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Mini-Ice Age Coming?


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I'm born and raised in northern Minnesota (AKA: Satans Icehole). I've been throwing hot water into the air on a cold winter day with the same effect since I was a boy. More than half the world has never seen snow. No wonder they think this is shocking.

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What happened to "Global Warning" theories?..maybe it will be blowing hot and cold....I won't be around whichever way it turns out so it's back to the "living in the now" for this little buckaroo.

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Carbon taxes and carbon quotas are on the horizon and will be implemented worldwide if the 'warmists' get their way.

Only the rich should drive and have AC

Like with the wine in Thailand.....only for the rich.

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Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age.
Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic, scientists say.

hottest july recorded so far...or at least close.

i think the world is heating up...for now. I know in Chiang Mai it is.

Correct, but...during the period of global warming there will be 'mini ice-ages'. Proven.

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This is a rehash of the misinformation that was amplified through the global 'Climate Denier Echo Chamber' in August 2013. Two newspaper articles in the Danish Newspaper Jillands Polsen and the Irish Times flagging a 'solar minimum' may trigger an Ice Age. Some recent careless reporting by the Royal Astronomical Society has got the Climate Denier blogasphere all a twitter again.

A new 'Ice Age'? Nothing could be further from the truth.


Dr. Robert Massey Royal Astronomical Society

"No one is seriously suggesting the world is entering another Ice Age. The Lesson for us is even having the words 'Ice Age' in quotation marks was a mistake"

There is no connection between the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum and the 'River Thames Frost Fairs', As you can see the first recorded Frost Fair occurred in 1608 some 37 years prior to the start of the Maunder Minimum in 1645.


The Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum was not the cause of the Little Ice Age / Mini Ice Age as these were small cycles within this period and only effected parts of the Northern Hemisphere and were regional anomalies not Global anomalies.


Research is continuing to show the Earth may go into a Solar Minimum similar to the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum. What effect will this have on Global Warming?

A: Bugger All (scientific term)

The IPCC has done modelling using Feulner and Rahmstorf 2010 research on the equivalent of a Maunder Minimum AND a Dalton Minimum COMBINED ie: a Grand Solar Minimum which estimate the rate of cooling to be between 0.090C and 0.260C


So you can see BOTH solar Minimums combined will have little effect on the increase in Global Warming and for the Earth to drift into a Mini Ice Age it would require a Solar Minimum to not just flatten the line but have the Surface Temperature Anomaly trending down sharply.


As displayed in the graphic above as the Solar activity has decreased in recent years the Global Temperature Anomaly Trend has INCREASED.

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Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age.
Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic, scientists say.

hottest july recorded so far...or at least close.

i think the world is heating up...for now. I know in Chiang Mai it is.

"hottest july recorded so far...or at least close."

Really ?

1. What are the parameters of your data set ?

2. What is your definition of "record" ? ?

I found the time period around Songkran to be hotter than July.

Anyways... if they're correct... we are headed for a much colder climate before too long. Enjoy the heat while you have the chance. 55555 :)

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For anyone who is desperately interested in this whole subject you might, between beers, like to have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles . Sun spots and Trump's hot air are not yet factored in but I bet somebody will soon rectify that. There is little doubt that human intervention is contributing to global warming. How significant this intervention is however, is debatable.

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This is a rehash of the misinformation that was amplified through the global 'Climate Denier Echo Chamber' in August 2013. Two newspaper articles in the Danish Newspaper Jillands Polsen and the Irish Times flagging a 'solar minimum' may trigger an Ice Age. Some recent careless reporting by the Royal Astronomical Society has got the Climate Denier blogasphere all a twitter again.

A new 'Ice Age'? Nothing could be further from the truth.


Dr. Robert Massey Royal Astronomical Society

"No one is seriously suggesting the world is entering another Ice Age. The Lesson for us is even having the words 'Ice Age' in quotation marks was a mistake"

There is no connection between the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum and the 'River Thames Frost Fairs', As you can see the first recorded Frost Fair occurred in 1608 some 37 years prior to the start of the Maunder Minimum in 1645.


The Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum was not the cause of the Little Ice Age / Mini Ice Age as these were small cycles within this period and only effected parts of the Northern Hemisphere and were regional anomalies not Global anomalies.


Research is continuing to show the Earth may go into a Solar Minimum similar to the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum. What effect will this have on Global Warming?

A: Bugger All (scientific term)

The IPCC has done modelling using Feulner and Rahmstorf 2010 research on the equivalent of a Maunder Minimum AND a Dalton Minimum COMBINED ie: a Grand Solar Minimum which estimate the rate of cooling to be between 0.090C and 0.260C


So you can see BOTH solar Minimums combined will have little effect on the increase in Global Warming and for the Earth to drift into a Mini Ice Age it would require a Solar Minimum to not just flatten the line but have the Surface Temperature Anomaly trending down sharply.


As displayed in the graphic above as the Solar activity has decreased in recent years the Global Temperature Anomaly Trend has INCREASED.

Your chart starts in 1850... .about the same approx time that we came out of the Little Ice Age. I would expect it to warm a bit over one or two hundred years after the Little Ice Age. Wouldn't you ?

The I.P.C.C. says we warmed about 0.85 degree C between 1880 - 2012. A period of 132 years. That's not fast.. The Earth has had temperature shifts of as much as ten degrees in a decade in the past. (Abrupt Climate Change)

Anyways... there's a reason people that can afford it retire to the hot tropics... and not to the beautiful shores of Ellesmere Island or the north shore of Alaska.

It's the same reason that big resort chains and hotel chains don't bother to build in the Arctic. People like the hot tropics... not the cold areas.... Life prefers the heat and with some rain...

The Little Ice Age was not nice time. I hope we don't go back to those days.

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Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age.
Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic, scientists say.

hottest july recorded so far...or at least close.

i think the world is heating up...for now. I know in Chiang Mai it is.

"hottest july recorded so far...or at least close."

Really ?

1. What are the parameters of your data set ?

2. What is your definition of "record" ? ?

I found the time period around Songkran to be hotter than July.

Anyways... if they're correct... we are headed for a much colder climate before too long. Enjoy the heat while you have the chance. 55555 smile.png

This would be consistent with NASA / GISS Global Temperature measurements. Current temperature trend anomaly is here and you can also download the complete data set.


Also current temperature monitoring and analysis can be found at the following websites:

Met Office Hadley Centre (UK)

NOAA Climatic Data Centre (USA)

Japanese Meteorological Society (Japan)

All data sets can be downloaded.

Also Berkeley Earth can provide temperature monitoring and data sets.

They are pretty much main independent Peak Bodies that monitor Global Temperature data sets and analysis. Most countries feed their meteorological data into these institutions who carry out the Global Analysis.

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Around 1990 when I first read about climate change, the scientists predicted that there would be more extremes in all weather conditions. They also said that there would be a slow overall increase in global temperatures that at times would be tempered by some extreme cold conditions in some areas but that the overall world temperatures would continue to rise. I see nothing in this that is not true over the last 25 years. The biggest threat to the world appears to be the slowing down of major ocean currents around the world. This was predicted 25 years ago as well. A huge carbon capture is the algae in the sea but we appear to be slowly poisoning the sea and plundering many fish species that are part of the food and algae chain. Meanwhile we are decimating our forests, increasing pasture to encourage methane producing ruminants, burning more fossil fuel and breeding up more. Of course all of this is just what I have read, but can climate change deniers honestly refute the visible overall evidence without pulling out a few examples of when it has gotten colder in some small places in some years.

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So should I go back to using plastic bags? Just trying to do my part....

Do not throw away those plastic bags. Choose your side, warm or cold , then fill the bags with that kind of air for the future. I'm choosing hot air and am saving up all the hot air I can get my hands on. It'l be valuable during the solar minimum.

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Around 1990 when I first read about climate change, the scientists predicted that there would be more extremes in all weather conditions. They also said that there would be a slow overall increase in global temperatures that at times would be tempered by some extreme cold conditions in some areas but that the overall world temperatures would continue to rise. I see nothing in this that is not true over the last 25 years. The biggest threat to the world appears to be the slowing down of major ocean currents around the world. This was predicted 25 years ago as well. A huge carbon capture is the algae in the sea but we appear to be slowly poisoning the sea and plundering many fish species that are part of the food and algae chain. Meanwhile we are decimating our forests, increasing pasture to encourage methane producing ruminants, burning more fossil fuel and breeding up more. Of course all of this is just what I have read, but can climate change deniers honestly refute the visible overall evidence without pulling out a few examples of when it has gotten colder in some small places in some years.

One of the major problems/challenges facing us is how to feed our ever growing world population. To increase food production necessitates making more land available for agriculture, This is going to be at the expense of the tropical jungles which are the lungs of the world. So what is the solution? Reduce the world population, but thats an antisocial solution. Increase food production by improved efficiency...a temporary solution. I cannot see an answer to this so I hope that somebody, some day can.

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Global warming should only be discussed while you are in a bar half shot with the other punters, it's a good topic when your mow to take the piss out of someone. Why is it when my ice melts in my glass it does now overflow?? Because it took a sip while he wasn't looking.

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Around 1990 when I first read about climate change, the scientists predicted that there would be more extremes in all weather conditions. They also said that there would be a slow overall increase in global temperatures that at times would be tempered by some extreme cold conditions in some areas but that the overall world temperatures would continue to rise. I see nothing in this that is not true over the last 25 years. The biggest threat to the world appears to be the slowing down of major ocean currents around the world. This was predicted 25 years ago as well. A huge carbon capture is the algae in the sea but we appear to be slowly poisoning the sea and plundering many fish species that are part of the food and algae chain. Meanwhile we are decimating our forests, increasing pasture to encourage methane producing ruminants, burning more fossil fuel and breeding up more. Of course all of this is just what I have read, but can climate change deniers honestly refute the visible overall evidence without pulling out a few examples of when it has gotten colder in some small places in some years.

The debate is over mans influence if any not whether its warming or not

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Around 1990 when I first read about climate change, the scientists predicted that there would be more extremes in all weather conditions. They also said that there would be a slow overall increase in global temperatures that at times would be tempered by some extreme cold conditions in some areas but that the overall world temperatures would continue to rise. I see nothing in this that is not true over the last 25 years. The biggest threat to the world appears to be the slowing down of major ocean currents around the world. This was predicted 25 years ago as well. A huge carbon capture is the algae in the sea but we appear to be slowly poisoning the sea and plundering many fish species that are part of the food and algae chain. Meanwhile we are decimating our forests, increasing pasture to encourage methane producing ruminants, burning more fossil fuel and breeding up more. Of course all of this is just what I have read, but can climate change deniers honestly refute the visible overall evidence without pulling out a few examples of when it has gotten colder in some small places in some years.

One of the major problems/challenges facing us is how to feed our ever growing world population. To increase food production necessitates making more land available for agriculture, This is going to be at the expense of the tropical jungles which are the lungs of the world. So what is the solution? Reduce the world population, but thats an antisocial solution. Increase food production by improved efficiency...a temporary solution. I cannot see an answer to this so I hope that somebody, some day can.

And against religion

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Global warming should only be discussed while you are in a bar half shot with the other punters, it's a good topic when your mow to take the piss out of someone. Why is it when my ice melts in my glass it does now overflow?? Because it took a sip while he wasn't looking.

H2O has a 'dipole moment'. As a solid it becomes LESS dense. As a liquid it becomes MORE Dense. So no need to take a sip.

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Climate change is normal. Even Mars is warming. Politicians who use their power to tell you otherwise (ahem..Al Gore..Obama) are fear mongering profiteers. Google it. Al Gore created hysteria and owns a carbon credit company and his wealth is soaring to the tune of $200,000,000-$300,000,000. Thats the same as me lighting your house on fire and then selling you a fire extinguisher. This is a not get rich quick scheme. It's a get SUPER rich quick scheme. Get informed.

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Well that's the spin the global warming industry puts on it, because it's getting hotter its getting colder, more grant money please..

The reality is much simpler, the solar minimums are creating colder temps, early winter condistions and shortened summers, and more extreme colds, just like they did last time there were solar minimums, why shouldnow be anydifferent ?

Seriously? Grant money? That's pocket change. Oil, chemical and car companies will pay 100x as much every year to climate change deniers. Add to that the amount spent by lumber and construction interests, maritime companies, big agra, airlines and others. (Just like tobacco companies paid their cancer deniers off for decades).

And, of course, there are the forces behind carbon credits and other financial tomfoolery that will pay people to publish the opposite.

The money spent on legitimate, unbiased research doesn't hold a candle. And when we do snap to the fact that we've screwed the pooch, it's going to be too late to reverse it.

Myself, I'm investing in future beachfront property in the Mojave Desert. I may not get to cash in, but my nieces and nephews? Maybe.

Edited by impulse
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Climate change is normal. Even Mars is warming. Politicians who use their power to tell you otherwise (ahem..Al Gore..Obama) are fear mongering profiteers. Google it. Al Gore created hysteria and owns a carbon credit company and his wealth is soaring to the tune of $200,000,000-$300,000,000. Thats the same as me lighting your house on fire and then selling you a fire extinguisher. This is a not get rich quick scheme. It's a get SUPER rich quick scheme. Get informed.

Mars is not warming. Globally it is cooling. We don't live there anyway.

Al Gore is not a Climate Scientist he is a commentator on the science of Global Warming and Climate Change.

Scientific fraud is almost impossible to go undetected. Very easily revealed.

Clean energy systems will make many people, companies and Nations VERY VERY wealthy. On that basis it is a VERY 'get SUPER rich quick scheme'. Government Carbon Taxes and ETS instruments are revenue neutral. They are only market place 'price signals'.

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Well that's the spin the global warming industry puts on it, because it's getting hotter its getting colder, more grant money please..

The reality is much simpler, the solar minimums are creating colder temps, early winter condistions and shortened summers, and more extreme colds, just like they did last time there were solar minimums, why shouldnow be anydifferent ?

Seriously? Grant money? That's pocket change. Oil, chemical and car companies will pay 100x as much every year to climate change deniers. Add to that the amount spent by lumber and construction interests, maritime companies, big agra, airlines and others. (Just like tobacco companies paid their cancer deniers off for decades).

And, of course, there are the forces behind carbon credits and other financial tomfoolery that will pay people to publish the opposite.

The money spent on legitimate, unbiased research doesn't hold a candle. And when we do snap to the fact that we've screwed the pooch, it's going to be too late to reverse it.

Myself, I'm investing in future beachfront property in the Mojave Desert. I may not get to cash in, but my nieces and nephews? Maybe.

Here is some of that pocket change.

Based US government reports, SEPP calculated that from Fiscal Year (FY) 1993 to FY 2013 total US expenditures on climate change amount to more than $165 Billion. More than $35 Billion is identified as climate science. The White House reported that in FY 2013 the US spent $22.5 Billion on climate change. About $2 Billion went to US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The principal function of the USGCRP is to provide to Congress a National Climate Assessment (NCA). The latest report uses global climate models, which are not validated, therefor speculative, to speculate about regional influences from global warming.

Much of the remaining 89% of funding goes to goes to government agencies and industries claiming they are preventing global warming/climate change, even though they do not understand the natural causes of climate change and, likely, far overestimate the influence of CO2. These entities have a vested interest in promoting the fear of global warming/climate change.

It is time for the government to stop funding irrational fear of global warming/climate change based on a concept of climate that is not substantiated by the physical evidence. If we are to progress in our understanding of climate change, the paradigm must be changed from one that earth’s temperatures are largely controlled by atmospheric CO2, to one which recognizes that climate change is normal and predominately natural. Human CO2 emissions have little, if any, influence on temperatures and other climate trends. link http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2014/07/on-global-warming-follow-the-money.php

and more

Climate action is a key priority for the EU. To respond to challenges and investment needs related to climate change, the EU has agreed that at least 20% of its budget for 2014-2020 – as much as €180 billion − should be spent on climate change-related action.

To achieve this increase, mitigation and adaptation actions will be integrated into all major EU spending programmes, in particular cohesion policy, regional development, energy, transport, research and innovation and the Common Agricultural Policy. The EU’s development policy will also contribute to achieving the 20% overall commitment, with an estimated €1.7bn in 2014-2015 and €14bn over the years 2014-2020 for climate spending in developing countries. Link

You must have really big pockets

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There is no connection between the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum and the 'River Thames Frost Fairs', As you can see the first recorded Frost Fair occurred in 1608 some 37 years prior to the start of the Maunder Minimum in 1645.

up2u2: PRIOR to the Maunder Minimum was the Sporer Minimum and another minimum, just like the dalton minimum was after the MM, I ALREADY covered that so please read the OP and the arstech article before making your comments. Also the Mini Ice Age was not an even steven event over 400 years, it had it's ups and downs with its most downs during the Maunder Minimum.

First of all when debating this we need to be on the same page as to what is a "Mini Ice-Age"?

IMO the MIA is a series of cold phenomenon like the frozen Thames river and frozen north seas and frozen Venice Italy and frozen Florida Everglades, and gulf of mexico waters, it doesn't mean there are no summers or that it doesn't still get hot.

These cold events that happened mostly during the MM will happen again even if some charts show that human activity is warming the planet using temperature readings at specific locations that have often seen urban sprawl. These cold events will still occur even if your charts show the warming is less superficial than that, it would be illogical to think that human co2 emissions will somehow prevent very cold conditions caused by the solar minimums.

The notion that human created global warming will prevent cold was just bursted in that 2014 polar vortex, that was the first polar vortex to hit the USA since 1985 and the one in 1985 was actually just over Maine, where as this one plunged through into Ohio and middle america, with the solar minimums more of the vortexes will come in the near future and they will get more powerful. tailpipes and black asphalt can't stop weather patterns like that.


This was also in 2014, a rare event, even Hamaii which is on the tropic of cancer, so cold phenomenon are already happening and we are only about 2% into these solar minimums.

This is a rehash of the misinformation that was amplified through the global 'Climate Denier Echo Chamber' in August 2013. Two newspaper articles in the Danish Newspaper Jillands Polsen and the Irish Times flagging a 'solar minimum' may trigger an Ice Age. Some recent careless reporting by the Royal Astronomical Society has got the Climate Denier blogasphere all a twitter again.

A new 'Ice Age'? Nothing could be further from the truth.


Dr. Robert Massey Royal Astronomical Society

"No one is seriously suggesting the world is entering another Ice Age. The Lesson for us is even having the words 'Ice Age' in quotation marks was a mistake"

There is no connection between the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum and the 'River Thames Frost Fairs', As you can see the first recorded Frost Fair occurred in 1608 some 37 years prior to the start of the Maunder Minimum in 1645.


The Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum was not the cause of the Little Ice Age / Mini Ice Age as these were small cycles within this period and only effected parts of the Northern Hemisphere and were regional anomalies not Global anomalies.


Research is continuing to show the Earth may go into a Solar Minimum similar to the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum. What effect will this have on Global Warming?

A: Bugger All (scientific term)

The IPCC has done modelling using Feulner and Rahmstorf 2010 research on the equivalent of a Maunder Minimum AND a Dalton Minimum COMBINED ie: a Grand Solar Minimum which estimate the rate of cooling to be between 0.090C and 0.260C


So you can see BOTH solar Minimums combined will have little effect on the increase in Global Warming and for the Earth to drift into a Mini Ice Age it would require a Solar Minimum to not just flatten the line but have the Surface Temperature Anomaly trending down sharply.


As displayed in the graphic above as the Solar activity has decreased in recent years the Global Temperature Anomaly Trend has INCREASED.

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I remember some greedy businessman, named Al Gore, spreading an "Inconvenient Lie"... over a decade ago. Will he be held responsible? Will he ever be questioned about the 20 or so air-conditioning units in his luxurious villa??? No, because the majority of us humans are stupid, lazy and ignorant sheeple who won't deserve better than being lied at. We basically beg all those opportunist f__ks to lie to us, we love it! ermm.gif

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