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Korat cop fired for demanding free food, beating cashier (video)

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He was not the first Kop to expect freebies just because he is a Kop, and he will not be the last, but lets hope this is the start of removing those who are a disgrace to the uniform they wear.

Personally if it were up to me I would remove the "R" from RTP and all associated insignia from their uniforms until such times as they were indeed worthy of the title.


A few months ago wife and I were in Udon Thani, Centara Hotel and every morning policeofficers were having breakfast there, sometimes with their mia nois ...

I recall eating at a fairly average restaurant next to Thong Lor BTS about six years ago and the majority of the photos on the wall were of the proprietor standing to attention with his police buddies, interspersed with a few cruddy celebs.

Won't ever return as the general feel reeked of look at me.

I bet that little lot has cost him a fortune in lost takings over the years.


He was not the first Kop to expect freebies just because he is a Kop, and he will not be the last, but lets hope this is the start of removing those who are a disgrace to the uniform they wear.

Personally if it were up to me I would remove the "R" from RTP and all associated insignia from their uniforms until such times as they were indeed worthy of the title.

That's a good idea! In fact, lets say that any act that is against the law or embarrasses the RTP should be considered a violation of the 'les majeste' laws. They should be immediately stripped of rank, and thrown in prison.

If they are going to be called the 'Royal Thai Police', they should have some 'Royal' responsibility.


The perp goes into a drunken depression, suddenly without a career or future, and one day sets off to kill the guy who had him busted. Thai justice.

I have to applaud the police department for going all the way with this, it could have been different, like The Boss having a private chat with the cop, advising him to lay off the freebies for a while.

I knew a guy in Brazil who had a restaurant, his specialty was a certain kind of crab exclusive to that region. The place became popular with the local politicians, who would praise his food and restaurant to no end. And they never paid the bill. He couldn't ask, because he knew it would not come to a good end. "My place is so popular with the politicians I have to go out of business" he said.


Sucker punch.

And why is a lowly cashier taking all the heat for reporting money lost by the owner? The owner should be standing front and center here.


what a... give me a P give me a R give me a I give me a C..........you get the point!!

No I don't Lee, why don't you just spell it out ? biggrin.png


Same old thing, "You got me into trouble" Not accepting responsibility for your own actions,,, If the cop didn't steal, (not pay his bill) then there would not have been a problem, ie,,, do you blame the red light because you pay a fine for driving through it? you got me into trouble , bad red light,


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

I doubt any one would have a problem giving a poorly paid cop a meal. The problem is that the police seem to have a sense of entitlement. They swan into an establishment order what they like and then think they can waltz out without paying because they are the police. And yes when there is a problem the first people you call ARE the police. This is not because you have given them endless free meals and think they should do it for that, they should do it because they are the police, the organisation set up to combat crime and paid for by the tax payers money irregardless of how low it is.

It is easy for people to pity the police because they are poorly paid. but they don't help themselves or the overall image of the police when they go around virtually every business (both registered and shady) every month to collect 'tea money' or as i call it 'leave me alone' money. They are nothing but thugs in uniform and coasting on free meals/coffees etc.

maybe if the image of the police were cleaned up and changed, so would peoples perception of them.


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

I doubt any one would have a problem giving a poorly paid cop a meal. The problem is that the police seem to have a sense of entitlement. They swan into an establishment order what they like and then think they can waltz out without paying because they are the police. And yes when there is a problem the first people you call ARE the police. This is not because you have given them endless free meals and think they should do it for that, they should do it because they are the police, the organisation set up to combat crime and paid for by the tax payers money irregardless of how low it is.

It is easy for people to pity the police because they are poorly paid. but they don't help themselves or the overall image of the police when they go around virtually every business (both registered and shady) every month to collect 'tea money' or as i call it 'leave me alone' money. They are nothing but thugs in uniform and coasting on free meals/coffees etc.

maybe if the image of the police were cleaned up and changed, so would peoples perception of them.


Well it would be much better had the policeman faced criminal charges for his attack, judges tend to take a dim view of members of the constabulary taking the law into their own hands, in some countries at least.

However demanding free meals isn't the preserve of Thailand. For many years J Edgar Hoover with his friend used to go to the same restaurant and were never presented with a bill. When a new owner took over Hoover was presented with the first bill in many years and when told he had to pay from then on refused to go there any more.


Well it would be much better had the policeman faced criminal charges for his attack, judges tend to take a dim view of members of the constabulary taking the law into their own hands, in some countries at least.

However demanding free meals isn't the preserve of Thailand. For many years J Edgar Hoover with his friend used to go to the same restaurant and were never presented with a bill. When a new owner took over Hoover was presented with the first bill in many years and when told he had to pay from then on refused to go there any more.

{{cn|date=September 2016}}

Citation needed


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

This is absolute horse sh!t.

Police demand free food on top of the bribes they take. The rampant corruption in Thailand has brought the country to its knees.

Going to the police in times of trouble is difficult at the best of times. Their corruption often comes ahead of their intention to help a situation and is exacerbated by their prejudice.

Your post verges on being offensively ignorant.


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

This is absolute horse sh!t.

Police demand free food on top of the bribes they take. The rampant corruption in Thailand has brought the country to its knees.

Going to the police in times of trouble is difficult at the best of times. Their corruption often comes ahead of their intention to help a situation and is exacerbated by their prejudice.

Your post verges on being offensively ignorant.

......................."Your post verges on being offensively ignorant"...........................

No, it was a bait, and judging by the responses it generated, it worked. thumbsup.gif


Seems quite easy to fire this guy--------but much more difficult to get the sack if you are a convicted criminal on the run.....

..........Just ask My Thaksin Shinawatra.............................coffee1.gif


The sad thing is that this is problably normaly around the country. I have seen a scene a few years ago when a police officer came into a restaurant and got food served and left without paying after he left I have noticed that the restaurant staff gathered talked about him and were swearing... I did not really understand what it was all about but it definetly but it definetly looked like that the staff were not happy about the presence of the police officer....

A few months ago wife and I were in Udon Thani, Centara Hotel and every morning policeofficers were having breakfast there, sometimes with their mia nois ...

We talked to other guests about it and they felt very uncomfortable about it with these uniformed goons carrying guns at breakfast ... I guess most people by now what this policeforce are like - a loose trigger finger and a small brain to say the least ...

When we asked the manager what was going on, he just smiled a stupid smile and shook his head - never gonna go back to Centara, Udon T. for sure ...

I often see them in bkk during the day (working hours) drinking beer and playing pool and even gambling by the looks of it.... And they do this blatantly in uniform in some of their hangouts, esp on days when its hot outside and yes, they often drinking with their guns on the hip, both of which I don't think should be allowed along with getting drunk in uniform as that's also an abuse of power imo


And the follow up to this story will be: "Fired cop goes on rampage and shoots restaurant employees! "

And because there is nobody left alive to continue to press charges the cop will be reinstated. Happens all the time. If a Thai cop wants free food and wants to beat you, let him do it. Resistance is futile, unless you and your family have a death-wish.


The cashier is so lucky the cop wasn't carrying his gun when this happened...

Big lose of face in this one... smile.png

This might not be the end of the story. I hope I'm wrong...


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

Well why can't business help teachers and teachers assistants and maids and security staff who are low paid, and come to this of it all government servant jobs are low paid, so restaurants should also give them free food.

Add to the list if you want...


I wonder what this story would have been under the last government.

I bet the owner wouldn't have dared report the officer.

He'd be dead, by way of spurious misadventure. Case closed.


Sucker punch.

And why is a lowly cashier taking all the heat for reporting money lost by the owner? The owner should be standing front and center here.

Most likely the owner is unhappy with situation but has no balls himself to tell the cop that free food is over so he delegated that task to the young cashier......and let him get the broken nose and all the public attention

(it worked pretty well, since the owner still hasn't lost face, the hungry hippo has stopped eating for free, owners nose is not broken, and the cashier is seeking compensation from the police, not the employer)

Welcome to Thailand....


@TheKnave. What I know about it is by the amount of Thai friends that I have who own both bars and restaurants where I have personally witnessed the police coming in and shutting them down long enough to get their money and then back to business. Some of them pay upwards of 30000b per month to these criminals while others it's 15000b. But you obviously wouldn't know that because you probably don't have any friends that are extorted for exorbitant amounts of money. What do you have to add besides a pile of horse sh!t?, as usual. Didn't your poor mommy and daddy ever teach you growing up that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

I always thought name calling was left for children. I guess i was wrong.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

Especially coming from you.

I'm willing to bet that I can come up with a minimum of 100 articles in relation to police corruption and you can't come up with 10 about police non corruption.


Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....

your off ya head buddy !

This country has never run like yours. You think your rules apply world wide or even in Thailand your a moron. You try living of 12-20K thb a month you know nothing about this country

15 years sunshine and fluent in the language.......my Thai police friends do just fine without resorting to corruption !

So, you have access to all their financial dealings? You are with them every day when they are working?

What you should have said is: "As far at I know they are not corrupt."

I have a cop in the family. Hell of a nice guy. Everyone loves him.

I've been to some of his parties with his cop buddies, and there isn't a honest one in the bunch.

Why cant business help these police with some food. The retail price of some rice and Gop is very inexpensive for them. And police dont get paid enough. They barely survive. Very kineow. But when they have a problem the first friend they call is a policeman....
your off ya head buddy !

This country has never run like yours. You think your rules apply world wide or even in Thailand your a moron. You try living of 12-20K thb a month you know nothing about this country

15 years sunshine and fluent in the language.......my Thai police friends do just fine without resorting to corruption !

So, you have access to all their financial dealings? You are with them every day when they are working?

What you should have said is: "As far at I know they are not corrupt."

I have a cop in the family. Hell of a nice guy. Everyone loves him.

I've been to some of his parties with his cop buddies, and there isn't a honest one in the bunch.

there is good and bad in all.....That's reality !

So I see many people were blaming Prayut for not helping the academic for being arrested at the airport.

Will you same people come out now and give Prayut some credit for making enough reforms that have allowed for this corrupt heavy handed policeman to be fired from his job? Not to mentioned countless hundreds of police that have been discharged and had their bank accounts seized already.

This would not have been the case i previous administrations and we all know it!!!

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