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Today my tha gf and I were literally cut and runoff the road by a Isuzu 4 door pickup. It came up from behind and just cut us off as we were travelling on the side of the road. No choice but to brake and go on to the dirt shoulder which had a big drop off and a fallen dead tree. We narrowly missed the tree trunk as we slid on our left side in the dirt and came to rest in the upper part of that fallen tree.

Thai driver stopped and came back, I think he thought the worst because he certainly changed his empathy for us we he saw we were still alive. Police arrived and got his id which he told me he didn't have on him prior. Tried to,say a bike was coming at him.

He then decided he was in the right. Police didn't seem to do anything. Bike was damaged but rideable. GF was sore but ok. I suffered bruised ribs, grazed shoulder and arm ( helmet save side of face ). My foot need stitches and small toe broken and needed relocation.

Driver said he would pay for my dr ($4000thb).

He drove me to the doctor and in the car with GF he GOT NASTY AND SAID HE WANTED TO KILL ME.

What is the legal requirement with reporting the accident ? Do I have to do a place report ? I don't have any insurance medical or travel as I just arrived last month on a way ticket to stay long term. I wasn't overly concerned about the death threat but I am thinking that I will pay for it all myself.



jeez the more I read about thai's attitude to us 'farangs' .. they really hate us.

I think you may be on to something there, Fish Fingers. thumbsup.gif


OP: Tell him your Buddhist, go ahead and kill you as you will come back as a ghost and haunt him and his girlfriend.

I promise the death threats will stop.


The thing is, of course, that you really should have anticipated on this situation. It happens all the time. Same thing you describe happened to me last year, except that in my case the bastard did not stop. I spend as much time looking in my back-mirror as I do scanning the road ahead and in general anywhere where there isn't a ditch to protect me from onstorming traffic.

The general rule is: Might goes before right. And please be advised that it is quite normal for a car to cross the white line on the left in the corners.

So, in a sense he's right - you should have anticipated this. That, plus the fact that if you would not have been in his country, none of this would have happened!

But seriously, my regular near-encounters-with-death seem to diminish in number the longer I am in the country. It's a steep learningcurve!


Hlover, he said he was Muslim. It was me and my Thai GF in the car. He was alone. I believe he was not concentrating and just wandered off the road onto the shoulder edge where everyone rides. From what I have read on here, the police don't much for victims of road collisions. Chasing him for the $ could just be more heartache. Each day people here cut I front of you ( usually oncoming so you can react ). This time I had no chance but thank god my Thai GF wasn't hurt. My main concern is to prevent infection now of my wounds. This is life here...it's not like Australia


If he does not have insurance he is liable to pay.

Medical you can claim through your own compulsory insurance, 15000 baht.

Police should be charging him with reckless driving.

If he claims not to have the money, unless you prepared to waste 100000+ in legal fees, not much else you can do.

Police should does not mean would assist in clarifying if he has insurance or not.

Police may also use powers of persuasion but again May and would is not the same.


Hlover, he said he was Muslim. It was me and my Thai GF in the car. He was alone. I believe he was not concentrating and just wandered off the road onto the shoulder edge where everyone rides. From what I have read on here, the police don't much for victims of road collisions. Chasing him for the $ could just be more heartache. Each day people here cut I front of you ( usually oncoming so you can react ). This time I had no chance but thank god my Thai GF wasn't hurt. My main concern is to prevent infection now of my wounds. This is life here...it's not like Australia

They will assist you, even more so when they get the feeling there is something in it for them.



I can't believe what I am reading here.

You actually got in the car with this dickface and he actually had the nerve to insult you and say he wants to kill you? YOU should have threatened him if anything because as it turns out, HE ran you off the road!!

Then again, who gets into the same car as someone who nearly killed you, even if not intentional?

I would have been so angry, no way in hell I would have agreed to get into his car. I would have been afraid that he causes another accident, given how he could not even stick to his own lane.

Please fill us in a bit more on this story. How can someone who ran you off the road have any right to say something like that.

We need more information...this is a indeed a very sick individual. While there might be sick people anywhere, I have never heard of someone who just ran someone off the road threatening the other party!!!


At the scene it was my Thai GF, her sister arrived three police the driver of the car. There at the science in front of the police he spoke English and said he had no choice ie. moved over because of oncoming traffic. I was ahead of him and never saw nor did my GF a car or bike on the wrong side of the road. Then he said he had no mark on his car where he hit us ( I had to leave the road or hit him so I moved over bit obviously on the open road was doing about 55 kph so that did not end well). They were all talking Thai and I kept asking GF what we should do. No clear answer came from anyone. He said he'd pay for the medical but bit the bike as he thinks we left the road not him forcing us off. I wanted to get to the doctors, the hospital here is dodgy and far away and I thought I only needed cleaning up, so I went in his car. My gf then road her bike back. We waited at the police station apparently the police told the driver to come but the police didn't come back. It was then we both gf and I, jumped in his car to go to the doctors and he said what he did. I have since been told he isn't the nicest guy in the area. I'm putting t all down to experience now, I just want to make sure I get better ie. heal up without infection. This is the 2nd guy who has forced me off the road this year. Thinking. Thailand doesn't want me here.


I know my timing is poor for offering this but...

The thing about Thailand is that proverbial the corners you might cut at home, you will pay for dearly here. Gotta have insurance health and auto if driving. The car has to be insured. My experience with insurance companies here has all been good and they pay no problem. Insurance is primarily about Thais not having any, and being exposed to any of their shenanigans. A distant second reason is anything you might be responsible for.

Good luck though. I think you have the right attitude re if he pays good, if not let it fly.


At the scene it was my Thai GF, her sister arrived three police the driver of the car. There at the science in front of the police he spoke English and said he had no choice ie. moved over because of oncoming traffic. I was ahead of him and never saw nor did my GF a car or bike on the wrong side of the road. Then he said he had no mark on his car where he hit us ( I had to leave the road or hit him so I moved over bit obviously on the open road was doing about 55 kph so that did not end well). They were all talking Thai and I kept asking GF what we should do. No clear answer came from anyone. He said he'd pay for the medical but bit the bike as he thinks we left the road not him forcing us off. I wanted to get to the doctors, the hospital here is dodgy and far away and I thought I only needed cleaning up, so I went in his car. My gf then road her bike back. We waited at the police station apparently the police told the driver to come but the police didn't come back. It was then we both gf and I, jumped in his car to go to the doctors and he said what he did. I have since been told he isn't the nicest guy in the area. I'm putting t all down to experience now, I just want to make sure I get better ie. heal up without infection. This is the 2nd guy who has forced me off the road this year. Thinking. Thailand doesn't want me here.

The problem here is that if you want to pursue it you'll have to proof he forced you of the road. And that is not going to be easy, presuming the only witness you have is your girlfriend.

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