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Selling up - gonna relax for a while

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lung disease? go for some IV vitamin C in health spa's, about 3000-4000 baht a pop

you are a doctor, who can help his clients without seeing them or just talking BS?

He's not a doctor, he's a spa owner. :)


Koh Samed .... relax ..

Filthy island.

not if you go to the other more expensive side .... the beaches are clean, nice hotel, restaurants etc ...

you obviously stayed with the other cattle on the cheap side.

What was the final outcome of the oil spill that effected that island a while ago?


I've pegged the asking price at about 3 times annual revenue" - which doesn't mean much, unless you've "pegged" the expenses as well.

True, but luckily, the expenses are very low, with only an increase in electricity use as I build more guest rooms.

No water or sewerage bills, wholesale electricity rate, land lease rate very low (rubber tree land), and fixed for the whole lease term, 1.5 Thai staff, not much else to pay.

I just took a look at the adjacent land plot - if I don't sell, then I have another 'mad' idea ==> to build tree houses, using the rubber trees as corner supports, (since they are on a matrix with equal distances between each tree).


Go to Vietnam ladies there are nice .wub.png

He was after beaches not bitches.

VN has a little issue about unmarried couples not being allowed to live together.

Depending on location and neighbours this can lead to a bung to the local police.

Perhaps you've had enough to drink, the OP said, " . . . relax on a beach somewhere with pretty women . . ."

As for the Viet issue of cohabitation; if you must have a live-in, you can always have a maid. Nha Trang is a beautiful place--scenery and women-- between Vungtau and Danang, with decent medical facilities. However, I would have to agree with another poster, Sihanoukville, Cambodia is about the cheapest-- the women are plentiful, it's on the beach, but the medical services are scarce, maybe all the way to Phnom Penh.


Simon, did you decide on any particular location yet ?

Well, no, not yet.

And although I have indicated that I want to relax on a beach somewhere, my recent post in the South East Asia about land lease/ownership in Lao PDR demonstrates that I am still undecided about my future.

Do I want to lie on a beach?

Or do I want to get stuck into another resort project, even if it kills me in the process?

Would my health be better for doing nothing on a beach, (except drink)? Or might it improve by the strenuous effort of manual building work again? (I know from experience that exercising my lungs through hard work, increasing heart rate etc is definitely beneficial).

Decisions, decisions.


You need a beach in a dry desert clime

Actually no. Dryness irritates my lungs. Hot and humid are the best combination. But even with that climate, the illness will slowly debilitate me. So I'm going to stay in this type of climate and just enjoy myself.

If hot and humid are the best combination, I would suggest the beach destination is of less importance than the woman, or women, that stay with you there.

Best of luck with your illness. A fact that I never share with others is that I too have a chronic genetic disease. It requires ongoing treatment but there is no cure as it arises out of a defect in my genes. It will get me in the end also.

Old Croc and many others on this forum will be very happy about that I should think.



Just looked at your ad on Bahtsold. I wish you all the best with the sale.

As I have posted on another thread, I am currently working on a project to buy a small house and land that has been built to lock up stage but not completed.

I noticed in the photos of your hotel you have some lovely fake timber (or tiles) on the floors of your rooms.

Is it timber or tiles? Where did you buy it? And the approximate cost?

I also noticed you have the suspended giprock ceiling.

Again, where did you buy that, and the approximate costs.

Thanks very much for your help.


Simon, do you think you will have any trouble finding a buyer?

I don't think he will have any trouble. His revenues are well documented and verifiable. His fixed costs are low and rent is capped moving forward. That is a big advantage over the usual commercial lease that has a clause to increase rent by CPI each year. The property is well built and well presented (have a look at the bahtsold ad).

Also his business stands out as unique against the sediment layer of bars, massage shops, and coffeeshops for sale perpertually on Phuket.


May I respectfully suggest Mukdahan

Beach. Check.

Pretty Women. Check.

Relaxing. Check.

Not Phuket. Check.

Hot and humid. Check.

All boxes ticked.

Why didn't you mention the delights that lie under the water tower?


Simon, do you think you will have any trouble finding a buyer?

I don't think he will have any trouble. His revenues are well documented and verifiable. His fixed costs are low and rent is capped moving forward. That is a big advantage over the usual commercial lease that has a clause to increase rent by CPI each year. The property is well built and well presented (have a look at the bahtsold ad).

Also his business stands out as unique against the sediment layer of bars, massage shops, and coffeeshops for sale perpertually on Phuket.

Bit confused by the ad though.

Claims 100,000 baht profit per month yet only 3 years to re coup initial investment ? I would think more along the lines of 6-7 years...


Simon, do you think you will have any trouble finding a buyer?

I don't think he will have any trouble. His revenues are well documented and verifiable. His fixed costs are low and rent is capped moving forward. That is a big advantage over the usual commercial lease that has a clause to increase rent by CPI each year. The property is well built and well presented (have a look at the bahtsold ad).

Also his business stands out as unique against the sediment layer of bars, massage shops, and coffeeshops for sale perpertually on Phuket.

Bit confused by the ad though.

Claims 100,000 baht profit per month yet only 3 years to re coup initial investment ? I would think more along the lines of 6-7 years...

His ad on Baht sold is in US dollars. He states that the current revenue is circa $50KUSD. And that with the teepees and renting his house as an additional room revenue is project at circa $70KUSD.

50KUSD per year equates to about 150KTHB per month on current exchange rates. And so 150KTHB per month less his stated costs per month (rent, staff, utilities) would net 100KTHB in profit. If the revenues do go up to $70KUSD with the tee pees and additional room the the profit per month should increase a lot because the bulk of the expenses are fixed with exception of variable costs such as toiletries and consumables, extra housekeeping hours, extra electricity. However the tee pees are not airconditioned (I assume?) and so would not add much to the power bill. Moreover, if the tee pees and extra room are booked, his sales of food and other extras would also increase montly revenue marginally.

I guess I should also post here that I have never met Simon personally and only know of him from his posts here on TV. I have no interest whatsoever in his business but wish him well with his sale.


@Bulldozer Dawn, sorry, I missed that post before.

The floor is actually tiled with a really realistic, wood effect floor tile that is about 180 bat/square metre. I bought these tiles from a large tile shop in Thalang, about 400 metres after the new HomePro as you drive from Thalang to Phuket Town.

I have always used these types of suspended ceilings for all my projects because they are easy to install and easy for me to run electric cabling in the roof void. Thai Watsadu sells the tiles and the aluminium T and L strips.


However the tee pees are not airconditioned (I assume?)

Well, I actually intend them to have air-con, as well as an ensuite bathroom. But I may not need aircon, since there is a good upflow of air from the skirt of the teepee and out through the top. Have to wait and test this all out, (I am currently installing the teepee poles - the plumbing and electric cabling, septic tank, soakaway etc are already in place.


However the tee pees are not airconditioned (I assume?)

Well, I actually intend them to have air-con, as well as an ensuite bathroom. But I may not need aircon, since there is a good upflow of air from the skirt of the teepee and out through the top. Have to wait and test this all out, (I am currently installing the teepee poles - the plumbing and electric cabling, septic tank, soakaway etc are already in place.

hee hee pee pee in the tee pee

What is the approximate cost for the suspended ceiling per square metre. Thanks.


This topic has run long enough... it has turned into a personal business advertisement and would be better discussed in the Buy or Sell a Thai Business Forum.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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