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I was in a restaurant Daytona Beach , Fla. Had disagreement with associate. Got up to go outside see the valet get the car.

Go outside, no valet, 12 women. Everyone with phone growing out of ear. None of them related, all of them yakity yak.

You want to know how to get something done and you turn to TV. good luck.

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Maybe they are on the iPad all day because there is nothing interesting to do when visiting the OP?

Maybe, indeed; It's a labour saving device like the washing machine - do away with it and you're looking at a lot of work!


Not quite kids, but the way I dealt with teenagers in my classes who would not stop playing with their mobile phones or ipads etc.

- Approach with a smile

- Still smiling, gently take away the offending object (teenager is too surprised to resist)

- Walk slowly to the rubbish bin, (stil smiling)

- Smile and drop offending object into bin from a height of 1 metre

- Smile at everyone and continue the lesson....

Well, it worked for me every time - my students NEVER broke the rules again smile.png

Did you actually get away with doing that? Did you never break any of them by dropping them in the bin?

I had to be content with taking them off the student, then they had to come to me in the staff room and get it back at the end of the day.


You stop kids from using the " i pad " by being a parent

Your house, your rules

They are not his kids. Now we're policing other's children.

Yes, I police other peoples kid's that come to my house

And, I agree that misbehaving kids (causing damage, disruptive etc etc) should be dealt with. But, we're talking about sitting quietly and minding their own business. Again, they're not his kids.


For my 3 year old daughter the cure has been a big box of Lego's (Duplo's for her age)

She now spends more time playing with these rather than trying to sneak onto youtube or playing one of the app games.

Same, Same here. 3 yr. girl has notebook with games, no internet in house. Depends on where you live. But, we're in the country on very small deadend soi, she is constantly riding bikes and playing with kids. Too much notebook is not an issue. Helps that neither parent has smart phone.


Explain to them that they can use them for a maximum of 2 hours a day and the rest of the time they can run, play, jump, exercise and do other interesting things ...

explain to them if they don't like it then they don't come anymore !! angry.png


I was in a restaurant Daytona Beach , Fla. Had disagreement with associate. Got up to go outside see the valet get the car.

Go outside, no valet, 12 women. Everyone with phone growing out of ear. None of them related, all of them yakity yak.

You want to know how to get something done and you turn to TV. good luck.

I lost the link between Fla. and turning to TV.


You stop kids from using the " i pad " by being a parent

Your house, your rules

They are not his kids. Now we're policing other's children.

Yes, I police other peoples kid's that come to my house

Ok to stop them running amok,but ipads are not his issue.


Surprised how no one has mentioned the true story of how steve jobs severely restricted his own children's' access to iPads etc….he reckoned it seriously screwed with the natural skills that kids should be learning at a young age.

Kids with over dependance on iPads iPhones etc grow up minus a lot of social skills and natural cognitive abilities…..they are just zombies who wouldn't know what to do if you took away their toys.


Cricket bat....1-2 hits twice daily or as required

You people are killing me.

OK all you smarty hairy legs,,

what do yo have?

if you have a cricket ball in one hand,

a cricket ball in another hand, what you

got? any ideas? you are holding a very

large cricket.


if they are not your kids, its not your battle.

likewise, unless you are willing to step up with an alternative, you should mind your own business. If you are willing to step up teake them out to do something, but i suspect you just want to complain.


i think there should be time locks on the kids i pads

so the parents have some control and be able to talk to them

control amount of brainless time spent in another world and time on this planet

If you don't have activities worthwile to them to replace the ipad time, you have no case.

  • 2 weeks later...

Your house your rules. I explain to people all the time if i'm out with them that they are being rude being on their phone all the time.

You need to take their attention away onto something else. Get some kids toys so they are in reality.

Explains it's bad for their health and they need to get at least 30 mins of sunlight a day and exercise. This is true by the way. Once you have gone out and played you can use your I pad again.

Video games and TV make people stupid. It's a fact... Tell them do you want to be stupid. Even put a clip on YouTube of stupid people, get them to laugh and say that is what happens if you on it all the time.

Limit their time to only in the evening. Use some tough love!

I kick people out of my house if they are on their smart phones all the time. I tell them to come back when they are ready to socialise with me.

Kids today lack basic social skills and it's causing obesity to sky rocket.

We live in a society in the west which is bases on addiction. Kids that are highly stimulate by these gadgets will looks for more and more as they get older. Peace of the mind requires no emotion. Teach them Buddhism would be a good substitute.

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