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China cuts interest rates again to spur economic growth

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In reality, I don't think any country wants China to fail. It's really not in anybody's interest. With failure, comes instability, and with a population as large as China and a gov't which tends toward dealing with unrest rather strictly, failing would be dangerous to more than just China.

It would be nice if the Chinese gov't had more credibility in the information that is released.

proof for your claim is that some people are raving and ranting, others are shitting in their pants all because the Chinese let the value of their currency drop to (presently) minus 1.81%, an insignificant percentage when compared with most other daily currency fluctuations.

He who thinks the only issue is a mild change of the yuan value and exchange rate are missing the elephant in the room, which is the whole of the command economy that is suddenly disobeying almost all the commands.

Xi Jinping and PM Li Kejiang are committed economic reformers who know their CCP dream of a nightmare is cooked without reform of the economy. The two are trying to bring the yuan more in line with the markets, which would be good for the CCP China. After all, such a mild tweaking of the yuan, as unexpected as it was and done at such an inopportune time, is not going to reverse the rapid short term decline of exports or their longer term constant decline since 2012. So that wasn't it at all.

It's like the movie Speed with Sandra Bulloch and Keanu Reeves. Go below a certain speed the bus blows with everyone on it or near it. The CCP economy is much the same. It can be reformed but the process of reform cannot cause or result in growth falling off too very much. The threshold of the bus blasting apart is growth of less than 7%. Which is why the Boyz keep reciting that they are getting 7% growth.

They are not getting 7% annual growth, not last year, not this year, and certainly not next year. I reiterate Daiwa which is the biggest securities house in Japan projects 20% off GDP by the end of 2018. That alone is catastrophic.

Lombard Research says the CCP economy is currently in recession. There's more, lots more with some estimates being rather generous at 2.2% growth this year. The most optimistic views say less than 4% growth this year for sure, if not worse.

China is not going to disappear between now and the end of 2018 or even by the end of another critical point in its economic times, 2020. But the CCP might.

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In reality, I don't think any country wants China to fail. It's really not in anybody's interest. With failure, comes instability, and with a population as large as China and a gov't which tends toward dealing with unrest rather strictly, failing would be dangerous to more than just China.

It would be nice if the Chinese gov't had more credibility in the information that is released.

If they did that ...they won't really be communist right ? They would be disappointing a lot of people including some doom squads here in this forum

Even USA has enough corporate secrets that the NSA don't want to revealed for fear of the leaks on how much government interference there is in the "free economy"

USA economy remains a free market economy that experiences varying states of regulation, over-regulation, deregulation, neglected regulation, the latter leading to the 2008 great recession. That the US economy has become tilted in favor of big corporations does not mean the US financial market is over regulated or controlled by the government.

The complaint in the US is vice-versa which is the familiar refrain about the state owned corporations in the CCP China, i.e., the state corporations are dictating to the CCP rather than the other way around. This is what has killed economy reforms dead.

The vital factor inherent to the successes of the US economy is nonetheless that people everywhere can believe the data from the government in respect of the national economy. This is not the case with the CCP Boyz of Beijing.

Each year as global markets total up GDP data for China they see inherent contradictions. Most prominently, the GDP aggregated in the reports by all the provinces always exceeds the GDP amount issued by the Boyz of Beijing for the national economy. This is unique to the CCP China. Everyone knows the Boyz GDP data is anyway inflated, some say by upwards of 20% annually.

In fact PM Li Kejiang who is without a doubt an economic reformer (a very frustrated one) gave away the store in 2007 when he was party secretary of the booming Henan province, saying to the US ambassador the data coming out of China was "man made." Global markets on cue have since used what quickly became known as the Li Kejiang Index to better measure economic growth in the CCP China. Here's why....

Li famously said back then if one wanted to accurately read the CCP economy, you had to examine three things: electricity consumption, volume of rail cargo, amount of loans disbursed. Li the lawyer said GDP data from Beijing was "for reference only." So where does this lead us? Total energy consumption in 2014 increased by 2.2 percent while the Boyz of Beijing reported GDP growth of 7.4%. Rail freight decreased by 3.07% and 2014 loans disbursed increased by 5% in a banking system already bloated by large amounts of unpaid and non-payable debt.

While the US Government releases its annual GDP data toward the end of Q2, the CCP Boyz have their complete annual GDP data up and reported in the middle of each January.


It is no secret the US has $600 billion of investments in the CCP China and that the CCP has authorised greater CCP Chinese investments in the US. The two economies are already intertwined and becoming more so.

The TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership is about trade and excludes the CCP until they agree to play by legitimate rules. If the CCP doesn't agree, then it doesn't agree. TPP membership is already expanding beyond the founding 11 (four really, going back to 2006).

Each government has laws prohibiting ownership of communication, transportation, defense.

Conversely Bank of America owned 20% of China Construction Bank as did HSBC (20%) and the Bank of New York owned another 20% making the huge bank based in Guangzhou City foreign owned. Each recently sold most or all of their interests while the selling wuz good. The three banks brought the state owned CCB up to global banking standards which is why I did my banking with CCB and BoA. Then the three US or UK banks took the money and ran. The rest of the CCP's banks suck.


This is a three part post. Here is part one.....


Part Two is that the CCP China is still China with its 500,000,000 new middle class CCP Chinese and no matter what there is still money to be made in the CCP China by the CCP and by foreign investors whether they are institutional investors or otherwise.

Part Three is that Asia's richest man has cleared out of the CCP China. The link provides a thorough and excellent analysis of investment in the CCP China.

Hong Kong Tycoon Li Ka-shing's China Withdrawal Highlights Broader Problems: Analysts

After Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, Asia’s richest man, recently moved his investments out of China, state media accused him of being unethical and ungrateful, fleeing China when the economy was slowing despite having profited handsomely in better times. He Qinglian, a noted economist, explores the tensions between power and capital in today’s China.

Li Ka-shing’s “escape” has sparked heated discussions in China. This debate should be understood as a war between power and capital; it reveals the tripartite dilemma of investing in today’s China.


Li Ka-Shing owns the Apple Daily in Hong Kong which advocates democracy in the CCP territory and on the mainland. His editors were mugged, beaten, knifed, and the CCP Boyz in Beijing harassed Mr. Li in all of his businesses and daily life in Hong Kong.

Last month Li completed the transfer of his corporate empire out of the CCP China, relocating most of it to Taiwan where the Democratic Progressive Party which advocates the independent Republic of Taiwan remains on track for a sweeping victory in the January election of a new president.

Mr Li was a prominent figure day and night throughout the pro-democracy Umbrella Movement last year in Hong Kong. Anyone who wants to invest in the CCP China might do well to consult with Mr. Li Ka-Shing.


Now China have more billionaires than the US. They might also consider diversifying a bit over the next few years.


Doesn't really matter ...the racists posters would say they made it on the backs of some poor Chinese ....they won't really regard this as a personal success

The Chinese have long known there are some hater groups out there ...if this was an American it would be celebrated as an act of determined entrepreneurship ...if this was a Chinese ...

Probably why many of us just choose to continue to make our own successes and ignore the critics.


Do you found it ironic, Publicus, how you were playing the "conservatives are racist bigots" line on the other thread, and now the same "you're racist against Chinese" card is being pulled on you for criticizing the antics of the CCP Boyz?



Don't know if this is too irrelevant but more from Trump about China. He claims - starting around 18:56 - that China is ripping off the US very consciously - the Boeing deal, tariffs, visas - and he says that the negotiation on the US side is "stupid" - and China knows this. It isn't stupid and acts (as any country should) in its self-interest. He claims the US is neglecting its power in the negotiation - primarily economic power - and China is laughing about how stupid the US is on this. Another thing that comes to mind - the investment "rich kid" visa is a mere $500,000 USD to buy, plus a few tens of thousands of dollars in bribes on the Chinese side. Just as with Mexico, it is not the best and brightest getting these, more like the dirtiest and most corrupt, so what will the response be on the US side? Trump says they are laughing after pulling off one of the biggest thefts in history (he adds that he loves China, people in China love him, and he beats China all the time). I would add that people who get practice ripping others off end up ripping themselves off but Trump points out how to deal with it straight-up.


Do you found it ironic, Publicus, how you were playing the "conservatives are racist bigots" line on the other thread, and now the same "you're racist against Chinese" card is being pulled on you for criticizing the antics of the CCP Boyz?

Produce one post in which this poster is alleged to to have said "conservatives are racist bigots" or anything like it or words to that effect. This poster.

When you cannot you must apologise to this poster for slandering his character. Nevermind about anyone else or their character, the focus you put is on this poster.

Produce one such post.

This poster will wait a reasonable period of time.

Produce or apologise, so you may as well apologise now because this poster does not use the word 'bigot' and rarely uses the word 'racist.' This poster is conscious and consistent in his use of pejoratives and in selecting which pejoratives to use and which to not use; done on a consistent basis. There is almost always some exception so one references conscious consistency as a matter of writing style, content, substance, form.



As is shown in my post above, the World Economic Forum disagrees with Trump's political rhetoric and vote attention-getting bombast. Of 140 nations ranked for most competitive economy, US is number 3 and the CCP China is a most distant 28th.

WEF defines competitiveness as, “the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of an economy, which in turn sets the level of prosperity that the country can earn.” It looks at 114 different indicators that “capture concepts that matter for productivity,” and weights them based on a given country’s economic development.

The USA for instance does not have the burdens of doing business in the CCP China, such as very high taxes, heavy regulation and government control, a very high separation pay to employees, among many other factors. The USA in contrast has business supportive policies and infrastructure, to include:

  • It’s the easiest place in the world to get around via airplane;
  • It’s the easiest place in the world for businesses to “differentiate their products and services” using marketing;
  • The U.S. economy has experienced very low inflation of late

For someone who hasn't ever been in politics as a candidate or had held elected public office, Trump has easily and readily become a cheap sleazebag politician whose specialty is to run at the mouth..

Trump also makes fast and loose judgments despite his complete lack of any diplomatic experience or preparation. Being a global corporate executive is quite different from being a global national leader or diplomat to include regional organisations of nations such as Asean, the G-20; as well as knowing something of the UN, IMF World Bank and the like.

Donald Trump is just another China basher who likes to play the glad-hander who, further, pretends he is welcome among the leaders and the people of the CCP China. Here's the official CCP statement about Trump the candidate for prez.....

Asked about the Republican presidential candidate's repeated verbal attacks on Beijing in a news conference Tuesday, China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said the nation is focused more on what the official government says.

"Everyone [outside of China] has the right to air his or her personal opinion, but it is the policies towards China adopted by the U.S. government and the mainstream opinion of the U.S. people that we value more," spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.

"Decades of development of China-U.S. relations proves that despite various voices and disturbances that may occur from time to time, bilateral relations keep moving forward," Hua said.


In the meantime, find out who in the United States the CCP and the CCP Chinese fear and detest most

What President Hillary Clinton could mean for China

As US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made history when she introduced the US “pivot to Asia” during a 2010 trip to Vietnam, by declaring ...

The Chinese Internet Hates Hillary Clinton Even More than …
Foreign Policy

Hillary Clinton may be the most hated woman in China
PRI-Apr 13, 2015


Do you found it ironic, Publicus, how you were playing the "conservatives are racist bigots" line on the other thread, and now the same "you're racist against Chinese" card is being pulled on you for criticizing the antics of the CCP Boyz?

Produce one post in which this poster is alleged to to have said "conservatives are racist bigots" or anything like it or words to that effect. This poster.

When you cannot you must apologise to this poster for slandering his character. Nevermind about anyone else or their character, the focus you put is on this poster.

Produce one such post.

This poster will wait a reasonable period of time.

Produce or apologise, so you may as well apologise now because this poster does not use the word 'bigot' and rarely uses the word 'racist.' This poster is conscious and consistent in his use of pejoratives and in selecting which pejoratives to use and which to not use; done on a consistent basis. There is almost always some exception so one references conscious consistency as a matter of writing style, content, substance, form.


It's readily available via a quick search of the forums. But what about the other slur on you, inside this thread, that implies you are "racist" for criticizing - rather obsessively I might add - the "Boyz in Beijing", who ironically teach that the Han race is superior, meanwhile committing elaborate scams to run off to other countries with their cash and families in tow.


And on China re: Trump, it appears he is simply going over their face so far, much like The Onion spoof in 2012 about Kim Jong Un, it took them a while to understand it. It strikes me their intense dislike of Hillary is a Cain vs. Abel scenario, or two competing siblings scenario, the two are cut from the same clothe and this causes extraordinary and irrational distaste, like a pig who gorges out and is disgusted to see himself in the mirror. Otherwise it is the same status quo. Once they realize what Trump is, they will like him. He outright says, again, "People say I don't like China...I love China. People in China love me. I beat China all the time. I just sold a man from China a property for $15 million."

Not really relevant to the OP, but since it is about yet another of China's famous scams, and someone who points this out in a frank manner, it sort of is.


The Chinese would probably favour Trump ...he's an idiot and if you put the country in his hands.... be interesting to see who has to reduce interest rates to spur growth but then again there is not much you can cut from an interest rate that is almost zero for years

I personally think Obama makes a better more dignified president but he has served his terms and it's time to retire to the lecture circuits


Do you found it ironic, Publicus, how you were playing the "conservatives are racist bigots" line on the other thread, and now the same "you're racist against Chinese" card is being pulled on you for criticizing the antics of the CCP Boyz?

Produce one post in which this poster is alleged to to have said "conservatives are racist bigots" or anything like it or words to that effect. This poster.

When you cannot you must apologise to this poster for slandering his character. Nevermind about anyone else or their character, the focus you put is on this poster.

Produce one such post.

This poster will wait a reasonable period of time.

Produce or apologise, so you may as well apologise now because this poster does not use the word 'bigot' and rarely uses the word 'racist.' This poster is conscious and consistent in his use of pejoratives and in selecting which pejoratives to use and which to not use; done on a consistent basis. There is almost always some exception so one references conscious consistency as a matter of writing style, content, substance, form.


It's readily available via a quick search of the forums. But what about the other slur on you, inside this thread, that implies you are "racist" for criticizing - rather obsessively I might add - the "Boyz in Beijing", who ironically teach that the Han race is superior, meanwhile committing elaborate scams to run off to other countries with their cash and families in tow.

Produce or apologise.

"implies" is as slipshod and as slippery as is the original wrong accusation this poster calls people "racist bigots."

Produce or apologise.


The sooner the financial side of China implodes the better. Their trillions of dollars will be flooding the forex markets which which leads to velocity induced inflation in the dollar. Then the run will be on. Brazil has 295 billion dollars in treasury paper too. They will be next to liquidate to fund their expenses. Which will dump even more dollars on the forex markets. Countries don't export for the privilege of funding US profligacy. They export to pay for imports and save the difference for a rainy day and guess what, its raining. And they will soon find out that it wasn't such a good idea to save the difference with uncashed checks from the US. The first one out profits the most.

The financial side of China will indeed collapse (and bring a certain other financialized economy down with it), but when the dust settles, they still have all the capital goods in the form of plants , factories and equipment. Most of these economies live in the real world and are subject to a business cycle. They are not in the business of enforcing the petrodollar and gunpoint and running dollars through financial meth labs in New York and London.

US Treasury yields are up this week. The more it looks like there may be a recessionary/deflationary cycle the more people want to hold USD - been that way for a long time. If China sells USD to raise money to prop up its Yuan, stock market, banks, real estate market - others will only get more worried and buy USD as they have been this past week.

China also can't sell itself out of USD or it will be out of the international trading market - something it can't do. Same for Brazil.

China is between a rock and a hard place and is a lot worse off than it's admitting. Its financial issues are easy for the world to see, though.

When bond prices fall, bond yields rise. So those rising yields you are seeing, are US treasury prices falling. (China dumping treasuries probably has something to do with it)

During the 1000's of point selloff in the dow in the last week, the dollar fell. It did not rise. The Euro went way up. Just today, with US stocks down, the dollar also went down and the Euro up.

China and Brazil have inked currency swaps all over the world. Bypassing the dollar.

China dumping treasuries probably has something to do with it

Hey Harsh, you're being called back into action again by the course of events and developments.

The usual song and dance of you and the other Austrian school marginals' always laughable predictions are now being put to the test.

The CCP Boyz are moving US treasuries at a record clip and pace as global markets had predicted after the yuan devaluation in August. So guess what....the United States is ready, has been ready and as expected is dealing effectively with it. Really, who thinks the United States is ever at any time for any reason going to leave itself wide open to the financial whims of an evil foreign government, which is what the CCP (and Russia) are.

We know the Boyz hold more than $1 Trillion usd in their forex reserves. We also know youze guyz of the Austrian school and Zeppo Hinge Zero Hedge have predicted with an iron certainty such a movement will put the final nail in the coffin of the United States of America.

I can't say I hate to disappoint youze guyz but then again, it wuz never going to be otherwise.....

China's Selling Tons of U.S. Debt. Americans Couldn't Care Less.

For all the dire warnings over China’s retreat from U.S. government debt, there is one simple fact that is being overlooked: American demand is as robust as ever.

Not only are domestic mutual funds buying record amounts of Treasuries at auctions this year, U.S. investors are also increasing their share of the $12.9 trillion market for the first time since 2012,

The buying has been crucial in keeping a lid on America’s financing costs as China -- the largest foreign creditor with about $1.4 trillion of U.S. government debt -- pares its stake for the first time since at least 2001. Yields on benchmark Treasuries have surprised almost everyone by falling this year, dipping below 2 percent last week.

It’s not the scenario that doomsayers predicted would leave the U.S. vulnerable to China’s whims.


The reality is that the CCP Boyz' rapid and huge movement of US Treasuries out of its forex reserves --called Reserve Reverse-- means a coming soon sharp increase of inflation, a increase in the already shortage of USDollars in-country, an unavoidable sharp decrease of the yuan value, a greater increase in the flight of already fleeing capital out of the country and a lot more.

It's the Impossible Trinity again that caused the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the 1994 crisis of the Mexican peso Prez Clinton had to bail out, the Argentine bankruptcy and the son of Argentine bankruptcy (two of 'em), the recession in Brazil, the 73% inflation rate in Venezuela, the bust occurring in Russia, the submerging emerging markets.....the list gets very long again.

Impossible Trinity of economics and finance has always said that a government cannot do the three things the Boyz have always done and live to tell the tale:a closed capital account; a monetary policy separate from global markets; a pegged currency separate from the global markets. Well, the Boyz are three for three and counting as the bubbles burst and the world looks on while the Boyz demonstrate their reverse midas touch.

Stay tuned.


In reality, I don't think any country wants China to fail. It's really not in anybody's interest. With failure, comes instability, and with a population as large as China and a gov't which tends toward dealing with unrest rather strictly, failing would be dangerous to more than just China.

It would be nice if the Chinese gov't had more credibility in the information that is released.

proof for your claim is that some people are raving and ranting, others are shitting in their pants all because the Chinese let the value of their currency drop to (presently) minus 1.81%, an insignificant percentage when compared with most other daily currency fluctuations.

They are not getting 7% annual growth, not last year, not this year, and certainly not next year.

Quite right, it is not 7%.

"China's economy grew 6.8 percent percent on-year in the third quarter, compared with 7 percent in the previous three months, official data showed on Monday.

Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast gross domestic product (GDP) in the world's second-largest economy would grow 6.8 percent in July-September period from a year earlier. The government has set its annual economic growth target at "around 7 percent" for 2015."



Do you found it ironic, Publicus, how you were playing the "conservatives are racist bigots" line on the other thread, and now the same "you're racist against Chinese" card is being pulled on you for criticizing the antics of the CCP Boyz?

Produce one post in which this poster is alleged to to have said "conservatives are racist bigots" or anything like it or words to that effect. This poster.

When you cannot you must apologise to this poster for slandering his character. Nevermind about anyone else or their character, the focus you put is on this poster.

Produce one such post.

This poster will wait a reasonable period of time.

Produce or apologise, so you may as well apologise now because this poster does not use the word 'bigot' and rarely uses the word 'racist.' This poster is conscious and consistent in his use of pejoratives and in selecting which pejoratives to use and which to not use; done on a consistent basis. There is almost always some exception so one references conscious consistency as a matter of writing style, content, substance, form.


It's readily available via a quick search of the forums. But what about the other slur on you, inside this thread, that implies you are "racist" for criticizing - rather obsessively I might add - the "Boyz in Beijing", who ironically teach that the Han race is superior, meanwhile committing elaborate scams to run off to other countries with their cash and families in tow.

Produce or apologise.

"implies" is as slipshod and as slippery as is the original wrong accusation this poster calls people "racist bigots."

Produce or apologise.

My fault, I just did a search and found it was JingThing, not Publicus, who keeps pulling the "racist bigots" card, like 90% of the rest of the left along with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Jacob Zuma, Mugabe, and the CCP dude. Publicus is the one who mounts ad hominem diatribes against people like Carson and Trump so it was natural you got grouped in with the two. Attack the person, not the issues, the confusion was natural.

But I am still curious what your take on being called a "racist" is.


My fault, I just did a search and found it was JingThing, not Publicus, who keeps pulling the "racist bigots" card, like 90% of the rest of the left along with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Jacob Zuma, Mugabe, and the CCP dude. Publicus is the one who mounts ad hominem diatribes against people like Carson and Trump so it was natural you got grouped in with the two. Attack the person, not the issues, the confusion was natural.

But I am still curious what your take on being called a "racist" is.

My fault

That pretty much settles it for the time being as far as this poster is concerned. That's still a song and dance tho.

But I am still curious what your take on being called a "racist" is.

Curiosity killed the cat but that the cat is now resurrected means the cat acknowledges this poster does not throw around certain terms, choosing instead to prefer others, as has been pointed out in the posts, e.g. lunar right or crackpots etc.
Other posters do as they please within the rules of the game/forum, so posting that someone is a "racist bigot" is their prerogative because it is accepted. It is accordingly a matter of taste and choice. I don't use such terms because equally harsh terms get thrown back, and that is a "same to you" circular occurrence I prefer not to engage in.
Neither however do I condemn posters who at certain times say the radical reactionary right are this thing or that thing. If I thought the posters were inaccurate or out of line I'd say so. Rather, I'd say more power to 'em.
The right has said everything that stirs in its cesspool mind about Prez Obama and his supporters, to include blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, liberals, progressives and so many more. So the right does in fact earn the blowback it gets. I have not seen a posting that calls a rightwing guttersnipe a name I'd disagree with if I were asked about it. And I guess I've been asked thx.
Carry on.


"To slow the yuan’s recent fall, for example, China has started to dip into its vast holdings of foreign-exchange reserves, selling off American Treasury bonds. For years, critics warned that China would drive up global interest rates by dumping Treasuries. In practice, though, strong global demand for American assets has negated the effect of China’s selling."

how can the "boyz" sell what they don't possess? isn't that fraud? ohmy.png

It would indeed be illegal if POTUS ordered a freeze of of US Treasuries or other instruments of the United States Government. Any foreign government or trader who attempted to defy a freeze would be in serious jeopardy of US law. That could get messy and no one would want to get nuked by the USDollar.

POTUS would not want to order a freeze nor would the Congress nor would Wall Street for the simple reason a "dumping" of US financial instruments by a foreign enemy government would be handled in others ways by the market, as the situation presently is being controlled no sweat.

Recall the Fed possesses these Treasuries and other instruments and thus controls them. The CCP Boyz for example could try to move their receipts of purchase but that would also present problems to the Boyz and to anyone else who might try such dealings.


Well fair enough, but it still strikes one as major hypocrisy for a mouthpiece of the left-wing to be critical of the top dogs in China. Despise them as I may, they have had far more success over the past 40 years than, say, Obama and Alinsky have had in the slums of south side Chicago, slum here, slave labor camp there; Trump would beat them all. Carry on, boyz.


Well fair enough, but it still strikes one as major hypocrisy for a mouthpiece of the left-wing to be critical of the top dogs in China. Despise them as I may, they have had far more success over the past 40 years than, say, Obama and Alinsky have had in the slums of south side Chicago, slum here, slave labor camp there; Trump would beat them all. Carry on, boyz.

a mouthpiece of the left-wing


The statement testifies to the extreme waaay far out right thinking involved in the allegation. HRClinton is this poster's choice for POTUS.

For one thing, Sen Sanders is hungry whereas HRClinton has ambition. Ambition in politics and government is ordinary and is something people can deal with reasonably effectively, whereas a hungry guy gets too close to being ravenous. While Bernie votes with the D party in the Senate and sits on committees with the Democrats, he's never been in the Democratic party in all of his life.

The Bern is a great guy with excellent views who knows where the CCP China is, but no one knows without great research how he'd deal with the Boyz of Beijing and even then not find very much from him abut it. Conversely, the most hated person in Beijing and among the CCP members in the CCP China is HRClinton who is their most feared and detested American, period. It is no contest. A POTUS HRClinton will burn the CCP Boyz and they know it.

, they have had far more success over the past 40 years

The people who think this way fail in the absolute to recognize the CCP's economy and their systems of finance and government are fundamentally flawed, a disaster in the making as we are witnessing in the present timeframe and going forward. It was always going to fail so it therefore has always been a fraud on the Chinese people and the world.

Only in the past six months has the whole rotten upside down edifice begun to visibly fail has the people of the CCP China and the world see the bogus nature of the CCP's systems and structures. The Boyz can't hide any longer that their notions of a society and country are unsustainable. That is, unsustainable in the short run and unsustainable in the long term.

Lombard Research says the CCP economy entered a recession this year. So does Nomuri; so does Daiwa so does....

The CCP is projected to lose 20 percent off its GDP by the end of 2018.

The CCP itself has since 2007 admitted privately to global markets that its GDP data has always been "man made." Each year when global markets and governments look at GDP data they see the GDP totals added up from the reports of all the provinces far exceeds the GDP data reported by the central CCP Boyz in Beijing which itself is grossly exaggerated. The place is a ridiculous joke.


Which means the CCP Boyz current account is continuously in a surplus. Which means the CCP Chinese hoard their cash and money to keep it in the CCP China. Which means the CCP cannot possibly provide the global economy with the massive liquidity it absolutely needs.

Only the USD can do that and does do that. That is the great importance of running a current account deficit. It is the privilege and benefit of being the global forex reserve currency and the global currency of trade. Which is one of the factors that makes the USD a safe investment and a secure bet.

The Boyz have no idea of what is required or demanded of a global currency and they never will have the expertise or savvy of it. The moment a Chinese becomes a CCP they throw out the window any brains they were born with. laugh.png

UK is in the running to be the most expensive whore in history. wink.png

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