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Thai wife wants divorce after 5 months

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I don't think anyone of these TV bar stool judges are registered practicing lawyers .....

I think it's best if you actually talk to a professional and not a forum website ... clap2.gif

Right you are, but we have the experience of the Marraige/Divorce proceedings............and we give the advice for free. Why pay a lawyer when you can just do it yourself if no ppty or children are involved.

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Is your marriage registered in Thailand? Normally, all assets bought together during marriage were shared by 50%.

In any case you should consult a layer - which represents you and don't work together with your spouse!

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Get a Lawyer but from somewhere else. If you are in a small community do not use a local Lawyer, they are corrupt.

For big cases you can approach the Bar association in BKK if you need a clean one, they give you the contact.

In your case get somebody from some distance away.

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Have'nt read all the posts but if you have the where withall to walk away then do it.In my opinion they think they have you by the balls.I have a good wife ( not 100%) but I let her know now and again when she becomes arsey where the money is coming from.I ignore all the posters who tell you this,that or whatever because in my opinion they are in denial.Thai's live for today,you buy them a car/house then their attitude is that was yesterday,gone and forgotten.I am waiting for all the farangs with the perfect life,good for them.I think they are in denial,hate repeating myself.Do not take any shit from her,tell her ( Up to you ) they all know that.It is farangs who have not got the balls to put them in their place that has caused this problem.They have network worldwide how to screw us and the system.Basically tell her to go on a sexual trip if you get my drift,you will not be sorry.

"Thai's live for today,you buy them a car/house then their attitude is that was yesterday,gone and forgotten."

How very true in my case.

I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on buying a house, farm, 4WD, tracktor, big house, swimming pool and a hell of a lot of cash over a period of 10 years.

After 6 years together she lost interest in me so I got a divorce.

Like an idiot I continued to support her for 4 more years (we have a 6 year old daughter who I love dearly)

You'd think she would have a little compassion since I bankrolled her her life for the past 10 years - but no.

As you know "a man knoweth no greater wroth than a woman scorned".

Because I had the temerity to look for a new wife the ex-wife has banned me from going back to "her house" or to see my daughter ever again.

She took out a life insurance policy on me some years back (with my money) and I think she intends to get a payout sooner than I'd like.

Remaining in Thailand is going to be dangerous for me.

If I have an "accident" please get the cops to do a proper investigation.

So to the OP - be warned if you're having trouble already then there is no hope, it can only get worse.



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Only 5 months?

You are a lucky man.

Get out now....it will cost you much than getting out later.

Why did you "buy" when it is so cheap just to rent one?

What did he buy? I did not see he said he bought anything

it is a jock

much in the way , Why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free"laugh.png

OMG she is not Thai she is Scottish !

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Where do people find these women?

A better question would be "how can you avoid them?"

I'm not saying that Thai women are all money grubbers, but I suspect the ones that latch on when the guy isn't putting out any effort at all- have a higher probability. Not unlike back home.

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Seldom have I heard/read so much nonsense from a bunch of losers.

Get a life and have a long hard look at yourselves. Many posters refer to their ex wives in the same manner as one would to a piece of livestock. No wonder their marriages failed.

If me and my good lady wife ever decided that marriage was no longer for us then she would have her house and job and I would have my house and job.

But we don't have the relationship where I am 60 plus years old and she is in her twenties.

Neither of us are slaves to the almighty baht either......sometimes we have plenty to spare...other times not so much.

Works for us.

Same here , 8 years with the same girlfriend.

She helped me with the start up of my company and after that i did the same for her.

She makes more money then me now most of the time.

Ow i forgot to mention , i did not meet her in a drinking area.

Those places i am allowed to visit by my self biggrin.png

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People here automatically

side with the man assuming

the Thai woman has

suddenly revealed herself

as an unscrupulous, money-

grabbing cow and that the

guy is a hapless, salt-of-the

-earth bloke who's just found

himself out of his depth.

The truth is though, we don't

know that the OP promised

and we don't know that he

didn't overstate the extent of

his "wealth" to his wife-to-be

at the time. Lord knows he

wouldn't have been the first

to do so

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It's not easy to divorce in Thailand if only one part of the duo wants it.

But if you both want to, you don't need to consult an attorney. Just call her on it and go to the amphur office with her and file for divorce. If you do that without any addendums like a divorce contract, you don't owe her SQUAT.

Call her bluff. Tell her... "Let's go now then. "

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You appear to have nothing much invested, house, land etc so you can have a lucky escape. There may be laws in Thailand regarding property, but compared to a couple of truck loads of cousins from Issan wielding machetes and telling you it is time to leave, they are feeble.

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Only 5 months?

You are a lucky man.

Get out now....it will cost you much than getting out later.

Why did you "buy" when it is so cheap just to rent one?

What did he buy? I did not see he said he bought anything

Think he was referring to the partnership.........

OP. I recall your recent post about buying the shop, seems the cranky little princess couldn't handle not getting the payout every time the hand was out.

Nothing owned in Thailand since the time of marriage, nothing split......that includes debts however, I believe you may be liable for 50% ownership of any loan she may have taken out since marriage. Look into it.

Put it down to experience and be happy no kids are involved.

Say nothing ,get on the plane back home .

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Just saw the post of jwongbkk, this kind of posts are a disgrace to this forum. Yes people can have their opinion but really what the F..... Are you in Thailand for. There are a lot of good people here both guys and girls that will give you happiness the rest of your life if you just treat them with respect. If you give them everything they ask for you are taking the wrong toad.you would never do that in your home country, why do if here where it's your market.

I am NOT here for the girls

I made the post based on my past reads in this forum and what some other guys have been through.

I have had friends who have been through similar situations, so yeah...

why do you assume that farangs are in THAILAND for them girls?

I love the culture here as well as the less stressful environment.

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She has laid down the game plan for the marriage going forward...either pay up or lets agree to move on to separate lives...

She is doing YOU a huge favor by pressing the issue now...

Take your lumps and move on...mark this down as a failed experiment...learn from this and lay down the ground rules for your next experiment...

Do not be surprised...if she pitches a hissy fit and threatens to do your bodily harm when you agree to a divorce...

Good Luck!

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Sorting the wheat out from the chaff....

As marrying a farang is kind of like finding the Golden Fleece, I am sure she had visions of International travel, luxury homes and cars, and large sums of cash. My guess is that she has lost face with family and friends, in that she obtained nothing substantial by your marriage. Some men would say she is "Financially Driven". More than a few of us are way past that age where young girls and men fall desperately in love, regardless of the promise of worldy goods. Younger people have visions of working together and slowly attaining their possessions, through a long marriage.

Being a bit old fashioned...I believe a lady should be given an expensive gift, from time to time. Most of us are capable, and it feels good to see their faces light up with pleasure. It does not necessarily mean they are "financially driven" when they express pleasure from receiving an expensive gift. Sometimes it is just that they know it hurt your pocket to buy that item...and my wife appreciates that. I have made mistakes in the past, where I never once gave anything substantial to a girl who lived with me for eight years. I look back now..and it was no wonder that she let me go. She was happy when I left, as practicality was that she had a destitute family relying on her help. I could not help with that...and I am sure she was looking for a way out.

Reality is harsh. Some of us luck out and the wife accepts that quick riches are a pipe dream. They stay with us, regardless, for the long haul and see us as not only husbands...but a close companion and friend. The "financially driven" will never stay for the long haul...when they see that the prospects of attaining wealth are not going to happen. Perhaps they have missed the boat, and have other "farangs" to pursue their dreams with.

I do believe it is a good idea to shack up together...and put off marriage until you know your lady is pure, semolina wheat grain, and not the chaff.

puuuuuuulease.... what you think in so many ways is so wrong .....

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Words from a friend Thai attorney working with divorces...

Depending where the "farang" it is from...it is a different history....

Most Thai women think that is the same with all...but it is not...

With Americans, only will get 60% of the social security after its death, and only after living without interruption in the US for at least 5 years. That's means... even married for 20 years, if never lived in the US, Thai wives get nothing from the US, even if the marriage was register there.

With Australians is a big deal. A smart Thai divorcing an Aussie, may get 1/2 of everything its husband owns, before and after the marriage.

With French, German, and Briton, depending where the marriage was register...and other details.

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Only 5 months?

You are a lucky man.

Get out now....it will cost you much than getting out later.

Why did you "buy" when it is so cheap just to rent one?

What did he buy? I did not see he said he bought anything

it is a jock

much in the way , Why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free":lol:

If he didn't get the joke the first time round, I doubt if this example will do the trick. 555

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Take up her kind offer of divorce. Slip out of the noose as quietly as possible and in the most peaceful manner without giving away any of your possessions. The population of Thailand is 66m+ half of which are women (excluding tomboys) so that leaves you a choice from the many millions of available women out there waiting for a nice man like you. You need to do a bit more homework on differentiating the ladies who are more interested in love and having a partner than those seeking money and/or a father for their existing children. Many might be eliminated on that basis but there are still many good ones out there waiting. Go for it and good luck.

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