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Merkel sees no legal limit on asylum-seekers

Lite Beer

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The globalist masters {those who are not allowed to be criticised} aren't wasting any time tearing down Europe through their tactic of demographic warfare (i.e., massive immigration into Europe).

COVER STORY ---------> "We need these immigrants to sustain our economy"

50 million poor, largely unskilled Africans will be allowed to immigrate to the EU under the phony guise of "economic necessity" (of course these African immigrants will instantly be eligible for EU welfare benefits thus making them a financial burden to the State). Meanwhile, passive Europeans are largely silent for fear of being called "racists," "xenophobes," "bigots," and "nativists." Europeans' passiveness and fear is the result of decades of politically correct indoctrination.

Article: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/65628/Secret-plot-to-let-50million-African-workers-into-EU

ASIDE: Void of an army, globalist elites simply destroy a country (or an entire continent) by flooding it with tens of millions of poor immigrants, telling them NOT to assimilate, and instilling in them hatred for the White majority. Further, elites encourage such immigrants to demand their "rights." Lastly, elites tell the immigrants they are "victims" and "oppressed" peoples (of course all their "oppression" is caused by so-called "evil" Whites).

That's the formula which globalist elites {those who are not allowed to be criticised} are using to tear down Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA.

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I don't think Europeans and Syrians mix that well Angela.

You are making a lot of Germans very angry.

So who do Germans vote for? When all the major parties agree on this issue and then proceed to outlaw any alternative party that disagrees with them, where do voters turn? Answer: nowhere. Germans are living under a dictatorship. Only when they take to the streets and put the rulers in prison will Germans get their country back.

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The globalist masters {those who are not allowed to be criticised} aren't wasting any time tearing down Europe through their tactic of demographic warfare (i.e., massive immigration into Europe).



COVER STORY ---------> "We need these immigrants to sustain our economy"

50 million poor, largely unskilled Africans will be allowed to immigrate to the EU under the phony guise of "economic necessity" (of course these African immigrants will instantly be eligible for EU welfare benefits thus making them a financial burden to the State). Meanwhile, passive Europeans are largely silent for fear of being called "racists," "xenophobes," "bigots," and "nativists." Europeans' passiveness and fear is the result of decades of politically correct indoctrination.

Article: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/65628/Secret-plot-to-let-50million-African-workers-into-EU

ASIDE: Void of an army, globalist elites simply destroy a country (or an entire continent) by flooding it with tens of millions of poor immigrants, telling them NOT to assimilate, and instilling in them hatred for the White majority. Further, elites encourage such immigrants to demand their "rights." Lastly, elites tell the immigrants they are "victims" and "oppressed" peoples (of course all their "oppression" is caused by so-called "evil" Whites).

That's the formula which globalist elites {those who are not allowed to be criticised} are using to tear down Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA.

Look up Peter Sutherland who is on the committee of Bilderberg. Take a look at his views on migration and also interestingly had a meeting with the Pope this June after which he seemed to be vocal on his push for mass migration.

He says "“the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine” any “sense of our homogeneity and difference from others”

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I thought Merkel was a smart lady….but turns out she is just another ignorant fool with no perspective on the harm she is putting her country into.

Anything for cheap labour that is easy to exploit….and by the time she is voted out, the refugees will be strongly entrenched and you can't do anything about it.

These people should be kept in islamic countries for their and everyone else's good….foreign governments can donate money for their upkeep and run the refugee camps there if they so desire.

PS. The new batch of refugees won't even bother walking across hungary….they will tell 'Mama' to send a plane for them to Turkey.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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Same-o Same-o as the USA ... the political Elites are for opening the gates ... as does Merkel... When one has a top level salary, lives on perqs handed out freely, hob nobs with other elite, travels in top notch fashion, physically lives in a gated community, is immune from all that they deem necessary for others ... She might as well say 'Let them eat cake'... She has pledged - JUST FOR GERMANY - THIS YEAR ... 800,000 .... Fricken AMAZING... the aloofness that can be acquired in such a short time ...

So - there are not enough German - mostly Christian babies to make up a future workforce... Hmmm? And importing Middle East Muslims - with a 180 degree opposite life view and encourage them to populate is a reasonable answer. Holy Hell the logic is astounding -- astoundingly broken... It would be more sane to import South and Central American Catholics -- OH WAIT ... America has several million that we would gladly export ...

A Politician making decisions that will destroy a thousand years of German Culture at the blink of an eye in the overall time scale ... And the people of Germany have not been offered a referendum to vote on this ... JUST A DECREE supported by MPs who are supposed to be representatives of the people - but obviously do not represent ... because they didn't even ask.

A Politician making decisions that will destroy a thousand years of German Culture at the blink of an eye in the overall time scale ... And the people of Germany have not been offered a referendum to vote on this ... JUST A DECREE supported by MPs who are supposed to be representatives of the people - but obviously do not represent ... because they didn't even ask.

Its in the German constitution so it has nothing to do about Merkel. Germany took 40% of all Bosnian's during the Bosnian war and most of them returned.

I support the German constitution for asylum seekers but the economic immigrants should be send back asap.

It would seem the German Constitution needs some review and amending as it is obvious an avalanche of such potential enormity was not taken into the calculations ... The next few years without a solution in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan and several more African countries - the numbers will be in the millions with new millions every year or so... Asylum seekers are often economic migrants who throw their papers away. One of the reasons they are stuck by the thousands in Hungry - they have no papers --- some legitimate -- many not.

As I posted before ... NATO, The EU system, The U.K. and the UN will need to form a military / civilian massive protectorate in the edge of Syria. They will have to forcefully use military might to carve out a large land area over 2-3-4 years time. Then return the Syrians and Iraqis to that area. Then also do a similar thing in deeper Africa or it is GAME OVER for European sovereignty and culture in 15 years time... As the migrant numbers will accelerate almost exponentially into millions upon millions... Waiting to find a solution five years on down the road will not work ... It will need to start no later than January 2106.

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I remember it was about a decade ago when Merkel stated, "..by 2045, Germany will be a Muslim state"; she was responding to Orianna Fallaci's writings and statistics on the European birth rates and the Islamist 'Policy of the Womb'. Fallaci received two Fatwahs but managed to survive. If one does the math, given the current trends and avoiding nuclear destruction, it is an absolute certainty that the birth rates of European nations would allow for an even faster decline. It takes 2.2 births/family to maintain a culture; Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and other nations are averaging about 1.6 birth rate-and falling. Fallaci renamed Europe to 'Eurabia', and the Islamification of the planet is on time and under budget; it is being driven by the West that has decided not to propagate their native populations, while at the same time allowing robust Muslim enclaves to flourish within their borders. I won't be around to see the rise and hegemonic capture of the planet by the Shariya gang, but your children will.

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I can only think of the story of the "Trojan Horse". I feel sorry for the European people, your leaders have made some very bad descisions. It's only a matter of time before the happy refugees turn into unhappy demanding masses who will want what you have because you have so much and they don't and it's not fair to them. As another poster stated, why Europe? Why not other Muslim countries, Africa, India, China, etc ect? Europeans don't let them confuse your kindness for weakness!

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The globalist masters {those who are not allowed to be criticised} aren't wasting any time tearing down Europe through their tactic of demographic warfare (i.e., massive immigration into Europe).



COVER STORY ---------> "We need these immigrants to sustain our economy"

50 million poor, largely unskilled Africans will be allowed to immigrate to the EU under the phony guise of "economic necessity" (of course these African immigrants will instantly be eligible for EU welfare benefits thus making them a financial burden to the State). Meanwhile, passive Europeans are largely silent for fear of being called "racists," "xenophobes," "bigots," and "nativists." Europeans' passiveness and fear is the result of decades of politically correct indoctrination.

Article: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/65628/Secret-plot-to-let-50million-African-workers-into-EU

ASIDE: Void of an army, globalist elites simply destroy a country (or an entire continent) by flooding it with tens of millions of poor immigrants, telling them NOT to assimilate, and instilling in them hatred for the White majority. Further, elites encourage such immigrants to demand their "rights." Lastly, elites tell the immigrants they are "victims" and "oppressed" peoples (of course all their "oppression" is caused by so-called "evil" Whites).

That's the formula which globalist elites {those who are not allowed to be criticised} are using to tear down Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA.

Look up Peter Sutherland who is on the committee of Bilderberg. Take a look at his views on migration and also interestingly had a meeting with the Pope this June after which he seemed to be vocal on his push for mass migration.

He says "“the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine” any “sense of our homogeneity and difference from others”

Far right alarmist tripe.

Express story story was originally covered by the BBC in 2008.


Peter Sutherland, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for International Migration and Development – here’s what he really said…


Edited by simple1
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Newsweek said that the reason behind this decision is not just humanitarian...or because the PM was also a "refugee" also other times, but because Germany needs low wage laborers and professionals to keep its economy growing....

Hummm.....Very strange in the times of robotics ...

I may be wrong, but In my opinion, these refugees probably are not the most skilled ones...and culturally..will be a big shock.

Germany is getting more than refugees..... a lot of new problems...

Edited by umbanda
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You know what! Pack'em in. Fill up Germany to the brim with these alien peoples and their violent, demanding culture. Make the Germans deal with it, and we will see how long their self-righteous attitude lasts. Probably just until they can find enough fire wood to roast Merkel's fat ass.

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PM of Finland has offered to personally take some refugees into his home and requesting others in the country to do the same.

Nice to see some humanity out there.

Lol, the PM of Finland, is just talking out of his rear end, much like many of your posts. There is no way the PM is going to allow asylum-seekers to move into his home. Germany is going to end up looking like another third world hell hole if Merkel continues to allow the Muslim masses to infest their country.

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Europe is facing an existential threat whilst those seemingly unaware of it fan the flames by pushing for more immigration. Boots on the ground are going to be needed in Syria if there is to be a hope of getting to grips with the situation.


For much of world media the waves of refugees flooding the coasts of Europe are solely a humanitarian problem; countries refusing to welcome the newcomers and building walls to keep them away are harshly condemned.

While it is true that the plight of hundreds of thousands of suffering human beings must be approached with empathy and help must be extended to them, neither the media nor European leaders appear ready to tackle the issue. Yet it cannot have come as a surprise.

Edited by Steely Dan
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PM of Finland has offered to personally take some refugees into his home and requesting others in the country to do the same.

Nice to see some humanity out there.

Lol, the PM of Finland, is just talking out of his rear end, much like many of your posts. There is no way the PM is going to allow asylum-seekers to move into his home. Germany is going to end up looking like another third world hell hole if Merkel continues to allow the Muslim masses to infest their country.

Indeed. There is no way on earth it would be allowed by his security detail for a start.

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If somebody is a genuine refugee, then they should be happy when they reach a country that gives them safe accommodation (free), and food (free). Turkey does this. The father of the two children who died crossing to Kos was a greedy man looking for the best handouts. His family was already safe and his greed killed his wife and two little boys, and he will have to live with it forever.

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The globalist masters {those who are not allowed to be criticised} aren't wasting any time tearing down Europe through their tactic of demographic warfare (i.e., massive immigration into Europe).



COVER STORY ---------> "We need these immigrants to sustain our economy"

50 million poor, largely unskilled Africans will be allowed to immigrate to the EU under the phony guise of "economic necessity" (of course these African immigrants will instantly be eligible for EU welfare benefits thus making them a financial burden to the State). Meanwhile, passive Europeans are largely silent for fear of being called "racists," "xenophobes," "bigots," and "nativists." Europeans' passiveness and fear is the result of decades of politically correct indoctrination.

Article: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/65628/Secret-plot-to-let-50million-African-workers-into-EU

ASIDE: Void of an army, globalist elites simply destroy a country (or an entire continent) by flooding it with tens of millions of poor immigrants, telling them NOT to assimilate, and instilling in them hatred for the White majority. Further, elites encourage such immigrants to demand their "rights." Lastly, elites tell the immigrants they are "victims" and "oppressed" peoples (of course all their "oppression" is caused by so-called "evil" Whites).

That's the formula which globalist elites {those who are not allowed to be criticised} are using to tear down Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA.

Look up Peter Sutherland who is on the committee of Bilderberg. Take a look at his views on migration and also interestingly had a meeting with the Pope this June after which he seemed to be vocal on his push for mass migration.

He says "“the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine” any “sense of our homogeneity and difference from others”

Far right alarmist tripe.

Express story story was originally covered by the BBC in 2008.


Peter Sutherland, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for International Migration and Development – here’s what he really said…


This is the original article.


A rather befuddled reasoning for taking non skilled migrants in big numbers from a man with many many hats and many fingers in pies. If this guy was a Thai you guys would be having a field day.

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still : super rich muslim countries do not welcome any ... muslim brothers ...

No - they're not as daft as Merkel and the other loony tune politicians.

They know what these people are like, how they will behave and what effects they will have on any country that admits them.

UAE, Qatar, Saudi, Kuwait - nope, they won't let them ruin their countries.


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Our children and grandchildren will have to be able to accept, somehow, that sometimes bad things befall people. Particularly people who are stuck in bad cycles while having awful leaders, while also destroying nature. If they can't find a way to accept that, then they will be compelled to do what Merkel advocates: trying to continually fix other peoples' problems, and clean others' messes.

If I live in a city where there are stray and abandoned dogs roaming the streets, I can feel sorry for the dogs, but I can also mentally find a way to accept that many will suffer and die from their miserable lives. The alternative would be to build a dog shelter to house and feed many of them. That would be too expensive an enterprise. Just finding a place to put hundreds of stray dogs might cost Bt.50,000/month in rent, then there's food, and cleaning, spaying, continually rounding up other strays, medical check-ups etc ad infinitum. All the while the strays you round up (and those you don't) would be making litters. So I instead accept the sad fact that most of those strays will eke out a living, and some will die sooner then they would if they were adopted into a comfortable existence. Sorry to compare humans with dogs, but the point I'm trying to make is in regard to whether humans have the capacity to allow other humans to suffer and die early deaths. It sounds callous and anti-compassionate, but it's realistic. What's the alternative? To either be miserable watching things take their sad course, or to commit lots of money and resources and time to take care of those less fortunate.

If I read about a famine somewhere, I can feel saddened but that does not mean I have to empty my bank account, take the first plane to that miserable region, and spend all my money trying to improve the situation. If I were one of the starving people, I wouldn't expect outsiders to come in and offer support. I would instead do what I could to improve the situation at hand.

Hello Europe, kiss goodbye your rolling green fields and chirping birds, here come da Syrians and Afghanis.......

Hopefully the West is next time more careful of executing regime changes such as in Libya, Iraq, Syria etc then they wouldn't have to come to Europe. clap2.gif

Western actions contributed partially to better and worse scenarios in the M.East and Africa. But the lion's share of M.Easterners' problems - they and their forebearers brought upon themselves. Similarly, westerners may have played some part in the destruction of their ecosystems, but the lion's share of the destruction was by locals and their ancestors.

I thought Merkel was a smart lady….but turns out she is just another ignorant fool with no perspective on the harm she is putting her country into.

Anything for cheap labour that is easy to exploit….and by the time she is voted out, the refugees will be strongly entrenched and you can't do anything about it.

These people should be kept in islamic countries for their and everyone else's good….foreign governments can donate money for their upkeep and run the refugee camps there if they so desire.

PS. The new batch of refugees won't even bother walking across hungary….they will tell 'Mama' to send a plane for them to Turkey.

Actually, Britain is sending planes. They said they would take a bunch (8,000?) but would take them directly from refugee camps in Syria, not from the migrating hundreds of thousands already in Europe. The reason: to discourage mass migration. The policy won't work to dispel mass migration, particularly with leaders like Merkel opening their doors to all.

Also, how/when will Europe send back asylum seekers who don't qualify? Answer: it won't really happen. Bleeding hearts will protest and/or those denied asylum will just walk away - in to the general European population, like the tens of thousands who resisted being rounded up by Bulgarian authorities a few days ago.

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Call me old fashioned but refugees aren't quite what they once were.

Barely any women and children,designer clothes,smartphones and sparkling time pieces.

Is something slightly awry here or is it me.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1441549434.528403.jpg

Are they chanting slogans? If so, what are they saying? Some possibilities:

"Christians, Heathens, Apostates, Heretics. Listen and heed. Take us in!"

"There is no God but Allah and everyone needs to embrace that wholeheartedly!"

"Our fathers destroyed our homeland, Now we want new homeland!"

"Our religion is superior to all others, but that has nothing to do with places we want and don't want to reside."

"You Christians will provide for us. What choice do you have? You are incapable of sending us back to a war zone."

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Just spoke to Lithuanian friend that spent several months in Ireland. Holt cow Myslims sux and we all need to realize what they are doing. Wow, totally floored about what I heard. They have about zero redeeming qualities. If I am wrong, please tell me what redeeming qualities they have other than poor and needing help.

Candidly, you guys need to speak to some people in these areas in which they are migrating. Wow. There goes Europe. Bhopefully we will get Obama out before there goes the US.

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