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Clinton: I didn't 'stop and think' about email system

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Hillary could have prevented it by having a "state.gov" account, instead of a private server.

Not really that complicated is it.

Lol, duh. I was really curious how that one was so difficult to figure out. It is like those who vote democrat are missing that portion of their brain that's called logic.
You should both think about your answers (and hopefully come back with something a little deeper than "Lol, duh"). How does having a secure email account prevent somebody from sending you something to your personal, insecure email account?

Now let's see who's missing brain lobes.

The thing is, it would not have mattered whether IG was sensitive/classified or not as long as it was sent via the state department server.

Her (in)actions and apparent lack of openness have given her opponents ammunition.

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Hillary could have prevented it by having a "state.gov" account, instead of a private server.

Not really that complicated is it.

Lol, duh. I was really curious how that one was so difficult to figure out. It is like those who vote democrat are missing that portion of their brain that's called logic.

You should both think about your answers (and hopefully come back with something a little deeper than "Lol, duh"). How does having a secure email account prevent somebody from sending you something to your personal, insecure email account?

Now let's see who's missing brain lobes.

Well, let me put my thinking cap on...

If Hillary had used the United States State Department authorized server for her email account, she would not have to worry the least bit about receiving classified emails. She would have been on a secure, classified network where the transmission of classified documents is acceptable.

Had she used a "state.gov" account, we would not even be having this conversation.

Remember what Abraham Lincoln once said..."Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool that to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."


Depends on what you did with it.

Presuming you didn't solicit the North Korean nuclear information, you should have reported it immediately upon receipt to the appropriate authority within your department for their action.

If you sent it on, I would think you are as guilty as is the first party.

I'll agree with that. Did Hillary forward the email? Or did she, in a prior message, instruct the sender to send information she knew was classified to [email protected]? If the answer to either question is yes, that's the point at which I'll stop defending her.

Nobody can answer your questions.

I can only say with a degree of confidence that any email sent to or from Hillary came from her private server. She claims to have not used her state.gov account.

Have you forgotten Hillary and her legal team decided to delete some 30,000 emails from her private server? I am quite certain nearly all incriminating emails have already gone into the black hole of deleted messages.

Why were nearly half of her emails deleted after she left office, and then only after her private email server was discovered by the Benghazi Select Committee?.

Keep defending her if you still feel you are right. Don't expect anybody but the most rabid of Hillary fans to lend you much support.


Hillary could have prevented it by having a "state.gov" account, instead of a private server.

Not really that complicated is it.

Lol, duh. I was really curious how that one was so difficult to figure out. It is like those who vote democrat are missing that portion of their brain that's called logic.
You should both think about your answers (and hopefully come back with something a little deeper than "Lol, duh"). How does having a secure email account prevent somebody from sending you something to your personal, insecure email account?

Now let's see who's missing brain lobes.

Lol, you are really trying . . ., but your just being obstinate at this point.

Its really gotten to the point if you really have to ask the question, ya wouldn't understand the answer.

This Clinton stuff is hilarious. I wanted her to be President in 2008, but holy crap is she horrible now. The back and forth about her is dang funny. Same thing over and over and over. Ever Ready Bunny running on nuclear power.


More legal language that applies to nothing and that comes from only the well funded mass of rightwing media and in the post above along with others like it.

Former SecState Clinton is not being investigated. No one is being investigated. The server and DepState classification protocols are being examined.

You're reading the riot act to a riot that does not exist. The right is carrying the riot act desperately around with it looking for a riot to read it to. Still can't find that riot however. So the right reads it anyway to the rest of us as we walk past going about our daily business. Each and every day.

"Clinton is not being investigated. No one is being investigated. The server and DepState classification protocols are being examined."?

she us not being investigated the server is being examined? Whose sever is being examines, and for what? communicable diseases?

Let's not be as blinded of our shortcomings as the Right is to theirs, let's call a spade a spade.

It is like saying I am not being investigated for a hit an run, they are examining my car for evidence of a hit and run.

"It is like saying I am not being investigated for a hit an run, they are examining my car for evidence of a hit and run."

Well said.

Whoever hired the server was driving that hit and run vehicle.?

The FBI doesn't investigate machines. The leave that to Underwriter's Laboratory.

Hit and run is by definition a crime because someone was injured to one extent or another while the operator drove away. There is no crime alleged or being investigated in respect of the emails. Former SecState Clinton is not being investigated for anything by anyone in the Executive Branch of the US government.

The Republican controlled do-nothing congress maximus is quite another matter in respect of investigations, investigating, searching, hunting, speechmaking, accusing, making innuendo, holding public spectacles, spending money on six investigations that turned up nothing with a seventh now underway,

The FBI is not investigating any person or persons in connection with the emails or anything else. That is because there is no hit and run and there is no victim. At issue are the classification protocols of the Department of State and of the intelligence agencies.

The North Korea satellite missile memo for instance turned out to have been sent to Mrs. Clinton by a state department employee who used a "non-classified computer." The issue in every instance is not Hillary Clinton, it is the classifications and the associated protocols and procedures of DepState and the intelligence agencies, and it is for them to settle among themselves.

The accusing, innuendo, posturing are political election year by hook or by crook politics. Each time a new batch of emails is released there are a dozen new smoking guns that turn out to be bogus.

if classified information was send over an unsecured server was anyone injured?

or if we don't know what HRC was up to because we dont have a complete record of her official communications was anyone injured?


"Clinton is not being investigated. No one is being investigated. The server and DepState classification protocols are being examined."?

she us not being investigated the server is being examined? Whose sever is being examines, and for what? communicable diseases?

Let's not be as blinded of our shortcomings as the Right is to theirs, let's call a spade a spade.

It is like saying I am not being investigated for a hit an run, they are examining my car for evidence of a hit and run.

There's no denying a spade is a spade and there is no effort to try. There just isn't any spade in this. Just as there isn't any riot for the people walking around with the riot act in their hand looking for a riot to read the act to, still not having found one.

The inquiry is into DepState security classification protocols. No person is being investigated. Except in the highly funded mass of rightwing media, no crime is alleged. No prosecutor is involved, no grand jury; no nuthin.

That means former SecState Clinton is not being investigated. There is no spade present to call a spade.

We can be confident the October 22nd Republican controlled House committee on Ben Ghazi and emails will be fully armed when on that day it enters into combat against HRC on the other side of the room. Expect a lot of spade calling on that day too, more than enough for the rest of the political campaign.

Sorry to disagree with you on this one but.... I dont understand isn't there a federal requirement that officials correspondence be retained as part of the agency record? and by having a private sever HRC was violating that requirement, Do we have to rely an her to provide as with a record of these official correspondence, and how can we be sure she is providing us with everything?

Or are we to believe that all official communications were made under the official address of the receiving officials and therefor there was a record.as her lawyers claim.

This whole thing stinks, I will tell you what I think and I am not the only one I think HRC conducted clandestine official business, using private channels and did not want a record of them and I believe , that's where the investigation is What if anything will come of this I don't know But I don't trust her, and as the polls show I am not along. I trust Bernie Sanders, and I would like to see Biden enter the race, and on the Republican side I like Kasich But I think a HRC presidency will be as disastrous for the US as a Trump presidency

I think HRC conducted clandestine official business, using private channels and did not want a record of them

Since you and certain others are confident you all are on to something "clandestine" and that it is such big far reaching stuff, let the rest of the world in on the secrets discovered and uncovered by the rightwing mass of media that continuously cranks out their cranked up stuff.

Six investigations by the Republican controlled congress maximus have found nothing with a seventh underway. So advise us of what the well funded mass of rightwing media have "found" that the rest of the US government can not quite get to the bottom of. The vast array of Republican and tea party investigators in the congress maximus and their surface channels in the rightwing media.

Don't see why anyone who might be on to something big should be holding back in a presidential election campaign.

I am not confident of anything, I am simply thinking out loud

she said she did not have two different email accounts because she did not want to carry two different devices, does this sound to you like a legitimate excuse?

How about the deleted emails, she says they were personal, I know the Clintons would never lie, but is it possible that she is not being entirely truthful?


she said she did not have two different email accounts because she did not want to carry two different devices,

Another lie. She used at least 3 devices, even with her own personal, insecure email account


if classified information was send over an unsecured server was anyone injured?

or if we don't know what HRC was up to because we dont have a complete record of her official communications was anyone injured?

The absolute lamest of questions, but one many dems numbly think it's perfectly reasonable to ask since it's Hillary involved. (When it was Petraeus, of course that was different. They all seemed to understand spillage perfectly well back then...)


evidently MikT does not understand the current sate of computer vulnerability; Russia, China and especially Israel have almost complete access to global Internet servers, as illustrated by the recent hacking of major U.S. govt. employees records by a foreign entity....so this is not serious? Perhaps it does not really matter, since Obama regularly publishes the tactical details of Mid East troop movements in the news media; and why do you assert that you have no consideration re Hilaries(sp) actions when that is obviously untrue?

I said I was "not for or against her actions" simply because I am not an American. I did not say I had no consideration for her actions. If you want to flame me at least get the words right. Also I am only too aware of the vunerabilities of the internet and was well aware of all the ho ha about stuff like GCHQ phone tapping etc. way back years ago when it was first published by the same newspapers who sexed it up again when the tratorous idiot Snowbrain defected (went home) to the Russians and tried to make a big deal in the press about the German PM's phone, etc to help mask Russian intentions to invade the Crimea. But even more so, I was fully aware of all the posibilities of enhanced and easy monitoring of phone conversations way back in the early 90's when the SDH systems were invented and put into service - that is because I was involved with one of the first systems. Monitoring emails is just an extension of phone tapping and yes, if Hillary did put sensitive stuff in her emails, her staff should be fired for not protecting her. Why should such a busy person in her position need to bother with such trivialities? Does your MD carry out anti-bugging sweeps himself?

evidently MikT does not understand the current sate of computer vulnerability; Russia, China and especially Israel have almost complete access to global Internet servers, as illustrated by the recent hacking of major U.S. govt. employees records by a foreign entity....so this is not serious? Perhaps it does not really matter, since Obama regularly publishes the tactical details of Mid East troop movements in the news media; and why do you assert that you have no consideration re Hilaries(sp) actions when that is obviously untrue?

I said I was "not for or against her actions" simply because I am not an American. I did not say I had no consideration for her actions. If you want to flame me at least get the words right. Also I am only too aware of the vunerabilities of the internet and was well aware of all the ho ha about stuff like GCHQ phone tapping etc. way back years ago when it was first published by the same newspapers who sexed it up again when the tratorous idiot Snowbrain defected (went home) to the Russians and tried to make a big deal in the press about the German PM's phone, etc to help mask Russian intentions to invade the Crimea. But even more so, I was fully aware of all the posibilities of enhanced and easy monitoring of phone conversations way back in the early 90's when the SDH systems were invented and put into service - that is because I was involved with one of the first systems. Monitoring emails is just an extension of phone tapping and yes, if Hillary did put sensitive stuff in her emails, her staff should be fired for not protecting her. Why should such a busy person in her position need to bother with such trivialities? Does your MD carry out anti-bugging sweeps himself?

"Does your MD carry out anti-bugging sweeps himself?"

Anti-bugging sweeps? Exactly what part of the body do they scan with that?? shock1.gif Now there's a scary thought.

But seriously folks. Ever heard of HIPAA? I'll bet your MD cares about THOSE security requirements! (If you have any sense, you do, too.) And in Hillary's case, all she probably had to do - provided she wasn't originating any classified material herself, which I'm not so sure any rational person accepts at face value given her disdain for the rules the rest of us have to live with - was use her provided .gov accounts & the provided secure - well, secure against most things not including the Chinese and perhaps the N. Koreans evidently - govt networks. But you know what? She'd find it wearisome concealing and disposing of emails on THOSE accounts and on THOSE servers in case of an investigation, so ... Well, 'can't say she didn't learn anything from the IRS debacle... Smart girl. Arrogant - like we haven't already had enough of that at 1600 PA Ave - but smart. Besides, all those security rules & regs, and the national security interests they're intended to protect, are for the little people.

I'll give you one guess what happens when one of the "little people" violates a security protocol. Even lowly defense contractors get all this stuff drilled into their heads a couple of times a year, take "quizzes", and sign blood oaths acknowledging their understanding of the requirements and swearing not only to adhere to them, but to report any violations they might happen to become aware of, and risk their security clearance, on which their employment probably depends, should they fail to do either. And as someone else mentioned, even SBU (Sensitive But Unclassified), while technically NOT "classified" information, is subject to controlled distribution, and trust me, what SBU lacks in Hollywood appeal it more than makes up for in sheer breadth; it's a very all-encompassing category (includes, just as an example, PII - Personally Identifiable Information).


evidently MikT does not understand the current sate of computer vulnerability; Russia, China and especially Israel have almost complete access to global Internet servers, as illustrated by the recent hacking of major U.S. govt. employees records by a foreign entity....so this is not serious? Perhaps it does not really matter, since Obama regularly publishes the tactical details of Mid East troop movements in the news media; and why do you assert that you have no consideration re Hilaries(sp) actions when that is obviously untrue?

I said I was "not for or against her actions" simply because I am not an American. I did not say I had no consideration for her actions. If you want to flame me at least get the words right. Also I am only too aware of the vunerabilities of the internet and was well aware of all the ho ha about stuff like GCHQ phone tapping etc. way back years ago when it was first published by the same newspapers who sexed it up again when the tratorous idiot Snowbrain defected (went home) to the Russians and tried to make a big deal in the press about the German PM's phone, etc to help mask Russian intentions to invade the Crimea. But even more so, I was fully aware of all the posibilities of enhanced and easy monitoring of phone conversations way back in the early 90's when the SDH systems were invented and put into service - that is because I was involved with one of the first systems. Monitoring emails is just an extension of phone tapping and yes, if Hillary did put sensitive stuff in her emails, her staff should be fired for not protecting her. Why should such a busy person in her position need to bother with such trivialities? Does your MD carry out anti-bugging sweeps himself?

"Does your MD carry out anti-bugging sweeps himself?"

Anti-bugging sweeps? Exactly what part of the body do they scan with that?? shock1.gif Now there's a scary thought.

But seriously folks. Ever heard of HIPAA? I'll bet your MD cares about THOSE security requirements! (If you have any sense, you do, too.) And in Hillary's case, all she probably had to do - provided she wasn't originating any classified material herself, which I'm not so sure any rational person accepts at face value given her disdain for the rules the rest of us have to live with - was use her provided .gov accounts & the provided secure - well, secure against most things not including the Chinese and perhaps the N. Koreans evidently - govt networks. But you know what? She'd find it wearisome concealing and disposing of emails on THOSE accounts and on THOSE servers in case of an investigation, so ... Well, 'can't say she didn't learn anything from the IRS debacle... Smart girl. Arrogant - like we haven't already had enough of that at 1600 PA Ave - but smart. Besides, all those security rules & regs, and the national security interests they're intended to protect, are for the little people.

I'll give you one guess what happens when one of the "little people" violates a security protocol. Even lowly defense contractors get all this stuff drilled into their heads a couple of times a year, take "quizzes", and sign blood oaths acknowledging their understanding of the requirements and swearing not only to adhere to them, but to report any violations they might happen to become aware of, and risk their security clearance, on which their employment probably depends, should they fail to do either. And as someone else mentioned, even SBU (Sensitive But Unclassified), while technically NOT "classified" information, is subject to controlled distribution, and trust me, what SBU lacks in Hollywood appeal it more than makes up for in sheer breadth; it's a very all-encompassing category (includes, just as an example, PII - Personally Identifiable Information).

Anti-bugging, we use a light brush and a special shampoo for our dogs, maybe you should try that on Hillary; surely that would change her wicked errant ways. Anti-hugging, maybe a similar shampoo would encourage you to have a quick cuddle of Hillary as well. You know you want to.

Even after her apology, the troubles just keep mounting up for Hillary. Now the Feds are after her top Aide.


The Huma Files: Feds investigated top Hillary Clinton aide for embezzlement
Blames husband Weiner for failing to notice extra $30K payment
Exclusive Washington Times Daily Briefing (September 10, 2015)
Washington Times
By John Solomon - The Washington Times
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Federal investigators formally investigated top Hillary Rodham Clinton aide Huma Abedin for the crime of embezzlement after confirming she took a “Babymoon” vacation and maternity time at the State Department without expending her formal leave, resulting in thousands of dollars of pay she wasn’t entitled to receive, The Washington Times has learned.
The probe also gathered evidence she filed time sheets charging the government for impermissible overtime and excessive hours after she converted from a full-time federal employee to a State Department contractor.
Ms. Abedin, who served as a deputy chief of staff to Mrs. Clinton from 2009 to late 2012, told investigators she hadn’t noticed she had received a $33,000 lump sum payment — about a third of which investigators determined was improper — when she left the State Department.

The right would like everyone to believe the issues here are one sided when they are not.

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails
The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”



The right would like everyone to believe the issues here are one sided when they are not.

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails
The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”


Lol. Yeah, that bad ol' right-wing conspiracy again.

...An all-purpose, lefty, fee-fii-foo-fum response if there ever was one. A golden oldy, huh?


The right would like everyone to believe the issues here are one sided when they are not.

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails
The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”


Lol. Yeah, that bad ol' right-wing conspiracy again.

...An all-purpose, lefty, fee-fii-foo-fum response if there ever was one. A golden oldy, huh?

It's a shame this part of the quoted article was too deep into the article to get quoted in the open. It rather sums up the entire article though.

From the article:


"It’s unclear whether Mrs. Clinton’s review process, which she said involved her lawyers making determinations, qualifies."


How many posts on this forum have already said it depends on whether Obama wants to let Hillary off the hook or not?

If Obama's very own private Justice Department doesn't want to prosecute her, there will be no lynching of Hillary by Lynch.

She's gonna owe him big time after this fiasco...which she brought entirely upon herself.

Maybe he is fishing for an Ambassadorship if she gets past Bernie the Socialist and the Trump.thumbsup.gif


Maybe, some selected airwaves (the ones lefties keep trying to silence), but like most dem misbehavior, I doubt the major media will give it any room to breathe. Unless someone in the Nevada AG's office is actually up to doing their job...


The right would like everyone to believe the issues here are one sided when they are not.

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails
The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”


Lol. Yeah, that bad ol' right-wing conspiracy again.

...An all-purpose, lefty, fee-fii-foo-fum response if there ever was one. A golden oldy, huh?

My posts do not use the word conspiracy.

I regularly refer to the far out rightwing lunar modules that are marginal to the mainstream society and MSM, and to those even further out that are crackpots, and to others on the right who consistently write pulp fiction or that even go so far as to write rightwing political and ideological spam.

I consistently point out the highly funded mass of rightwing media that have come on the political scene during the past ten or so years. I note the interdependency between the rightwingnuts and the mass of rightwingnut media and the lines of crap they take to try to prevail in the election and on the many issues.

But conspiracy no.

The word 'vast' might however apply to a sequence or series of successive statements to a given page which could falsely make it appear the whole world is out there on the extensive and cohesive, well funded and highly publicised, coordinated far right. wink.png


The right would like everyone to believe the issues here are one sided when they are not.

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails
The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”


Lol. Yeah, that bad ol' right-wing conspiracy again.

...An all-purpose, lefty, fee-fii-foo-fum response if there ever was one. A golden oldy, huh?

My posts do not use the word conspiracy.

I regularly refer to the far out rightwing lunar modules that are marginal to the mainstream society and MSM, and to those even further out that are crackpots and to others on the right who consistently write pulp fiction or that even go so far as to write rightwing political and ideological spam. Conspiracy no.

The word 'vast' might however apply to a sequence or series of successive statements to a given page which could falsely make it appear the whole world is out there on the vast and cohesive far right. wink.png

I have to agree with you on the use of your words. You seldom use more than one syllable words unless you are copying articles written by others and pasting them. You are as wrong about Hillary Clinton as you were about former police officer Darren Wilson.


The right would like everyone to believe the issues here are one sided when they are not.

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails
The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”


Lol. Yeah, that bad ol' right-wing conspiracy again.

...An all-purpose, lefty, fee-fii-foo-fum response if there ever was one. A golden oldy, huh?

My posts do not use the word conspiracy.

I regularly refer to the far out rightwing lunar modules that are marginal to the mainstream society and MSM, and to those even further out that are crackpots and to others on the right who consistently write pulp fiction or that even go so far as to write rightwing political and ideological spam. Conspiracy no.

The word 'vast' might however apply to a sequence or series of successive statements to a given page which could falsely make it appear the whole world is out there on the vast and cohesive far right. wink.png

I have to agree with you on the use of your words. You seldom use more than one syllable words unless you are copying articles written by others and pasting them. You are as wrong about Hillary Clinton as you were about former police officer Darren Wilson.


Misrepresentations again and shamelessly.



The right would like everyone to believe the issues here are one sided when they are not.

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails
The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”


Lol. Yeah, that bad ol' right-wing conspiracy again.

...An all-purpose, lefty, fee-fii-foo-fum response if there ever was one. A golden oldy, huh?

It's a shame this part of the quoted article was too deep into the article to get quoted in the open. It rather sums up the entire article though.

From the article:


"It’s unclear whether Mrs. Clinton’s review process, which she said involved her lawyers making determinations, qualifies."


How many posts on this forum have already said it depends on whether Obama wants to let Hillary off the hook or not?

If Obama's very own private Justice Department doesn't want to prosecute her, there will be no lynching of Hillary by Lynch.

She's gonna owe him big time after this fiasco...which she brought entirely upon herself.

Maybe he is fishing for an Ambassadorship if she gets past Bernie the Socialist and the Trump.thumbsup.gif

Idle hands are the devil's playground and this is idle speculation. Ambassador Obama sitting at his desk along Wireless Road clap2.gif

Speculation is all the right has any more. No one is being investigated about the emails, there are no laws alleged to have been broken, no prosecutor, no grand jury, no indictments, nuthin. Only idle speculation from opponents. Meanwhile, the arcane filings pile up in obscure courts with cherry picked judges that can't find anything either.


The right would like everyone to believe the issues here are one sided when they are not.

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails
The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.
“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”


Lol. Yeah, that bad ol' right-wing conspiracy again.

...An all-purpose, lefty, fee-fii-foo-fum response if there ever was one. A golden oldy, huh?

It's a shame this part of the quoted article was too deep into the article to get quoted in the open. It rather sums up the entire article though.

From the article:


"It’s unclear whether Mrs. Clinton’s review process, which she said involved her lawyers making determinations, qualifies."


How many posts on this forum have already said it depends on whether Obama wants to let Hillary off the hook or not?

If Obama's very own private Justice Department doesn't want to prosecute her, there will be no lynching of Hillary by Lynch.

She's gonna owe him big time after this fiasco...which she brought entirely upon herself.

Maybe he is fishing for an Ambassadorship if she gets past Bernie the Socialist and the Trump.thumbsup.gif

Idle hands are the devil's playground and this is idle speculation. Ambassador Obama sitting at his desk along Wireless Road clap2.gif

Speculation is all the right has any more. No one is being investigated about the emails, there are no laws alleged to have been broken, no prosecutor, no grand jury, no indictments, nuthin. Only idle speculation from opponents. Meanwhile, the arcane filings pile up in obscure courts with cherry picked judges that can't find anything either.

They say possession is 9/10 ths of the law, I disagree.

Perception is 9/10 ths of the law

You can possess innocents but if a jury of your peers perceives you to be guilty, guess what? you are going to jail buddy.

HRC might be innocent,I stress MIGHT, but the perception by the American public is otherwise.

The American public is applying a different measure to HRC

if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck, and as such, I am afraid HRC's goose is cookedtongue.png


While the left just loves to infer the worst of motives and tar conservatives with innuendo and suggestion whenever & wherever possible, it applies an entirely different, "innocent-until-proven-guilty" standard to its own little precious ones. And THEN, when eventually FOUND guilty - if the matter hasn't been forgotten entirely by the public by that point, which is of course the whole idea - we get treated to a well-rehearsed (because it gets so much practice) litany of "rightwing conspiracy"/it was never relevant/it's all out of "context"/everybody deserves a 2nd chance/but look at what Johnny did. Any attempt by the right to put matters straight just becomes "partisan bickering" to much of the public (again, that's the whole idea, aided & abetted by a laughably biased media), and any further reporting or editorializing of the crime is consigned to that page right before the obituaries.

Benghazi and this email spillage. Two perfect examples.

Lying to Congress? Withholding documents from Congress? Practically expected if you represent a dem administration. But should someone even imply that a republican administration is doing it?!! Yowzah, how the sparks fly then!!!


Maybe the "magic cloth" wasn't used to wipe the server so clean after all.

The suspense is building for her 22 October date with the Special Committee.


Tech company: No indication that Clinton’s e-mail server was ‘wiped’
By Rosalind S. Helderman, Tom Hamburger and Carol D. Leonnig September 12 at 5:01 PM
The company that managed Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail server said it has “no knowledge of the server being wiped,” the strongest indication to date that tens of thousands of e-mails that Clinton has said were deleted could be recovered.
Clinton and her advisers have said for months that she deleted her personal correspondence from her time as secretary of state, creating the impression that 31,000 e-mails were gone forever.
There is a distinction between e-mails’ being deleted and a server being wiped. If e-mails are deleted or moved from a server, they appear to no longer exist on the device. But experts say, depending on the condition of the server, underlying data can remain on the device, and the e-mails can often be restored.

While the left just loves to infer the worst of motives and tar conservatives with innuendo and suggestion whenever & wherever possible, it applies an entirely different, "innocent-until-proven-guilty" standard to its own little precious ones. And THEN, when eventually FOUND guilty - if the matter hasn't been forgotten entirely by the public by that point, which is of course the whole idea - we get treated to a well-rehearsed (because it gets so much practice) litany of "rightwing conspiracy"/it was never relevant/it's all out of "context"/everybody deserves a 2nd chance/but look at what Johnny did. Any attempt by the right to put matters straight just becomes "partisan bickering" to much of the public (again, that's the whole idea, aided & abetted by a laughably biased media), and any further reporting or editorializing of the crime is consigned to that page right before the obituaries.

Benghazi and this email spillage. Two perfect examples.

Lying to Congress? Withholding documents from Congress? Practically expected if you represent a dem administration. But should someone even imply that a republican administration is doing it?!! Yowzah, how the sparks fly then!!!

we get treated to a well-rehearsed (because it gets so much practice) litany of "rightwing conspiracy"

Produce one post by a poster who focuses on the rightwing that references or mentions or alleges a "rightwing conspiracy." This poster makes no such references, claims, wording, text, context. Produce or pitter-patter elsewhere plse thx.

And THEN, when eventually FOUND guilty

More desperate and flailing rightwing speculation, wish, hope, fantasy that reaches for a vague nonexistent future nothing. Entirely innuendo, political nonsense, rightwing hyperbole.

Maybe the "magic cloth" wasn't used to wipe the server so clean after all.

The suspense is building for her 22 October date with the Special Committee.


Tech company: No indication that Clinton’s e-mail server was ‘wiped’
By Rosalind S. Helderman, Tom Hamburger and Carol D. Leonnig September 12 at 5:01 PM
The company that managed Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail server said it has “no knowledge of the server being wiped,” the strongest indication to date that tens of thousands of e-mails that Clinton has said were deleted could be recovered.
Clinton and her advisers have said for months that she deleted her personal correspondence from her time as secretary of state, creating the impression that 31,000 e-mails were gone forever.
There is a distinction between e-mails’ being deleted and a server being wiped. If e-mails are deleted or moved from a server, they appear to no longer exist on the device. But experts say, depending on the condition of the server, underlying data can remain on the device, and the e-mails can often be restored.

Idle hands are indeed the devil's playground as the many rightwing nothings continue to dance on the head of a pin but nowhere else.

Hillary Clinton looks forward to the nationally televised bread and circus of the October 22 Republican controlled Beh Ghazi and emails session in the House of the Republican controlled committee that continues to grope and founder on both issues. The teabagger committee boss Gowdy of South Carolina promises an "all day marathon" and he is going to get one to remember. thumbsup.gif


she said she did not have two different email accounts because she did not want to carry two different devices,

Another lie. She used at least 3 devices, even with her own personal, insecure email account

Not a lie. HRC had her own iPhone and everyone knows it.


"Clinton is not being investigated. No one is being investigated. The server and DepState classification protocols are being examined."?

she us not being investigated the server is being examined? Whose sever is being examines, and for what? communicable diseases?

Let's not be as blinded of our shortcomings as the Right is to theirs, let's call a spade a spade.

It is like saying I am not being investigated for a hit an run, they are examining my car for evidence of a hit and run.

"It is like saying I am not being investigated for a hit an run, they are examining my car for evidence of a hit and run."

Well said.

Whoever hired the server was driving that hit and run vehicle.?

The FBI doesn't investigate machines. The leave that to Underwriter's Laboratory.

Hit and run is by definition a crime because someone was injured to one extent or another while the operator drove away. There is no crime alleged or being investigated in respect of the emails. Former SecState Clinton is not being investigated for anything by anyone in the Executive Branch of the US government.

The Republican controlled do-nothing congress maximus is quite another matter in respect of investigations, investigating, searching, hunting, speechmaking, accusing, making innuendo, holding public spectacles, spending money on six investigations that turned up nothing with a seventh now underway,

The FBI is not investigating any person or persons in connection with the emails or anything else. That is because there is no hit and run and there is no victim. At issue are the classification protocols of the Department of State and of the intelligence agencies.

The North Korea satellite missile memo for instance turned out to have been sent to Mrs. Clinton by a state department employee who used a "non-classified computer." The issue in every instance is not Hillary Clinton, it is the classifications and the associated protocols and procedures of DepState and the intelligence agencies, and it is for them to settle among themselves.

The accusing, innuendo, posturing are political election year by hook or by crook politics. Each time a new batch of emails is released there are a dozen new smoking guns that turn out to be bogus.

if classified information was send over an unsecured server was anyone injured?

or if we don't know what HRC was up to because we dont have a complete record of her official communications was anyone injured?

Information that was not classified at the time is information that, well, was not classified at the time.

The post is reckless speculation that tries to exploit a sensitive issue that was not an issue at the time. It is presently a false issue because information that at the time was not classified has -- in some instances -- become classified since.

Some of the information is now classified, not all or most of it, Two documents here, four documents there that have since become classified, out of how many tens of thousands of documents and brief emails being reviewed and released monthly by DepState.

Correct, "we don't know what HRC was up to". What we do know is that the language of innuendo and accusation is everpresent in this inquisition. What we do know is that the far right with its agenda makes the most of the fact we do not know "what HRC was up to." We do know the negative language chosen to misrepresent the matter.

What we do know for sure is however that the documents and papers in the emails of the time were not classified at the time. That is what we do know and it is more than enough to show and prove the right is carrying on absurdly and in too many instances, falsely. Knowingly falsely.


if classified information was send over an unsecured server was anyone injured?

or if we don't know what HRC was up to because we dont have a complete record of her official communications was anyone injured?

The absolute lamest of questions, but one many dems numbly think it's perfectly reasonable to ask since it's Hillary involved. (When it was Petraeus, of course that was different. They all seemed to understand spillage perfectly well back then...)

General Petraeus was the target of an espionage investigation by the Department of Defense and Petraeus faced criminal indictment and criminal charges. If he were not a four-star general he would presently be smashing rocks in the federal pen at Fort Leavenworth.

No such thing occurring with Mrs. Clinton and rightfully so. Nothing like it. The TVF right fails the Miller Analogies Test.

  • The MAT is a high-level mental ability test requiring the solution of problems stated as analogies.
  • Performance on the MAT is designed to reflect candidates’ analytical thinking, an ability that is critical for success in both graduate school and professional life.


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