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Trump has Univision anchor removed from news conference

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The story of this campaign right now is that Hilary is looking vulnerable and that Joe Biden may have to be thrown into the ring for some mud-wrestling with the Donald.

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Trump is no longer a closet dictator.

It is really up to Faux to slay this monster it helped to create and that has turned on its mad creator. Or maybe they can take each other down. thumbsup.gif


It is really up to Faux to slay this monster it helped to create...

Nope, not at all accurate.

CNN has amazing ongoing positive coverage of Trump. Not only many of its guests, but the anchors themselves are saying good things about Trump.

Which, of course, actually carries more weight than if FOX said it.

Monster or not, Trump is solidly in the race, and people's minds.

Hillary is finished. Her lack of personality, and respect for law, has doomed her.

If the word 'accurate' is going to be used it's going to have to be documented rather than just arbitrarily or summarily being thrown out there. Unless the poster watches the news of both neworks 24/7 and has documented it already.

Ramos asked questions and Trump engaged Ramos in a contentious Q&A that involved commentary.

Republicans btw have already lost the nation's Hispanic vote by historic record proportions, maybe 80 percent of it or more in the 2016 election. And the Asian vote thanks to Bush and Trump and all the candidates.

Thank you God for Donald Trump and all the rest of 'em over on that side.

You do realize that it's still 2015 - so no way of knowing the percentage of voters lost - and even then it would be from a poll rather than voting results.


People call Sanders a Communist because he basically is one.

Sanders also said he is considering a 3rd party run.

I guess the left will salve their wounds with claims that Trump didn't get elected by a majority.


the world is in a sad state when people start thinking egotistical spoiled rich brats and hot headed big mouth bullies like Trump should be in power. With this stubborn idiot at the helm against Putin and China, the world is doomed for sure.

Trump will spout off about anything and will never apologize when he is wrong, and he is wrong often. That in itself shows a complete lack of character.

My guess is that Trump will either leave of be kicked out of the republican party before too long (due to his inability to control his big mouth).

He will then likely run as an independent as his ego will not allow hi to stop.


I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and grinning over the comments made by so many when Trump first announced he was running. "Trump's a joke/clown! He won't last" - "No one is going to take him seriously.", etc., etc., etc.

Well, like him or not, he HAS lasted, and a hell of a lot of people ARE taking him seriously, as evidenced by his overwhelming lead in every poll taken. Turn on the news and check the reports on Republican candidates. Who are they talking about? Trump. The others merely get a side mention. The way it stands now, the only way any other candidate could get the nomination is if Trump has a heart attack and dies.

However, while he may (and probably will) win the nomination, that doesn't mean he can win the highest office in the land. He still has to go against the Dems, and that's yet to be determined. So it should be interesting.

I thought he was not going to last myself, though I said at the time that I hoped he would ( I didn't even think he'd make the debate ). However, that he is looking like a final contender only goes to show how rubbish all the other contenders are. He is at 30% while next in line Bush is about 12% or something. Most of the others are in single digits.

I'd love to see him up against Biden or Sanders- he'd make mince out of them.


"You cannot deny citizenship to children born in this country."

"Why do you say that?" Trump replied. "Some of the great legal scholars agree that's not true."

Trump - name one. And, no, Justice Scalia does not count, because he is nowhere close to being a legal scholar, nevertheless "great".

Well other countries can deny citizenship so the USA could do.

It is total unlogic to give citizenship for a baby of for example criminals on the run, which just happen to cross the border on the last day of pregnancy.

(As extreme example)

But the same with tourists or illegal immigrants.

I don't like him, but he has a point


It is Trumps nomination of lose...if he loses it will because he can not control outbursts of anger...

Ben Carson is a viable candidate with a calm, cool, and controlled demeanor...


Some people need to learn that hispanics are NOT a majority or a plurality of voters in the US. Americans are supporting Trump because every other person in the race, Republican and Democrat, is a timid wimp.

Let's see now, Hispanics make up 10% of the electorate.

So for a start Trump has given whatever Democrat runs at least a 9% head start.



It is Trumps nomination of lose...if he loses it will because he can not control outbursts of anger...

Ben Carson is a viable candidate with a calm, cool, and controlled demeanor...

Which is why he will not be the final candidate. Make a great VP though.


Some people need to learn that hispanics are NOT a majority or a plurality of voters in the US. Americans are supporting Trump because every other person in the race, Republican and Democrat, is a timid wimp.

Let's see now, Hispanics make up 10% of the electorate.

So for a start Trump has given whatever Democrat runs at least a 9% head start.


Considering that they go vote. That you don't want to vote Trump doesn't mean that you will vote Hillary.

It is impossible to predict, but it might be that frustrated Hispanics rather don't vote but people who hate them and normally don't vote will vote him. So it isn't a simple mathematics.

Telling every group what they want to hear may result that no one will believe you (Hillary).

(But my forecast for US elections was always wrong up to now.....so don't believe me.....)


"You cannot deny citizenship to children born in this country."

"Why do you say that?" Trump replied. "Some of the great legal scholars agree that's not true."

Trump - name one. And, no, Justice Scalia does not count, because he is nowhere close to being a legal scholar, nevertheless "great".

Well other countries can deny citizenship so the USA could do.

It is total unlogic to give citizenship for a baby of for example criminals on the run, which just happen to cross the border on the last day of pregnancy.

(As extreme example)

But the same with tourists or illegal immigrants.

I don't like him, but he has a point

The amendment to make born in the USA a citizen was so freed slaves were citizens. It was never envisioned that Chinese women would come to the USA to have babies so they have a back up plan if it turns to poo in China.


Some people need to learn that hispanics are NOT a majority or a plurality of voters in the US. Americans are supporting Trump because every other person in the race, Republican and Democrat, is a timid wimp.

Let's see now, Hispanics make up 10% of the electorate.

So for a start Trump has given whatever Democrat runs at least a 9% head start.


If Romney had won another 4% of the white vote in 2012 he would be President. With the same number he would have needed 71% of the Hispanic vote to win. If you are the GOP candidate, which is more likely?

Trump will get enough of the Hispanic vote and any Hispanics that he alienates (No pun intended) he will more than make up for those losses by pulling white voters that are tired of illegals screwing up the Country.

He will also get some Black voters as well and they always vote Dem.

Trump doesn't need the Hispanic vote and won't pander to them like Jeb! did earlier today.


It is Trumps nomination of lose...if he loses it will because he can not control outbursts of anger...

Ben Carson is a viable candidate with a calm, cool, and controlled demeanor...

Which is why he will not be the final candidate. Make a great VP though.

Carson or Cruz as VP, and Ann Coulter as his Press Secretary.

That would drive the media and the left (same thing) crazy.



I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and grinning over the comments made by so many when Trump first announced he was running. "Trump's a joke/clown! He won't last" - "No one is going to take him seriously.", etc., etc., etc.

Well, like him or not, he HAS lasted, and a hell of a lot of people ARE taking him seriously, as evidenced by his overwhelming lead in every poll taken. Turn on the news and check the reports on Republican candidates. Who are they talking about? Trump. The others merely get a side mention. The way it stands now, the only way any other candidate could get the nomination is if Trump has a heart attack and dies.

However, while he may (and probably will) win the nomination, that doesn't mean he can win the highest office in the land. He still has to go against the Dems, and that's yet to be determined. So it should be interesting.

I thought he was not going to last myself, though I said at the time that I hoped he would ( I didn't even think he'd make the debate ). However, that he is looking like a final contender only goes to show how rubbish all the other contenders are. He is at 30% while next in line Bush is about 12% or something. Most of the others are in single digits.

I'd love to see him up against Biden or Sanders- he'd make mince out of them.

HAHA! - Crazy Uncle Joe? How old is he now? 80?

And Bernie Flanders? He wilted when some women took his microphone from him!

He's not making mincemeat out of anyone.

Tell Biden to wear his Depends!


I guess some folks here would like to call the King of Thailand an "anchor baby". WRONG! The Donald has now attacked the Asians, that should really help his chances, not. He is consistent, the blacks, Hispanics, women, who else? The minorities, those that can get past Republican gerrymandering, voter suppression, and just plain cheating are enough to keep any Republican for getting elected president. Hence the big push by the racist, misogynist, bigoted, homophobic, dominionist Republicans to suppress voters everywhere they can. Oops, sorry Texas, your voter suppression law just got slammed by the court.





I guess some folks here would like to call the King of Thailand an "anchor baby". WRONG! The Donald has now attacked the Asians, that should really help his chances, not. He is consistent, the blacks, Hispanics, women, who else? The minorities, those that can get past Republican gerrymandering, voter suppression, and just plain cheating are enough to keep any Republican for getting elected president. Hence the big push by the racist, misogynist, bigoted, homophobic, dominionist Republicans to suppress voters everywhere they can. Oops, sorry Texas, your voter suppression law just got slammed by the court. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2015/08/17/3692187/donald-trumps-first-policy-plan-is-even-more-racist-than-you-think-it-is/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tptop3 http://thinkprogress.org/education/2015/08/17/3691685/trump-university/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tptop3 http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/inside-the-gop-clown-car-20150812?page=10

Oh no!

The race card!

LMAO! @your wingnut web sites and hysterical talking points that sound like Chrissy Matthews on crack!


"You cannot deny citizenship to children born in this country."

"Why do you say that?" Trump replied. "Some of the great legal scholars agree that's not true."

Trump - name one. And, no, Justice Scalia does not count, because he is nowhere close to being a legal scholar, nevertheless "great".

Thailand denies.

UK denies.

Most of the world deny, so why not the USA?


Personally, and I think I am a reasonable person, I do not believe that just being born in a country entitles one to citizenship. Too open to be taken advantage of. The child should carry the nationality of it,s natural parents, and if they are american citizens then no problem, but if they are illegally in the country they and their offspring should be deported according to immigration rules.


Because a child is born in the US and is a citizen, it does not mean that the parents have the right to stay in the US. The parents can be deported and they will have the option to take the child with them or to leave the child in the US in the care of relatives or in foster care.

Of course the option of leaving the child is very expensive for the gov't who gets to absorb the cost of raising a child in an expensive system. If the child is with relatives, then it is regular welfare payments for the child.

The problem is that one parent may be legal, the child a US citizen and the other spouse illegal. If the illegal is the income earner, then deportation will again result in welfare payments to the child and possibly the other parent (depending on their status).

As good as it sounds to say he is going to get rid of 11 million illegals, it is legally quite difficult and unless there is going to be a suspension of a lot of rights, it will be immensely costly.

I am not in favor of illegals being allowed into the country, nor for staying, but the process of deportation is a little complicated, expensive and time consuming.


There is a zero percent chance Disgusting Donald will become president, in my opinion. This campaign will simply aide him in his quest to become the most famous guy in the world. He does not like being confronted. And he really has very few answers. We saw that in the debate. Mostly, it is ok to hate people, and America should be entirely white. That is basically his entire campaign.


Note that this poll was weighted (D 38%, R 32%, I 29%) to match the exit polling from the 2012 election.

The current poll numbers according to CNN are Clinton 51 Trump 45. Your choice of a polling source is ridiculous. It's the typical wingnutoshere source you folks love to reference.

Trump is guaranteed to self-destruct before the election and we'll be back to Jeb Bush getting crushed. Doesn't make much difference who it is.

I predict a sweep of the Presidency and congress as these pathetic Republican candidates turn off all the independents. They're all unelectable.


There is a zero percent chance Disgusting Donald will become president, in my opinion. This campaign will simply aide him in his quest to become the most famous guy in the world. He does not like being confronted. And he really has very few answers. We saw that in the debate. Mostly, it is ok to hate people, and America should be entirely white. That is basically his entire campaign.


Note that this poll was weighted (D 38%, R 32%, I 29%) to match the exit polling from the 2012 election.

The current poll numbers according to CNN are Clinton 51 Trump 45. Your choice of a polling source is ridiculous. It's the typical wingnutoshere source you folks love to reference.

Trump is guaranteed to self-destruct before the election and we'll be back to Jeb Bush getting crushed. Doesn't make much difference who it is.

I predict a sweep of the Presidency and congress as these pathetic Republican candidates turn off all the independents. They're all unelectable.

Attack the source since you don't like the results?

I guess you missed this part:

"Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 3,567 registered voters across the U.S. regarding the performance and opinions of presidential candidates. The poll has a margin of error of ± 2%. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The polls were conducted using IVR technology and weighted by gender. The poll was conducted for One America News Network."

The CNN poll is how current? And did they poll over 3,500 RV's? And was the poll weighted to match the exit polling from the 2012 election?


Inserting the Galaxy Note 5 “S Pen” backwards causes permanent damage - ThaiVisa news item

Would someone kindly send Mr Trump one as a gift?

Inserting the Galaxy Note 5 “S Pen” backwards causes permanent damage - ThaiVisa news item
Would someone kindly send Mr Trump one as a gift?

Just don't send one to Hillary - she's not very good with technology.



Trump is no longer a closet dictator.

It is really up to Faux to slay this monster it helped to create and that has turned on its mad creator. Or maybe they can take each other down. thumbsup.gif


It is really up to Faux to slay this monster it helped to create...

Nope, not at all accurate.

CNN has amazing ongoing positive coverage of Trump. Not only many of its guests, but the anchors themselves are saying good things about Trump.

Which, of course, actually carries more weight than if FOX said it.

Monster or not, Trump is solidly in the race, and people's minds.

Hillary is finished. Her lack of personality, and respect for law, has doomed her.

If the word 'accurate' is going to be used it's going to have to be documented rather than just arbitrarily or summarily being thrown out there. Unless the poster watches the news of both neworks 24/7 and has documented it already.

Ramos asked questions and Trump engaged Ramos in a contentious Q&A that involved commentary.

Republicans btw have already lost the nation's Hispanic vote by historic record proportions, maybe 80 percent of it or more in the 2016 election. And the Asian vote thanks to Bush and Trump and all the candidates.

Thank you God for Donald Trump and all the rest of 'em over on that side.

You do realize that it's still 2015 - so no way of knowing the percentage of voters lost - and even then it would be from a poll rather than voting results.

Focus groups child, focus groups. That is where the serious professionals in each party and at the top of the various campaigns get the very strong indication up to 80% of Hispanic voters will vote D in the election.

Jorge Ramos the nightly news anchor at Spanish language Univision could now shoot for 90% and the really bad news for the R party is that Ramos will have the next 18 months to press the case that a Republican president would be the worst thing for Latinos since the plague.

Probably worse.


Focus groups child, focus groups. That is where the serious professionals in each party and at the top of the various campaigns get the very strong indication up to 80% of Hispanic voters will vote D in the election.

Jorge Ramos the nightly news anchor at Spanish language Univision could now shoot for 90% and the really bad news for the R party is that Ramos will have the next 18 months to press the case that a Republican president would be the worst thing for Latinos since the plague.

Probably worse.

Trump isn't driven by focus groups.

As I mentioned earlier, had Romney gotten 4% more of the white vote in 2012, he would be President right now. It would have taken 71% of the Hispanic vote to have achieved the same result.

No Republican is going to get 70+ percent of the Hispanic vote. Trump will more than make up for any losses of the Hispanic vote with White voters of both parties that agree with him on Immigration and other issues.

Note much polling on Hispanics, but the one I saw had Trump getting 31% of Hispanics in Nevada.

Regardless. Trump is not going to pander to Hispanics in an attempt to get 45% of their vote like Romney got in 2012.

He will more than make up for the losses with voters that want to put an end to illegal immigration.

Ramos can yap like a little Chihuahua all he wants for the next 14 months, but all he did was make Trump look good today.


Nobody is telling Trump that the US and Mexico border extend miles over the two oceans on an imaginary lane. Will he build a wall on water too?.....or all over the US coast line. Probably he will need a lot of tax money, the Chinese help and experience to do that, and a lot of illegal Mexican workers... just because.... that was the way that big projects were done in the US History.

Unfortunately...... he represents very well the American stupidity, and may become the next President of the Unites States.


Nobody is telling Trump that the US and Mexico border extend miles over the two oceans on an imaginary lane. Will he build a wall on water too?.....or all over the US coast line. Probably he will need a lot of tax money, the Chinese help and experience to do that, and a lot of illegal Mexican workers... just because.... that was the way that big projects were done in the US History.

Unfortunately...... he represents very well the American stupidity, and may become the next President of the Unites States.

"Will he build a wall on water too?.....or all over the US coast line."

If he does build a wall on water, I hope the Aussies are given the technology. They're having to defend an entire island continent without any walls (that I know of).

"The Australian mainland has a total coastline length of 35,876 km (22,292 mi) with an additional 23,859 km (14,825 mi) of island coastlines."

Pretty astounding problem they have defending their borders, one would say, Mate?

They seem to be managing all right - probably because they're serious about defending their sovereignty from invading hordes.


Nobody is telling Trump that the US and Mexico border extend miles over the two oceans on an imaginary lane. Will he build a wall on water too?.....or all over the US coast line. Probably he will need a lot of tax money, the Chinese help and experience to do that, and a lot of illegal Mexican workers... just because.... that was the way that big projects were done in the US History.

Unfortunately...... he represents very well the American stupidity, and may become the next President of the Unites States.

Stupidity is allowing Millions of illegals to waltz in the US. Criminals, gang members and who knows who?

The US is becoming Colonized by illegals coming here and then having a bunch of kids.

Stupidity is allowing it to continue.

Trump will build a wall.

He will put taxes and tariffs on Mexican imports to pay for the wall as well.

Trump will probably sell ad space on both sides of the wall and make a fortune!

He'll have Univision begging him for a spot!

And the USCG along with Border Patrol, Drones etc... can secure the rest.

Trump gets things done.

At least you were right about one thing.

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