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US promising help to keep Iran in check in Middle East


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US promising help to keep Iran in check in Middle East

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is greeting King Salman of Saudi Arabia with assurances that a nuclear deal with Iran also comes with the necessary resources to help check its regional ambitions.

The king is making his first visit to the White House since ascending the throne in January. The visit on Friday comes at an important moment. Congress will soon take up a resolution of disapproval of the nuclear agreement, though Democrats are expected to provide Obama with enough votes to sustain his expected veto.

Saudi officials have voiced support for the deal, but they are also worried about the international community's ability to enforce it. The visit is pushing the administration to publicly address those concerns before Congress votes.

To that end, Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S is working with allies in the Middle East to develop a ballistic missile defense system, special operations training and will team up on large-scale military exercises.

"We are determined that our Gulf friends will have the political and military support that they need," Kerry said during a speech delivered in Philadelphia, which was also broadcast in Iran.

Some suspect that the administration's promises of support are aimed more toward easing the concerns of Congress and the American public than of the king.

"Obama only has about a year left so promises about American foreign policy are going to have a very short life," said Elliott Abrams, who served as deputy national security adviser to President George W. Bush. "... I don't know if he's really interested in the president's promises at this point."

Rather that exchanging promises, the leaders of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia are focused on delivering a message, Abrams said.

"I think he wants to tell the president that Iran is a great danger and an enemy," Abrams said of the king. "The Saudis think we view Iran as a possible partner. They don't."

Meanwhile, the president will want to assure the king he's well aware of the dangers Iran poses.

One of Saudi Arabia's greatest concerns is what Iran will do as relief from sanctions and access to frozen assets boosts its economy. The White House now estimates that Iran will be able to access $56 billion once it completes key steps in the agreement.

Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser, said Iran is in such a deep economic hole that its government is likely to use the money to boost the country's economy, but there are no strings attached to the sanctions relief. He also said that the defense budget of U.S. allies in the Gulf is eight times that of Iran and no amount of sanctions relief could close that gap. Some have expressed concern that Iran will use the newly freed money to fund Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror activities, bolster Syrian President Bashar Assad or continue to help destabilize Yemen through the Houthi rebels.

"We also acknowledge the fact that we need to ensure that we're doing everything we can to counter Iran's destabilizing activities in the region," Rhodes said.

Rhodes said the meeting between Obama and Salman on Friday would likely not lead to any announcements on the sale of new major weapons systems to Saudi Arabia. Rather, the focus is on "more nimble 21st-century capabilities in areas like cyber and maritime and special forces."

Officials said the administration would also express concerns during meetings with the Saudis about civilian casualties that have occurred in Yemen, where the Saudis are conducting airstrikes to support the government in a civil war against the Houthis. The United Nations says 2,100 civilians have died as a result of the conflict in Yemen.

Jeff Prescott, a senior director in the president's National Security Council, said the U.S. is asking all sides to allow for unfettered humanitarian access to all parts of Yemen and to avoid damage to infrastructure required to deliver assistance.

"I expect the president will express the concerns that we have about the urgent need to find a resolution to this crisis," Prescott said during a conference call with reporters previewing the king's visit.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-04

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Obama is not going to keep anyone in check. Friends don't trust him. The enemy does not respect him and is not afraid of him. When it comes to foreign policy, he is a complete joke.

Which "friends"are you refearing to? Saudi Arabia and Israel? With friends like them, who needs enemies?

It's primarily Israeli Firsters and hard liners in Iran oppose the peace initiative. Loyal and true Americans put America's strategic interests at the forefront of foreign policy decisions. And that's exactly what this deal does.

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Obama is not going to keep anyone in check. Friends don't trust him. The enemy does not respect him and is not afraid of him. When it comes to foreign policy, he is a complete joke.

Maybe Obama is going to draw another red line in the sand. thumbsup.gif

Having said that, this is the latest from Kerry to our allies over there.


Kerry Promises Israel, Saudis Money In Wake of Iran Nuclear Deal
Move meant to sooth congressional, regional fears following deal
BY: Adam Kredo
September 2, 2015 12:30 pm
Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday moved to reassure Congress that Israel and America’s Gulf State allies would be fully taken care of in the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, which Kerry acknowledged would not stop Iran’s support for terrorism, according to a letter sent by the secretary of state to lawmakers.
Just moments after the White House secured enough votes to override a congressional veto of the Iran deal, a letter from Kerry appeared in the inboxes of congressional offices across Capitol Hill.
Kerry admits that, despite the deal, Iran will continue to back terrorist groups across the globe and promises to boost military support and funding to Israel and Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
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Obama is not going to keep anyone in check. Friends don't trust him. The enemy does not respect him and is not afraid of him. When it comes to foreign policy, he is a complete joke.

Which "friends"are you refearing to? Saudi Arabia and Israel? With friends like them, who needs enemies?

It's primarily Israeli Firsters and hard liners in Iran oppose the peace initiative. Loyal and true Americans put America's strategic interests at the forefront of foreign policy decisions. And that's exactly what this deal does.

Loyal and true Americans put America's strategic interests at the forefront of foreign policy decisions.

Doesn't win a lot of true friends around the globe though.

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King Salman better buy himself some backup nuclear weapons. Dealing with Iran will eventually take nuks and the USA is too protective of life to do the killing necessary to alter Iran's perception of the world.

Proliferation is exactly what's going to happen, that is if Iran doesn't use its nukes preemptively first, or some other (hmmm) nation doesn't now find itself compelled to act. Those who can see past the end of their nose (though, depending on just exactly where one's nose happens to BE, that CAN be a challenge...) realize this whole deal is actually a fireSTARTER rather than some fairy tale elixir. This chitchat with the Saudi king not only gives the lie to the "universal world & regional support" behind this deal, but is a clue to the direction in which it's all headed. But if Obama can just keep this can successfully in motion for another 14 months, it at least won't be HIS problem (or, so he thinks, his fault...).

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