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Gen Prayut invokes Section 44 to strip Thaksin of his police rank

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Gen Prayut invokes Section 44 to strip Thaksin of his police rank


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha, acting in his capacity as the head of the National Council for Peace and Order, invoked Section 44 of the interim constitution to strip former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra of his police lieutenant colonel’s rank effective as of Sunday September 6.

The order invoking Section 44 said that Thaksin’s police rank case was a threat of national security and, hence, necessitated urgent action to deal with it.

The order pointed out that the National Police Office had recommended Thaksin’s police rank be stripped because he had been sentenced to imprisonment and there are several criminal proceedings pending against him.

Maj-Gen Veerachon Sukonthapatipark, deputy spokesman of the government, said Saturday night that the use of Section 44 to settle Thaksin’s police rank case was the decision of General Prayut, with the consent of the NCPO, to quickly settle the case in order not to bother with His Majesty the King because the issue could be exploited by some ill-intent elements.

Section 44 is only used on matter of importance and urgency and only if necessary and General Prayut will take sole responsibility for the decision, said Maj-Gen Veerachon.

A day earlier, the prime minister said that he had forwarded Thaksin’s rank issue to the Palace for a royal command to strip the ex-prime minister of his police rank. Somehow, there was a last-minute change in order not to involve HM the King in this divisive issue.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/gen-prayut-invokes-section-44-to-strip-thaksin-of-his-police-rank

-- Thai PBS 2015-09-05

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Meanwhile, the immigration, police and military officials implicated in the recent Bangkok Bombing, past human trafficking events and the most blatant acts of corruptions, are moved to inactive posts where they continue to collect salaries and benefits. The rulers have time to play the Thaksin bogeyman game, but can't find the time to manage the Bangkok bombing or tanking economy, or the much promised crackdown on corruption.

As much as I believe that Thaksin should have resigned his rank long ago when he entered politics, the manner in which the General / Prime Minister has stripped Thaksin of the rank is questionable. The interim constitution is the direct result of its imposition by an administration that took power by way of a military coup. One does not need to be a constitutional law expert to understand the legal implications. All that this will do is create more distraction. This should have been left to the courts to process. Had it been the product of a transparent judicial process it would have been non-contestable.


Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.


So, the NCPO sent it for royal approval then changed their minds and did it unilaterally without consulting the one person who holds ultimate authority in the matter? Regardless of the motives, sounds like lese majeste accusations are in order.


The stripping of Thaksin's police rank is nothing more than a PR stunt by the current powers that be. They want everyone to know who's in charge. Personally though I wish the whole Thaksin issue would disappear from Thai politics. Too long has this issue been in the news, a new chapter need to be opened and the old one left in the past.


That order is something, but probably doesn't translate into anything more tangible than a piece of paper with some writing on it. Thaksin will probably still get his pension, and keep his commendations/rank/citations, etc. If there was any substance behind it, the rank ribbons/jewelry/medals/sashes/epulets would be mailed back to Thailand, and related pensions cut.


I imagine Thaksin is distraught, at his wit's end worrying about his police rank and decorations.

But look on the bright side, maybe Too will be able to get over his unhealthy obsession with Thaksin.

Almost make it all worth while...


"A day earlier, the prime minister said that he had forwarded Thaksins rank issue to the Palace for a royal command to strip the ex-prime minister of his police rank. Somehow, there was a last-minute change in order not to involve HM the King in this divisive issue."

The above kills any meaningful continuation of the discussion of this matter stone dead on here.


The PM promised Section 44 would only be used when necessary.

The national security threat was ominous. Urgent action was necessary.

Now, let's cut through the red tape, and consummate that submarine deal with the Chinese.

There's freakin' sharks with laser beams in the Gulf of Thailand. Act man, before it's too late!


"A day earlier, the prime minister said that he had forwarded Thaksins rank issue to the Palace for a royal command to strip the ex-prime minister of his police rank. Somehow, there was a last-minute change in order not to involve HM the King in this divisive issue."

The above kills any meaningful continuation of discussing this matter stone dead on here.

Still, from the many posts I see that I'm not the only one who wants to see the Thaksin family issues out of Thai politics and new issues discussed instead.

The constant regurgitating of Shinawatra issues and news isn't bringing about a better Thailand. Just rubbing salt into old wounds that will never heal if this trend continues. IMO


Its just eating away everydy at the self appointed PM that Thaksin is still more popular and competent than himself and he cant understand why.

Cant wait for the eventual investigations into the unexplained wealth of military officers, confiscati9n of assets and the strippings of rank.

Probable wont matter to them also, I'm sure they will always be rank!


Its just eating away everydy at the self appointed PM that Thaksin is still more popular and competent than himself and he cant understand why.

Cant wait for the eventual investigations into the unexplained wealth of military officers, confiscati9n of assets and the strippings of rank.

Probable wont matter to them also, I'm sure they will always be rank!

All hearsay, no evidence to back up your accusations. Pls enlighten us on the so called investigations into unexplained wealth of military officers. It's new to me, never heard of any investigations. And a Prayut isn't holding a popularity contest hes trying to install peace, reform, unity and end corruption.


Its just eating away everydy at the self appointed PM that Thaksin is still more popular and competent than himself and he cant understand why.

Cant wait for the eventual investigations into the unexplained wealth of military officers, confiscati9n of assets and the strippings of rank.

Probable wont matter to them also, I'm sure they will always be rank!

All hearsay, no evidence to back up your accusations. Pls enlighten us on the so called investigations into unexplained wealth of military officers. It's new to me, never heard of any investigations. And a Prayut isn't holding a popularity contest hes trying to install peace, reform, unity and end corruption.
So you dont understand English very well and want others to translate a sentence for you. Are you Thai military. You appear qualified!

Fools are so easily fooled!


Its just eating away everydy at the self appointed PM that Thaksin is still more popular and competent than himself and he cant understand why.

Cant wait for the eventual investigations into the unexplained wealth of military officers, confiscati9n of assets and the strippings of rank.

Probable wont matter to them also, I'm sure they will always be rank!

All hearsay, no evidence to back up your accusations. Pls enlighten us on the so called investigations into unexplained wealth of military officers. It's new to me, never heard of any investigations. And a Prayut isn't holding a popularity contest hes trying to install peace, reform, unity and end corruption.
So you dont understand English very well and want others to translate a sentence for you. Are you Thai military. You appear qualified!

Fools are so easily fooled!

Good move to question the ability to understand English......

"Cant" ....."everydy"..."cant"....."confiscati9n"....."I'm sure they will always be rank!"


What is surprising is just how many fools believe in the self appointed pm and the garbage that flows daily from his mouth. They also believe that this junta is somehow different and has the best intentions towards the country.

No, its only self interest and doing so by trying to remove popularity from any potential opposition. What they cannot see is that they are making the opposition stronger and the same result as the last 20 coups will again occur.

See unlike you Wilsonandson, most people can think for themselves, learn from history, understand facts and form an opinion. One day you may achieve this also but you need to get smarter, alot smarter. You need to stop thinking that you can make the same mistakes and somehow some magical different result will appear before your eyes. Fantasy is not true, sorry to have to tell you that the dreamworld in which you live is all just make believe.

But it is good for the rest of us because you make us realise how lucky we are that we are much different from you. And you provide us with a good laugh as well but you probably wouldnt undertand why.


Its just eating away everydy at the self appointed PM that Thaksin is still more popular and competent than himself and he cant understand why.

Cant wait for the eventual investigations into the unexplained wealth of military officers, confiscati9n of assets and the strippings of rank.

Probable wont matter to them also, I'm sure they will always be rank!

All hearsay, no evidence to back up your accusations. Pls enlighten us on the so called investigations into unexplained wealth of military officers. It's new to me, never heard of any investigations. And a Prayut isn't holding a popularity contest hes trying to install peace, reform, unity and end corruption.
So you dont understand English very well and want others to translate a sentence for you. Are you Thai military. You appear qualified!

Fools are so easily fooled!

Good move to question the ability to understand English......

"Cant" ....."everydy"..."cant"....."confiscati9n"....."I'm sure they will always be rank!"

Petty minds are often able to deal only with petty issues.


In every civilized country in the world, a police man convicted for any crime looses his rank automatically. Not so easy in Thailand because of most of the police leaders are heavy criminals.


someone needs a cuddle don't they Mr PM general sir... as you're shit scared of the bogeyman from Dubai.. how about using section 44 for real issues, like sorting out your fishing fleet, sorting out your human trafficking, and sorting out your airline ICOA faults.

Petty and vindictive by stating that Thaksin's rank was a matter of National Security.

Sort out the freekin roads by using article 44, and you might, just might save over 2-3,000 lives a year on the piss poor roads.. use article 44 to get the lunatics without licences off these roads.

Surely by invoking article 44 over the crown (Royal Decree), it's a very dangerous precedent, and itself is an act bordering on article 112 ?


what a bunch of fools, I don't see one current or past pm or official with enough gumption or genuine honour to be of any worthy use to this countries problems.


Felt a lot safer tonight reading this... Then a lottery ticket seller came to our table and was selling lottery tickets for 90b.. Dont feel safe anymore.

Sent from my c64


Its just eating away everydy at the self appointed PM that Thaksin is still more popular and competent than himself and he cant understand why.

Cant wait for the eventual investigations into the unexplained wealth of military officers, confiscati9n of assets and the strippings of rank.

Probable wont matter to them also, I'm sure they will always be rank!

All hearsay, no evidence to back up your accusations. Pls enlighten us on the so called investigations into unexplained wealth of military officers. It's new to me, never heard of any investigations. And a Prayut isn't holding a popularity contest hes trying to install peace, reform, unity and end corruption.
yes, exactly, thats precisely why he is doing so much to .......er, er, 5555555 You can't possibly be serious.

In every civilized country in the world, a police man convicted for any crime looses his rank automatically. Not so easy in Thailand because of most of the police leaders are heavy criminals.

As far as I know, it happens only if the crime is committed within the scope of their employment. Never heard of anyone stripped of his rank for a crime committed after retiring.

Order by NCPO chief strips Thaksin of police rank
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- GENERAL Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday issued an order as head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to revoke ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra's police rank.

Prime Minister Prayut opted to do this to avoid involving His Majesty the King in the issue, according to a government spokesman. This was "the best method in the current situation", another spokesman said yesterday.

Previously, the government was going to seek royal endorsement to the prime minister's acknowledgement of national police chief General Somyot Poompanmuang's order to strip Thaksin of his rank of police lieutenant colonel.

The NCPO chief's order was published in the Royal Gazette yesterday.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Order-by-NCPO-chief-strips-Thaksin-of-police-rank-30268231.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-06


Democracy doesn't work in Thailand so you either end up with a military government or a civilian one that abuses its power. So those who rant on about the current government and democracy might try and remember what the previous civilian government was like?

Seems like there was some back ground interference and thus approval from the normal channels could not be sought? Divisions in the powerhouse? Even military governments suffer splits and power struggles? I wonder how long Prayut can remain in power; its tough the current situation.


Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

Isn't section 44 supposed to ONLY BE USED for serious national security?

Bangkok bombers, the slaughtering of teachers/police/soldiers in the south, murderer's, rapists, mafia, corrupt police and military, human trafficking, drugs on every street corner, and this is supposed to be of national security. BTW I don't hear Thaksin having a cry about it.

Seems it's now being used to show who's the boss.

Now I could be wrong but isn't some of Thaksin's decoration's/citations by royal decree? and can only be revoked by royal decree?


Yo Englishjohn, now show us and justify the national security regarding this that is absolutely outweighs any of the listed issues that required the use of section 44, reckon ya can't, whistling.gif

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