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Have the Russians left Pattaya?

Walter Travolta

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It turned out to be a smart investment for the russians who snapped up property here, now they're house is at least worth 2x more in rubles.

You have it completely backwards. When it was 100 rubles equaled 100 baht, they would pay say, 2.5 million rubles for a condo priced at 2,5 million baht. Now if they sell the condo for the same 2.5 million baht, they will only get 1.25 million rubles back, since they only will get 50 rubles for each 100 baht.

For the other gentleman whose wife is in real estate and just sold one for a Russian, shame on her for her math. The Russian could not have been happy losing half his money, and the real estate agent saying "Whoppee"!

you need to stop drinking.whistling.gif

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I was thinking of buying a condo now they have left but would more than likely end up with Chinese or Korean neighbours now haha


Not sure about the Chinese......given the "state of play" in China at this time..but if they do, they tend to keep themselves to theirselves.......which is a bonus in a condo, or otherwise

Definitely not as loud and rude as the Russians I have come across here (Sorry to the well behaved Russians)

Not so sure about that. It's like dumb and dumber or, in their case, rude and ruder!

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It turned out to be a smart investment for the russians who snapped up property here, now they're house is at least worth 2x more in rubles.

You have it completely backwards. When it was 100 rubles equaled 100 baht, they would pay say, 2.5 million rubles for a condo priced at 2,5 million baht. Now if they sell the condo for the same 2.5 million baht, they will only get 1.25 million rubles back, since they only will get 50 rubles for each 100 baht.

For the other gentleman whose wife is in real estate and just sold one for a Russian, shame on her for her math. The Russian could not have been happy losing half his money, and the real estate agent saying "Whoppee"!

Stoli..... Read the words above your avatar

How in the world did you ever survive in your own country without learning Math 101? You are so wrong.........Quick, 2 + 2 is ? Oh, your answer is 22. Okay....so sad...

stoli, I think you are wrong. Lets look at it again.

Lets say before it was 1 ruble to 1 baht. The Russian buys a condo for 1 Million baht.

Then the ruble devalues by 50%. To buy that condo now it will cost him 2 million baht to buy that same condo. Twice as much.

But he has now decided to sell his 1 million condo and he gets 1 million baht.

Because the ruble has devalued by 50%, with his baht gets 2 Millions Rubles. In fact he would make double his money because the baht has stayed the same. In is the Ruble that has devalued and he is using baht to buy the cheaper ruble. Do you agree?

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According to farangs, every type of tourist who is not a farang is bad. Eventhough Russians and Turks look like farangs they're rejected by their fellow anglosphere farangs biggrin.png

Brits/Aussies stir up their fair share of drama after several pints and often don't know when to stop. Problem is this is almost a daily ritual for many of them.

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I live in Jomtien Beach Condo also. Bit of a Russian enclave for sure, but overall numbers are way down. Also seems quality of Russians are up a bit, more family types. A few times they even held elevator for me! Or maybe just seem less of low life group than say year or two ago, as there are fewer of them? Have noticed Chinese being added to signs in front of restaurants... sign of the times.

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Ling Kae asked:

stoli, I think you are wrong. Lets look at it again.

Lets say before it was 1 ruble to 1 baht. The Russian buys a condo for 1 Million baht.

Then the ruble devalues by 50%. To buy that condo now it will cost him 2 million baht to buy that same condo. Twice as much.

But he has now decided to sell his 1 million condo and he gets 1 million baht.

Because the ruble has devalued by 50%, with his baht gets 2 Millions Rubles. In fact he would make double his money because the baht has stayed the same. In is the Ruble that has devalued and he is using baht to buy the cheaper ruble. Do you agree?


As you say, less than 2 years ago the Baht and the Ruble were equal. 1 Ruble got you 1 Baht. If you bought a condo for 3 million Baht, you would pay 3 million Rubles. Correct? As you also said, the Ruble was devalued by 50%, always a bad thing. If today you sell that condo for 3 million baht, and exchange it back to Rubles, you will receive 1.5 million Rubles, 50% less than what you paid. Remember, the Ruble was de-valued. Correct? The Ruble now is worth one-half a Baht for each Ruble, or 50%, not 200%

You are right that to buy a 3 million Baht condo today would cost him 6 million Rubles, or twice as much. we are not talking about his buying here, we are talking about his selling here. We are talking about PROFIT in selling what they have bought less than 2 years ago. There is just a loss, no profit. This is why they are no longer buying here.

Anyone that wants to start a discussion about the condo probably doubled in price in less than 2 years should just climb a tree.

This is also the reason why the Russians has stopped visiting Thailand. It now costs them twice as much to stay here as it did before. If they bring 100,000 Rubles to Thailand, they will only receive 50,000 baht, versus the 100,000 Baht they would have received just 2 years ago, doubling the cost of their stay.

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Last year 100 rubles received 100 baht.

This year ruble devalued so 100 rubles receives 50 baht.

100 baht receives 200 rubles.

Stoli your math is only correct if the baht was devalued....

Edited to hi-lite baht in last sentence.

Edited by bobbin
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Last year 100 rubles received 100 baht.

This year ruble devalued so 100 rubles receives 50 baht.

100 baht receives 200 rubles.

Stoli your math is only correct if the baht was devalued....

Edited to hi-lite baht in last sentence.

Stoli is correct in what he says . . .

1 baht = 0.5 rbl

10 baht = 5 rbl

100 baht = 50 rbl (not 200)

quite simple really :)

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Last year 100 rubles received 100 baht.

This year ruble devalued so 100 rubles receives 50 baht.

100 baht receives 200 rubles.

Stoli your math is only correct if the baht was devalued....

Edited to hi-lite baht in last sentence.

Stoli is correct in what he says . . .

1 baht = 0.5 rbl

10 baht = 5 rbl

100 baht = 50 rbl (not 200)

quite simple really smile.png


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Lots of Russian tourists spotted on Jomtien beach today Sunday , together with Thai families , Chinese and other nationalities.

But not the same numbers as one year ago , thats for sure.

Still the vendors seemed to be busy.

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Im not a bigot, I am friendly to anyone who is nice enough to be friendly back. The reason I started the topic was because I was interested in buying a condo and the only thing that put me off was the fact that if I got a place near some Russians or some Russians moved in near me and started partying all night, then I wouldnt be happy. The reason I mentioned Russians is because partying all night seems to be one of their traits, along with being drunk in the streets and being ignorant enough to not step aside in the street EVER. I move for people and hold doors open for people no matter their gender, age or nationality.

I could add that a Chinese trait is that they wander around the road like it is a footpath and wander why cars and bikes sound their horns at them!

I could add that Indians walk down the soi 4 or 5 abreast taking up the whole of the soi? I could also add that they frequent gogo bars in same size groups and only buy 1 coke and get as close to the girls as they can.

These are not racist slurs like one member tried to accuse me of but was moderated, these are traits of certain nationalities that are being pointed out.

Im from England, feel free to point out some traits about English people. Some people are too easily offended by things that aren't even meant to be offensive.

Most people do not write things to be offensive, but it seems many people like to read things so they can say they are offended for the sake of stirring up trouble

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Last year 100 rubles received 100 baht.

This year ruble devalued so 100 rubles receives 50 baht.

100 baht receives 200 rubles.

Stoli your math is only correct if the baht was devalued....

Edited to hi-lite baht in last sentence.

Stoli is correct in what he says . . .

1 baht = 0.5 rbl

10 baht = 5 rbl

100 baht = 50 rbl (not 200)

quite simple really smile.png


There you go. This settles the matter at hand. Straight off the conversion chart: 1,000,000 THB now = 1,855,479 RUB (almost double)

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Last year 100 rubles received 100 baht.

This year ruble devalued so 100 rubles receives 50 baht.

100 baht receives 200 rubles.

Stoli your math is only correct if the baht was devalued....

Edited to hi-lite baht in last sentence.

Stoli is correct in what he says . . .

1 baht = 0.5 rbl

10 baht = 5 rbl

100 baht = 50 rbl (not 200)

quite simple really smile.png


Your link confirms my math

oops... Dennis' link confirms my math.

Surprising that anybody here is unsure. We live and die by FX whistling.gif

Edited by bobbin
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Last year 100 rubles received 100 baht.

This year ruble devalued so 100 rubles receives 50 baht.

100 baht receives 200 rubles.

Stoli your math is only correct if the baht was devalued....

Edited to hi-lite baht in last sentence.

Just go to any Money Exchange. Give them 100 baht, and see how many Rubles they give you. You will then find out if you are right or wrong. When they give you 50 Rubles for your 100 baht, ask them why not 200 Rubles? The Russians would be in heaven if the baht was de-valued. It wasn't. The Ruble was.....

I cannot keep providing easy math lessons. I am off this thread....

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Last year 100 rubles received 100 baht.

This year ruble devalued so 100 rubles receives 50 baht.

100 baht receives 200 rubles.

Stoli your math is only correct if the baht was devalued....

Edited to hi-lite baht in last sentence.

Just go to any Money Exchange. Give them 100 baht, and see how many Rubles they give you. You will then find out if you are right or wrong. When they give you 50 Rubles for your 100 baht, ask them why not 200 Rubles? The Russians would be in heaven if the baht was de-valued. It wasn't. The Ruble was.....

I cannot keep providing easy math lessons. I am off this thread....

Of course you are because you fail to use the currency conversion link supplied above and you fail to admit that you are wrong. It's ok to be wrong, it's how long you want to remain wrong that counts.

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To Walter and Stoli..

The problem with being mathematically challenged is that you'll never be able to figure out why you are wrong... facepalm.gif

Bobbin - I am trying to point out that the ruble has weakened which means the Russians will be spending twice as much money in Thailand than they were when the baht to the ruble was 1 to 1

Before, they could exchange 1 ruble and receive 1 baht

Now, they have to exchange 2 rubles to receive 1 baht

I also think that is what Stoli was saying although he needs to confirm that himself

Please dont make out I am thick when I know exactly what I am saying

If you dont understand what I have stated above, then that is your problem

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To Walter and Stoli..

The problem with being mathematically challenged is that you'll never be able to figure out why you are wrong... facepalm.gif

Bobbin - I am trying to point out that the ruble has weakened which means the Russians will be spending twice as much money in Thailand than they were when the baht to the ruble was 1 to 1

Before, they could exchange 1 ruble and receive 1 baht

Now, they have to exchange 2 rubles to receive 1 baht

I also think that is what Stoli was saying although he needs to confirm that himself

Please dont make out I am thick when I know exactly what I am saying

If you dont understand what I have stated above, then that is your problem

Agreed, however when they send their 3m Baht back to Russia, they will receive twice as much when they convert it to roubles.

The rouble is now only worth half what it was against the Baht, they get two roubles for every Baht. They wouldn't convert it in Thailand. So in theory 100% profit.

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To Walter and Stoli..

The problem with being mathematically challenged is that you'll never be able to figure out why you are wrong... facepalm.gif

Bobbin - I am trying to point out that the ruble has weakened which means the Russians will be spending twice as much money in Thailand than they were when the baht to the ruble was 1 to 1

Before, they could exchange 1 ruble and receive 1 baht

Now, they have to exchange 2 rubles to receive 1 baht

I also think that is what Stoli was saying although he needs to confirm that himself

Please dont make out I am thick when I know exactly what I am saying

If you dont understand what I have stated above, then that is your problem

Agreed, however when they send their 3m Baht back to Russia, they will receive twice as much when they convert it to roubles.

The rouble is now only worth half what it was against the Baht, they get two roubles for every Baht. They wouldn't convert it in Thailand. So in theory 100% profit.

Again I understand that but . . .

1) That wasnt the point of the issue. The issue was that the ruble has devalued so they only get half as much as they used to

2) Your theory only applies to ANYONE leaving Thailand and entering Russia, whether they be Thai, Russian or daleks!! Yes, if you are leaving Thailand for Russia, you will get 2 rubles to the baht, but that was not the point, the point was about Russians going to Thailand, they would be worse off than before.

What is so difficult to grasp?

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Ling Kae asked:

stoli, I think you are wrong. Lets look at it again.

Lets say before it was 1 ruble to 1 baht. The Russian buys a condo for 1 Million baht.

Then the ruble devalues by 50%. To buy that condo now it will cost him 2 million baht to buy that same condo. Twice as much.

But he has now decided to sell his 1 million condo and he gets 1 million baht.

Because the ruble has devalued by 50%, with his baht gets 2 Millions Rubles. In fact he would make double his money because the baht has stayed the same. In is the Ruble that has devalued and he is using baht to buy the cheaper ruble. Do you agree?


As you say, less than 2 years ago the Baht and the Ruble were equal. 1 Ruble got you 1 Baht. If you bought a condo for 3 million Baht, you would pay 3 million Rubles. Correct? As you also said, the Ruble was devalued by 50%, always a bad thing. If today you sell that condo for 3 million baht, and exchange it back to Rubles, you will receive 1.5 million Rubles, 50% less than what you paid. Remember, the Ruble was de-valued. Correct? The Ruble now is worth one-half a Baht for each Ruble, or 50%, not 200%

You are right that to buy a 3 million Baht condo today would cost him 6 million Rubles, or twice as much. we are not talking about his buying here, we are talking about his selling here. We are talking about PROFIT in selling what they have bought less than 2 years ago. There is just a loss, no profit. This is why they are no longer buying here.

Anyone that wants to start a discussion about the condo probably doubled in price in less than 2 years should just climb a tree.

This is also the reason why the Russians has stopped visiting Thailand. It now costs them twice as much to stay here as it did before. If they bring 100,000 Rubles to Thailand, they will only receive 50,000 baht, versus the 100,000 Baht they would have received just 2 years ago, doubling the cost of their stay.

It's one thing to make a mistake. But several posters have pointed out how it should be calculated, yet you continue to insist you're right. That's incredible stupid!

If they sell for the same amount in baht they will get approx double amount in ruble than what they paid for it.

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Last year 100 rubles received 100 baht.

This year ruble devalued so 100 rubles receives 50 baht.

100 baht receives 200 rubles.

Stoli your math is only correct if the baht was devalued....

Edited to hi-lite baht in last sentence.

Stoli is correct in what he says . . .

1 baht = 0.5 rbl

10 baht = 5 rbl

100 baht = 50 rbl (not 200)

quite simple really :)


1 baht = 2 ruble.

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To Walter and Stoli..

The problem with being mathematically challenged is that you'll never be able to figure out why you are wrong... facepalm.gif

Bobbin - I am trying to point out that the ruble has weakened which means the Russians will be spending twice as much money in Thailand than they were when the baht to the ruble was 1 to 1

Before, they could exchange 1 ruble and receive 1 baht

Now, they have to exchange 2 rubles to receive 1 baht

I also think that is what Stoli was saying although he needs to confirm that himself

Please dont make out I am thick when I know exactly what I am saying

If you dont understand what I have stated above, then that is your problem

Agreed, however when they send their 3m Baht back to Russia, they will receive twice as much when they convert it to roubles.

The rouble is now only worth half what it was against the Baht, they get two roubles for every Baht. They wouldn't convert it in Thailand. So in theory 100% profit.

Again I understand that but . . .

1) That wasnt the point of the issue. The issue was that the ruble has devalued so they only get half as much as they used to

2) Your theory only applies to ANYONE leaving Thailand and entering Russia, whether they be Thai, Russian or daleks!! Yes, if you are leaving Thailand for Russia, you will get 2 rubles to the baht, but that was not the point, the point was about Russians going to Thailand, they would be worse off than before.

What is so difficult to grasp?

Yes, but the poster who first mentioned the gain in rouble versus baht said it presumably in the context that the proceeds from the sale of the condo would be sent back, hope he doesn't mind me borrowing his post "It turned out to be a smart investment for the russians who snapped up property here, now they're house is at least worth 2x more in rubles."

Also, if the Russian sold his condo and sent the money in Baht back to Russia and converted it , then when he returned it back to Thailand, he would also have the same purchasing power as he did when he bought the condo (less charges).

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It was nothing to do with property?? It was about the ruble now being worth 50% as it was before.

pmugghc you are miles off! Go to an exchange booth and see if you get 2 rubles for 1 baht cheesy.gif it even tells you in the window what you get. Seriously bored now due to philistines coffee1.gif topic unfollowed

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