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US is now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

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We're now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

Pure bullshit.

One shooting per day might be believable. One mass shooting per day sounds like "pure bullshit" indeed. blink.png

No red herring you were the one going from mass shooting to one single shooting. That was what brought my comments.

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The US a failed country.

In the Netherlands we had 3 murders per week (most of them not gun related)

Think something is seriously wrong there, the US and Thailand look quite similar.

When someone from a unimportant country like the Netherlands calls the US a failed country, I have to laugh. The irony here is you chose to leave there and live in a really screwed up country like Thailand, which, in your opinion, ranks right down there with America.

Go back to humping and pumping.

And you think I would care you call my country unimportant. Damm you don't even know your own history, we owned part of Manhattan.

Its always fun to see those flag wavers getting all worked up when their country gets some bad press. You can comment all you want on my country and plenty of would be probably be true. Unlike you I would not be defending the bad things of my country but expressing concern and complaining about it.

Yes Thailand is far more screwed up than America and i like it here, but I don't see the relevance.

Fact is you got some serious problems over there with guns among other things. Instead of acknowledging it you guys are downplaying it.

Another insult from a long nosed Euro clinging to history and well expired laurels. LOL.

The netherlands is a failed state, and trolling US shooting articles with a internet cable jammed up your bum indicates a personality defect. Whatever the case, it's not because you care about the underlying problem.



We're now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

Pure bullshit.

One shooting per day might be believable. One mass shooting per day sounds like "pure bullshit" indeed. blink.png

No red herring you were the one going from mass shooting to one single shooting. That was what brought my comments.

The topic is mass shootings and has been since the OP. Red Herring,



We're now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

Pure bullshit.

One shooting per day might be believable. One mass shooting per day sounds like "pure bullshit" indeed. blink.png

The topic is mass shootings and has been since the OP. Red Herring,

Your replying to yourself ?


So you simply automatically believe what you read on the internet?

I have always given you more credit than that.

My bad.


I do when it comes from your own government, instead of users like you

That chart shows that there has been a downward progression in the number of reported violent crimes - less violent crime - over the past five years (ending with 2013). It has nothing to do with "mass shootings". wink.png

You seem to be obsessed and pedantic over mass shootings versus "ordinary" shootings.

Does 27 people being murdered each and every seem OK to you if they were all killed one at a time instead of "mass shootings"?

Whichever way you try to spin it is still 27 MURDERS per day on average. I am glad that the number of reported crimes have come down but there are still 27 murdered every day.

quote from the FBI crime statistics report. "There were an estimated 1,163,146 violent crimes reported to law enforcement last year, along with an estimated 8,632,512 property crimes. "

That was from the report for 2013


Here we go another thread to bash americans....thanks TV

Agree fully - why bash them, let them carry on killing themselves off - what business is it to the rest of the world.

I agree.

Besides, guns are an important aspect of the signature Lib/Progressive agenda in that, without any significant, natural predators, human population growth is unsustainable.


The US a failed country.

In the Netherlands we had 3 murders per week (most of them not gun related)

Think something is seriously wrong there, the US and Thailand look quite similar.

When someone from a unimportant country like the Netherlands calls the US a failed country, I have to laugh. The irony here is you chose to leave there and live in a really screwed up country like Thailand, which, in your opinion, ranks right down there with America.

Go back to humping and pumping.

And you think I would care you call my country unimportant. Damm you don't even know your own history, we owned part of Manhattan.

Its always fun to see those flag wavers getting all worked up when their country gets some bad press. You can comment all you want on my country and plenty of would be probably be true. Unlike you I would not be defending the bad things of my country but expressing concern and complaining about it.

Yes Thailand is far more screwed up than America and i like it here, but I don't see the relevance.

Fact is you got some serious problems over there with guns among other things. Instead of acknowledging it you guys are downplaying it.

Another insult from a long nosed Euro clinging to history and well expired laurels. LOL.

The netherlands is a failed state, and trolling US shooting articles with a internet cable jammed up your bum indicates a personality defect. Whatever the case, it's not because you care about the underlying problem.

Funny guy, and the Netherlands has it faults (agree with that) but your to blind to see the faults in your own country and feel attacked when someone points them out. Seems all that flag waving you guys are made to do when growing up blinds you.

Fact is that there are far too many guns in your country and it will be real hard to remove those. If I knew a solutions id tell but guys far smarter as me don't. Its not like they can just take away the guns from people. So its a big problem one that will keep on causing problems.



We're now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

Pure bullshit.

One shooting per day might be believable. One mass shooting per day sounds like "pure bullshit" indeed. blink.png

Get your head out of the sand...

In 2013 there were 33,169 recorded gun related fatalities in the USA... that's over 90 a day.

Funny guy, and the Netherlands has it faults (agree with that) but your to blind to see the faults in your own country and feel attacked when someone points them out. Seems all that flag waving you guys are made to do when growing up blinds you.

Fact is that there are far too many guns in your country and it will be real hard to remove those. If I knew a solutions id tell but guys far smarter as me don't. Its not like they can just take away the guns from people. So its a big problem one that will keep on causing problems.

The problems of America are well known to them, and anyone with an internet connection, so don't give yourself too much credit for stating the obvious.

America is not a monolithic, homogeneous society, so your reference to some old fashioned notion of childhood flag waving by "you guys", merely confirms you are a long nose internet troll.

"There are too many guns in your country and it will be real hard to remove those..... big problem that will keep on causing problems".

Utter genius. You are the most clever person you've met all day. coffee1.gif


I Am glad The Netherlands, unlike the USA does not even have one mass shooting per day, go on USA....

Speaks for itself. No class.


I wonder if the sarcastic subreddit group is from England or some other European utopia. They are obsessed with this topic, perhaps as a way to avoid thinking about their own lot in life.

Im Dutch, you mean we can't comment on the fact that the US is a crazy dangerous place with many gun deaths and idiots with guns ?

I guess we also can't comment on the US police shooting black for no reason at all ?

When something is based on facts I would not call it bashing.

Please find things wrong with my country and you probably will see me agreeing with you as I don't close my eyes to the faults in my country. Because every country has its faults. But the shootings like this in the US are starting to become the norm.

I'm not trying to defend the US, because it's policy towards firearm ownership is beyond bizarre. But, in all my life there, I never encountered a gun in public, never had a run in with anybody who had a gun (other than a cop). I was a hunter, so saw plenty of guns. But never in public. Then again, I never visited places like Harlem, South Central LA or various other areas.

I've seen more guns in public in places like Panama, Ecuador, Philippines...and the first automatic weapon I ever saw, was at the Airport on arrival in Germany in 1982. Never seen one up close and in person before.

Just saying....wai2.gif

P.S. I did see a guy carrying one when I was in the bush in Alaska on a snowmobile ride. But I guess that's to be expected.



We're now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

Pure bullshit....

Some silliness going on with statistics.

Could say the same thing with bombing...2400 killed (WTC)...so thats an average of one bombing per day for 2400 days

stupidity at it's ugliest. moronic.

This report just shows a revolting ignorance... most of these jerks never even been there.


One or more killed in a deliberate shooting is one to much, regardless of mass shooting or not. For the republicans it's a low number. In today's us when it's ok for everyone to carry a gun regardless of heir mental back ground the number is quite small, I strongly believe that in a few years the number will Tripple. Former New York mayor Bloomberg was lobbying for stricter gun laws but the majority of his fellow republican feels that carry a gun and use it should be as normal as leaving the house with your credit card, so no support there.



We're now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

Pure bullshit.

One shooting per day might be believable. One mass shooting per day sounds like "pure bullshit" indeed. blink.png

Figurers dont lie you guys had 14,196 murders in 2013, even if half of those were gun related (real low for the US) then you got far more then one per day

300 Million Guns owned in the USA and 14,196 Murders mostly Black on Black is a drop in the bucket THE VAST MAJORITY Gun owners in the US are responsible Gun owners and when you consider the size of the USA these numbers are miniscule.

Additionally all these mass shotting are from mentally ill people already been proven its a MENTAL PROBLEM NOT A GUN PROBLEM


I Am glad The Netherlands, unlike the USA does not even have one mass shooting per day, go on USA....

The Netherlands is not even a pimple on the USA's ass its so small its not even credible making a statement like that considering the size of the USA

Like I said those numbers are miniscule compared to the number of people that own guns in the USA


According to CDC in 2013 33,636 people died in USA due to guns, which works out to average of 92 per day. I understand that includes suicides, accidents, police shootings, but still a large number. In order to reach that goal, easiest way is economies of scale, or as they say "volume, volume, volume". Nothing is going to happen with gun control that is meaningful. With 300,000,000 guns already out there seems if you wanted one, you could get a hold of one.


So you simply automatically believe what you read on the internet?

I have always given you more credit than that.

My bad.

I read on this Internet site re what you have written here. So, taking what your alluding to, should we all believe you?


For all you deniers, here is a link to a mass shooting tracker. 250 documented mass shootings and today is the 240th day of the year. Why anyone would be surprised, let alone deny it, is beyond me. My hometown is like a war zone. Shootings nearly every day and usually more than one.


For all you deniers, here is a link to a mass shooting tracker. 250 documented mass shootings and today is the 240th day of the year. Why anyone would be surprised, let alone deny it, is beyond me. My hometown is like a war zone. Shootings nearly every day and usually more than one.

Majority done by mentally ill people who were on oe drug or another


Over 100 million legal gun owners in the USA now put those stats on who is doing all the killing and if the guns are legal or not

It will tear apart your argument since Black on Black killings is a massive part of those stats



We're now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

Pure bullshit.

One shooting per day might be believable. One mass shooting per day sounds like "pure bullshit" indeed. blink.png

Get your head out of the sand...

In 2013 there were 33,169 recorded gun related fatalities in the USA... that's over 90 a day.

And what does it have to do with the hyped up title of the OP? If the subject was single shootings it would be Titled that... but it is not. So you are OFF TOPIC..


So you simply automatically believe what you read on the internet?

I have always given you more credit than that.

My bad.


I do when it comes from your own government, instead of users like you

That chart shows that there has been a downward progression in the number of reported violent crimes - less violent crime - over the past five years (ending with 2013). It has nothing to do with "mass shootings". wink.png

You seem to be obsessed and pedantic over mass shootings versus "ordinary" shootings.

Does 27 people being murdered each and every seem OK to you if they were all killed one at a time instead of "mass shootings"?

Whichever way you try to spin it is still 27 MURDERS per day on average. I am glad that the number of reported crimes have come down but there are still 27 murdered every day.

quote from the FBI crime statistics report. "There were an estimated 1,163,146 violent crimes reported to law enforcement last year, along with an estimated 8,632,512 property crimes. "

That was from the report for 2013

You are OFF TOPIC as the OP is MASS shootings ... NOT other shooting statistics


AS an American let me try and clarify a few points. It is fairly easy to get a gun in America as there are so many of them and many places to buy them legally. And since so many are available, many people have them for self protection. Most killings using guns are not mass killings, but people involved in situations where an argument erupts and the gun is within reach and results in a death. Also, there is a criminal element that also uses them. I do not own a gun and do not want one. However, most American believe that it is a constitutional right to own one. I see no reason to ban them- but American needs strong gun control. The laws need to be stiffened and gun shops need to follow the law regarding registration and background checks. One of the real problems in the US is the fact that people with real mental illness do not get the help they need, They either can't afford it or they simply cannot get anyone to assist them. Most of the mass shootings are by the mentally ill. There is no way these people should ever have guns. The American health industry is extremely overpriced and those seeking help for mental illness are often turned away.Like one of the posters said, I never saw anyone with a handgun while I was in America. Most people do not carry them- they keep them in their homes In regards to the police, there is way to much a tendency on the police in America to shoot first then ask questions. And it is not only people of color who are victimized. American police need to be retrained in how not to use deadly force and how to handle people under the influence of alcohol and drugs as well as having mental issues. There are definitely many similarities between Thailand the the United States-unfortunately not very positive. Thailand is a Third World country without the resources. American is a wealthy country but has developed a Third World mentality. I can excuse Thailand somewhat. America- you have no excuse.

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