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Any members with real life experience of Thailand Elite?

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I have an extension of stay visa for myself and spouse if I did not have this visa I might opt for the TE , like you I can choose to have 800 k in the bank 3 months before my extension of stay annual renewal . My yearly cost for my extension of stay is 200 baht for bank letter , 2 x 1,900 for extension of stay stamp for myself and wife and as we only leave the country once a year 2 x 1,000 baht re-entry stamp total cost per year 6,000 baht x 5 years = 30,000 which means I would end up paying 470,000 baht for meet and greet + Limo to local hotel is it worth it ! As they say in Thailand " UP TO YOU "

Surely the difference would be ฿970,000. A TE visa is priced per person not per couple/group is it?

I suppose that depends on whether or not crazykopite's spouse pays for her own TE; crazykopite looks as though he's kopping for the lot but doesn't actually say he's paying for his spouse's TE and refers to 'I' and 'my' regarding costs but we are to assume that the bank a/c is 'joint' or he doesn't pay for his spouse's bank letter.

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Any members with real life experience of Thailand Elite?

I once went to the R. Bangkok Sports Club and was terrified by too many women with big hair do's and Expat's acting like Lord Jimmy's

So I deferred my pursuits of Hi So and polite society associations in Thailand to Bangkok Airways lounge privileges :-)

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With all of the glowing recommendations of TE, I would interject only one note.

I looked at TE back in 2004 (if I remember correctly), when they did not have the 5 year program. At that time, I believe the lifetime program was something like 1M baht. Shortly after that, TE seemed to disappear. This was my big concern. That I would invest the 1M baht, and a short time later the government would void my investment.

With the 5 year program, this is less of a concern, but it is still a significant investment that could go south.

That said, for those with the money and no other good options, it seems like a fabulous choice.

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I pay an agent 1000 baht a year to do my 90 day reporting. Same agent gets 7000 baht for the retirement extension each year, which includes the official fees. Very little effort on my part required with respect to Immigration. The 800,000 baht for a retirement account is on term deposit, which even on current rates gets 17,000 baht after tax. So over 5 years, I'll be shelling out 40,000 baht in fees, while earning about 85,000 baht in interest. And the 800,000 baht is still mine.

Sorry if I don't understand; however, in my book kissing 500,000 baht goodbye every 5 years IMHO means the Elite System users have more money than sense.

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If under 50 , I would get one in a heart beat. Some people harp on about the cost. What needs to be deducted from that amount is the cost of visa runs , reentry permits, time etc. Few thousand USD per year. Small change for some. The ones that talk down about them in the main are living here on minimal funds.

Help me with the math though. I too come up with a little less than 300 per day but thats if you are 45 and use it for 5 years. If you were 47 for example that daily rate goes up if you replacing to just get a retirement extension at 50, right? I suppose you could use the Elite until you were 52 but then you can't calculate savings as if you were under 50.

500000/ 5 years= 274 baht per day

500000/3 years= 456

Nearly double.

The longer you wait to buy after 45 the less attractive it is.

Side note because of the fall of the baht to dollars it makes the Elite a lot more attractive.

when the baht was at about 32 not long ago the Elite would have been $15,625

Today it's $13,908.

It buys nice peace of mind except there is no guarantee the Elite program will remain in force in light of national instability. That was the biggest turn off for me. What happens if they pull the plug 2 years in?? I can't gamble with that much cash. Don't get me wrong, for those who have it, I am envious.

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Just want to say a big thanks to all the contributors to my initial post. I have learned a lot.

I was exploring different avenues purely as a result of seeing nearly every day on TV at least one more person who has an immigration horror story to tell usually due to the confused, uninformed, misinformed, or corrupt officials at the various locations.

It can get a bit scary even when you know you are following the rules to the letter and I have to admit to a predisposition of enjoying low stress situations.

I don't have money to burn and as such shan't be using the Elite route. But if I win big in the lottery.............................who knows!

P.S. Didn't mean to start a war by the way but the subject has definitely an audience that is polarised one way or the other.

To each his own and thanks again.

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I pay an agent 1000 baht a year to do my 90 day reporting. Same agent gets 7000 baht for the retirement extension each year, which includes the official fees. Very little effort on my part required with respect to Immigration. The 800,000 baht for a retirement account is on term deposit, which even on current rates gets 17,000 baht after tax. So over 5 years, I'll be shelling out 40,000 baht in fees, while earning about 85,000 baht in interest. And the 800,000 baht is still mine.

Sorry if I don't understand; however, in my book kissing 500,000 baht goodbye every 5 years IMHO means the Elite System users have more money than sense.

Duh.... Or they are younger than 50 years old...

I've been a member since early 30's (9 years so far) - 1 MB lifetime membership, which has pretty much paid for itself. I still have a decade before retirement age (50).

Now that I'm married membership is not so necessary for me (I could get a Type O Visa based on Marriage) - That said, I've been offered 1 MB to sell on my membership (which on transfer is valid for 20 years) - the perks are still of value to me, I have no decent reason to sell.

Edited by richard_smith237
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"Also, are you still required to fulfill all the usual procedures such as 90 day reporting, annual visit to immigration for a new stamp in your passport etc."

​Yes you still need to do 90 day reports, and if you don't leave the country for 12 months you would need to go to immigration to get an extension of stay.

"I wonder also what would happen if you paid to join and then were not approved by immigration?"

This visa doesn't guarantee entry anymore than any other visa. But unless you have reason to be excluded entry there's no reason why you would ever be denied.
If utilised fully it's actually good for 6 years because if you enter/extend at the end of the 5 year expiry date you'll be given a 12 month stay. With a multi-entry re-entry permit you can come and go as often as you want during that 6th year.
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There are a few on here who are TE members both 5 year and the 20 year, dont listen to the people who p*ss on the program, these are people who dont have the money anyway to buy a TE, i personally dont because i work here, but if i wasnt the 5 year card would be good option for me, less than thb 300/day

Soutpeel thinks that he is the only one who has ever had a job.

I could buy 100 Thai elite visas if I wanted. But I wont.

Staying here on Tourist visas is easy and cheap and you avoid the idiotic 90 reporting. You are also not pinned to any geographic location and can travel around at will.

Going to Laos twice a year will cost you less than 20Kthb.

If you invest 500KTHB (the price of the cheapest elite visa) in Thai shares such as SAMTEL or JAS your dividend yield alone will pay for your visa expense, and, at the end of 5 years, your 500KTHB will probably have grown in value also.

If you don't like individual investing then you could buy some units in an Aberdeen fund or in a Bualuang fund.

The idiots harping on about how cheap the elite visa is never consider the time value of money that is lost when paying up front.

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There are a few on here who are TE members both 5 year and the 20 year, dont listen to the people who p*ss on the program, these are people who dont have the money anyway to buy a TE, i personally dont because i work here, but if i wasnt the 5 year card would be good option for me, less than thb 300/day

Soutpeel thinks that he is the only one who has ever had a job.

I could buy 100 Thai elite visas if I wanted. But I wont.

Staying here on Tourist visas is easy and cheap and you avoid the idiotic 90 reporting. You are also not pinned to any geographic location and can travel around at will.

Going to Laos twice a year will cost you less than 20Kthb.

If you invest 500KTHB (the price of the cheapest elite visa) in Thai shares such as SAMTEL or JAS your dividend yield alone will pay for your visa expense, and, at the end of 5 years, your 500KTHB will probably have grown in value also.

If you don't like individual investing then you could buy some units in an Aberdeen fund or in a Bualuang fund.

The idiots harping on about how cheap the elite visa is never consider the time value of money that is lost when paying up front.

Or perhaps they aren't idiots in the first place and can readily afford some of life's luxuries... such as the Thai Elite Visa, expedited transfers through the airport - home, Golf, Massage... which after a while (8 years for me) mean that membership has paid for itself.

Of course, you could pay for many of these items directly.... Unless of course you'd rather keep your money in a fund and watch it grow instead of spending it and enjoying life.

We've gone round in circles on many threads before discussing the virtues of 'investing' rather than spending 500,000 baht on a 5 year Visa (or 1MB of those of us early enough to get the lifetime membership).

The one certainty from these discussions is that different people have different priorities and differing levels of expendable income permitting choices of convenience.

....we don't really care if you could buy 500 Thai Elite Visas, the point is completely irrelevant your circumstances are different... What happens when your Back-to-Back Tourist Visa's start getting rejected?


Tell me why someone with a valid tourist visa will be "rejected".

Moreover, I am enjoying my life just fine without having been ripped off 500KTHB.

If civil unrest breaks out here when the unspeakable happens I will take my assets, including my 500KTHB with me when I move to another country.

What will you do? You will move also, but you will then start posting statements here like...its ok it was only 1 million baht which is nothing to me...

Years ago Mercedes were concerned about cheaper luxury car manufactures stealing their market share. They responded by lowering the price of their cars. Sales slumped further. The execs at Merc scratched their heads in disbelief and then, in a stroke of genius, increased the price of their cars significantly. Sales skyrocketed.

The moral to that case study is that there are a good deal of people who are happy to line up and be ripped off in exchange for the perception they are "elite".

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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Soutpeel thinks that he is the only one who has ever had a job.

I could buy 100 Thai elite visas if I wanted. But I wont.

Staying here on Tourist visas is easy and cheap and you avoid the idiotic 90 reporting. You are also not pinned to any geographic location and can travel around at will.

Going to Laos twice a year will cost you less than 20Kthb.

If you invest 500KTHB (the price of the cheapest elite visa) in Thai shares such as SAMTEL or JAS your dividend yield alone will pay for your visa expense, and, at the end of 5 years, your 500KTHB will probably have grown in value also.

If you don't like individual investing then you could buy some units in an Aberdeen fund or in a Bualuang fund.

The idiots harping on about how cheap the elite visa is never consider the time value of money that is lost when paying up front.

Or perhaps they aren't idiots in the first place and can readily afford some of life's luxuries... such as the Thai Elite Visa, expedited transfers through the airport - home, Golf, Massage... which after a while (8 years for me) mean that membership has paid for itself.

Of course, you could pay for many of these items directly.... Unless of course you'd rather keep your money in a fund and watch it grow instead of spending it and enjoying life.

We've gone round in circles on many threads before discussing the virtues of 'investing' rather than spending 500,000 baht on a 5 year Visa (or 1MB of those of us early enough to get the lifetime membership).

The one certainty from these discussions is that different people have different priorities and differing levels of expendable income permitting choices of convenience.

....we don't really care if you could buy 500 Thai Elite Visas, the point is completely irrelevant your circumstances are different... What happens when your Back-to-Back Tourist Visa's start getting rejected?


Tell me why someone with a valid tourist visa will be "rejected".

Moreover, I am enjoying my life just fine without having been ripped off 500KTHB.

If civil unrest breaks out here when the unspeakable happens I will take my assets, including my 500KTHB with me when I move to another country.

What will you do? You will move also, but you will then start posting statements here like...its ok it was only 1 million baht which is nothing to me...

Years ago Mercedes were concerned about cheaper luxury car manufactures stealing their market share. They responded by lowering the price of their cars. Sales slumped further. The execs at Merc scratched their heads in disbelief and then, in a stroke of genius, increased the price of their cars significantly. Sales skyrocketed.

The moral to that case study is that there are a good deal of people who are happy to line up and be ripped off in exchange for the perception they are "elite".

Because its happened before...





While there is no regulation against back-to-back tourist visas, there are numerous reported cases where visa's have been rejected based on the discretion of the Issuing Official.

It is known and has been discussed in ThaiVisa.com before that some Thai Consulate's (i.e. Singapore) view back-to-back Tourist Visa's less favourably than others.

Given the frequent 'crack-downs', shifting tides of opinion and changing regulations regarding Visa-Exempt-stamps-on-arrival and Visa's it's not unforeseeable that the next issue is with those who have 'numerous' tourist visas; of course, we don't know that.

That said, the Government could rescind the rights of Thai Elite Members at their whim, similar attempts have been made in the past and failed as being illegal, however, this Military Government doesn't seem to worry about such issues.

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Real life experience of Thailand Elite?

My favorite "real life experience" has been obtaining my new (and third) Thailand Elite visa in just 17 minutes at Suvarnabhumi.

And that was the time spent between the opening of the door of the plane, till the closure of the door of the limo, with obtaining my visa in between. Priceless.

Other may recall the complementary Thailand Elite / Montecarlo Yachts cruise. I missed that opportunity, but I heard that those on the yachts (there were two) had a real good time :)

In other threads, there are many real time experiences... explained by the members themselves.


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Also interested, is it really good and can we be sure that it won't be suspended within the next 5 years with a so kind person in charge of the country who seem able to change laws and rules for no reasons ?

You can't be sure of anything but it is highly unlikely that any government would cancel it overnight. IMO the worst case would be that they phase it out by stopping new members and or cancelling/suspending membership benefits.

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Also interested, is it really good and can we be sure that it won't be suspended within the next 5 years with a so kind person in charge of the country who seem able to change laws and rules for no reasons ?

Well given the program was introduced by our man in Dubai and we have had many government changes since and it wasn't suspended by any of them and even though the new boss doesn't like our man in Dubai they haven't suspended it either and yes the naysayers are going to howl but but....yes the program at one point was put on hold from taking new members and some of the privileges reduced , the visa portion was never reneged on with respect to existing members,

so even if they did suspend it, pretty sure existing members would be grandfathered for the term of their memberships, nothing in life is guaranteed, you could buy it tomorrow and get hit by a bus the very next day

Edited by Soutpeel
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If someone under 50 is planning to live in the Pattaya area, and plans to buy a condo, there is a construction outfit in the area offering 20 year elite visa with the purchase of a condo!

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You don't need to have any money in a Thai bank for a retirement visa unless your income is too low. I've been on a retirement visa for many years and have never had to show any money in the bank. I just get a proof of income from my embassy every year. That's all that is needed.

Yes but what a pain to do on top of that you then have to pay in the region of 2,500 baht for a one page letter as well as show them proof of all your earnings which I am sure BIG BROTHER makes a note of I used to do that but now prefer to ship my ££££s in one lump sum and after the new extension has been approved live of it for the remaining nine months, this also means I only pay a one time transfer charge from the UK to Thailand which in itself saves a few quid !

I pay 570 baht for the income letter. And not 2500 baht

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I joined 1 year ago. I'm happy about the 5-year visa, but so far I'm not impressed with the service.

My first year of the visa was up and I asked Phuket Immigration if I could activate my second year of the visa at their office. No can do, I was told - they had never seen a 5-year Elite visa before and the officers took photos of it with their mobile phone. They told me to either go out and back from Malaysia on a visa run, or go to Chaeng Wattana.

I called the Elite help line to arrange to visit Chaeng Wattana. No can do they told me. You should reactivate it at Phuket Immigration. Even if you were living in BKK, we need 1 week's notice to reactive your visa for the second year.

Frustrated, I decided to do a visa run to KL, and arranged for the Elite rep to meet me on my return to Phuket Airport with the limo to take me back to my home.

The limo turned out to be a minibus......

So... not impressed at all with the service and lack of knowledge of the reps.

My suggestions for Elite:

- Provide a 90-day report service for members. I still have to travel an hour in Phuket traffic every 90 days to do a 90-day report. Because of the queues at immigration, this takes at least half a day or more, (because the immigration guys like a long lunch). The online reporting system that they announced seems not to work....

- If you are going to provide a limo, then do not bait and switch for a minibus

- Provide the annual visa extension service at Phuket Immigration office. Better still, come to my home, collect my passport and do the annual extension for me.

Thanks for your candid report. And at least we know you are a real member and not some paid shill pushing the Thai elite here on TV.

You are over 50, why did you go the elite route rather than just adding another 300K to the 500K purchase price and then getting a retirement visa extension?

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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You are over 50, why did you go the elite route rather than just adding another 300K to the 500K purchase price and then getting a retirement visa extension?

Good question. My reasons are maybe a little unusual. I value my privacy and have no desire to open my bank books to immigration. Nor do I want to waste my own time in the Phuket traffic to reach the immigration office, where I have to deal with (I choose my words carefully to avoid a charge of defamation), immigration officers who may be incompetent, corrupt or both.

I simply want to pay my money to Elite, and then expect a decent service to manage the annual visa extension. On the first occasion when I needed that service, it was sorely lacking.

I hope they do better next year :)

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Before joining Thai Elite I read many, many threads on this site to gauge the pros and cons. Like everyone, rich or poor, 500k is not money that can be just 'thrown' away.

When reading all of the negative responses on the programme, written by non-members of Thai Elite, I had to ask myself several questions:

  • Are these non-members writing negative things about Thai Elite, out of the goodness of their own heart, in order to protect potential members? Apart from several remarkable individuals (on other topics), I would have to say that is not the case.
  • Are these non-members writing negative things about Thai Elite as they are members of some secretive rival organization? I'm unaware of a rival so, again, I would have to discount that question.
  • Are these non-members former members who have quit the programme due to some major problems? My own personal research didn't find any instances of this. Several people had quit the programme and sold their membership due to a change in their personal situation. Nothing about irreconcilable differences with Thai Elite.
  • Finally, how many of the non-members used terms such as 'think' and 'my friend' or 'someone I heard about' when writing negatively about the programme?

I joined the programme several months ago. I was in another country and the entire process was done online. Payment was made by telegraphic transfer. Unbeknownst to me, due to currency fluctuations, I paid more than 500k for membership. Thai Elite informed me of that and refunded the excess into my bank account.

Now, for a negative experience from a Thai Elite member. On one trip back into Thailand, the Thai Elite escort met me at the sky-bridge and apologetically informed me that the golf cart was unavailable to take me to the fast-track immigration counter. The reason was that there was construction work at the airport and they couldn't fit the golf cart down the corridor, past the construction barricades.

Not the fault of Thai Elite but, upon reflection, I should quit my membership due to this 'extremely negative experience'.

I cannot comment whether the following is a perk/service of the programme but has occurred on the one occasion I had an economy flight booked for me, by a third party. When I arrived at the airport, I told the Thai Elite escort that I was on an economy flight. I was told that it was no problem and was escorted to the business class check-in counter. Again, I don't know if this is a common practice but I was more than pleased with that.

Bottom line. Do your research. Do you have options of other visas? Can you comfortably pay the fee? Ask members of the programme what they think of the service. Ask non-members why they are so against the service. Make a decision based on the results of your research.

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I joined 1 year ago. I'm happy about the 5-year visa, but so far I'm not impressed with the service.

My first year of the visa was up and I asked Phuket Immigration if I could activate my second year of the visa at their office. No can do, I was told - they had never seen a 5-year Elite visa before and the officers took photos of it with their mobile phone. They told me to either go out and back from Malaysia on a visa run, or go to Chaeng Wattana.

I called the Elite help line to arrange to visit Chaeng Wattana. No can do they told me. You should reactivate it at Phuket Immigration. Even if you were living in BKK, we need 1 week's notice to reactive your visa for the second year.

Frustrated, I decided to do a visa run to KL, and arranged for the Elite rep to meet me on my return to Phuket Airport with the limo to take me back to my home.

The limo turned out to be a minibus......

So... not impressed at all with the service and lack of knowledge of the reps.

My suggestions for Elite:

- Provide a 90-day report service for members. I still have to travel an hour in Phuket traffic every 90 days to do a 90-day report. Because of the queues at immigration, this takes at least half a day or more, (because the immigration guys like a long lunch). The online reporting system that they announced seems not to work....

- If you are going to provide a limo, then do not bait and switch for a minibus

- Provide the annual visa extension service at Phuket Immigration office. Better still, come to my home, collect my passport and do the annual extension for me.

I made my post about Thai Elite before reading your post. As you can see, in my post, I was not aware of any 'major' negative experiences.

I do not understand your 'bait and switch' comment. When I book the transfer service, Thai Elite send me an e-mail with full details of the date, time and address of pick-up. The type of vehicle (AOT BMW Series 7) is also included in the confirmation letter.

The one time I was picked up in a mini-bus is because I requested it. I was travelling with a group (I was the only Thai Elite member in the group) and wanted a vehicle that would be large enough to carry everyone and their luggage. By the way, there was no additional charge for this service.

As far as the rest of your problems, I cannot comment. For me personally, Thai Elite have been extremely helpful in all of my immigration queries, the opening of a bank account and in obtaining Thai driving licences (car and motorcycle).

A quick question, are your negative experiences with Thai Elite enough to make you regret joining and enough to make you want to sell your membership?

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I joined 1 year ago. I'm happy about the 5-year visa, but so far I'm not impressed with the service.

My first year of the visa was up and I asked Phuket Immigration if I could activate my second year of the visa at their office. No can do, I was told - they had never seen a 5-year Elite visa before and the officers took photos of it with their mobile phone. They told me to either go out and back from Malaysia on a visa run, or go to Chaeng Wattana.

I called the Elite help line to arrange to visit Chaeng Wattana. No can do they told me. You should reactivate it at Phuket Immigration. Even if you were living in BKK, we need 1 week's notice to reactive your visa for the second year.

Frustrated, I decided to do a visa run to KL, and arranged for the Elite rep to meet me on my return to Phuket Airport with the limo to take me back to my home.

The limo turned out to be a minibus......

So... not impressed at all with the service and lack of knowledge of the reps.

My suggestions for Elite:

- Provide a 90-day report service for members. I still have to travel an hour in Phuket traffic every 90 days to do a 90-day report. Because of the queues at immigration, this takes at least half a day or more, (because the immigration guys like a long lunch). The online reporting system that they announced seems not to work....

- If you are going to provide a limo, then do not bait and switch for a minibus

- Provide the annual visa extension service at Phuket Immigration office. Better still, come to my home, collect my passport and do the annual extension for me.

I live in Nakhon Sawan and have the PE visa and it was so simple to do the extention of stay. Took all of 15 minutes.
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I get the Toyota Camry... I used to get the BMW 7 Series, but Thai Elite moved the goal posts a few years back.

I purchased Life time Thai Elite Membership for 1 MB approx 9 years ago.

Could it be that 'Original Members' (Lifetime / 20 years) are offered the Camry, and the 5 year members get the BMW 7 Series ?

I've also been provided with the AOT Van when travelling with my family and a lot of luggage.

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I get the Toyota Camry... I used to get the BMW 7 Series, but Thai Elite moved the goal posts a few years back.

I purchased Life time Thai Elite Membership for 1 MB approx 9 years ago.

Could it be that 'Original Members' (Lifetime / 20 years) are offered the Camry, and the 5 year members get the BMW 7 Series ?

I've also been provided with the AOT Van when travelling with my family and a lot of luggage.

I am going into my 10th year (original 1m) with Thailand Elite. Yes, the 5 year visa get a BMW 7 series transfer and we get a Camry. We don't have a limit on the number of times we use the transfer though (I use it roughly 4 times a month), golf or spa services. 5 year visa holders are limited to 24 transfers/12 months.

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I get the Toyota Camry... I used to get the BMW 7 Series, but Thai Elite moved the goal posts a few years back.

I purchased Life time Thai Elite Membership for 1 MB approx 9 years ago.

Could it be that 'Original Members' (Lifetime / 20 years) are offered the Camry, and the 5 year members get the BMW 7 Series ?

I've also been provided with the AOT Van when travelling with my family and a lot of luggage.

I am going into my 10th year (original 1m) with Thailand Elite. Yes, the 5 year visa get a BMW 7 series transfer and we get a Camry. We don't have a limit on the number of times we use the transfer though (I use it roughly 4 times a month), golf or spa services. 5 year visa holders are limited to 24 transfers/12 months.

The limo transport is a nice bennie, but not necessary. Even without the limo and the hotel/restaurant/spa/golf discounts, I would again gladly pay the 500k for the ease, security and benefits of a hassle-free 5-year visa with unlimited entries.

Edited by HerbalEd
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