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Islamic State group's attacks in Saudi test security of hajj


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Islamic State group's attacks in Saudi test security of hajj

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The Islamic State group is extending its reach in Saudi Arabia, expanding the scope of its attacks and drawing in new recruits with its radical ideology. Its determination to bring down the U.S.-allied royal family has raised concerns it could threaten the annual Muslim hajj pilgrimage later this month.

So far, the extremist group's presence in the kingdom appears to be in a low-level stage, but it has claimed four significant bombings since May, one of them in neighboring Kuwait. And it has rapidly ramped up its rhetoric, aiming to undermine the Al Saud royal family's legitimacy, which is rooted in part in its claim to implement Islamic Shariah law and to be the protectors of Islam's most sacred sites in Mecca and Medina that are at the center of hajj.

"Daesh and its followers have made it very clear that Saudi Arabia is their ultimate target," Saudi analyst Fahad Nazer said, referring to the Islamic State group by its Arabic acronym. "Because of Mecca and Medina ... That's their ultimate prize."

An attack last month in which IS claimed responsibility appeared to mark a significant spread in the group's reach. Militants claiming loyalty to the group had already carried out three major bombings — two in eastern Saudi Arabia in May and one in Kuwait City in June, all targeting Shiite mosques and killing 53 people.

But on Aug. 6, a suicide bomber attacked in western Saudi Arabia, hitting a mosque inside a police compound in Abha, 350 miles south of Mecca, killing 15 people in the deadliest attack on the kingdom's security forces in years. Eleven of the dead belonged to an elite counterterrorism unit whose tasks include protecting the hajj pilgrimage.

The alleged affiliate that claimed responsibility for the August attack called itself the "Hijaz Province" of the Islamic State, its first claim of a branch in the Hijaz, the traditional name for the eastern stretch of the Arabian Peninsula where the holy cities are located. The previous attacks were claimed by the group's "Najd Province," the traditional name for the central heartland of the peninsula and the homeland of the Al Saud family.

Lori Boghardt, Gulf security analyst at the Washington Institute, said it would not be surprising if IS militants tried to take advantage of the hajj to stage an attack, particularly since the group has encouraged lone wolf operations. This year, the hajj begins Sept. 21 and is expected to draw some 3 million Muslims from around the world.

"The kingdom is a holy grail of sorts as a target from the perspective of ISIS because of its significance to Muslims," she said, referring to the group by its longer acronym.

A direct attack on pilgrims carrying out the hajj rites — potentially causing large casualties or damaging holy sites — may be a risky move for IS, bringing a backlash from shocked Muslims worldwide. Still, the group "has made it very clear they have no red lines," said Nazer, a senior analyst at the Virginia-based consultancy and security firm JTG Inc.

But there are other potential targets, including security forces in or around Mecca. The group could attempt to hit pilgrims from Shiite-majority nations like Iran, who would stand out since pilgrims generally move in groups by country. IS and other Sunni radicals consider Shiites heretics.

Justin Mahshouf, a 30 year-old American Shiite planning to perform the hajj this year, said friends and family are telling him to be careful. "There seems to be a really bad vibe right now in the Shiite community."

Little is known about the structure of the Islamic State group in Saudi Arabia. It is not known if the militants in the kingdom have direct operational ties with the group's leadership based in its self-declared "caliphate" in Iraq and Syria — or if they simply operate independently in the group's name.

In all four attacks claimed by the branches in the kingdom, the bombers were young Saudis, suggesting the group's ranks are largely homegrown as opposed to foreign militants. The bomber in the August attack was identified as Yousef Suleiman, a 21-year-old Saudi with no record of ever having travelled abroad, pointing to the group's ability to radicalize even youth who have not gone to join fighting in Syria.

"If you are looking at IS as a state, the territory it controls is not going to vastly expand, but the ideology it espouses is expanding," said Hani Sabra, head of Middle East practice at Eurasia Group.

Since Syria's civil war escalated over the past four years, Saudi Arabia's ultraconservative clerics urged young men to go fight alongside Sunni rebels in Iraq and Syria. Concerned about possible radicalization, the late King Abdullah last year banned fighting abroad or encouraging it. But by then, some 2,500 Saudis had already gone to Syria. The Interior Ministry says around 650 have since returned and that they left disillusioned with the fighting.

This year, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries joined the U.S.-led campaign of airstrikes against IS in Syria.

In an Aug. 24 audiotape, an IS supporter denounced the royal family as "tyrants" ruling Islam's heartland without implementing what IS calls its true teachings.

"Pledge allegiance to the Islamic State," the audio urged Saudis. "Stand up against the tyrants and liberate the peninsula of Muhammad ... from their filth."

A prominent radical Saudi cleric, Nasr al-Fahd, who has been imprisoned since 2003 for connections to militancy, recently declared support for IS in a message smuggled from his prison. In the letter carried by IS supporters online, he advised others to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State group, which he said had "destroyed the idols" and is implementing Shariah, not "man-made laws."

Saudi Arabia is already run by one of the most ultraconservative interpretations of Shariah, known as Wahhabism. Some of its clerics view Shiites as heretics, are virulently opposed to monuments or tombs they see as encouraging idolatry, believe in a strict segregation of the sexes and support the use of religious police to enforce Shariah rules — all teachings not far from the Islamic State group's ideology.

But Wahhabi clerics make a crucial distinction, preaching that the recognized ruler — in this case, the Al Sauds — must be obeyed. They condemn protests or violence that could lead to instability. The kingdom's highest religious authority, Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al Sheikh, denounced IS and al-Qaida as Islam's number one enemy.

When asked by The Associated Press by email about possible threats of attacks on the hajj, Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Mansour al-Turki replied that "that security forces will act swiftly and decisively with any violations of laws and instructions related to hajj."

He said the holy sites are protected by a force specifically dedicated to the task and a large number of additional security forces will be deployed during hajj to ensure pilgrims' "security and safety" and manage the traffic of the large crowds. He also pointed to the elaborate security system of surveillance cameras and helicopters that the kingdom implements each year. He could not give exact figures or specify whether the deployment would be larger this year.

The kingdom has also arrested hundreds of suspected militants this year. Overseeing that effort is Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who is also interior minister and led the battle that eventually crushed al-Qaida's branch in the kingdom in 2006.

Sabra of Eurasia Group said despite a strengthening presence, IS does not currently represent a direct threat to Saudi political stability. He pointed to the crown prince's experience in counterterrorism. "Mohammed bin Nayef has proven that this is a job that he takes very seriously."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-10

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Saudi and Israel are funding ISIS to fight Assad in Syria. This is a smokescreen

If I understand you correctly, that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Israel are funding ISIS, that indeed would be most interesting. But do you have any real evidence for that.

Yes, it could be the case that elements in Saudi Arabia might have funded fundamentalist groups in the past and some may still do. And it is indeed ironic if ISIS/Daesh are now coming back to bite back at Saudi Arabia.

But for the State of Israel to fund a dangerous bunch like ISIS who would be totally motivated to destroy Israel would be equivalent to writing the longest suicide letter in history.

Lets get the facts straight - ISIS is self funding through its taxing system and selling oil and other items on the international black market. They have also managed to gain a lot of armaments through waging war and taking over arms dumps of their enemies. They don't need money from anyone, let alone from their sworn enemies.

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Four Hundred people arrested here in July / August. No news of what happened to them....yet.

I expect that they're all on a "Family Fun Summer Holiday Camp" in Yanbu or something.


I'm actually more concerned about several million third world pilgrims flying off around the world with MERS.

Edited by Chicog
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If ISIS is not stopped in the ME...they will be testing the security of a city near you...

They dream of world domination...Islam as the world religion...and Sharia laws to usurp a soveriegn countries laws...and the young virgins of the world to become their sex slaves...non-ISIS Muslims are not exempt from their path of death. destruction, and enslavement...

Well funded and well armed...willing to fight to the death...blowing up unassuming civilians to strike fear in the hearts of innocent people...these creatures can not be reasoned with and are a threat to the civilized world...

The US insistence in removing ME leaders...created the vacuum whereby ISIS could be formed...now the US wants to take a minor roll in helping the people of the ME defeat ISIS...shame on you...it is your mess...man up and become a major player...or get the heck out of the way and wait for ISIS to begin operations in your cities...

The ME migrant crisis can be traced directly back to US involvement in prior years...(I know it is now extremely complicated with Iran and Russias involvement).

Can we say the prelude to Armageddon?

Edited by ggt
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. . . . bringing a backlash from shocked Muslims worldwide

Perhaps someone could explain to me exactly what that "backlash" might look like?

Because if it's anything like the way that "shocked Muslims worldwide" have greeted the thousands of atrocities so far committed by this group, we'll have to listen for it using advanced sonar. . .

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If ISIS is not stopped in the ME...they will be testing the security of a city near you...

They dream of world domination...Islam as the world religion...and Sharia laws to usurp a soveriegn countries laws...and the young virgins of the world to become their sex slaves...non-ISIS Muslims are not exempt from their path of death. destruction, and enslavement...

Well funded and well armed...willing to fight to the death...blowing up unassuming civilians to strike fear in the hearts of innocent people...these creatures can not be reasoned with and are a threat to the civilized world...

The US insistence in removing ME leaders...created the vacuum whereby ISIS could be formed...now the US wants to take a minor roll in helping the people of the ME defeat ISIS...shame on you...it is your mess...man up and become a major player...or get the heck out of the way and wait for ISIS to begin operations in your cities...

The ME migrant crisis can be traced directly back to US involvement in prior years...(I know it is now extremely complicated with Iran and Russias involvement).

Can we say the prelude to Armageddon?

The mess in the ME was there long before the US was meddling around. You might want to check your history a little.

Most were screaming for the US to get out. The US largely withdrew from the area and now you want them to go back?

It seems you just want a scapegoat.

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If ISIS is not stopped in the ME...they will be testing the security of a city near you...

They dream of world domination...Islam as the world religion...and Sharia laws to usurp a soveriegn countries laws...and the young virgins of the world to become their sex slaves...non-ISIS Muslims are not exempt from their path of death. destruction, and enslavement...

Well funded and well armed...willing to fight to the death...blowing up unassuming civilians to strike fear in the hearts of innocent people...these creatures can not be reasoned with and are a threat to the civilized world...

The US insistence in removing ME leaders...created the vacuum whereby ISIS could be formed...now the US wants to take a minor roll in helping the people of the ME defeat ISIS...shame on you...it is your mess...man up and become a major player...or get the heck out of the way and wait for ISIS to begin operations in your cities...

The ME migrant crisis can be traced directly back to US involvement in prior years...(I know it is now extremely complicated with Iran and Russias involvement).

Can we say the prelude to Armageddon?

The mess in the ME was there long before the US was meddling around. You might want to check your history a little.

Most were screaming for the US to get out. The US largely withdrew from the area and now you want them to go back?

It seems you just want a scapegoat.

The US is arguably the "goat" in the ME...from which there is likely now...no "escape".

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Four Hundred people arrested here in July / August. No news of what happened to them....yet.

I expect that they're all on a "Family Fun Summer Holiday Camp" in Yanbu or something.


I'm actually more concerned about several million third world pilgrims flying off around the world with MERS.

The Earth's population needs thinning out a bit. Happy Hajj everyone. smile.png

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Four Hundred people arrested here in July / August. No news of what happened to them....yet.

I expect that they're all on a "Family Fun Summer Holiday Camp" in Yanbu or something.


I'm actually more concerned about several million third world pilgrims flying off around the world with MERS.

The Earth's population needs thinning out a bit. Happy Hajj everyone. smile.png

Oh. And beware of cranes.

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Saudi and Israel are funding ISIS to fight Assad in Syria. This is a smokescreen

If I understand you correctly, that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Israel are funding ISIS, that indeed would be most interesting. But do you have any real evidence for that.

Well, the UK, US and Mossad trained the islamic army that went on to form IS. In those days our news coverage was of the terrible Assad and his chem weapons against the brave rebels ...

Edited by fish fingers
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Saudi and Israel are funding ISIS to fight Assad in Syria. This is a smokescreen

If I understand you correctly, that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Israel are funding ISIS, that indeed would be most interesting. But do you have any real evidence for that.

Well, the UK, US and Mossad trained the islamic army that went on to form IS. In those days our news coverage was of the terrible Assad and his chem weapons against the brave rebels ...

Lots of allegations...nothing to support those allegations.

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Saudi and Israel are funding ISIS to fight Assad in Syria. This is a smokescreen

If I understand you correctly, that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Israel are funding ISIS, that indeed would be most interesting. But do you have any real evidence for that.

Well, the UK, US and Mossad trained the islamic army that went on to form IS. In those days our news coverage was of the terrible Assad and his chem weapons against the brave rebels ...

Lots of allegations...nothing to support those allegations.

Reported on the BBC news at the time.

You have a short memory if you've forgotten how the islamic rebels were initially championed by the West, as Assad was supported by Russia.. It was common knowledge that these fighters had ties to Al Qaeda too. Amazing really, looking back.

Edited by fish fingers
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Saudi and Israel are funding ISIS to fight Assad in Syria. This is a smokescreen

Well, the UK, US and Mossad trained the islamic army that went on to form IS. In those days our news coverage was of the terrible Assad and his chem weapons against the brave rebels ...

Lots of allegations...nothing to support those allegations.

Reported on the BBC news at the time.

You have a short memory if you've forgotten how the islamic rebels were initially championed by the West, as Assad was supported by Russia.. It was common knowledge that these fighters had ties to Al Qaeda too. Amazing really, looking back.

1. "Saudi and Israel are funding ISIS to fight Assad in Syria. This is a smokescreen"

For your information:

Self-funded and deep-rooted: How ISIS makes its millions
By Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN Investigations
Updated 1454 GMT (2154 HKT) October 7, 2014
2. "Well, the UK, US and Mossad trained the islamic army that went on to form IS."
For your further information:
ISIS: Everything you need to know about the rise of the militant group
By Nick Thompson, Richard Allen Greene and Inez Torre, CNN
Updated September 25, 2014
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