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Teachers council considers revoking head-smacking vice-principal’s license


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Teachers council considers revoking head-smacking vice-principal’s license
By Coconuts Bangkok


KORAT: -- A vice-principal in a Nakhon Ratchasima school may lose his teaching license after smacking and verbally assaulting a student president.

Former vice-principal of Soeng Sang School, Aisoonpiyathorn Juthatham, 53, has been transferred to another school while the Teachers Council of Thailand re-investigates the incident last Friday.

Aisoonpiyathorn was filmed smacking the student president in front of the entire school after a heated argument.
In the video, the Mathayom-five student president, whose identity was not revealed, speaks in front of a crowd of students to encourage them to sign a petition to evict the school board for collecting a THB200 “SMS fee.” The fee would enable the school to text news and information to their parents.

Aisoonpiyathorn then steps in and an argument ensues. The video went viral.

Full story http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/09/04/teachers-council-considers-revoking-head-smacking-vice-principals-license

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-09-04

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This old stupid dinosaur should have his licensed revoked, sacked from his job with no compensation and benefits and thrown into jail. All his assets should be consficated by invoking article 44 and sold and used to help certain student's foundations.

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This old stupid dinosaur should have his licensed revoked, sacked from his job with no compensation and benefits and thrown into jail. All his assets should be consficated by invoking article 44 and sold and used to help certain student's foundations.

And don't forget to burn his house down and cut off his hand.

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This kind of behaviour cannot be tolerated , these people are supposed to set an example ,don't consider, just revoke this dimwit's licence , the school and student should then file charges of assault, it seems strange that the students had to pay 200 for the school to send SMS to their parents, if the school is that miserable don't send any. coffee1.gif

Edited by chainarong
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This old stupid dinosaur should have his licensed revoked, sacked from his job with no compensation and benefits and thrown into jail. All his assets should be consficated by invoking article 44 and sold and used to help certain student's foundations.

And don't forget to burn his house down and cut off his hand.

And his little peepee!

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How old school

As opposed to...................?? Is there a " new thinking" in Thai schools or is it still rote, domination, uniformity and subservience?

Six of the best,ooh thank you sir .Very 'umble sir. wai2.gif

Edited by ratcatcher
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I'm very glad to see students challenging teachers - no future for the education system whilst the kids continue to be raised as sheep.

As for this dinosaur - good riddance.

Are you insinuating that almost every teacher should be canned for something so minor when teachers walk through their classes with sticks hitting them daily just to do some class work or for not doing their homework or for talking. I have seen assistant principles make students punch a wall a hundred times because they were fighting. Let's face it. Most Thai teachers are the dinosaurs you state in Thailand.
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Yes, and the ones with sticks as well.

Also that's not my experience of Thai teachers at my son's school at all (and if it was I'd pull him out of it at the very least), so I do not agree with your 'most' assertion.

Obviously the other teacher present felt the conduct of the VP was highly unacceptable and out of place, otherwise he would not have intervened physically, against his superior most likely unless the guy in the black is the Principal - huge 'face' issues in play there, physically restraining a superior.

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If they do (and they certainly should) then it would be the first commendable thing that shower of an organization has done in a long time

When the same, IMO sound, logic would be used with all the teachers in the country, how many of the teachers would there still be left? 20%, even less...?

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I'm proud of that student. Standing up against a corrupt system, taking a punch from that knobhead VP and resisting retaliation. Hopefully lads and girls like that grow up and expect more from society, ie to have integrity, honesty, and to be more pro country and less pro me.

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Love the wording "smacking and verbally assaulting" I would have thought just assaulting him and verbally abusing him would be more accurate but TIT but if my child I'd press charges for assault and push for sacking him - I know Thai teachers still use corporal punishment but I think supposed to be banned now

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Summary execution is too good for this guy.

If a kid needs to be whapped upside the head, it should be a parent doing it.

Nobody, period (almost - aside from most BKK drivers)), deserves to to be whacked in the head though.

I got a few licks from a school principal when I was 12-13 years old.

I have still not forgiven him and often wonder where he lives 3+ decades later.

He should have reported me to my Dad.

Dad had a way of making me feel lower than whale-shit.

I had chewing tobacco was my crime.

My Mom beat my ass twice a week whether I needed it or not.

She & I are rather distant now.

I have a 20 year old boy & a 10 year old daughter.

I whacked them on the butt once each when they were about 2 or 3.

Got my point across. I will never forget my Dad whupping me (once) when I was 4 years old.

After that he could say "Jump!"

I'd say "How high?"

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I came downstairs one day. Wifey was all over my daughter about picking up her toys.

I never said a word. The kid (about 6) was yaw-yaw-yawing at her Mom.

She saw me and UTTER SILENCE....Toys were cleaned up post-haste.

Funny as shit.

That kid & I are best friends too.

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.......200 baht per student....???

...sounds like he may have been planning for his retirement....or holiday.....what is the student population....

...I taught at a school...when I wanted to enroll my daughters....instead of a discount I was told that I would have to pay 150,000 baht to get them in...

...cannot recall if it was for both or each.....

...I was told that 'the director was planning for his retirement'.....

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I'm very glad to see students challenging teachers - no future for the education system whilst the kids continue to be raised as sheep.

As for this dinosaur - good riddance.

Are you insinuating that almost every teacher should be canned for something so minor when teachers walk through their classes with sticks hitting them daily just to do some class work or for not doing their homework or for talking. I have seen assistant principles make students punch a wall a hundred times because they were fighting. Let's face it. Most Thai teachers are the dinosaurs you state in Thailand.

That certainly does NOT happen at my sons school in Khampaeng Phet.

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On day 1 of the new term one teacher asked my daughters class who was she not allowed to hit? This is a mid expensive private school, with international links and the English program class. The kids are just starting P4 and the school has a no touch policy for teachers. They didn't know what to do so said nothing. About 3 days later this teacher told about 6 of the class they hadn't tidied something up as she's instructed at break time and to line up. She hit each once on the hand with a rule. My daughter was one.

I went up like an oil well. Came very close to giving the teacher a rule and suggesting she try to smack me with it and see what happens. My wife calmed me down so I spoke with the School group CEO, who I've met several times. She went mad. This is against school policy and the law. The teacher admitted her actions and was given a written warning that any repetition would lead to dismissal. She has 10 years service so new the rules but chose to ignore them.

We are all protective, rightly so, of our children. But please deal with this calmly, quietly and through the formal hierarchy. Have you been to the school and met the head teacher etc? A quiet word here, where no one looses face is usually much more successful than the way things would be handled in the West.

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Striking students is against the law in Thailand.

Yet it is still a very common practice.

I have worked in two schools in Thailand and know that many teachers walk into the classroom with a bamboo stick in hand ready for use.

If a parent complains after their child has been hit by a teacher, the teacher is called into the director's office and told to " Be more careful".

I have seen school directors have a dozen students line up in front him and proceed to wack each one, several times, in front of the entire student body.

If you can not control students without using violence, you should not be teaching.

If all teachers who strike students lost their licence to teach, Thailand would lose more than half of their teachers.

That would be a very good start to improving the Thai education system.

P.S. If this inccident was not caught on camera, it would be a non issue in Thailand.

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You need a cool head to teach Matayom in a Thai goveenment school. The problem nowdays is that the students all have mobile phone and the videoing of teachers and uploading these to the net is becoming common practice. I think mobiles should be banned from school. Its the a school issue not the publics.

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You need a cool head to teach Matayom in a Thai goveenment school. The problem nowdays is that the students all have mobile phone and the videoing of teachers and uploading these to the net is becoming common practice. I think mobiles should be banned from school. Its the a school issue not the publics.

It's absolutely the public's issue imo - the issue is abuse of children, not that teachers are getting in trouble for abusing children because it is easier to catch them doing so.

I think kids should be encouraged to report abuse, be that direct to parents, to other teachers, or via sharing videos publicly. If mobile phones help the reporting process, great.

Couldn't care less if 50% of teachers lose their jobs due to violent streaks, school's about the kids, not the teachers.

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