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Clinton: I didn't 'stop and think' about email system

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Because you have to much money and you think you are above the law. Monica says you can not even blow your own horn!

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I really don't get why so many people are so obsessed with these emails of H.Clinton.

Obviously, her political opponents are trying to spin this story for as long as possible, but really... emails?


I really don't get why so many people are so obsessed with these emails of H.Clinton.

General David Howell Petraeus went to court and was convicted for a lot less. wink.png


I really don't get why so many people are so obsessed with these emails of H.Clinton.

General David Howell Petraeus went to court and was convicted for a lot less. wink.png

I think it was legally different. It's not clear yet whether there will be any thing to pin legal charges on. But the optics are terrible.


I really don't get why so many people are so obsessed with these emails of H.Clinton.

General David Howell Petraeus went to court and was convicted for a lot less. wink.png

The post is grotesquely in error.

Gen Petraeus was commander of a theater of war who knowingly gave various classified information over time to the lady reporter who was also his biographer while they were sleeping together and they were not sleeping together with their platoon mates in a barracks.

If Petraeus were not a four star general (now retired) he would be smashing rocks in the federal pen at Ft. Leavenworth Kansas.

Former SecState Clinton hasn't violated the law nor has she knowingly passed documents, which is the entire point of the OP. Mrs. Clinton is not being investigated by FBI or anyone except the usual boring suspects in the Republican controlled congress maximus.

People who claim Gen Petraeus did not knowingly and willfully commit serious security breeches in a theater of war need to be much better informed.


I really don't get why so many people are so obsessed with these emails of H.Clinton.

General David Howell Petraeus went to court and was convicted for a lot less. wink.png

The post is grotesquely in error.

Gen Petraeus was commander of a theater of war who knowingly gave various classified information over time to the lady reporter who was also his biographer while they were sleeping together and they were not sleeping together with their platoon mates in a barracks.

If Petraeus were not a four star general (now retired) he would be smashing rocks in the federal pen at Ft. Leavenworth Kansas.

Former SecState Clinton hasn't violated the law nor has she knowingly passed documents, which is the entire point of the OP. Mrs. Clinton is not being investigated by FBI or anyone except the usual boring suspects in the Republican controlled congress maximus.

People who claim Gen Petraeus did not knowingly and willfully commit serious security breeches in a theater of war need to be much better informed.

Gen Petreaus was found guilty of having hardcopies of his daily calendar in his desk drawer at home... That's it, nothing more... No sensitive information other than his daily schedule... A far lesser "crime" than sending top secret photos of North Korean nuke sites to all and asunder, along with dozens of other crimes that are still currently being dithered to the public peacemill... Keep defending Hillary and her actions as it only serves to further discredit anything you say...


I'm sure you have a cite for that 'calendar in his desk' thing, right?


Decorated war veteran and former CIA director David Petraeus has entered into an agreement with federal prosecutors in which he would plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge for mishandling classified information.

The charge, unauthorized removal and retention of classified material, stems, in part, from documents the former director allegedly provided to his mistress.


Petraeus provided Broadwell access to his “Black Books,” which contained Petraeus' notes, including highly classified material from his command in Afghanistan, according to charging documents in the case.

“A total of eight such books ... contained classified information regarding the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussion, quotes and deliberative discussion from high-level National Security Council meetings, and defendant David Howell Petraeus’s discussions with the president of the United States of America," the documents said.


The sad part of this situation is the unwavering support for Hillary from the MSM and the establishment... The powers that be are doing their damnedest to sweep this entire affair under the rug and allow Hillary to be the Dem nominee of 2016... If anyone else had done what the Clintons have done in just this one issue, they would be thrown in jail for espionage for the rest of their lives... Something we can only hope for, but I'm not holding my breath...

Here is how secure the Clinton email server was... Read it and weep...


Exposed! Libya Security Briefs, Algeria Hostage Info & More — Hacker Threatens To Sell Hillary Clinton’s ENTIRE UNRELEASED Private Emails For $500K

After the numerous Benghazi hearings, none of which found any stink to pin on Clinton, I'm not wasting much time to follow this email non-scandal in any detail. What little I've read seems to indicate that the Republicans are just throwing as much mud as possible hoping something sticks. So far the stink it's created is mostly among people who would never have voted for her anyway. I guess it's important to keep your base energised.

But they should be careful what they wish for. If Hillary tanks, the next president could well be someone they'd hate even more: Bernie Sanders.

Women and Hispanics are a major voting block and virtually all the republican hopefuls have alienated both. There's little to no chance that any of the current crop of Republicans can win enough votes in a general election to take the presidency without appreciable support from these blocks.

While there are a lot of angry voters in America, there just aren't enough of the kind of visceral haters the Republican rhetoric is designed to attract.



Here is how secure the Clinton email server was... Read it and weep...

I did read that... two and a half years ago. But I didn't cry. You might want to get some tissues ready though:

But a cursory Google search suggests the emails in question actually surfaced online in 2013 after a hacker using the handle “Guccifer” breached the email account of Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal and released its contents.

‘Unreleased’ Hillary Clinton emails up for sale appear to be from years-old hack

it does not matter if Hilary or Jeb get 'selected' in 2016. It's just the same same divide and conquer that partisan politics engages in to satisfy the Proles' expectations that politics is just a choreographed game, and the electorate MUST choose one venal crook or the other. With Bilary you get your basic trailer trash con couple; with Jeb you get an extension of the dynastic Bush International Crime Family. What I could never have imagined happening currently is the existence and support of a corporation whose rice bowl consists of murdering viable fetusus, carefully extracting the body parts and selling them...another example of things I could never have imagined is the legal acceptance and outright celebration of Sodomy as a protected practice.

The U.S. has become the EVIL EMPIRE on a doomed planet. what to do? I hear that the weather is balmy this time of the year on Alpha Centauri.

C. M. Kornbluth would agree with you. The trick is to get the morons to go.


Republicans care about this because they think they've got a "gotcha" that they so desperately need. They don't have any legitimate candidates so, their only hope is to somehow paint her as a traitor. Same as Benghazi bullshit only different.

Nobody outside of the wingnutoshpere cares about HRC's email server.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading the race for the Republican nomination for President. clap2.gif

Goodnight everybody. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitresses.

Did you ever stop to think how many people have been fired or convicted of a crime for mishandling classified material? Everyone who has ever worked with classified material knows there are special precautions for handling. Although she claims that non of the material was marked classified she would have to be incredibly stupid to not understand that she was dealing in extremely sensitive emails. She was the head of the State Department and made a conscious decision to use her own unprotected system. There are a lot of people who see this as either extreme stupidity or outright disregard for handling of sensitive materials. A lot of people are now beginning to think she used the private server so as to avoid having a record of her emails within the State Department. What ever her reason she has become untrustworthy to many. Yes this is a gotcha for the republicans but as the polls show there are lots of democrats who have really lost their trust in HRC. So it is not just the wingnutosphere who are interested. Hillary is a sharp woman but seems a bit too arrogant on this issue for her own good. To me everything about her seems a bit suspect including her political rhetoric. She is an opportunist riding on the fact that her husband made a name for himself. As for qualifications to be President, she is no more or less qualified than any of the other candidates running. Certainly Biden if he gets into the race is a much less polarizing figure that Hillary.


Latest polling numbers are in. The headline will be the cue for the left to attack the source.


September 04, 2015, 08:13 pm
Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head
By Elliot Smilowitz
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton head-to-head, according to a new poll released Friday.
The poll by SurveyUSA finds that matched up directly, Trump garners 45 percent to Clinton’s 40 percent.
In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by 44 percent to 40 percent; Vice President Joe Biden by 44 percent to 42 percent; and former Vice President Al Gore by 44 percent to 41 percent.

This drip, drip, drip is rapidly becoming gush, gush, gush.

Let me ask all the Hillary defenders one quick question.

If all those emails were not confidential or even sensitive, why are there any messages being censored out at all?

Now there is yet another little hiccup in ServerGate.


Clintons personally paid State Department staffer to maintain server
By Rosalind S. Helderman and Carol D. Leonnig
September 5 at 12:07 AM
Hillary Rodham Clinton and her family personally paid a State Department staffer to maintain the private e-mail server she used while heading the agency, according to an official from Clinton’s presidential campaign.
The unusual arrangement helped Clinton retain personal control over the system that she used for her public and private duties and that has emerged as an issue for her campaign. But, according to the campaign official, it also ensured that taxpayer dollars were not spent on a private server that was shared by Clinton, her husband and their daughter as well as aides to the former president.
That State Department staffer, Bryan Pagliano, told a congressional committee this week that he would invoke his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination instead of testifying about the setup.

This drip, drip, drip is rapidly becoming gush, gush, gush.

Let me ask all the Hillary defenders one quick question.

If all those emails were not confidential or even sensitive, why are there any messages being censored out at all?

Now there is yet another little hiccup in ServerGate.


Clintons personally paid State Department staffer to maintain server
By Rosalind S. Helderman and Carol D. Leonnig
September 5 at 12:07 AM
Hillary Rodham Clinton and her family personally paid a State Department staffer to maintain the private e-mail server she used while heading the agency, according to an official from Clinton’s presidential campaign.
The unusual arrangement helped Clinton retain personal control over the system that she used for her public and private duties and that has emerged as an issue for her campaign. But, according to the campaign official, it also ensured that taxpayer dollars were not spent on a private server that was shared by Clinton, her husband and their daughter as well as aides to the former president.
That State Department staffer, Bryan Pagliano, told a congressional committee this week that he would invoke his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination instead of testifying about the setup.

As a privacy advocate, I can see nothing wrong with a private email server.


I am not for or against Hillaries actions but I do have a couple of points to make. 1 is how could anybody think that she would set up anything as mundain as an internet connection herself. Surely she is awash with minions to do this sort of thing. After all her hubby seemed to have no shortage of hands-on assistance. 2 Many on TV seem to really have it in for her for using her own emails for business. But I bet no end of those detractors would be standing up and cheering if she had taken all her emails and defected to the Russians saying she wanted to publish them for world peace!


it does not matter if Hilary or Jeb get 'selected' in 2016. It's just the same same divide and conquer that partisan politics engages in to satisfy the Proles' expectations that politics is just a choreographed game, and the electorate MUST choose one venal crook or the other. With Bilary you get your basic trailer trash con couple; with Jeb you get an extension of the dynastic Bush International Crime Family. What I could never have imagined happening currently is the existence and support of a corporation whose rice bowl consists of murdering viable fetusus, carefully extracting the body parts and selling them...another example of things I could never have imagined is the legal acceptance and outright celebration of Sodomy as a protected practice.

The U.S. has become the EVIL EMPIRE on a doomed planet. what to do? I hear that the weather is balmy this time of the year on Alpha Centauri.

C. M. Kornbluth would agree with you. The trick is to get the morons to go.

HRC has little to worry about on election day Nov 8 next year but the posts by the two particular rightwingers give a definite indication of the vast extents her opposition will range between now and then.

One rightwinger is talking about Alpha Centauri and the other references a mid-20th century sci fi author who in one novel hoodwinks a dystopian earth's unwashed masses to their destruction on Venus, starting with the "consies" or conservationists who are known today as environmentalists of the global warming and climate change public. facepalm.gif

Alpha Centauri and Venus present the rightwing enemies of HRC as a vast and out of the box group indeed. Reminds me of the Austrian school of Mad Max economics as the author Kornbluth cited in the 'morons' post also see the United States as the root and vendor of all on the planet that is evil. clap2.gif

And here I'd been restricting my posts to referencing the 'lunar orbiters' that comprise the far out extreme American political right. gigglem.gif HRC using the word 'vast' back in the good ol' daze of the 90s no doubt gives her the steely experience she needs to have in this enterprise to become POTUS, Alpha Centauri and Venus not withstanding.


The sad part of this situation is the unwavering support for Hillary from the MSM and the establishment... The powers that be are doing their damnedest to sweep this entire affair under the rug and allow Hillary to be the Dem nominee of 2016... If anyone else had done what the Clintons have done in just this one issue, they would be thrown in jail for espionage for the rest of their lives... Something we can only hope for, but I'm not holding my breath...

Here is how secure the Clinton email server was... Read it and weep...


Exposed! Libya Security Briefs, Algeria Hostage Info & More — Hacker Threatens To Sell Hillary Clinton’s ENTIRE UNRELEASED Private Emails For $500K

The standard right wing boilerplate concerning the emails and more than that, the Clintons.

The link in the post is to a particularly obscure highly funded rightwing mass of media perp that is trying to break into the big time of extremist storytelling. The "hacker' is supposed to seem like a restrained sort of guy I guess, wanting only $500K for the "entire unreleased" private emails of HRC. laugh.pngcheesy.gifbah.gif

Have to be careful or I'm gonna die laughing and never get to vote for HRC to be POTUS. biggrin.png


When I look at both Republican and Democrat candidates, than I get really sad....That can't be the best one you can find all over USA....An average IQ of 80, uneducated, liar and not even good liar.....Really sad....

Highly educated smart people make tons more than the politicians. Its like judges are paid less than about the average starting salary for a first kawyer. Unfortunately, we don't get the cream of the crop vying for public positions.


problem with all of you.... you are perfect....

who give a shit about Clinton email? ask putin.

do you think putin care about Clinton email?

jeez, guys, get a life!

I am sure Putin lives Hilary and wants here as President. She is weak and Putin will continue to do as he pleases with no concern about repercussions as long the US sticks another weak butt, PC don't want to make anyone mad politician.

Bush was a wuss, but he had strong people around him. Obama knows he is a wuss and just surrounded himself with those weaker than for obvious reasons.


Sadly she's the best REPUBLICAN running in next years election. She's a complete DINO and would be a disaster as we don't want a lazy President.

So far we already know.

1. She was too lazy to use secure email servers

2. She was too lazy to actually investigate how her vote on authorizing the war in Iraq might turn out

3. She was too lazy to give Bill blowjobs.

Do we want a lazy republican as President? Well come to think of it a lazy Republican (not do anything bad) might be better than a do something Republican, but as a liberal I agree with the Eisenhower Republican Party Platform. Too bad it only exists under Bernie Sanders now.


Barack Obama speaks well of Ike while in Beijing former SecState Hillary Clinton is the most feared and hated American in a suit.

Pres. Eisenhower absolutely refused to intervene almost anywhere. When the Soviets crushed the uprising in Hungary in 1956 Ike resisted strong calls to intervene. Ike opposed giving the French the atomic bomb they asked for to include conventional military assistance at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Ike in fact punished Britain, France, Israel for their 1956 armed forces intervention in the takeover of the Suez Canal by Egypt. Ike was the first president to include the SecTreasury and budget director in Pentagon policy meetings to to also consider the fat military budget.

Pres. Obama said at the USMA West Point 2014 commencement, “Since World War II , some of our most costly mistakes came not from our restraint but from our willingness to rush into military adventures without thinking through the consequences.” Obama said that Ike preferred to "hit singles" rather than to always try to hit the ball out of the park.


Almost every CCP Chinese storms and sputters at the mention of Hillary Clinton....

Some Chinese netizens oppose Hillary for what they perceive as her “anti-China” policy when she served as the secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Members of Beijing’s foreign-policy community tend to see Obama’s 2011 pivot to Asia as a plot to contain China – and they blame Clinton for the strategy. And some tend to fault her for actions — like the long-standing U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific region — that are seen as needlessly provocative. After Clinton left the State Department in early 2013, Global Times, a popular and jingoistic Chinese newspaper, published a special feature on her tenure, concluding that “Hillary has quickly become, in the eyes of Chinese netizens, the most hated U.S. political figure.”


Clinton even went so far as to provocatively suggest that China’s Communist Party would collapse under the weight of a popular uprising similar to what’s unfolding in parts of West Asia and Northern Africa. The money quote from Clinton:

(The Chinese) are worried. They’re trying to stop history, which is a fool’s errand. They cannot do it, but they’re going to hold it off as long as possible.”



She's not a newbie when it comes to classified material or the political CYA drill.

She was a US Senator for 8 years and read-in as a member of the Armed Services Committee.

When appointed and confirmed as SecState, she would have been assisted through steps to reactivate and/or upgrade her clearance. She would have had to acknowledge policies and procedures for use of unclass and classified systems.

The "didn't think much about it" when she reported to work as SecState, just doesn't ring true.

Perhaps she's just being sarcastic and dismissive again, like "Wipe my server? What do you mean, like with a rag?".

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