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Britain set to accept 'thousands' more refugees


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Migrant crisis: Britain set to accept 'thousands' more refugees

LONDON: -- David Cameron is expected to commit later to allow "thousands" more Syrian refugees to resettle in the UK.

The extra refugees are expected to come from UN camps bordering Syria, and not from among people already in Europe.

The PM has previously said accepting more people was not the simple answer to the worsening humanitarian crisis.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said Downing Street had found itself behind the curve amid public and media reaction to the UK's position.

The PM, who is currently in Lisbon for talks with his Portuguese counterpart, is expected to set out more details later before travelling to Madrid for discussions with the Spanish prime minister.

Full story http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-34148913

-- BBC 2015-09-04

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BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said Downing Street had found itself behind the curve amid public and media reaction to the UK's position.

Nobody should care what the media wants in regards to decisions such as these.

Especially since she was mainly building on the fact that the BBC itself has been relentlessly pushing the line that all the migrants are saintly refugees fleeing imminent destruction, and that any country which does not fling its borders wide open to receive them is racist, Islamophobe, etc etc

Edited by RickBradford
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Cameron = worthless, lying weasel.

He has actually done the only thing that might bring about an end to this crisis if more EU states copied him.

What he has agreed to is to give asylum to around 4000 syrian refugees that are at the moment in camps around the Syrian borders and have applied for asylum there. He is sending out a clear message that this is the only way to get asylum and that those people that do not apply at the first safe refuge point will get deported back to where they came from.

At present we have thousands of so called refugees DEMANDING to be allowed to go to a country of their choice without making any claim for asylum just DEMANDING to be given it. No country in the world is going to accept this arrangement regardless of how many pictures of dead babies the Lefty media tries to use to make this so

I haven't heard of a single Muslim country saying they will help their fellow Muslims by offering them asylum. NOT 1

Hungary has just told it like it is and seems not to understand the meaning of political correctness which makes a refreshing change

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Cameron = worthless, lying weasel.

He has actually done the only thing that might bring about an end to this crisis if more EU states copied him.

What he has agreed to is to give asylum to around 4000 syrian refugees that are at the moment in camps around the Syrian borders and have applied for asylum there. He is sending out a clear message that this is the only way to get asylum and that those people that do not apply at the first safe refuge point will get deported back to where they came from.

At present we have thousands of so called refugees DEMANDING to be allowed to go to a country of their choice without making any claim for asylum just DEMANDING to be given it. No country in the world is going to accept this arrangement regardless of how many pictures of dead babies the Lefty media tries to use to make this so

I haven't heard of a single Muslim country saying they will help their fellow Muslims by offering them asylum. NOT 1

Hungary has just told it like it is and seems not to understand the meaning of political correctness which makes a refreshing change

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Well perhaps you need to look harder.

3.8 million refugees from Syria (95 percent) are found in the following five countries. Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt:

Lebanon is host to 1.1 million refugees registered with UNHCR, which amounts to about 26 percent of the country's population

Jordan hosts 618,615 registered refugees, which amounts to 9.8 percent of the population.

Turkey is hosting 1.6 million refugees, which amounts to 2.4 percent of the population.

Iraq hosts 225,373 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.67 percent of the population.

Egypt has 142,543 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.17 percent of the population.

In Syria, about 190,000 people have been killed and 10.8 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance inside the country.

More than 10 million Syrians, or 45 percent of the country's population have been displaced.

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All very tragic ...

Meanwhile we have to jump through hoops to get our Partners a Tourist Visa, let alone a Settlement Visa ???

...And pay a king's ransom for the privilege. No wonder Europeans are sick to the back teeth of their leaders.

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There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about immigration and freebies handed out to people who have paid nothing into the system.

There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about people who have paid into the system all their lives and no longer live in the UK.

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There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about immigration and freebies handed out to people who have paid nothing into the system.

There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about people who have paid into the system all their lives and no longer live in the UK.

In what respect please ?

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As you sow, so you reap. UK was instrumental in helping the US destabilize the region starting with the lie about Iraq having WMD. If Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad etc had been left alone, they would have only been killing amongst themselves. Brutal dictators are needed to rein in murderous marauders like ISIS, Boko Haram, Taliban etc

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I better say I am being ironic in case our cousins miss understand.

Actually this is a huge tragedy and it is difficult to balance HUMANE considerations against selfish thoughts.

Cameron is NOT helping people at actual risk.

I think it is time for Europe to take the hard line. Invade Syria and carve out a secular state.

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Yes, the UK should take it's share...

But first we should only accept those who register in the first EU country they enter, who goes where should be a lottery.

We should convert old disused factories to refugee hostels, not allowed them to work, tag them, no money just vouchers, a bed, a room and 2/3 meals a day from communal kitchen.

Anything else let the charities provide.

Just make sure it is not desirable option for the economic migrants...

Staying in the UK should only be temporary as the UK along with other countries should be looking to ensure they can return and live in the the countries where they came from.

Edited by Basil B
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Russia is helping Assad stay in power. Wasn't it you who just said these countries need dictators ?

You can't have it both ways just because you are a racist and hate Russians

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Russia is helping Assad stay in power. Wasn't it you who just said these countries need dictators ?

You can't have it both ways just because you are a racist and hate Russians

Never said that. Don't believe in dictators. Not even a necessary evil. Most of the time, the masses suffer under them.

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I better say I am being ironic in case our cousins miss understand.

Actually this is a huge tragedy and it is difficult to balance HUMANE considerations against selfish thoughts.

Cameron is NOT helping people at actual risk.

I think it is time for Europe to take the hard line. Invade Syria and carve out a secular state.

When Assad was in charge that is essentially what Syria was.
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BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said Downing Street had found itself behind the curve amid public and media reaction to the UK's position.

Nobody should care what the media wants in regards to decisions such as these.

Especially since she was mainly building on the fact that the BBC itself has been relentlessly pushing the line that all the migrants are saintly refugees fleeing imminent destruction, and that any country which does not fling its borders wide open to receive them is racist, Islamophobe, etc etc
Then there's the roaring trade in fake Syrian passports, some being used by ISIS to infiltrate Europe. A few machine gun attacks on trains or buses would soon change the public oppinion.
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The EU is doing nothing to stem the flow only encouraging more to go.

Insisting EU countries have quotas only gives hope and a great selling pitch for the traffickers ' we'll get you to Europe, they won't send you back '.

The more that get accepted means the more that will go and there will be a reaction sometime.

The BBC coverage ignores the fact they are entering countries illegally and demanding to be taken care of.

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There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about immigration and freebies handed out to people who have paid nothing into the system.

There is growing unrest amoung the British Public, about people who have paid into the system all their lives and no longer live in the UK.

In what respect please ?

I'm referring to expats who have retired in the sun, UK plc (and the resident population) is beginning to question what value they add to the UK economy whilst continuing to benefit from things such as state pension, winter fuel allowance, personal tax allowance, the removal of free access to the NHS is just the tip of that iceberg. Australia and the US both have models which set dangerous precedents: the US taxes worldwide income and Australia withholds state pension from overseas based expats, expect the UK model to follow similar paths at some point.

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