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Bid to shut Guantanamo roils Pentagon, White House, Congress

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I wonder where the US would be on there sanctimonious human rights charts. Maybe they should try taking the plank out of their own eye before trying to take the splinter out of others.

Besides the fact you are comparing terrorists to people like those recently in the news, the Rohingya (apples and oranges), you would most certainly change your tune if it was YOUR country the terrorists have painted a target on. Terrorists have abdicated all of their rights. They are rabid animals and deserve to be treated that way.

Your reply has nothing to do with my post that you quoted. Did you even read or understand my post?

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I wonder where the US would be on there sanctimonious human rights charts. Maybe they should try taking the plank out of their own eye before trying to take the splinter out of others.



I'll be sure to vote for you next time..


I have to give credit to Obama for his 7 year effort to get this prison closed. The opening and use of this prison was an effort to subvert American law by holding prisoners overseas without benefit of trial. If any blame is to be given, it is to the conservative Republicans in government and our former president.

Yeah, Gitmo is a sad indictment on "The Land of The Free".

I can understand (without agreeing to the justifications) the kneejerk reaction in opening it, but I can't understand the obstinacy in keeping it. It's almost as if the revered old men in Congress have the mindset of the bigots that are right now reveling in the tragedy of the crane crash in Mecca.


I have to give credit to Obama for his 7 year effort to get this prison closed. The opening and use of this prison was an effort to subvert American law by holding prisoners overseas without benefit of trial. If any blame is to be given, it is to the conservative Republicans in government and our former president.

Yeah, Gitmo is a sad indictment on "The Land of The Free".

I can understand (without agreeing to the justifications) the kneejerk reaction in opening it, but I can't understand the obstinacy in keeping it. It's almost as if the revered old men in Congress have the mindset of the bigots that are right now reveling in the tragedy of the crane crash in Mecca.

Or worst..


I wonder where the US would be on there sanctimonious human rights charts.

I am reasonably sure that wherever you are from, you can petition your gov't to take the remaining prisoners, if you want. Your free to do with them what you want, but it seems that not too many people want them.

The criticism was about their human right charts and criticism of others. Not about what they are doing.

That's a quick about face! not sure of what you believe? bye the way "Human rights" is an American invented term


I have to give credit to Obama for his 7 year effort to get this prison closed. The opening and use of this prison was an effort to subvert American law by holding prisoners overseas without benefit of trial. If any blame is to be given, it is to the conservative Republicans in government and our former president.

Yeah, Gitmo is a sad indictment on "The Land of The Free".

I can understand (without agreeing to the justifications) the kneejerk reaction in opening it, but I can't understand the obstinacy in keeping it. It's almost as if the revered old men in Congress have the mindset of the bigots that are right now reveling in the tragedy of the crane crash in Mecca.

One would think the thousands of families who have had loved ones who were savagely beheaded, gunned downed or torched by Islamic State might wish there were a few more Guintanamos around. And I would also think many of those same families could care less if those same savage's civil rights weren't particularly cared about.


It's all a crock of sh*t. Many prisoners were approved for transfer years ago. The long list of people who supposedly "have to approve" of the transfers it BS. It is totally invented, a thing made up by members of the executive branch, and could be reduced to an Assistant to an Assistant to a Deputy Secretary of Defense by a one paragraph executive order. The claim that "they have to be sure the 'detainees' will not return to terrorism" is malarky, as most of them were never involved with terrorism. It may be true that after being released some of the kidnapping victims joined terrorist groups, although I'd like to hear a description of what evidence there is for that. We know, for example, that the Pentagon has claimed "people returned to the battlefield" when they tried to sue the U.S. in their countries' courts, or wrote newspaper stories describing their experience at the hands of U.S. thugs. Bush and Cheney were well aware that most of the prisoners were innocent of any wrongdoing, and had no helpful information, but it would have hurt them politically to do anything publicly that would show that. The whole thing is illegal as hell, but the U.S. courts have been intimidated into not doing anything about it, and some congressmen make political hay claiming that the terrorists are going to kill us all. The whole thing has left me deeply ashamed of my country.

So how many do you want to sponsor?


I have to give credit to Obama for his 7 year effort to get this prison closed. The opening and use of this prison was an effort to subvert American law by holding prisoners overseas without benefit of trial. If any blame is to be given, it is to the conservative Republicans in government and our former president.

Yeah, Gitmo is a sad indictment on "The Land of The Free".

I can understand (without agreeing to the justifications) the kneejerk reaction in opening it, but I can't understand the obstinacy in keeping it. It's almost as if the revered old men in Congress have the mindset of the bigots that are right now reveling in the tragedy of the crane crash in Mecca.

One would think the thousands of families who have had loved ones who were savagely beheaded, gunned downed or torched by Islamic State might wish there were a few more Guintanamos around. And I would also think many of those same families could care less if those same savage's civil rights weren't particularly cared about.

You swallow the "war on terror" line hook, line and sinker. Were you also one of the many to believe the WOMD lie? Or that a good reason to invade Afghanistan was because "women are forced to wear bhurkas" (which was true, but hardly a reason to go to war)?

The point about Gitmo prisoners is that so many of them were simply captured for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or were handed over to US troops by fellow countrymen on their fellow countrymen's allegations.

With being imprisoned on another person's allegation, or for being somewhere, there is no evidence to say that these men actually did anything against humanity or the US....and that's just plain nasty and illegal to deny them their day in court.


Obama should be an inmate in Guantanamo for masquerading as a world leader and the threat he poses to the free world. Terrorists groups have their fingers crossed that Obama might actually pull this off. This is what the Castro's want.

Some say the president has naively ignored his top intelligence officials who have tried to explain to him, these are hardened militants that will return to the battle field once released. Obama is naive but he isn't stupid. Obama has done everything possible to undermine security for the free world and weaken America. The left are both naive and stupid. These people voted this fool into office and fully support his leftist agenda.

Guantanamo isn't going anywhere. Obama is the one who is going to go.

Tell me; is Obama the anti-Christ? Do you believe he is a socialist, communist, liberal, gay, muslim, atheist, foreign born devil who want to take away your guns as well?

Must be tough being a good ol' boy and have an uppity negro in the White House!


He's half white and was raised as a white boy by his white mother- father no where to be seen.


Obama should be an inmate in Guantanamo for masquerading as a world leader and the threat he poses to the free world. Terrorists groups have their fingers crossed that Obama might actually pull this off. This is what the Castro's want.

Some say the president has naively ignored his top intelligence officials who have tried to explain to him, these are hardened militants that will return to the battle field once released. Obama is naive but he isn't stupid. Obama has done everything possible to undermine security for the free world and weaken America. The left are both naive and stupid. These people voted this fool into office and fully support his leftist agenda.

Guantanamo isn't going anywhere. Obama is the one who is going to go.

Tell me; is Obama the anti-Christ? Do you believe he is a socialist, communist, liberal, gay, muslim, atheist, foreign born devil who want to take away your guns as well?

Must be tough being a good ol' boy and have an uppity negro in the White House!


He's half white and was raised as a white boy by his white mother- father no where to be seen.

Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.


I have to give credit to Obama for his 7 year effort to get this prison closed. The opening and use of this prison was an effort to subvert American law by holding prisoners overseas without benefit of trial. If any blame is to be given, it is to the conservative Republicans in government and our former president.

Yeah, Gitmo is a sad indictment on "The Land of The Free".

I can understand (without agreeing to the justifications) the kneejerk reaction in opening it, but I can't understand the obstinacy in keeping it. It's almost as if the revered old men in Congress have the mindset of the bigots that are right now reveling in the tragedy of the crane crash in Mecca.

One would think the thousands of families who have had loved ones who were savagely beheaded, gunned downed or torched by Islamic State might wish there were a few more Guintanamos around. And I would also think many of those same families could care less if those same savage's civil rights weren't particularly cared about.

You swallow the "war on terror" line hook, line and sinker. Were you also one of the many to believe the WOMD lie? Or that a good reason to invade Afghanistan was because "women are forced to wear bhurkas" (which was true, but hardly a reason to go to war)?

The point about Gitmo prisoners is that so many of them were simply captured for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or were handed over to US troops by fellow countrymen on their fellow countrymen's allegations.

With being imprisoned on another person's allegation, or for being somewhere, there is no evidence to say that these men actually did anything against humanity or the US....and that's just plain nasty and illegal to deny them their day in court.

So how does it feel to be part of that vast right wing conspiracy? Terrorists, what ever there configuration, adoration, or affiliation need to be dead. Second best thing would be for them to never see daylight again. But go ahead with your conspiratorial rants. They are amusing.


Obama should be an inmate in Guantanamo for masquerading as a world leader and the threat he poses to the free world. Terrorists groups have their fingers crossed that Obama might actually pull this off. This is what the Castro's want.

Some say the president has naively ignored his top intelligence officials who have tried to explain to him, these are hardened militants that will return to the battle field once released. Obama is naive but he isn't stupid. Obama has done everything possible to undermine security for the free world and weaken America. The left are both naive and stupid. These people voted this fool into office and fully support his leftist agenda.

Guantanamo isn't going anywhere. Obama is the one who is going to go.

Tell me; is Obama the anti-Christ? Do you believe he is a socialist, communist, liberal, gay, muslim, atheist, foreign born devil who want to take away your guns as well?

Must be tough being a good ol' boy and have an uppity negro in the White House!


He's half white and was raised as a white boy by his white mother- father no where to be seen.

Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.

Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

Tell me; is Obama the anti-Christ? Do you believe he is a socialist, communist, liberal, gay, muslim, atheist, foreign born devil who want to take away your guns as well?

Must be tough being a good ol' boy and have an uppity negro in the White House!


He's half white and was raised as a white boy by his white mother- father no where to be seen.

Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.

Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.


Tell me; is Obama the anti-Christ? Do you believe he is a socialist, communist, liberal, gay, muslim, atheist, foreign born devil who want to take away your guns as well?
Must be tough being a good ol' boy and have an uppity negro in the White House!
He's half white and was raised as a white boy by his white mother- father no where to be seen.

Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.

Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

Great idea. Send Loretta Lynch and her entire liberal infested Justice Dept to the Middle East to hunt down, try and convict terrorists.

Tell me; is Obama the anti-Christ? Do you believe he is a socialist, communist, liberal, gay, muslim, atheist, foreign born devil who want to take away your guns as well?

Must be tough being a good ol' boy and have an uppity negro in the White House!


He's half white and was raised as a white boy by his white mother- father no where to be seen.

Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.

Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

Great idea. Send Loretta Lynch and her entire liberal infested Justice Dept to the Middle East to hunt down, try and convict terrorists.


He's half white and was raised as a white boy by his white mother- father no where to be seen.

Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.

Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

While I believe that Gitmo is an abomination and should be closed, any real terrorists in it should be declared prisoners of war and incarcerated on American soil for the duration of the "war on terror" under the rules of war concerning prisoners of war ie NO TORTURE.

I for one don't want those bad boys running around loose.

Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.

Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

While I believe that Gitmo is an abomination and should be closed, any real terrorists in it should be declared prisoners of war and incarcerated on American soil for the duration of the "war on terror" under the rules of war concerning prisoners of war ie NO TORTURE.

I for one don't want those bad boys running around loose.

No one wants that but the use of torture and indefinite, unlawful incarceration is not something a western democracy should be involved in.


Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.

Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

Actually, shutting it down NOW, after all these years, probably IS dangerous, because if they weren't terrorists then (and nobody can say for certain that they were), they will definitely be US-haters now.


Absolutely. It just sounds worse for the good ol' boys when you leave out the white part.

Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

Actually, shutting it down NOW, after all these years, probably IS dangerous, because if they weren't terrorists then (and nobody can say for certain that they were), they will definitely be US-haters now.

I am pretty sure that ship had sailed long, long before they got to Gitmo.

I doubt any of them ever had any love for the US.


Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

While I believe that Gitmo is an abomination and should be closed, any real terrorists in it should be declared prisoners of war and incarcerated on American soil for the duration of the "war on terror" under the rules of war concerning prisoners of war ie NO TORTURE.

I for one don't want those bad boys running around loose.

No one wants that but the use of torture and indefinite, unlawful incarceration is not something a western democracy should be involved in.

Lets think about this for a moment. You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off......and we use a little sleep deprivation and water-boarding, along with locking these fools up at Guantanamo, and you believe this is torture and unlawful?


No one wants that but the use of torture and indefinite, unlawful incarceration is not something a western democracy should be involved in.

While I believe that Gitmo is an abomination and should be closed, any real terrorists in it should be declared prisoners of war and incarcerated on American soil for the duration of the "war on terror" under the rules of war concerning prisoners of war ie NO TORTURE.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

I for one don't want those bad boys running around loose.

Lets think about this for a moment. You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off......and we use a little sleep deprivation and water-boarding, along with locking these fools up at Guantanamo, and you believe this is torture and unlawful?

Absolutely. If we go down this path there is no return. Where do you set the limits of "forced interrogation" and who set those limits. Surely you must see the issues with this??

A little sleep deprivation and water-boarding seriously!?


Lets think about this for a moment. You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off......and we use a little sleep deprivation and water-boarding, along with locking these fools up at Guantanamo, and you believe this is torture and unlawful?

Lets think about this for a moment....you're talking about individuals, who happen to be the same religion as other individuals, and lump them all in with the same collective guilt.


Lets think about this for a moment. You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off......and we use a little sleep deprivation and water-boarding, along with locking these fools up at Guantanamo, and you believe this is torture and unlawful?

Lets think about this for a moment....you're talking about individuals, who happen to be the same religion as other individuals, and lump them all in with the same collective guilt.

What are you talking about. I never said anything about religion.


Few people care what Obama's race is. It's Obama's ridiculous ideas like wanting to shut down Guantanamo, that concerns people not to mention being inept. Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

Actually, shutting it down NOW, after all these years, probably IS dangerous, because if they weren't terrorists then (and nobody can say for certain that they were), they will definitely be US-haters now.

I am pretty sure that ship had sailed long, long before they got to Gitmo.

I doubt any of them ever had any love for the US.

Then you should have put them in the dock with a fair trial years ago and found out for sure. As it stands, they were put in Gitmo on someone's say-so, and nobody really knows what they stood for or what their crimes were.

You're going on assumption of guilt, he appears to be Muslim, he has a rag on his head and he was found wandering in the Swat valley...he MUST be a baddy.....would you do that for a Christian radical, or would you afford even the vilest black gang-banger rapist his day in court with an assumption of innocence until proven guilty?

Your assumptions and your doubts are not facts worthy of imprisoning a man for years on end.


Lets think about this for a moment. You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off......and we use a little sleep deprivation and water-boarding, along with locking these fools up at Guantanamo, and you believe this is torture and unlawful?

Lets think about this for a moment....you're talking about individuals, who happen to be the same religion as other individuals, and lump them all in with the same collective guilt.

What are you talking about. I never said anything about religion.

Who were you referring to here, "You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off". And before you try another ingenuous diversion, keep in mind we are talking about Gitmo prisoners that you have NO PROOF whatsoever of having done any of the things you say.


No one wants that but the use of torture and indefinite, unlawful incarceration is not something a western democracy should be involved in.

While I believe that Gitmo is an abomination and should be closed, any real terrorists in it should be declared prisoners of war and incarcerated on American soil for the duration of the "war on terror" under the rules of war concerning prisoners of war ie NO TORTURE.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

I for one don't want those bad boys running around loose.

Lets think about this for a moment. You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off......and we use a little sleep deprivation and water-boarding, along with locking these fools up at Guantanamo, and you believe this is torture and unlawful?

Absolutely. If we go down this path there is no return. Where do you set the limits of "forced interrogation" and who set those limits. Surely you must see the issues with this??

A little sleep deprivation and water-boarding seriously!?

"Forced interrogation"?? What do you think, we should ask terrorists if they would like to be interrogated? Are you trying to refer to enhanced interrogation techniques? Please stop posting ridiculous comments.


Lets think about this for a moment. You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off......and we use a little sleep deprivation and water-boarding, along with locking these fools up at Guantanamo, and you believe this is torture and unlawful?

Lets think about this for a moment....you're talking about individuals, who happen to be the same religion as other individuals, and lump them all in with the same collective guilt.

What are you talking about. I never said anything about religion.

Who were you referring to here, "You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off". And before you try another ingenuous diversion, keep in mind we are talking about Gitmo prisoners that you have NO PROOF whatsoever of having done any of the things you say.

Wait a minute. Are you trying to imply the people locked up at Guantanamo are innocent people the U.S. Government just rounded up that have nothing to do with terrorists acts against America? If so, please join that other person who keeps posting silly comments and stop it posting about topics you have no knowledge of. Get dressed and go outside for some fresh air.


It is a bazaar world the Liberals live in. In their world it is perfectly acceptable to send in an un-manned drone to kill knowing the certainty of innocent 'Collateral Damage", but keeping known terrorists indefinitely on an island paradise with a delicious halal menu, cushy prayer rugs and grass soccer fields is somehow inhumane.... gotta love liberal logic.


No one wants that but the use of torture and indefinite, unlawful incarceration is not something a western democracy should be involved in.

While I believe that Gitmo is an abomination and should be closed, any real terrorists in it should be declared prisoners of war and incarcerated on American soil for the duration of the "war on terror" under the rules of war concerning prisoners of war ie NO TORTURE.

"Shutting down Guantanamo is both irresponsible and dangerous. "

No, having a place like Guantanamo is what's irresponsible. If you capture a person and believe the evidence shows he is a terrorist then you try, convict and lock him up.

I for one don't want those bad boys running around loose.

Lets think about this for a moment. You are talking about people who rape, stone, murder, destroy the Twin Towers, and hack innocent people's heads off......and we use a little sleep deprivation and water-boarding, along with locking these fools up at Guantanamo, and you believe this is torture and unlawful?

Absolutely. If we go down this path there is no return. Where do you set the limits of "forced interrogation" and who set those limits. Surely you must see the issues with this??

A little sleep deprivation and water-boarding seriously!?

"Forced interrogation"?? What do you think, we should ask terrorists if they would like to be interrogated? Are you trying to refer to enhanced interrogation techniques? Please stop posting ridiculous comments.

You're so far right the teabaggers probably threw you out.

So everyone that's apprehended is guilt??

And don't try to tell me what to do. If anyone should stop posting drivel it's you.

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