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Audi in Thailand via Parallel Import. Good idea............. Or not!


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Audi in Thailand via Parallel Import. Good idea? ......... Or not!

I want to share my experiences concerning the purchase 1½ years ago of my Audi Q5 TFSI S-line through Parallel Import from England.

I bought the car for 4.3 million baht.

After a few months it turned out that there was a problem, the car that was delivered did not appear to have the same specifications as the car that was ordered.

The order was for a car that had less than 220 hp, the car provided proved to have 228 hp. The import duty on cars above 220 hp is significantly higher and Thai customs demanded a further 1.3 million baht. The importer explained that he did not have 1.3 million and so could not pay.

So there were two options:

1. I pay the 1.3 million baht

2. Customs confiscate the car.

You can probably guess, there's only one option possible, namely, I pay the 1.3 million baht. This meant that the Q5 cost me a total of 5.6 million baht.

There will be a sequel to the above story concerning Experiences with the Audi dealer in Thailand and Audi AG in Germany for warranty and service.

My advice: never buy a car through a parallel importer.

Audi in Thailand: worldwide 2 year warranty? .......... or not!

I want to share my experiences regarding the alleged global two-year warranty from Audi.

1 ½ years ago I bought a new Audi Q5 TFSI S-line via a so-called independent importer, because I could not find a Audi dealer in Thailand. Later I found out through Audi in Germany, that there is indeed an Audi dealer in Bangkok.

I got in touch with them and they told me that before any warranty or service might exist, I would have to pay a "national fee or entrance fee" to register the car in Thailand.

On inquiry, it was found to be that the "entrance fee", would be 300,000 baht !!!

I find this ridiculous and also find it a form of blackmail and extortion, I contacted

Audi in Germany by e-mail.

AUDI AG did not return my e-mail, but called me.

I was told that in Thailand it is indeed the normal course of business.

They told me that adding the 300,000 to the 5.6 million that I paid means that it equals the amount I would have paid if I had purchased the car through the Audi dealer.

This story is nonsense as I proved after a visit to the Audi dealership in Bangkok, the Q5 as a whole is not available in Thailand.

Incidentally, for the total price of 5.9 million baht you can purchase at the dealer an Audi A8, which is 45% more expensive than the Q5.

I've asked Audi AG in Germany if they could confirm the telephone call by email.

Despite repeated requests: No comment!

Conclusion: pay 300,000 baht or no warranty and service.

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You drive the only Audi Q5 in Thailand. That must be worth something :).

The challenge will be to find a mechanic experienced in maintaining a Q5. For the warranty you only have to ship it back to the UK. That is a bit of a nuisance but cheaper as 300,000 baht.

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All global car manufacturers build their cars for the specific requirements of the market they are selling into. IE A car built for the Thai/Asian market is NOT going to be the same specification as one built for say the European market. If you want European specs then source directly from Europe.

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That really f ing sucks. Get some dialogue evidence, then tell them its going on youtube..! Like that guy who bought a lemon Porsche and got something like 1 million hits ( Porsche gave in.)

Jeez I would be tempted to drive all the way from Thailand to Germany Audi HQ, park the car outside and smash it up with an axe, like that Chinese guy did (I forget the car make) a couple of years back

Edited by fish fingers
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You drive the only Audi Q5 in Thailand. That must be worth something smile.png.

The challenge will be to find a mechanic experienced in maintaining a Q5. For the warranty you only have to ship it back to the UK. That is a bit of a nuisance but cheaper as 300,000 baht.

??? Only Audi Q5 in Thailand, sorry there are a good number on the roads here, + a few 2nd hand ones For Sale.

The Audi Q5 TFSI ... here cost 3.8 million Brand New 2015...

here is a brand new one on Promotion so even cheaper. http://showroom.one2car.com/carDetail.aspx?car_id=2145888

how about a 2014 model for under 2 million http://www.thaicar.com/used-cars/d346931/audi-q5-08-10

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I do feel sorry for the OP, but even just a little more effort on research could have saved them so much time and money. Just buying any of the several car magazines in a 7/11 would have revealed to them that there's official importers for Audi in Thailand, and they already import the Q5.

A google search for "Audi Q5 Thailand" throws up this result: http://www.siamnewcar.com/showgrade.php?gid=317 which should have also raised red flags for the OP.

As for the 300K Baht service entry fee - that's standard. Mercedes Benz also charge a variable fee (based on model/class) for gray imports to get factory warranty and servicing.

Edited by IMHO
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Did you pay the additional tax directly to customs, and get an official receipt? Or did you just give the money to the dealer?

That is the first question to find out if you were the victim of fraud.

Next issue is the 300,000 Baht fee to get service. This is legitimate, and many of the official dealers will do this, as a measure to try to

limit the grey market. Some brands will not even offer service or spare parts under any circumstances, if you did not by

the car through the dealer.

The bigger grey market importers have their own service departments, and may offer some warranty at their discression.

Did you by the car in Bangkok?

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With regards to power output, I noted that my B8 S4 3L power output climbed over the first 5000km where it rose from 254kW(345HP(m)) to 287kW(390HP(m) as tested on the same system with no modifications made to the vehicle. Which according to the books should be 245kW(333HP(m)), according to my contacts at Audi not unusual as power output isn't limited except for torque so it can drift about.

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You drive the only Audi Q5 in Thailand. That must be worth something smile.png.

The challenge will be to find a mechanic experienced in maintaining a Q5. For the warranty you only have to ship it back to the UK. That is a bit of a nuisance but cheaper as 300,000 baht.

Audi has full service facilities available by the local Audi business and additional leasing companies have facilities to do the maintenance, much easier than shipping so far.

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The entrance fee was implemented a few years ago for BMW and Benz. Not sure about Audi as it wasn't discussed but I imagine they did it at the same time.

Previously the issue was grey market importers getting 'unusually cheap' cars into the country and because of the worldwide warranties using the service of the official dealers. So dealers were losing sales and having to spend money to service competition.

As for the HP issue that is very well known. What some automakers do is detune cars to below 220hp via the ECU. Though I guess it must be done prior to arrival at customs.

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I can't believe there are still stubborn people who play the victim when scammed by gray market importation. Not even scammed, but offered to have their stupid move fixed by a local warranty and then complain about the price.

What's wrong with going to a dealer and buying the car? Trying to save a million baht and ending up paying a million more.

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For the OP, why worry about a 2 year warranty, 1.5 years after purchase? Don't bother with the 300,000 fee and get the car serviced at an independent shop. Presumably you planned to do this when buying the car, thinking there was no dealer in Thailand.

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Unless someone is wanting a vehicle that you absolutely can not find here, that would be the only reason to import. The Audi or BMW or whatever you buy here is the same as you would buy anywhere else.

As far as the HP issue, even though a particular brand and model have the same engine, the HP isn't always the same. The 8 HP difference is within the "Range" difference. The HP listed is like an average for advertising not an exact. Looks like from your post you would have saved alot of money just buying local.

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I read in another thread that some people even buy a Volkswagen in Thailand for the price of a BMW or a Benz, I had a good laugh ! hahaha

I can understand that some people don't buy Benz because it's the real luxury, but BMW is cheap enough with good discounts and 5 years free maintenance, why buying anything else if you cannot afford a benz ????

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There are Audi dealers in Thailand.

The Q5 is not an uncommon car (in Bangkok at least).

The Q5 is 3,199,000 baht (http://www.audithailand.com/UI/ModelRetailPriceList.aspx) - 177hp - not the same model.

This is an awful story and I feel for you, but it really seems that you did not do your research before purchasing your 'grey import'.

Its also common knowledge that Mercedes will not even accept Grey Import cars for servicing, it used to be that something in the region of THB 200,000 could be paid as a 'service entrance fee'... but Official Mercedes dealers now reject this fee and all Grey Imports.

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The story was a good for a laugh. It reminded me of the time, about 3 years ago, I wanted to import some Victory motorcycles. There was no dealer then. The difference was I did the numbers, then factored in 25% extra and then had a good laugh at the cost....before dropping the whole idea as a bad joke!

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