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Bangkok bombing: China asked to help track down 'Ishan'


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If they want a country to extradite him they will need to do more than just make him a suspect. Hell, every foreigner is a suspect to this government.

Cant he just get the RTP to fabricate something substancial or even the RTP standard of just make up anything.

Otherwise it looks like he may be just another escapegoat!

If they want a country to extradite him they will need to do more than just make him a suspect. Hell, every foreigner is a suspect to this government.

That's why we expats have to do 90 day reports, and get home visits from the police and immigration. Not a native Thai? Then you're a potential criminal. Welcome to the Land of Smiles!

"We know you farang make mischief. We watch you. You no make mischief. So we watch very close"

Cool Somchai. However, your suspects aren't farangs. And while you're watching us so closely, your problem slipped in across your border - with, errr, assistance.

So, remember Somchai, most of us farangs are supporting families and your economy. Not out to 'make mischief'. How about reassigning some of your police and immigration resources to address your real, tangible national security issues, and let us expats do what we do: financially support your country and your citizens. Start with ditching your silly 90 day reporting that ties up your immigration with a mountain of paperwork. Assign those folks to taking care of actual national security issues instead.

Edited by connda
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If they want a country to extradite him they will need to do more than just make him a suspect. Hell, every foreigner is a suspect to this government.

Cant he just get the RTP to fabricate something substancial or even the RTP standard of just make up anything.

Otherwise it looks like he may be just another escapegoat!

If they want a country to extradite him they will need to do more than just make him a suspect. Hell, every foreigner is a suspect to this government.

That's why we expats have to do 90 day reports, and get home visits from the police and immigration. Not a native Thai? Then you're a potential criminal. Welcome to the Land of Smiles!

"We know you farang make mischief. We watch you. You no make mischief. So we watch very close"

Cool Somchai. However, your suspects aren't farangs. And while you're watching us so closely, your problem slipped in across your border - with, errr, assistance.

So, remember Somchai, most of us farangs are supporting families and your economy. Not out to 'make mischief'. How about reassigning some of your police and immigration resources to address your real, tangible national security issues, and let us expats do what we do: financially support your country and your citizens. Start with ditching your silly 90 day reporting that ties up your immigration with a mountain of paperwork. Assign those folks to taking care of actual national security issues instead.

And try looking outside your own borders. Then you might understand what an actual 'national security risk' is. National security risk to Thailand are definitely not farang men married to Thai women, although your government seems to think in those terms. <head shake> This is a country that really has it's priorities mixed up and confused. At least imho. Especially as a farang married to a Thai National. Keep looking at us under a microscope until you get bit in the butt again from a different direction. After awhile, maybe you'll mature to what is happening internationally and then actually wake up and start address your real security risks. Married Mike with an Isaan wife and Retired Tom from Texas are not your national security threats. But believe what you want: ya'll will figure it out eventually. Maybe. dry.png

Edited by connda
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Turkey smuggles oil and lets mercanaries cross it's border to help ISIS.

Has Thailand asked for help with the Thai lady suspect whom apparently media were able to contact???

I would not rely on Turkey for a Kebab in this instance and if China locates Ishan I doubt he would be extradited or you would hear about it.

If you did hear about his detention in China international media pressure might force his extradition, however it might open the gate to link a Uighur /ISIS relationship that involves China, Turkey and Thailand in border corruption and people smuggling.

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At least they asked someone for help, finally. China has an enormous spy apparatus, and may be able to help. Seeking help from the outside world, is the first step towards improvement and reform, perhaps. At the very least, it is an admission that the local guys are in way, way over their heads!

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Read your link, and there are other news reports of this but seems to be hush hush at the moment.

Interesting that the infamous border crossing town in the south, well known for people smuggling was not policed enough for Thai authorities to aprehend them b4 they crossed to malaysia --- If this is true then more corrupt border officials need to be posted to inactive duty on full pay.

They slipped through the most notorious border town in Thailand, the wild wild west mafia controlled border in Thailand, shamefull.

It is said that malaysians walk freely across parts of the border just down the road from officialdom to have a night out at the girl bars and go home the same way whilst keeping their Moselim integrity in tact.

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Does not look like Uighur to me Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Malaysian, Thai Muslim, Chinese Muslim, Turkish and some Thai national don't know if they are Muslims

Bangkok blast case: Pakistani, 2 others detained in Malaysia


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