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Thailand aims to become high income country in the next ten years


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Thailand aims to become high income country in the next ten years


BANGKOK: -- Thailand aims to catapult itself out of the upper middle income country trap in the next ten years after the end of the 13th five-year national economic and social development plan, said Transport Minister and NESDB secretary-general Arkhom Termpittayapaisit on Tuesday.

Although the growth rate for the first three years of the implementation of the 11th national economic and social development plan was satisfactory and prompted Thailand to be graded as the upper middle income country by the World Bank, Thailand’s reduced competitiveness and constraints in economic expansion posed an obstacle for the country to get out of the middle income country trap.

He said that if the country’s growth rate remains at just 3 percent, the hope of achieving the high income country status may have to be delayed further until the end of the 14th or 15th development plans.

To achieve a 5 percent growth rate and export growth of 10 percent a year, Mr Arkhom said that the government needs to take actions of different fronts simultaneously, including improvement of human resources and modernization of machinery, infrastructure investment, research and development to add value to farm products among others.

Regarding public debts, it was reported that Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak has readjusted the public debts cap at 50 percent of the GDP instead of 60 percent.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thailand-aims-to-become-high-income-country-in-the-next-ten-years

-- Thai PBS 2015-09-15

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Forget it.

Any initiative - even if it starts with genuine intentions - fails due to incompetence and corruption.

The whole problem is self-sustaining and by it's nature makes sure anyone who wants to change it will get weeded out long before they are in any position of authority.

I've seen it too many times here now to even hope things might be different.

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The easy way of doing that is raising taxes, madatory health insurance and put people on welfare and pensions.

Zero extra wealth for the country, but it will cause inflation, inflate the GDP and erode the current account balance.

But on paper it will look like people are getting richer !!

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Ya so did China. No I'm of the opinion that a sustaining economy is better for any country. But Thailand should aim high. Just don't forget your roots and design....

Yes China. Watching the Ponzi scheme there starting to unwind and wait it will gather steam as time goes on. It was a paper tiger in the making. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

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Did someone forget t tell them high income = high living costs? Do they think pad thai will still cost 30 baht when everyone is earning 50K a month? Look what has happened to prices when Yingluck told everyone to pay 15K minimum wage. Talk about the land of make-believe!!

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