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annoying/irritating posters - what do you do?


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i often get into a dilemma when i recognise a poster whose posts seem to always get up my nose and make me squirm. I really try not to read their comments because i know what's going to happen, but sometimes am drawn like a magnet or a moth to a flame which typically leaves me even more irritated.

Am I alone in experiencing this?

What's your suggestion/solution, apart from just not browsing TVF ?

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You can click on your profile settings, and then select "Ignore Preferences". You can add the annoying posters to your ignore list, and then their posts should no longer appear in the threads that you view.

Edited by mark5335
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I have no problem with annoying posters. To some (many?) I may even be one myself. But I figure, as one goes through this life, one will always have to deal with annoying persons so, at least as living in Thailand goes, I prefer to deal with them here rather than chance to meet them in person.

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If it still annoys you after closing your browser tab you might want to ignore forums all together, I also get annoyed on regular base and am probably annoying myself as well, but once I leave the forum I don't give it any second thoughts, as an alternative you can use the ignore list, however that never really worked for me.

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I dont find many posters on here annoying or irritating there are quite a few of whom that my position on most things would be the polar opppsite. A lot of those guys however, SB, im thinking of you are still quite clearly educated articulate people. On forums like this we are all big boys and if we all agreed about everything life would be pretty <deleted> boring. I enjoy having a laugh at others opinions whether I agree with them or not. I also have enough respect to understand that people should be able to say what they want. If someone annoys you that badly just scroll down... cant be that hard surely

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The "Ignore" feature stops working after a while, and I have found that people's names I have put on Ignore have "come back to life," like a Zombie Apocalypse.

Back during the political strife period the atmosphere in these forums became toxic. But Ignore must have a time feature, like in a hockey game, where the player comes back into the arena after a specified time.

It all comes down to opinions. It's easy to predict which threads will lead the the most flames, and just avoid them.

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I get a good laugh sometimes. What's really funny is when these guys run out of real things to say and resort to name calling and personal insults. I am laughing now at a few of these people who just posted recently regarding some of my posts. They know who they are ... Hahaha.

Some posters don't make any sense, some are so one sided with their thinking, some are rude, some are off topic, some are me me me me thinking, some ask for advise but are really looking for approval, etc etc .... Don't take it too serious as these are normally lonely old know it alls who are angry with the world. They try to force their views not provide an opinion. If they feel they are not getting their one sided point across they post stupid rude stuff to get attention. Probably has mother issues or social skill problems.

Basically, I laugh but at the same time think about these poor lonely people and feel a little sorry for them. Try to think same and your worst offenders will provide the most entertainment :)

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I get a good laugh sometimes. What's really funny is when these guys run out of real things to say and resort to name calling and personal insults. I am laughing now at a few of these people who just posted recently regarding some of my posts. They know who they are ... Hahaha.

Some posters don't make any sense, some are so one sided with their thinking, some are rude, some are off topic, some are me me me me thinking, some ask for advise but are really looking for approval, etc etc .... Don't take it too serious as these are normally lonely old know it alls who are angry with the world. They try to force their views not provide an opinion. If they feel they are not getting their one sided point across they post stupid rude stuff to get attention. Probably has mother issues or social skill problems.

Basically, I laugh but at the same time think about these poor lonely people and feel a little sorry for them. Try to think same and your worst offenders will provide the most entertainment :)

Usually the name calling starts with attacking someones post count, then they call someone an alcoholic whore monger and if that fails attacks on the persons spouse usually calling them hookers, and then the threats to beat someone up and finally death threats

All rather childish, predictable and is indictative of someones level of education

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The "Ignore" feature stops working after a while, and I have found that people's names I have put on Ignore have "come back to life," like a Zombie Apocalypse.

Back during the political strife period the atmosphere in these forums became toxic. But Ignore must have a time feature, like in a hockey game, where the player comes back into the arena after a specified time.

It all comes down to opinions. It's easy to predict which threads will lead the the most flames, and just avoid them.

Be carefull how many you put on your ignore list, you might end up only reading your own posts.

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I get a good laugh sometimes. What's really funny is when these guys run out of real things to say and resort to name calling and personal insults. I am laughing now at a few of these people who just posted recently regarding some of my posts. They know who they are ... Hahaha.

Some posters don't make any sense, some are so one sided with their thinking, some are rude, some are off topic, some are me me me me thinking, some ask for advise but are really looking for approval, etc etc .... Don't take it too serious as these are normally lonely old know it alls who are angry with the world. They try to force their views not provide an opinion. If they feel they are not getting their one sided point across they post stupid rude stuff to get attention. Probably has mother issues or social skill problems.

Basically, I laugh but at the same time think about these poor lonely people and feel a little sorry for them. Try to think same and your worst offenders will provide the most entertainment :)

Usually the name calling starts with attacking someones post count, then they call someone an alcoholic whore monger and if that fails attacks on the persons spouse usually calling them hookers, and then the threats to beat someone up and finally death threats

All rather childish, predictable and is indictative of someones level of education

I don't post much but do read a fair bit and i must say i have never read what you describe, what sub forum does this happen in ?
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As stated i don't say much but what frustrates me is reading the topics that are repeated many times and you get the same done to death cliches from the same posters.

I know exactly what certain posters will comment on certain subjects without opening the thread.

My particular bug bear is any thread about work and staff in Thailand....all Thais are lazy....they all leave after 1 month....blah blah blah...

Most of the posters on those threads have probably never set foot in the thousands of companies dotted around the industrial estates of Thailand.

Rant over.

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As stated i don't say much but what frustrates me is reading the topics that are repeated many times and you get the same done to death cliches from the same posters.

I know exactly what certain posters will comment on certain subjects without opening the thread.

My particular bug bear is any thread about work and staff in Thailand....all Thais are lazy....they all leave after 1 month....blah blah blah...

Most of the posters on those threads have probably never set foot in the thousands of companies dotted around the industrial estates of Thailand.

Rant over.

Fact is the vast majority of posters making these sorts of comments have never worked in Thailand and are regurgitating the bar stool conversations they have heard yes its clichés

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I get a good laugh sometimes. What's really funny is when these guys run out of real things to say and resort to name calling and personal insults. I am laughing now at a few of these people who just posted recently regarding some of my posts. They know who they are ... Hahaha.

Some posters don't make any sense, some are so one sided with their thinking, some are rude, some are off topic, some are me me me me thinking, some ask for advise but are really looking for approval, etc etc .... Don't take it too serious as these are normally lonely old know it alls who are angry with the world. They try to force their views not provide an opinion. If they feel they are not getting their one sided point across they post stupid rude stuff to get attention. Probably has mother issues or social skill problems.

Basically, I laugh but at the same time think about these poor lonely people and feel a little sorry for them. Try to think same and your worst offenders will provide the most entertainment smile.png

Usually the name calling starts with attacking someones post count, then they call someone an alcoholic whore monger and if that fails attacks on the persons spouse usually calling them hookers, and then the threats to beat someone up and finally death threats

All rather childish, predictable and is indictative of someones level of education

Can be summed up in one word, jealousy.

They hate their life and what they have done with it.

They hate the fact that others have options.

What pisses them off even more, some of us dont include Thailand in our future plans.

Choices dear boy, choices, always have a backup plan and options, thankfully I didnt , why bother typing would only be deleted.

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It is refreshing to debate, discuss, or just joke about topics with people who have different views. The problem is that the crazies seem to always be there to insult, bully or force their opinion. I just wonder, If they know it all already why bother even opening the site and posting. They should start a blog or tweeter and provide the world with their great knowledge.... Hahaha... I am not perfect but normally I never start the downward decline I just sometimes add fuel to the fire and watch these guys burn... Good way to get a few laughs

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I get a good laugh sometimes. What's really funny is when these guys run out of real things to say and resort to name calling and personal insults. I am laughing now at a few of these people who just posted recently regarding some of my posts. They know who they are ... Hahaha.

Some posters don't make any sense, some are so one sided with their thinking, some are rude, some are off topic, some are me me me me thinking, some ask for advise but are really looking for approval, etc etc .... Don't take it too serious as these are normally lonely old know it alls who are angry with the world. They try to force their views not provide an opinion. If they feel they are not getting their one sided point across they post stupid rude stuff to get attention. Probably has mother issues or social skill problems.

Basically, I laugh but at the same time think about these poor lonely people and feel a little sorry for them. Try to think same and your worst offenders will provide the most entertainment smile.png

Usually the name calling starts with attacking someones post count, then they call someone an alcoholic whore monger and if that fails attacks on the persons spouse usually calling them hookers, and then the threats to beat someone up and finally death threats

All rather childish, predictable and is indictative of someones level of education

Can be summed up in one word, jealousy.

They hate their life and what they have done with it.

They hate the fact that others have options.

What pisses them off even more, some of us dont include Thailand in our future plans.

Choices dear boy, choices, always have a backup plan and options, thankfully I didnt , why bother typing would only be deleted.

Yes choices, I am no rocket scientist but everywhere I have lived and worked I have always had a plan "B" and more so after nearly 15 years here, if everything went to ratshit here tomorrow could I walk away and and start over pretty easy ?....yes

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I get a good laugh sometimes. What's really funny is when these guys run out of real things to say and resort to name calling and personal insults. I am laughing now at a few of these people who just posted recently regarding some of my posts. They know who they are ... Hahaha.

Some posters don't make any sense, some are so one sided with their thinking, some are rude, some are off topic, some are me me me me thinking, some ask for advise but are really looking for approval, etc etc .... Don't take it too serious as these are normally lonely old know it alls who are angry with the world. They try to force their views not provide an opinion. If they feel they are not getting their one sided point across they post stupid rude stuff to get attention. Probably has mother issues or social skill problems.

Basically, I laugh but at the same time think about these poor lonely people and feel a little sorry for them. Try to think same and your worst offenders will provide the most entertainment :)

Usually the name calling starts with attacking someones post count, then they call someone an alcoholic whore monger and if that fails attacks on the persons spouse usually calling them hookers, and then the threats to beat someone up and finally death threats

All rather childish, predictable and is indictative of someones level of education

You ever read back your own comments ?

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I just ignore the idiots for the most part.

The ones that irritate me the most are usually in the Thai News section discussing politics.

....AND the one's who will ask "WHERE"S YOUR PROOF of that??".

Oh yeah what happened to that Greek guy that used to post every 10 seconds? Haven't heard from him in a while.

Edited by jaywalker
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I just ignore the idiots for the most part.

The ones that irritate me the most are usually in the Thai News section discussing politics.

....AND the one's who will ask "WHERE"S YOUR PROOF of that??".

Oh yeah what happened to that Greek guy that used to post every 10 seconds? Haven't heard from him in a while.

Costas ? Believe he was eaten by a badger or was Costas eating badgers cos his Greek pension had collasped cant remember which

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I just ignore the idiots for the most part.

The ones that irritate me the most are usually in the Thai News section discussing politics.

....AND the one's who will ask "WHERE"S YOUR PROOF of that??".

Oh yeah what happened to that Greek guy that used to post every 10 seconds? Haven't heard from him in a while.

Costas ? Believe he was eaten by a badger or was Costas eating badgers cos his Greek pension had collasped cant remember which

Yeah Costas!

He was off the wall, but entertaining in a weird way.

I think we have a reincarnation of him as Sotirios.

.......the guy.....

..........who always types.......

......like this.....

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Anonymity brings out the "best" in people, don't it? Provokes verbal p1ssing matches, macho-ness, holier-than-thou participants and verbal diarrhea. Opinions on a blog differ as expected, but attacking each other demeans it.

Edited by jerojero
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I have no problem with annoying posters. To some (many?) I may even be one myself. But I figure, as one goes through this life, one will always have to deal with annoying persons so, at least as living in Thailand goes, I prefer to deal with them here rather than chance to meet them in person.

I have met quite a few posters from Thaivisa, and still in touch with them today, and apart from one Yorkshire man, never had issues with any of them.

The Yorkshireman was very pleasant, (unusual for a Yorkshireman) he sent me a PM and asked me to stay with him the next time I was in Bangkok, I accepted his invitation, then never

heard from him since.

Edited by possum1931
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