaper - there were demonstrations outside

the New Shopping Mall near Siam Centre - but only in Groups of 5.

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A wise man said:

Be close to your friends,

but keep your ENEMIES closer.

This was likely Machiavelli. Not sure.

Now why one might ask.

If you can prevent them from getting up to mischief,

and groupings that are counter productive to your purpose,

then that is a positive.

How many exiled Kings or Princes, came back later to

haunt those who deposed them for good or not.

Innactive positions serve a good purpose in the short term.

Potential trouble spots can be easily monitored,

and kept isolated too. A prudent thing at this juncture.

As to ringers in here looking to foment trouble.

It seems a small idea, but not impossible.

I think most "involved parties" likely have much bigger fish to fry,

than to tease out some kevetching farangs, and computer literate,

and more worldly, Thais with attitudes..

But just in case, certainly be circumspect.

What once might have been JUST a fine rant,

could be a warning flag for someone

seriously worried about security at this time.

It is in ALL our BEST INTERESTS, to make this

transition, as smooth and easy as possible.

Smooth and easy = fast return to normalicy.

If certain limits are placed on bla bla bla, for the short term

until the powers that be are reasured there will not be

any burps in the process. This is a good thing.

I for one want NO hicups, burps or regurgitations...

i doubt that the immigration laws will suddenly roll back this week,

I think taking a closer look at border comings and goings,

as GROWN in importance for the short term.

But a new broom sweeps clean,

and we have a new broom in hand,

and it appears plenty of dirt!

So lets stay calm and thoughtful, but not arrogant, nor

dwell on conspiracy theories and worst case scenarios.

Let it all play out naturally.

Edited by animatic
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Being transfered to an inactive post generally has two consequences: No more tea money and no more promotions. Both of these losses are pretty significant.

I was going to point that out. You beat me to it!

"My new job is to do nothing. But, for a small fee, I could be persuaded to do it, in half the time."


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A wise man said:

Be close to your friends,

but keep your ENEMIES closer.

This was likely Machiavelli. Not sure.

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.


Chinese general & military strategist (~400 BC)

A little before Machievelli -------- :o

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The immigration laws and rules in Thailand are likely to be more strictly enforced in the years to come. Thailand will for sure continue to promote tourism. But I can not see them viewing boarder runners as a targeted group at all. I would not be surprised if even more restrictions for them will be introduced later on.

Another group that might face more difficulties are those farangs owning land through the company route.

Longsighted I hope Thailand is in for a good period which benefits the people of Thailand as well as us farangs having the privilege to live here.

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The immigration laws and rules in Thailand are likely to be more strictly enforced in the years to come. Thailand will for sure continue to promote tourism. But I can not see them viewing boarder runners as a targeted group at all. I would not be surprised if even more restrictions for them will be introduced later on.

Another group that might face more difficulties are those farangs owning land through the company route.

Longsighted I hope Thailand is in for a good period which benefits the people of Thailand as well as us farangs having the privilege to live here.

Could just NATIONALISE it without compensation...been done before... :D:o

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If you have a cancer in your body you will have to get rid of all cells of it, not just tha main one, otherwise the resurrection is guaranteed and your lifetime limited. Cleaning all out and then monitor what comes appears to be quite intellgent.

yes indeed, the coup is just the first step. it is important that the toxin placemen are stripped of power and influence in the event of a threatened return...and there will be...

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Just an observation which has aroused my curiousity and hope it is not way off topic.

There are / where a moment ago 376 viewing this thread of which 99 are members.

Most of these members names i am not familar with and many maybe are newbie,s.

This leaves 277 guests logged on.

As admin has already pointed out there are strict forum rules and just maybe.


Some of the senior members are renewing their interests in T.Visa after being dormant for x periods or there are trolls about.


Among the guests their are several making observations as to the content of our posts under the current situation and the guidelines we all follow

It wouldn,t take much from the newbie,s to plant feeders to entice reaction and comments contrary to our policies.

We must all keep this in mind when posting or reacting to newbie letters on all the relevant threads that are running, comes to mind.

The mods have a tough enough job keeping an eye on the situation and maybe we can assist them by.........

Staying coollllllllllllllllllllllll and don,t take the bait if i might be allowed to say.

In my own humble opinion of course.

marshbags :o:D:D


Posting as an interested T.Visa member by the way and again hope i,m not of topic to much.


OK, from a 'newbie' and guilty of being a voyeur for the last week or so since I signed on to this forum. Up until now, I've never read or even looked at forum sites before and therefore have been a bit reticent to comment or reply to certain posts that have evoked reaction whilst reading. Strangely enough, yours did cause me to want to reply, purely because I think you are absolutely correct in your views and wouldn't want to be considered a plant !! So I'm basically standing up and showing my face !

I think your views (and observations) 'could be' totally justified, and if this were the case, I feel it would not be in anybodys interest to rock the boat, especially at this delicate moment in time, and for this forum, to fly off at a tangent with his (or her.........are there any 'hers'?) statements that could 'feed plants' and effectively lock out the site !

So, in complete support, I say, well said and hope people get the message !

Right, my first post, hope it doesn't read as total gobbleaduke !!

Respects to all and more importantly...for Thailand...Long live the King

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