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Somyot admits Bangkok bombs link Uighur deportation and human trafficking gang


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Nice to have the stuff about those Uryghurs to blame

these people.

I still think that some other terrorist group is actually the ones to blame for

the bombings, but what the heck. Just hope that Thailand is fairly peaceful through this coming Winter.

With the low Canadian dollar, I guess I had better have a better bank account for this trip.

I am just so glad that I live in a peaceful country and have enough money to again come over to another

peaceful country for holidays.

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A little off topic but I have to comment on the fact that the PM clearly cannot control the mouths of his senior people, he has over ruled the statement by General Somyot Poompanmuang also in this article it states the attack damaged the economy a claim denied by many departments including tourist authorities.

If the PM is unable to control the dribble from these people is he truly able to run the country (we already know the answer to that) and he needs to gag these loud mouths as it is these people causing confusion and ridicule of Thai officialdom.

Between both of them and the mounting evidence, I think the one who need to be gagged is the PM.

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Try looking in the direction of the army itself, perhaps it was meant to implicate a certain persons and group of people but backfired when the police went off in the wrong direction inspired by the reward. If you look at the footage of the boom being placed, it’s clear that there are three people involved, the guy that vacated the seat for the bomber and the guy he stood next to in an effort to shield the bomber from view, they look fit as butchers dogs and full of confidence, they give me the impression they have no fear of repercussions. Do you believe the army and the people at the top really want democracy? The bomb was not an ordinary homemade device, it was ether c4, semtex or something comparable to cause such devastation.

I still don't buy it. Suddenly, all this expertise becomes available to acquire bomb making material, plan and execute with a carefully constructed network of supporters in a foreign country ....... and then keep quiet about it with no public claim for the reasons? And because a few Uighurs were deported it was a revenge attack? Why not claim responsibility if that was the objective instead of playing a guessing game? Hardly accomplishes anything. This is much deeper and more extensive, me believes......

Yes but they let those people go after a short voluntary visist to the police station, a bit short I thought, further to that they dont seem to keen to give out much info on who was arrested in malaysia, maybe malaysia will investigate them then hand over info on them then execute them as getting face for their part in the investigation for the 4 Malaysians killed.

The rumour was also that these people slipped across the Sugai Kolk border even though it was supposed to be under heavy surveilance facepalm.gif

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What is clear is that the authorities want this case closed and put to bed as soon as possible with the minimum of backlash from any side.

Blaming it on a guy who has since fled and cannot be brought back will get rid of it with no after effects.

Never mind that these people had a bomb-making setup in the middle of Bangkok long before the deportations happened. What was that for ? - 'just in case' ?. And if it was some revenge attack, why did they not claim responsibility ?.

If the authorities come out and say it was red-shirts or Muslim's from the South then they are going to make somebody angry and that is going to make more trouble. Trouble I believe Prayuth will do anything to keep away at this time. As seems to be the case every time here, some people will know what really happened and the rest will be fed lies in an attempt to keep them thinking like the government want them to.

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Looks like China was right and the rest of the world was wrong ...

Uighur were not peaceful refugees, but terrorists

yes , you become a terrorists when your fellow man is sent to sure death in china . their crime was simple border running , a crime committed everyday by white foreigners in Thailand , ..... china has never been on the "right" side of anything . lived there for 12 years . the "han" Chinese are the most raciest people the world . you must get out more and try to understand motivations before you spew out such dribble . read a little more , it helps when you are informed . nuff said ......

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Looks like China was right and the rest of the world was wrong ...

Uighur were not peaceful refugees, but terrorists

yes , you become a terrorists when your fellow man is sent to sure death in china . their crime was simple border running , a crime committed everyday by white foreigners in Thailand , ..... china has never been on the "right" side of anything . lived there for 12 years . the "han" Chinese are the most raciest people the world . you must get out more and try to understand motivations before you spew out such dribble . read a little more , it helps when you are informed . nuff said ......
So your saying it's ok to set bombs and kill innocent civilians if you are not happy about a government policy?

There can be no excuse for terrorism and the intentional murder of innocent civilians

Any group that sets out to plan an event to target and kill innocent civilians as their goal are terrorists ... Period

If your justification was correct or a good thing...

Does that mean that now any Thais can go and kill any Uighurs if they want?

Or if the Syrian or Pakistan or Saudia or Egyptian or Nigerian or ect.... Gov have any policies I don't like... Can I start laying waste to any of their innocent civilians and you will believe I am justified?

I believe the answer is no...

And that is as it should be...

If your answer is yes... Then I'm just glad that most people in this world do not agree with your sense of right and wrong

Edited by CWMcMurray
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I still don't buy it. Suddenly, all this expertise becomes available to acquire bomb making material, plan and execute with a carefully constructed network of supporters in a foreign country ....... and then keep quiet about it with no public claim for the reasons? And because a few Uighurs were deported it was a revenge attack? Why not claim responsibility if that was the objective instead of playing a guessing game? Hardly accomplishes anything. This is much deeper and more extensive, me believes......

I have been faced with some derision for my theories about this. You are quite right not to buy into this lie. The masterminds behind this are quite adept at leaving a false trail in order to confuse the issue. Even the Thai Government, it seems, are falling for this lie. Why would the Uryghurs do this and not seek to make political capital from it? It makes no sense. This bombing can be traced right back to the US & NATO. Indeed, in February two pipe bombs were found just down the road near the shopping malls and the police were quick to link these to the bombings and explosions that occurred between 2010 and 2014. Further, the bomb used at the shrine appeared to be of similar construction. Yes, there is a link to Uryghurs who have several organisational structure funded by the US. So there is a link there which is why it is quite easy for people to take the next step and talk about 'revenge'. However, that is mere piffle. To make the next leap you have to look at what America is doing in the Middle East and the Havoc it has caused, you have to look at it's instigation of the Arab Spring and you have to look at it's continuing support of Thaksin. Therein lies the link. With Thaksin in power NATO can be assured of a strong ally with it's face towards the West and it's back to China. One of the policies of this current regime is to turn the other way and drift away from the US and NATO and look increasingly towards China. The bombing must be seen in this context. Anything else is a diversion created by international interests (that include Amsterdam and Adelman - both Thaksin cohorts).

"This bombing can be traced right back to the US & NATO." Oh, really??

"Yes, there is a link to Uryghurs who have several organisational structure funded by the US." The US Government or some US citizens??

"look at what America is doing in the Middle East and the Havoc it has caused....." Internecine fighting among Muslims??

Wow, some conspiracy theories are abounding here! Please enlighten us with the facts/proof of your wild claims. I can only guess that you do not live in a western country? Is the ISIL state more to your taste? I can understand why your theories are faced with derision.

Now, I am not an USA citizen and do not always support what they do, but you Sir, are an unabashed USA opponent. coffee1.gif

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Looks like China was right and the rest of the world was wrong ...

Uighur were not peaceful refugees, but terrorists

All of them were/are terrorists?

Not all Muslims are terrorists, nor are all Uighur. Yet, those that engage in nefarious activities are quite dangerous.

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there is no link. I don't think so.

Because if there were, Prayut's decision to return the Uighur refugees back to China was the motivation for the attack on the Thai consulate in Turkey and the Shrine. If he had instead sent the Uighurs on to Turkey, China might have felt betrayed in its 2014 Security Agreement with Thailand, punish Thailand with economic actions such as cancel their dual rail funding and ban Chinese tourists from Thailand.

It is ironic that the man who took power under the pretext to protect the nation has placed it in more danger.

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there is no link. I don't think so.

Because if there were, Prayut's decision to return the Uighur refugees back to China was the motivation for the attack on the Thai consulate in Turkey and the Shrine. If he had instead sent the Uighurs on to Turkey, China might have felt betrayed in its 2014 Security Agreement with Thailand, punish Thailand with economic actions such as cancel their dual rail funding and ban Chinese tourists from Thailand.

It is ironic that the man who took power under the pretext to protect the nation has placed it in more danger.


Whatever action he (the PM) took was going to affect Thailand (by your own words). And from this you deduct that he (the PM) has therefore placed the nation in more danger. Whoever the Thai leader was - elected or otherwise - that carried out this action could be accused of placing the nation in more danger!

If you have a problem with the current PM then say so and stop making spurious claims and relating him to an event that could have happened to any Thai leader! coffee1.gif

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A little off topic but I have to comment on the fact that the PM clearly cannot control the mouths of his senior people, he has over ruled the statement by General Somyot Poompanmuang also in this article it states the attack damaged the economy a claim denied by many departments including tourist authorities.

If the PM is unable to control the dribble from these people is he truly able to run the country (we already know the answer to that) and he needs to gag these loud mouths as it is these people causing confusion and ridicule of Thai officialdom.

Yeah, and I didn't realise that the PM was involved in the police investigation and has the training need to do such police work...

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Some people here are questioning the 'Uighur narrative' because no organisation has claimed responsibility for the attack, the logic being that why carry out such a terrorist act without taking responsibility. Well, you just have to look back to last year's attack at the train station in Kunming, China, where a group of masked men and women killed many civilians with knives. Again, there was no formal claim of responsibility or explanation for that attack, though the attackers all turned out to be Uighurs. Later information indicated that it was a revenge attack for Chinese police/military action at a mosque in Xinjiang. It is possible that the Uighurs may operate according to different rules ... being more bent on revenge and sowing confusion rather than on taking overt responsibility, which might bring further reprisals from the Chinese government in their home territories.

Note also that the Malaysian and Chinese governments have also suggests that Uighurs might be behind the missing MA airliner. That one almost certainly involved some sort of human intervention (the plane going far off course), yet no-one claimed responsibility. Also note that most of the victims (again) were Chinese nationals, and that the Malaysian government had also deported a group of Uighur illegals not long before the incident. See a pattern?

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Hmmmm . . . . do I see a pattern?

I see a well-written, cogent piece which contains a number of tenuous links. Possibly connecting dots which actually do not exist.

It may well be the truth of the matter, but, at this time, it is just conjecture. I think I would need to see more, to be convinced.

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