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is it worth to invest in Bangkok considering it will be under water.

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I hope the Thais do start to look at this seriously but the cost and strict planning/building regulations and organisation required to achieve this will be their biggest problem. Foreign expertise is available and could easily solve the situation but it would be very costly if it's to be done properly. Dutch flood specialists were flown in to help with the last floods and have recommended various long term solutions. Unfortunately, last time was a sticking plaster and ultimately disaster control. Bangkok requires huge investment of at least $3billion to even start to fix this problem.

I hope that the politicians will do something but in reality they may leave it just too late.

Edited by MahasarakhamMitch
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im still waiting for the Maldives to go underwater, 25 years after I first went, no change to the islands i went to.

If you are so sceptical perhaps you should also look at what is happening in Kiribati and the Caterat Islanders of Papua New Guineaermm.gif




/I have a newspaper cutting from 1850 saying the Maldives would be gone in the next few years......you read that right 1850 odd but hey nothing to do with Thailand, good reason for being skeptical just ask the Emperor sorry General

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Considering there already seems to be a bubble in new developments, I would not invest. The whole sinking issue is another one to consider, but somehow I think that in the end, they will manage it, so not too worried about that.

Yes, but bubbles float!

Personally I don't believe the headlines. Good facts, but like everything in the media; taken to the extreme.

I'm convinced it won't happen that quickly and a solution will be found.

Just look at the fact that the MRT (underground railway) is due to finish the new purple line next April. I'm sure they've taken flooding into their plans, and are thinking more than 15 years hence.

Edited by Andyfez
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Having enough fresh Thailand is likely to be the bigger and more immediate problem. As everyone is saying there are always outlier scenarios that may well happen that prevent us from investing. Your investment portfolio should always take this into consideration. So maybe you limit investments in Thailand to 20-25% of your total global investments. Thing is, there are outlier scenarios in every single country in the world. If your investment posture only considers the outlier worst case you will never invest and you will just get poorer with every passing day. That said, this is the time to buy land in Thailand. Condos are overbuilt.

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I have a conservative sensible mate who has been in the market for a condo in bangkok, cashed up for a solid 10 years now and he keeps telling me he is waiting for the bubble to burst and the baht to collapse except the opposite has happened and the prices steadily rise and his OZ dollar collapsed, poor bugger is now priced out of the market

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It depends how much it cost/rent.

The area I want to rent at usually the rent is about 7-10% of the apartments price.

So even if the Condo is gone in 15 years, I will have made a profit.

But to be honest: Where can we invest in the world?

In western countries today banks can lend out nothing and get interest on it. That have created fanatical bubble housing, shares and so on. People just don't understand that only 3% of a currency in western countries are real money. The rest is air that generate interest to the banks.

This is exactly what happened 2008 and now i Greece.

If to much currency are in the open market, the banks have to stop lend out money. If 3.1% off currency is outside the banks the whole system crash like 2008.

Its not that people can't pay their loans. Its not Greece that play away money.

Its simply that almost all people who bought for example a house in western countries: The bank calls and says: Unfourtunally we can't lend out any money anymore. Please pay back your loan. No one can do that. Foreclosure. The bank devalue the house 40-50%. Suddenly the bank have a kredit debt while the person with no house owes the bank 50% of the house value.

2-3 years later when the bubble is built again: The bank sells the house full value and have stolen 50%. This have happened every 10 year since this creating money of thin air started.

I don't know how it is in most western countries. In Sweden: There are no banks with currency anymore. People think they are millionaires but they can't get the money out of the bank. In Sweden we are limited to 2500 euro/month. Imagine selling a house for 300000. It takes 120 months to get the money and the government combat this by changing the bills every 3-5 years = you have to give back all bills or they are worthless.

Now you understand why western countries wants all to use digital money.

Its amazing how insane this is. Each time we pay with Visa/CC they get 3-5% (and countries with VAT like Sweden 25%. The government get 25% of these 3-5% = why they allow this) Why aren't milk and stuff 3-5 cheaper when you pay with cash? Nope. The banks need all cash. If they have 10 dollar they legally can lend out 100 dollar. 90 dollar created that don't exist and they get interest.

And anyone with math skills understand this: There is not enough money to pay back all loans since 97% that generate interest don't even exist!

This is why Thailand and non Political Correct countries have a huge advantage. They down have this insane inflated economy.

They only way for government in west to combat this is:

1) have negative interest. Sweden was first with using negative interest. EU followed. This have never happened in history.

2) Print more money. The governments in west have to print enough money to pay the interest for money that don't exist. For example Sweden have last 10 years printed 10% more money each year. I have tried to find out: Where does these 20 billion SEK disappear? Cant find out. Probably are these lorries with money shipped straight to the banks each day. EU did the same. Thats why our currencies have gone down 30-40% against for example THB.

Each 10 year with crash all western countries do the same: They GIVE the banks more money.

Only Iceland dared to do the right thing: Let the banks close. Lock the bankers in jail. Now they are prosperous. But you will never read about this in western media since western media is owned by the same group of people that owns the banks and so on.
Thats why people are brainwashed in west.

Always pointing out a scapegoat. "Greece are lazy and played away their money". No. The banks had not enough currency to continue lend out money = the economic system crash. Same like USA 2008. It was not bad loans. It was not Clinton. It was not Bush. It was banks that had not enough currency to continue lend out money and since people mathematically have enough currency to pay back the loans = crash.

Each 10 year cycle the 0.7% gets richer and richer.

Just 1 bank in Sweden have today 2500 billions in assets. Twice the total dept of Sweden.

Its so easy: The movement should just take control of the bank. Pay of the loans and send the bankers to their home country in the middle east. Its that simple.

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They will probably first invest in a series of expensive dykes. That should keep the city safe for the next 50-100 years long enough for you to recoup your investment. But I would only invest in property where the building lower floors can cope with the occasional flood without too much damage

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I don't know if the OP was asking a serious question but you can learn a little about the Bangkok condo market by looking at Prakard.com. For certain areas in high demand, properties posted for sale or rent barely stay on the 1st page for 20 minutes. For other areas, the first page still has listing over a year old. Clearly some people are doing well if they are willing to take the risk of buying off plan.

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You can invest with confident as long as the property is water proof and you know how to swim, trust me, you will

make a killing in the market if you invest now.....


Before I take your investment advice, please indicate the size of your financial "killing" you have made in the period you have been in Thailand ?

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Venice has been sinking since long before Bangkok was ever built, and it's still there. Looking on the bright side, if Bangkok goes the way of Atlantis, they will have to rebuild a bit further north, so Villa Market, Foodland and Subway will be closer to my house. "It's an ill wind etc".

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