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US is now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015

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Let me interject a thought.

What do all the mass murderers have in common of late, besides the use of guns of course?

They all have mental problems.

Why aren't all you Brits, Euros and Aussies pounding your collective chests railing against the mental health industry to get them to solve their very large part in this problem?

Therein lies the solution. Get the crazies identified so they can't legally purchase a gun would be a nice first step.

But -- it would hurt feelings to be labeled crazy ... and even worse to be locked up - treated by force would be terrible - so non PC. The fact that most of the mass shootings of the last 15 years would have been averted .... well -- we just cannot call people crazy 'ya know / sarc off.

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Mental problems??

Well lets put it this way......if you have mental problems you shouldn't have a gun......if you WANT a gun you probably have mental problems - ergo there is no reason to be allowed to have a gun.


The points that the obsessive - compulsive gun haters cannot understand is that:

- Most daily killings and woundings with guns in America are done in Black and Hispanic Ghettos -- and most often done with illegally acquired guns. And most of that is Black on Black Gangsta shootings ... Having NOTHING to do with the nearly 100 million legal gun owners

- Most true mass shootings are done - proven by health records -- by people who are mentally unstable ... In America it is VERY DIFFICULT - verging on the impossible to By FORCE commit a disturbed person to confinement in a mental institution for more than 72 hours. All because of Bleeding Heart Liberals who see to it that the laws remain that way. So taking dangerous people off the street and locking them up for mental health reasons cannot easily be done. Actually cannot be done in most states - nor can the patient be FORCED to undergo therapy and become successfully treated or remained confined ... So -- these nutcases are on the streets. Then through hook or crook or a hole in the system of background checks - these nutcases get a gun,...

- Almost every one of the true Mass Shootings in America for the past 15 years have been done by the mentally disturbed - mentally deranged ... We cannot get them off the streets.

- 99.99 percent of the nearly 100 million LEGAL GUN OWNERS of nearly 300 Million Guns commit NO GUN CRIMES - EVER.

- For many millions like me -- Because the LEFTISTS such as Obama have the AGENDA of total GUN Confiscation - and basically doing away with private gun ownership totally -- stripping the Constitution of the 2nd Amendment - and these Gun Haters will not relent on this GUN Confiscation AGENDA.... Then millions of us REFUSE to negotiate on one single compromise... When the LEFTISTS STOP and DROP their total gun Confiscation agenda - there may be room for compromise but not until.

- And REMEMBER --- Obama can try all the Unconstitutional Executive orders he wants -- they will be fought in the courts. And like some of his other illegal unconstitutional executive orders they will get hung up in court until he leaves office. And NO Member of the U.S. House or Representatives Nor or the U.S. Senate are going to do anything relative to Gun Control - when 100 million Voters are hanging over their heads -- ESPECIALLY in this coming Election Year - ... Members of Congress may be worthless - and crooks - but they are not stupid... They want reelection more than anything so it is used against them.

I have made predictions over several years here on TVF -- there will be NO Significant Gun Legislation in the next several years if not in the next 10 or 15 years ... basically NEVER.

Fix uneducated BLACKs - get them off drugs, get them out of the hood mentality - get them out of the poison of HIP HOP RAP that creates a criminal mindset ... GO LISTEN TO IT - the kind that is played in the hood -- it is a call to violence and crime - blared from every automobile and window in the HOOD...

Fix the SYSTEM that does not allow family and the community to COMMIT crazy people against their will ... then mass shooting will go down like a ROCK falling off a cliff.

Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

We hear too often about the Right to bear arms, and too little about the Responsibilites of so doing. Rights and Responsibilites are two sides of the same coin.

The vast majority of gun owners in America are Responsible. Only a tiny fraction of legal gun owners ever create any gun problem... The real problem is crazy people who should by all measure been locked up years before they got hold of a gun and the Gangsta gang bangers in the Ghettos of America.


Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

silly question.

1. Collectors

2. Marksmen competing for sports

3. 7/11 business owner for protection

4. House may contain valuable objects

5. Hunting

6. Self protection in places where the police cannot get to quickly

The question was why do you need a gun, not why do you want a gun. Cuts your list down by about half.

Gun ownership in America is not primarily for any of those reasons above. The 2nd Amendment was created to deal with the potential case where a rogue dictatorial government came into power ... and the collective guns of the people's militia is a last resort to fend off a tyrannical government ... It is well documented. You need to some research - read and try to comprehend ... You do not have to agree but you should find out what the real reason for gun ownership by the private citizen is about in America...

Im well aware of the istory of firearms in the US - but you haven't told me how this is different from countries with strict gun control laws....


Whether it is shot or shot and killed, either is really sad in an advanced country like the USA. Whatever the question, it is unlikely the answer is to use a gun against unarmed and uninvolved fellow citizens. Theater, School or College shootings ! There are too many flippant or ill-considered responses to these events, but has any organisation conducted a serious and credible investigation into the causes ? Why aren't the USA politicians concerned enough to act, or do they regard this as an inevitable part of modern life ? Gun control might be part of the answer, but the true problem lies in the moral education of the perpetrators.

The real solutions have been devised .. but the liberal-leftists just want the guns ... they don't want solutions. The Left in America does not want just gun control -- they want CONTROL.. as the control freaks they are.

The real solutions -- get crazy people locked up - even against their will ... in years before they become a shooter -- back when their anti-social - violent behavior is an easy predictor of their future behavior ... NO ALLOWED BY LIBERALS AND LEFTISTS IN AMERICA.

Recognize the real volume of shootings and killings in America and put a stop to it... Gangsta RAP THUGS killing people by the thousands each year in Chicago, Gary Indiana, Detroit, East St. Louis, Baltimore, and a dozen other BLACK ENCLAVES -- called Ghettos ... Stop these shootings and killings in America and you reduce shooting deaths and woundings RADICALLY...

The gun problem is NOT in middle class White America where most of the 100 million gun owners reside with their 300 million guns.


...so how is this any different from countries with strict gun control laws? (and considerably lower death rates)?

African Americans. They are 13% of the population, but commit 52% of he homicides.


In the UK we have drugs, we have mentally unstable people, we have blacks, we have hispanics....... we have everything that america has.

except, we dont have stupid gun laws, and we dont have one mass killing per day

can you see the correlation?

You do not have evertything america has...

You have no right to bear arms....you are incapable of defending your property and family.

Pathetic and weak.

I bet bad guys have guns..and the good guys, when it comes to terms...just throw their hands up in defeat.

and yet americans are many, many more times likely to be shot dead within the US, than UK citizens.

it is very hard to defend yourself against a gunman in a cinema / church / shopping centre when the gunman does show up.

it is not often we hear about a gunman being shot dead, before he is able to start shooting up the place, because some member of the public used his right to bear arms to defend everyone, is it?

i believe your right to bear arms, is the main reason why so many american kids / families / students / OAPs are being shot dead every day.

The vast majority of the shootings take place in gun free zones, i.e. movie houses, schools, shopping centers, etc.

Since legal gun owners follow the laws, they are unarmed in these places. That's one reason you don't hear of private citizens taking action.

Another reason is the media doesn't normally publicize the citizen defense angle. It doesn't suit their anti-gun agenda.


The points that the obsessive - compulsive gun haters cannot understand is that:

- Most daily killings and woundings with guns in America are done in Black and Hispanic Ghettos -- and most often done with illegally acquired guns. And most of that is Black on Black Gangsta shootings ... Having NOTHING to do with the nearly 100 million legal gun owners

- Most true mass shootings are done - proven by health records -- by people who are mentally unstable ... In America it is VERY DIFFICULT - verging on the impossible to By FORCE commit a disturbed person to confinement in a mental institution for more than 72 hours. All because of Bleeding Heart Liberals who see to it that the laws remain that way. So taking dangerous people off the street and locking them up for mental health reasons cannot easily be done. Actually cannot be done in most states - nor can the patient be FORCED to undergo therapy and become successfully treated or remained confined ... So -- these nutcases are on the streets. Then through hook or crook or a hole in the system of background checks - these nutcases get a gun,...

- Almost every one of the true Mass Shootings in America for the past 15 years have been done by the mentally disturbed - mentally deranged ... We cannot get them off the streets.

- 99.99 percent of the nearly 100 million LEGAL GUN OWNERS of nearly 300 Million Guns commit NO GUN CRIMES - EVER.

- For many millions like me -- Because the LEFTISTS such as Obama have the AGENDA of total GUN Confiscation - and basically doing away with private gun ownership totally -- stripping the Constitution of the 2nd Amendment - and these Gun Haters will not relent on this GUN Confiscation AGENDA.... Then millions of us REFUSE to negotiate on one single compromise... When the LEFTISTS STOP and DROP their total gun Confiscation agenda - there may be room for compromise but not until.

- And REMEMBER --- Obama can try all the Unconstitutional Executive orders he wants -- they will be fought in the courts. And like some of his other illegal unconstitutional executive orders they will get hung up in court until he leaves office. And NO Member of the U.S. House or Representatives Nor or the U.S. Senate are going to do anything relative to Gun Control - when 100 million Voters are hanging over their heads -- ESPECIALLY in this coming Election Year - ... Members of Congress may be worthless - and crooks - but they are not stupid... They want reelection more than anything so it is used against them.

I have made predictions over several years here on TVF -- there will be NO Significant Gun Legislation in the next several years if not in the next 10 or 15 years ... basically NEVER.

Fix uneducated BLACKs - get them off drugs, get them out of the hood mentality - get them out of the poison of HIP HOP RAP that creates a criminal mindset ... GO LISTEN TO IT - the kind that is played in the hood -- it is a call to violence and crime - blared from every automobile and window in the HOOD...

Fix the SYSTEM that does not allow family and the community to COMMIT crazy people against their will ... then mass shooting will go down like a ROCK falling off a cliff.

Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

The real question is..............Why do snoopy nosed busy bodies in other countries (England and France being the worst) care? They have no say in what our laws in America provide for. Stay out of our business and if you don't like it...stay out of our country and our news forums. Sweet Creeping Jesus....stop whining. Most of you buggers don't like us anyways...so why don't you just sit back and have a beer and talk about tea and crumpets?

You people used to have rights to bear weapons ...put you gave it up long ago... we did not.

I know there are a few places (like Finland and Norway) that keep weapons in their homes for civil service duty/militaryreserves and hunting...because I trained there with them.

In America..it is a different ballgame than England or France or Holland. A different history....different liberties.

None of your business.

Actually....tired of the snobbery

YOUR news forum? And you get your knickers in a twist if someone says something disparaging about arrogance amongst Americans.

Anyway, it's nice to see that you will not be offering any opinions on news from anywhere except the US....that would be being a "snoopy nosed busy body" (sic), wouldn't it?


...so how is this any different from countries with strict gun control laws? (and considerably lower death rates)?

African Americans. They are 13% of the population, but commit 52% of he homicides.

What you have said is Americans need guns because black people are there.


...so how is this any different from countries with strict gun control laws? (and considerably lower death rates)?

African Americans. They are 13% of the population, but commit 52% of he homicides.

What you have said is Americans need guns because black people are there.

No. That is what YOU said. I said they are the reason that America's homicide rate is so high.


Please stay on topic. Statistics will support that certain groups are at greater risk of gun crimes. That demographic includes age and sex as well. Not a lot of mass shooters are women, for example. These issues however, are tangential to the topic and a focusing on them will not be permitted.


It is often called paranoia, frequently associated with a schizoid personality disorder, or full blown schizophrenia, often

delusional, have paranoid ideations ... delusional thinking giving a fixed, false, idea or belief that held with extraordinary conviction and subjective certainty, often despite contradictory evidence. These people often have grandiose and distorted ideas about who they are or their abilities, possess extreme jealousy of others believing they are being spied upon, followed, poisoned, harassed, prevented from attaining a goal, or unfairly treated. They are often hyper- vigilant, over the top suspicious, have extraordinary obsessions ... They stand out like a sore thumb ... their psychologists and psychiatrists have a file drawer full of documents on them ... BUT ....


We can't get them off the streets in America, because of protective laws... Families know the score with the broken sullen malcontents - but are hamstrung - no real authority available to put them away for years with forced treatment... Colleges and universities have their clinical records when they were students, but do nothing out of fear of lawsuits. Law enforcement has the records of these guys from the many interviews related to past complaints and even arrests. Their violent tendencies are known by many - but they run loose because their feelings cannot be hurt -- nor can the feelings of others who have mental disease because they do not want society to think bad of them... So we get what we get... and what is get is MAYHEM ....

...... and yet you give these guys many easy opportunities to brandish a gun - it's their right yo


Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

silly question.

1. Collectors

2. Marksmen competing for sports

3. 7/11 business owner for protection

4. House may contain valuable objects

5. Hunting

6. Self protection in places where the police cannot get to quickly

The question was why do you need a gun, not why do you want a gun. Cuts your list down by about half.

Gun ownership in America is not primarily for any of those reasons above. The 2nd Amendment was created to deal with the potential case where a rogue dictatorial government came into power ... and the collective guns of the people's militia is a last resort to fend off a tyrannical government ... It is well documented. You need to some research - read and try to comprehend ... You do not have to agree but you should find out what the real reason for gun ownership by the private citizen is about in America...

and so it is somewhat outdated then? perhaps time to move forward, if the communists aren't coming after all


Let me interject a thought.

What do all the mass murderers have in common of late, besides the use of guns of course?

They all have mental problems.

Why aren't all you Brits, Euros and Aussies pounding your collective chests railing against the mental health industry to get them to solve their very large part in this problem?

Therein lies the solution. Get the crazies identified so they can't legally purchase a gun would be a nice first step.

But -- it would hurt feelings to be labeled crazy ... and even worse to be locked up - treated by force would be terrible - so non PC. The fact that most of the mass shootings of the last 15 years would have been averted .... well -- we just cannot call people crazy 'ya know / sarc off.

there is another way to avert those killings you do realise?!


Yep, we have a bunch of stupid gang bangers shooting themselves. At least it is out if mainstream America and does not impact mainstream America. I do have to ask, where is our POS racist president in the latest shooting of good Americans that was totally racially motivated. He goes nuts over losers like Terry Brown getting shot, but not over actual decent people?

With one mass killing every day, do you really expect him to comment on every one?

Obama only comments when the victims are black... and he says nothing when the perps are black ...

"With one mass killing every day,.."

Somebody should get their facts straight.

Of the 250 "mass shootings" listed by the anti-gun blog, 103 of them involved no fatalities.


Yep, we have a bunch of stupid gang bangers shooting themselves. At least it is out if mainstream America and does not impact mainstream America. I do have to ask, where is our POS racist president in the latest shooting of good Americans that was totally racially motivated. He goes nuts over losers like Terry Brown getting shot, but not over actual decent people?

With one mass killing every day, do you really expect him to comment on every one?

Obama only comments when the victims are black... and he says nothing when the perps are black ...

"With one mass killing every day,.."

Somebody should get their facts straight.

Of the 250 "mass shootings" listed by the anti-gun blog, 103 of them involved no fatalities.

and so would you say these figures you quote are more acceptable then?

at least one mass shooting every other day, plus a horrific, life changing scenario, on the days when nobody dies


Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

silly question.

1. Collectors

2. Marksmen competing for sports

3. 7/11 business owner for protection

4. House may contain valuable objects

5. Hunting

6. Self protection in places where the police cannot get to quickly

The question was why do you need a gun, not why do you want a gun. Cuts your list down by about half.

Gun ownership in America is not primarily for any of those reasons above. The 2nd Amendment was created to deal with the potential case where a rogue dictatorial government came into power ... and the collective guns of the people's militia is a last resort to fend off a tyrannical government ... It is well documented. You need to some research - read and try to comprehend ... You do not have to agree but you should find out what the real reason for gun ownership by the private citizen is about in America...

You misunderstood the question...which was why do you need a gun....not what the history of the right to own a gun is...which is public knowledge.

Read again more carefully before jumping to.conclusions on what I know or do not know about history.

Your apology accepted in advance...thanks


Looking at the way anti gun advocates squirm and wiggle into a righteous position, I am increasingly more supportive of our right to bear arms.

1. Crazy people will just buy a gun illegally. They are crazy...not stupid.

2. I want the right to defend myself from crazy people with illegal weapons...or even legal weapons.

3. The police cannot protect me or my family.

4. I have no urges to shoot somebody, but if they tread on my family,s safety, I want that means


The points that the obsessive - compulsive gun haters cannot understand is that:

- Most daily killings and woundings with guns in America are done in Black and Hispanic Ghettos -- and most often done with illegally acquired guns. And most of that is Black on Black Gangsta shootings ... Having NOTHING to do with the nearly 100 million legal gun owners

- Most true mass shootings are done - proven by health records -- by people who are mentally unstable ... In America it is VERY DIFFICULT - verging on the impossible to By FORCE commit a disturbed person to confinement in a mental institution for more than 72 hours. All because of Bleeding Heart Liberals who see to it that the laws remain that way. So taking dangerous people off the street and locking them up for mental health reasons cannot easily be done. Actually cannot be done in most states - nor can the patient be FORCED to undergo therapy and become successfully treated or remained confined ... So -- these nutcases are on the streets. Then through hook or crook or a hole in the system of background checks - these nutcases get a gun,...

- Almost every one of the true Mass Shootings in America for the past 15 years have been done by the mentally disturbed - mentally deranged ... We cannot get them off the streets.

- 99.99 percent of the nearly 100 million LEGAL GUN OWNERS of nearly 300 Million Guns commit NO GUN CRIMES - EVER.

- For many millions like me -- Because the LEFTISTS such as Obama have the AGENDA of total GUN Confiscation - and basically doing away with private gun ownership totally -- stripping the Constitution of the 2nd Amendment - and these Gun Haters will not relent on this GUN Confiscation AGENDA.... Then millions of us REFUSE to negotiate on one single compromise... When the LEFTISTS STOP and DROP their total gun Confiscation agenda - there may be room for compromise but not until.

- And REMEMBER --- Obama can try all the Unconstitutional Executive orders he wants -- they will be fought in the courts. And like some of his other illegal unconstitutional executive orders they will get hung up in court until he leaves office. And NO Member of the U.S. House or Representatives Nor or the U.S. Senate are going to do anything relative to Gun Control - when 100 million Voters are hanging over their heads -- ESPECIALLY in this coming Election Year - ... Members of Congress may be worthless - and crooks - but they are not stupid... They want reelection more than anything so it is used against them.

I have made predictions over several years here on TVF -- there will be NO Significant Gun Legislation in the next several years if not in the next 10 or 15 years ... basically NEVER.

Fix uneducated BLACKs - get them off drugs, get them out of the hood mentality - get them out of the poison of HIP HOP RAP that creates a criminal mindset ... GO LISTEN TO IT - the kind that is played in the hood -- it is a call to violence and crime - blared from every automobile and window in the HOOD...

Fix the SYSTEM that does not allow family and the community to COMMIT crazy people against their will ... then mass shooting will go down like a ROCK falling off a cliff.

Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

silly question.

1. Collectors

2. Marksmen competing for sports

3. 7/11 business owner for protection

4. House may contain valuable objects

5. Hunting

6. Self protection in places where the police cannot get to quickly

The real question is..............Why do snoopy nosed busy bodies in other countries (England and France being the worst) care? They have no say in what our laws in America provide for. Stay out of our business and if you don't like it...stay out of our country and our news forums. Sweet Creeping Jesus....stop whining. Most of you buggers don't like us anyways...so why don't you just sit back and have a beer and talk about tea and crumpets?

You people used to have rights to bear weapons ...put you gave it up long ago... we did not.

I know there are a few places (like Finland and Norway) that keep weapons in their homes for civil service duty/militaryreserves and hunting...because I trained there with them.

In America..it is a different ballgame than England or France or Holland. A different history....different liberties.

None of your business.

Actually....tired of the snobbery

You are actually correct, and it is none of my business if people are murdered every day in the USA.

Just out of interest why do you comment on topics about Thailand? After all it is not your country and not your business either.

Go out in the USA, buy yourself a gun and then go out and kill animals for "sport".

Don't forget to have a nice day killing defenceless animals.


Yep, we have a bunch of stupid gang bangers shooting themselves. At least it is out if mainstream America and does not impact mainstream America. I do have to ask, where is our POS racist president in the latest shooting of good Americans that was totally racially motivated. He goes nuts over losers like Terry Brown getting shot, but not over actual decent people?

With one mass killing every day, do you really expect him to comment on every one?

Obama only comments when the victims are black... and he says nothing when the perps are black ...

"With one mass killing every day,.."

Somebody should get their facts straight.

Of the 250 "mass shootings" listed by the anti-gun blog, 103 of them involved no fatalities.

If you are correct then 147 or 58.8% DID involve fatalities. In the other 41.2% where nobody was killed, were guns involved? In fact were guns involved in all 250 incidents?


Looking at the way anti gun advocates squirm and wiggle into a righteous position, I am increasingly more supportive of our right to bear arms.

1. Crazy people will just buy a gun illegally. They are crazy...not stupid.

2. I want the right to defend myself from crazy people with illegal weapons...or even legal weapons.

3. The police cannot protect me or my family.

4. I have no urges to shoot somebody, but if they tread on my family,s safety, I want that means

". Crazy people will just buy a gun illegally. They are crazy...not stupid.

2. I want the right to defend myself from crazy people with illegal weapons...or even legal weapons.

3. The police cannot protect me or my family.

4. I have no urges to shoot somebody, but if they tread on my family,s safety, I want that means"

so why don't country's with stricter gun controls have MORE crazy people using guns than in the States?


With one mass killing every day, do you really expect him to comment on every one?

Obama only comments when the victims are black... and he says nothing when the perps are black ...

"With one mass killing every day,.."

Somebody should get their facts straight.

Of the 250 "mass shootings" listed by the anti-gun blog, 103 of them involved no fatalities.

If you are correct then 147 or 58.8% DID involve fatalities. In the other 41.2% where nobody was killed, were guns involved? In fact were guns involved in all 250 incidents?

Of course guns were involved. Why else do you think a gun control blog made up the survey to begin with?

My question back at you is, how many of the perpetrators were mentally unbalanced or convicted felons?

When you find a gun control blog that shows how many people are killed every day with legally purchased and owned guns, let us know.


4 or more people to be shot is indeed a more accurate definition of mass shooting. FBI takes it as 3 or more killed by shooting.

I wonder what the figure would be if the FBI used the word "shot" literally, ie, 3 or more people shot, not necessarily killed. Obviously more than one incident per day, on average.

A shocking statistic.

Cue defenders of the right to bear arms. Their irrational arguments actually bear testimony to the demograph's average IQ.

How many people die in cars every day? Yet there is no outcry to remove them from private ownership. Till the criminals are all locked up and there is not a single illegal weapon on the street, if I lived in the US I'd be exceedingly well armed.

Yeah and while we're at it, how many people die of natural causes, nobody mentions that do they!


"With one mass killing every day,.."

Somebody should get their facts straight.

Of the 250 "mass shootings" listed by the anti-gun blog, 103 of them involved no fatalities.

If you are correct then 147 or 58.8% DID involve fatalities. In the other 41.2% where nobody was killed, were guns involved? In fact were guns involved in all 250 incidents?

Of course guns were involved. Why else do you think a gun control blog made up the survey to begin with?

My question back at you is, how many of the perpetrators were mentally unbalanced or convicted felons?

When you find a gun control blog that shows how many people are killed every day with legally purchased and owned guns, let us know.

I have no idea how many of the perpetators were crazy, convicted felons, black, white or green with purple spots. It is of little interest to me as I am not likely to ever go to the USA.

Sadly it is of no interest to the murdered victims either as they are dead whoever killed them though it may be of interest to the victims families.

At the end of the day it really doesn't matter either if the guns were legal or illegal because the dead are still dead and their families are still suffering.

My question still stands. Why do Americans NEED guns? Want I can understand, but NEED?


The points that the obsessive - compulsive gun haters cannot understand is that:

- Most daily killings and woundings with guns in America are done in Black and Hispanic Ghettos -- and most often done with illegally acquired guns. And most of that is Black on Black Gangsta shootings ... Having NOTHING to do with the nearly 100 million legal gun owners

- Most true mass shootings are done - proven by health records -- by people who are mentally unstable ... In America it is VERY DIFFICULT - verging on the impossible to By FORCE commit a disturbed person to confinement in a mental institution for more than 72 hours. All because of Bleeding Heart Liberals who see to it that the laws remain that way. So taking dangerous people off the street and locking them up for mental health reasons cannot easily be done. Actually cannot be done in most states - nor can the patient be FORCED to undergo therapy and become successfully treated or remained confined ... So -- these nutcases are on the streets. Then through hook or crook or a hole in the system of background checks - these nutcases get a gun,...

- Almost every one of the true Mass Shootings in America for the past 15 years have been done by the mentally disturbed - mentally deranged ... We cannot get them off the streets.

- 99.99 percent of the nearly 100 million LEGAL GUN OWNERS of nearly 300 Million Guns commit NO GUN CRIMES - EVER.

- For many millions like me -- Because the LEFTISTS such as Obama have the AGENDA of total GUN Confiscation - and basically doing away with private gun ownership totally -- stripping the Constitution of the 2nd Amendment - and these Gun Haters will not relent on this GUN Confiscation AGENDA.... Then millions of us REFUSE to negotiate on one single compromise... When the LEFTISTS STOP and DROP their total gun Confiscation agenda - there may be room for compromise but not until.

- And REMEMBER --- Obama can try all the Unconstitutional Executive orders he wants -- they will be fought in the courts. And like some of his other illegal unconstitutional executive orders they will get hung up in court until he leaves office. And NO Member of the U.S. House or Representatives Nor or the U.S. Senate are going to do anything relative to Gun Control - when 100 million Voters are hanging over their heads -- ESPECIALLY in this coming Election Year - ... Members of Congress may be worthless - and crooks - but they are not stupid... They want reelection more than anything so it is used against them.

I have made predictions over several years here on TVF -- there will be NO Significant Gun Legislation in the next several years if not in the next 10 or 15 years ... basically NEVER.

Fix uneducated BLACKs - get them off drugs, get them out of the hood mentality - get them out of the poison of HIP HOP RAP that creates a criminal mindset ... GO LISTEN TO IT - the kind that is played in the hood -- it is a call to violence and crime - blared from every automobile and window in the HOOD...

Fix the SYSTEM that does not allow family and the community to COMMIT crazy people against their will ... then mass shooting will go down like a ROCK falling off a cliff.

Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

We hear too often about the Right to bear arms, and too little about the Responsibilites of so doing. Rights and Responsibilites are two sides of the same coin.

The vast majority of gun owners in America are Responsible. Only a tiny fraction of legal gun owners ever create any gun problem... The real problem is crazy people who should by all measure been locked up years before they got hold of a gun and the Gangsta gang bangers in the Ghettos of America.

Unreadable racist nonsense, no?


Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

silly question.

1. Collectors

2. Marksmen competing for sports

3. 7/11 business owner for protection

4. House may contain valuable objects

5. Hunting

6. Self protection in places where the police cannot get to quickly

The real question is..............Why do snoopy nosed busy bodies in other countries (England and France being the worst) care? They have no say in what our laws in America provide for. Stay out of our business and if you don't like it...stay out of our country and our news forums. Sweet Creeping Jesus....stop whining. Most of you buggers don't like us anyways...so why don't you just sit back and have a beer and talk about tea and crumpets?

You people used to have rights to bear weapons ...put you gave it up long ago... we did not.

I know there are a few places (like Finland and Norway) that keep weapons in their homes for civil service duty/militaryreserves and hunting...because I trained there with them.

In America..it is a different ballgame than England or France or Holland. A different history....different liberties.

None of your business.

Actually....tired of the snobbery

You are actually correct, and it is none of my business if people are murdered every day in the USA.

Just out of interest why do you comment on topics about Thailand? After all it is not your country and not your business either.

Go out in the USA, buy yourself a gun and then go out and kill animals for "sport".

Don't forget to have a nice day killing defenceless animals.

I ate parts of a defenseless pig for breakfast. A defenseless cow for lunch. I'm going to have a chicken for dinner. My dog just killed a defenseless dove (the dog thinks doves are small chickens and the dog likes to eat chickens).

There are more game animals in the USA now than when the native Indians ran the country because they are now raised and controlled for sport (they don't starve in the winter like they used to).

Did you know plants talk. I'd never eat a poor plant that was screaming, "don't pick the asparagus."


Mental problems??

Well lets put it this way......if you have mental problems you shouldn't have a gun......if you WANT a gun you probably have mental problems - ergo there is no reason to be allowed to have a gun.

Don't people in the UK have guns?


Why do you need to own a gun in the USA?

We hear too often about the Right to bear arms, and too little about the Responsibilites of so doing. Rights and Responsibilites are two sides of the same coin.

The vast majority of gun owners in America are Responsible. Only a tiny fraction of legal gun owners ever create any gun problem... The real problem is crazy people who should by all measure been locked up years before they got hold of a gun and the Gangsta gang bangers in the Ghettos of America.

Unreadable racist nonsense, no?

Stark numbers on gun violence.



silly question.

1. Collectors

2. Marksmen competing for sports

3. 7/11 business owner for protection

4. House may contain valuable objects

5. Hunting

6. Self protection in places where the police cannot get to quickly

The question was why do you need a gun, not why do you want a gun. Cuts your list down by about half.

Gun ownership in America is not primarily for any of those reasons above. The 2nd Amendment was created to deal with the potential case where a rogue dictatorial government came into power ... and the collective guns of the people's militia is a last resort to fend off a tyrannical government ... It is well documented. You need to some research - read and try to comprehend ... You do not have to agree but you should find out what the real reason for gun ownership by the private citizen is about in America...

and so it is somewhat outdated then? perhaps time to move forward, if the communists aren't coming after all

A bit surprised someone with UK in their name, could be so liberally dismissive of their own recent history, as well as the historical precedent of the human species. If the US keeps going the way it is, they may not be in any position to help bail you out again but you've always got France.

You are actually correct, and it is none of my business if people are murdered every day in the USA.

Just out of interest why do you comment on topics about Thailand? After all it is not your country and not your business either.

Go out in the USA, buy yourself a gun and then go out and kill animals for "sport".

Don't forget to have a nice day killing defenceless animals.

I ate parts of a defenseless pig for breakfast. A defenseless cow for lunch. I'm going to have a chicken for dinner. My dog just killed a defenseless dove (the dog thinks doves are small chickens and the dog likes to eat chickens).

There are more game animals in the USA now than when the native Indians ran the country because they are now raised and controlled for sport (they don't starve in the winter like they used to).

Did you know plants talk. I'd never eat a poor plant that was screaming, "don't pick the asparagus."

I want some of what he's smoking.

And then a glass of whatever it was you washed down your lunch with. tongue.png

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