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UN warns Hungary it faces a wave of 42,000 more migrants

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UN warns Hungary it faces a wave of 42,000 more migrants

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Leaders of the United Nations refugee agency warned Tuesday that Hungary faces a bigger wave of 42,000 asylum seekers in the next 10 days and will need international help to provide shelter on its border, where newcomers already are complaining bitterly about being left to sleep in frigid fields.

Officials from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said it was sending tents, beds and thermal blankets to Hungary's border with Serbia, where for the past two days frustrated groups from the Middle East, Asia and Africa have ignored police instructions to stay put and instead have marched on a highway north to Budapest.

Commissioner Antonio Guterres accused the entire European Union of failing to see the crisis coming or take coordinated action, even though the 28-nation bloc of 508 million people should have enough room and resources to absorb hundreds of thousands of newcomers with ease.

There was needless suffering in the migration crisis "because Europe is not organized to deal with it, because the European asylum system has been extremely dysfunctional and in recent weeks completely chaotic," Guterres said. He told a news conference in Paris that it appeared "clear that if Europe would be properly organized, it would be a manageable crisis."

The EU has struggled, in part, because front-line nations such as Hungary and Greece have not put enough facilities in place to house a human flow averaging 2,000 to 3,000 a day while the vast majority of people try to push deeper into Europe and seek refugee protection in Germany, the nation accepting the greatest number by far.

Germany already expects to take in 800,000 this year, and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said Tuesday it could take a further 1 million over the next two years. Many other EU members have yet to follow Germany's lead, and Hungary's government instead is focusing on building a border fence to block the route from Serbia. It plans a series of get-tough frontier security measures that it hopes to start enforcing Sept. 15, although international observers are skeptical.

The UNHCR's refugee coordinator for Europe, Vincent Cochetel, told a Budapest news conference that Hungary could not cope on its own with the coming, even bigger volume of asylum seekers. He said 42,000 people — 30,000 in Greece, 7,000 in Macedonia and 5,000 in Serbia — were likely to enter Hungary in the next 10 days, requiring greater international help.

"We need better coordination to make sure we don't have chaos at the border," he said, chiding Hungary for allowing people to be left overnight "in a very dire situation."

Hungary's inconsistent reception near the border village of Roszke has left many hundreds waiting for buses that arrive too infrequently, leaving large numbers stranded at night. Officers have found it increasingly difficult to keep them within a designated field. Some have pushed through police lines and walk north deeper into Hungary, while others head south back to Serbia where camps are sometimes better organized.

On Monday, a few hundred people broke through police lines near Roszke and, despite being hit with pepper spray, made it onto the main highway linking Serbia with Budapest. It happened again Tuesday night following a day of scuffles with officers in which one man was injured amid a stampede.

"We've been here for two days, and the Hungarian government only brings one bus?" said a Syrian man, who gave only his first name, Ali. "We're asking to go back to Serbia and they are not giving us this right. We're asking to go to Budapest and they are not giving us this right. Why? Why?"

The government has given little aid, leaving volunteer groups to provide food and water instead. The field near Roszke has become strewn with garbage.

At Budapest's main international train station, more than 300 people — mostly asylum seekers — queued for tickets. Last week, Keleti station became an open-air refugee camp when Hungary briefly stopped migrants from taking trains to Austria and Germany. Authorities are once again letting these travelers take trains deeper into the EU, although they often ride in separate carriages from other passengers.

Nada Mahmod, a 30-year-old from Syria, delayed her departure from Keleti because she could not find her 14-year-old son, Mohammad Diar, for days. Her agony ended with a reunion Tuesday, and they boarded a train together.

"We lost him in the forest. He went with another group," she told The Associated Press, showing his photo in desperation hours before he was located. "Police in Hungary don't help. Everybody else helps. Not the police."

About 7,000 people arrived in Vienna between early Monday and early Tuesday, and "almost all of them continued on to Germany," according to police spokesman Patrick Maierhofer.

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said countries opposed to taking in refugees under an EU-wide quota system plan backed by Germany and France should suffer financial penalties.

In Geneva, the U.N. special representative on international migration said too many countries wanted to give financial aid but no places for refugees to live.

"Buying your way out of this is not satisfactory," said the official, Peter Sutherland. Even so, U.N. members had not provided nearly enough funding for existing relief efforts, he added.

Poland, the largest of the EU's eastern members, has agreed to accept 2,000 refugees, saying it has too many economic problems to take more. In addition, officials have said that as a predominantly Roman Catholic country, Poland would have trouble integrating Muslims. Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said it would accept only those who have no hostility toward Poland.

In Greece, the coast guard said its patrol vessels picked up nearly 500 people in small boats in the eastern Aegean Sea near the islands of Lesbos, Samos and Kos and the islet of Agathonissi.

More than 15,000 are on Lesbos awaiting screening before they can board a ferry to the Greek mainland. Although Greece is an EU member, migrants have for years freely left its dysfunctional asylum system and headed north through Macedonia and Serbia into Hungary and, from there, to Western Europe.

Associated Press reporters Alexander Kuli in Budapest; Balint Szlanko in Roszke, Hungary; Monika Scislowska in Warsaw, Poland; Frank Jordans and David Rising in Berlin; Jamey Keaten in Geneva; and George Jahn in Vienna contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-09

Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said it would accept only those who have no hostility toward Poland.

Well, that means zero will be going to Poland. This is nothing short of an invading army.

Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said it would accept only those who have no hostility toward Poland.

Well, that means zero will be going to Poland. This is nothing short of an invading army.

Sent by Putin


Why hasn't a single Arab country offered to take in the Syrian refugees? why all those rich gulf's emirates, Egypt, Jordan,

Iran, Indonesia and similar not come forward to offer a refugees solutions? why? because they know better than taking in

people that in the long run will only be a thorn in their back side like many Muslims/Arabs who immigrated to other

countries... the other reason being that those so refugees only want to settle in rich European countries, Canada and

Australia, as some of them are falsely calming to be Syrians as well as being economic refugees and not real war refugees...

Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said it would accept only those who have no hostility toward Poland.

Well, that means zero will be going to Poland. This is nothing short of an invading army.

Not necessarily. If all they have to say is, "I like Poland. I like Polish people. Heck, I even like Catholics, ha ha ha." .....then pow, the doors to Poland will be open for them, and yet another Euro country will be infected, over-run, and their welfare rolls swelled to bursting. Most of the millions of kids who get popped out by the migrants will probably be decent. However, if just 1% of a million youngsters get sucked into extremism, that's 10,000 bomb-making, body-shredding people added to the equation. Bin Laden's corpse is somewhere deep in the ocean, smiling broadly.

Europe is on a downward slide - and bleeding-heart leaders like Merkel are orchestrating it. Hungary is on the right track in its policy. The UN commissioner pontificates for the cameras, then gets in his plush Mercedes and return to his gated community - half a world away from the desperate crowds. Now it's summer. Wait until winter, yikes!

Note: if I was a Syrian or Afghani or from whatever dune failed-state, I too would be clamoring to get to Europe. I'd hear the news about open-arm policies, and I'd be packed and on the road in a Damascus minute. It would be a miserable route to get there, but not as bad as what Syria has become.


"Germany already expects to take in 800,000 this year, and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said Tuesday it could take a further 1 million over the next two years."

I think the angel Gabriel might be in for a bit of a nasty shock, then. The word will already be out that Germany has rolled out the welcome mat. Just try rolling it back up again and watch it kick off.

You can just picture a few months down the road these politicians scratching their heads perplexedly and bleating 'But no-one imagined this level of...' No, YOU didn't imagine it but most of the rest of your country (wo)men did, and thanks a bunch for the rise of the far right people will start looking to for salvation...


Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said it would accept only those who have no hostility toward Poland.

Well, that means zero will be going to Poland. This is nothing short of an invading army.

Not necessarily. If all they have to say is, "I like Poland. I like Polish people. Heck, I even like Catholics, ha ha ha." .....then pow, the doors to Poland will be open for them, and yet another Euro country will be infected, over-run, and their welfare rolls swelled to bursting. Most of the millions of kids who get popped out by the migrants will probably be decent. However, if just 1% of a million youngsters get sucked into extremism, that's 10,000 bomb-making, body-shredding people added to the equation. Bin Laden's corpse is somewhere deep in the ocean, smiling broadly.

Bin Laden is practically Mother Theresa compared with what we have now. If only...


world community should forced EU to accept more migrants, much more! those leftist EU bureaucrats should pay the harsh price for imposing there destructive left-liberal values to independent countries, such as Thailand.

deliver them a few hundred thousands of wonderful Rohingya as an addition to Syrian migrants!

Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said it would accept only those who have no hostility toward Poland.

Well, that means zero will be going to Poland. This is nothing short of an invading army.

The east europeans will get their share of refugees when the war in the Ukraine breaks out. No need to fill them up with muslims.


^^^ "The world community," LOL. And just who the hell would that be? 555

you think that the world community is just EU and it's American master? lol

Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said it would accept only those who have no hostility toward Poland.

Well, that means zero will be going to Poland. This is nothing short of an invading army.

The east europeans will get their share of refugees when the war in the Ukraine breaks out. No need to fill them up with muslims.

Looks like they're not welcomed there..Maybe because they're not muslims? So they have to move in opposite way. It's already about 400.000 Ukrainians refugees in Russia..

Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said it would accept only those who have no hostility toward Poland.

Well, that means zero will be going to Poland. This is nothing short of an invading army.

The east europeans will get their share of refugees when the war in the Ukraine breaks out. No need to fill them up with muslims.

Looks like they're not welcomed there..Maybe because they're not muslims? So they have to move in opposite way. It's already about 400.000 Ukrainians refugees in Russia..

The pro Russian Ukrainian refugees go to Russia , the pro US-EU refugees go to Poland , Slovakia , Hungary and Romania. Or the fewer pro Russian in western Ukraine go to the east euro's to get away from their murdering countrymen.

Although it is admiring what the Hungarian gov tries to do , shouldn't they just photograph & fingerprint the "regufees" and send them strait to some-one who want them....Merkel ?

Let there be no surprize if in 10 years of living with "refugees" , a BIG right wing party takes power and a Hitler-like person emerges in Germany....history repeats itself after all.


That link is a very good coverage of whats really happening daily....But unfortunately, mainstream media is under pressure to not print or divulge this very much.

Could you imaging what will happen, if the world actually knew the truth...

keep everyone in the dark and feed them bul..sheet...

The generation of do gooders running the world right now....will be cursed, for the whole of history that is left.


This is more an invasion of economic migrants as the coordinated uptake of persecuted refugees.
The graphics of the UNHCR look like same as the deployment plans from armies.


Historically, there is evidence that all the great unregulated migrations brought wars, riots, crimes and destruction.
If the EU not stops immediately these uncontrolled influx of economic migrants, then we will have in the next elections, the extreme rights in the parliaments.
The unrest is then preprogrammed.


"Germany already expects to take in 800,000 this year, and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said Tuesday it could take a further 1 million over the next two years."

I think the angel Gabriel might be in for a bit of a nasty shock, then. The word will already be out that Germany has rolled out the welcome mat. Just try rolling it back up again and watch it kick off.

You can just picture a few months down the road these politicians scratching their heads perplexedly and bleating 'But no-one imagined this level of...' No, YOU didn't imagine it but most of the rest of your country (wo)men did, and thanks a bunch for the rise of the far right people will start looking to for salvation...

The English press yesterday quoted 'Mutti' Merkel thus:-

'Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country is Europe's top refugee destination, hailed as "breathtaking" the welcome given to the migrants and pledged billions more Euros to house them, describing the crisis as "a milestone for Germany"." "What we are experiencing now is something that will change our country in coming years" she said.

Europe's top economy predicts the crisis will cost 10 billion Euros ($11 billion).'

So it is clear she does know what the consequences of German policy will be and is taking pride in what she is doing. But do the German people really want this?

I guess as an East German who grew up under Communist rule she still has this childhood idea in her head that a refugee is really a persecuted professor desperate for freedom.


A line taken from a post by boomerangutang

Europe is on a downward slide - and bleeding-heart leaders like Merkel are orchestrating it.


Being in Europe right now and seeing how politics is being played out here YES i agree

with the first part of the statement but in the case of Merkel,, watch out, what you see on

TV and read in the press is all the sugar coated dribble being thrown at you, books will be

written, documentaries will be made about her, she is completely opposite of whats being

shown on the media, i can't wait for the Merkel volcano to erupt.


Another reason these people won't go to the gulf states is because all would be required

to get a visa,, they know they would fail so join the free route to free welfare, where will

these countries get the money to pay welfare to so many,,, disaster looming...


Why hasn't a single Arab country offered to take in the Syrian refugees? why all those rich gulf's emirates, Egypt, Jordan,

Iran, Indonesia and similar not come forward to offer a refugees solutions? why? because they know better than taking in

people that in the long run will only be a thorn in their back side like many Muslims/Arabs who immigrated to other

countries... the other reason being that those so refugees only want to settle in rich European countries, Canada and

Australia, as some of them are falsely calming to be Syrians as well as being economic refugees and not real war refugees...

German churches are now overflowing with Iranians and Afghans converting to Christianity on arrival so they won't be sent home and executed for apostasy.


Why hasn't a single Arab country offered to take in the Syrian refugees? why all those rich gulf's emirates, Egypt, Jordan,

Iran, Indonesia and similar not come forward to offer a refugees solutions? why? because they know better than taking in

people that in the long run will only be a thorn in their back side like many Muslims/Arabs who immigrated to other

countries... the other reason being that those so refugees only want to settle in rich European countries, Canada and

Australia, as some of them are falsely calming to be Syrians as well as being economic refugees and not real war refugees...

German churches are now overflowing with Iranians and Afghans converting to Christianity on arrival so they won't be sent home and executed for apostasy.

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