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New Zealand father and son arrested at Phuket Airport over Patong restaurant bill


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Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

Must be fairly substantial idiots, then, to return to the place from where they purportedly jumped bail.

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All these guys here complaining that they got arrested and Thais get away with it. That is besides the point they cheated and did not pay a bill. This is a bad offence, I run a business and its real bad when a customer refuses to pay a bill. Shows a lot about the morals of the foreigners here.

However in the past I have seen many stories about foreigners running up bank debts and then moving here never paying up. So it says a lot about the kind of foreigners that come here. Supporting theft and such.

Sure Thais need to be prosecuted too but that does not mean these guys should get a free pas.

Ever heard about something called "due process"? In a western and lawful society, people go to small claims court over such trivial amounts of money, and damn sure they dont go to immigration to circumvent the rule of law.

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Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

You are so wrong. This is Thailand where money buys these kind of things. Seriously, how about the guy who got blacklisted when he went toe to toe with a student who stole his writings and was blacklisted. The "student" had legal charges against himself and still managed to pay off an immigration official to blacklist the professor.

No way in hell does a person rack up a 15000 baht restaurant bill in Thailand unless hes at the top of the Conrad Hilton in BKK, it just isnt possible. And to blacklist a person for an "ALLEGED" crime, not substantiated is typical of the crazy tactics used in the country. Great example of the madness is the KT trial going on right now where the police are using DNA that does not match to try and convict innocent people.

You need to think about the whole picture before you spout off with your comments. They are incorrect.

15,000 Baht is nothing in a tourist ghetto. Two steaks, a bottle of wine plus some sideline dishes, plus service charges and VAT and you are over 10k.

You think these 2 clowns are steak and wine people really? Show me a typical tourist ghetto restaurant where you can spend this kind of money....name one

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Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

You are so wrong. This is Thailand where money buys these kind of things. Seriously, how about the guy who got blacklisted when he went toe to toe with a student who stole his writings and was blacklisted. The "student" had legal charges against himself and still managed to pay off an immigration official to blacklist the professor.

No way in hell does a person rack up a 15000 baht restaurant bill in Thailand unless hes at the top of the Conrad Hilton in BKK, it just isnt possible. And to blacklist a person for an "ALLEGED" crime, not substantiated is typical of the crazy tactics used in the country. Great example of the madness is the KT trial going on right now where the police are using DNA that does not match to try and convict innocent people.

You need to think about the whole picture before you spout off with your comments. They are incorrect.

And you really need to get a clue before posting complete rubbish. I don't see where my comments are at all "incorrect" as you claim.

Are you claiming that the arrest warrant wasn't really issued in 2013 ? (I'm sure you have proof of that along with actual proof of Immigration officials being "paid off" to blacklist people.)

Are you claiming the 2 Kiwis didn't actually run up a tab at a restaurant in a Centara chain hotel and then skip out on it ?

You are claiming that it isn't possible to run up such a bill. Two people running up a 15,000 baht bill is no problem at all (unless you are someone who thinks the local food cart is "fashionable dining out"). Sheesh I've run up a 14,000 baht bill by myself (and that wasn't even at a fancy hotel) ! (The difference is, I paid my bill.)

And there is a difference between being "blacklisted" (after having 9 lawsuits filed against you whether justified or not) and having an outstanding warrant for your arrest logged into the computer system that comes up with a red flag if that person's passport is scanned. (It's really not that difficult to understand !)

The cases regarding the Professor and the KT trial have nothing to do with 2 people skipping out on a bill but I doubt that matters at all to you. (BTW - Even the agency that Supachai was director of acknowledged that they had revoked the letter he had sent to Immigration regarding the Professor. Apparently it takes more than revoking a letter to have a name removed from the list though. And note that the Professor had been freely travelling from/to Thailand "on his Thai passport" and only ran into a problem when he lost that passport and used his British one instead. That raises a few questions on it's own, none of which have to do with the subject of this thread.)

What it has everything to do about is due process of the law. Using immigration to settle small claims court issues without a trial or judgement is wrong.

And if you spent 14000 baht by yourself at a restaurant....thats a story all by itself :)

This was in Phuket, and by the looks of these two "hi rollers" I dont think they ever spend much time in snooty hi-so restaurants like maybe you do.

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Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

You are so wrong. This is Thailand where money buys these kind of things. Seriously, how about the guy who got blacklisted when he went toe to toe with a student who stole his writings and was blacklisted. The "student" had legal charges against himself and still managed to pay off an immigration official to blacklist the professor.

No way in hell does a person rack up a 15000 baht restaurant bill in Thailand unless hes at the top of the Conrad Hilton in BKK, it just isnt possible. And to blacklist a person for an "ALLEGED" crime, not substantiated is typical of the crazy tactics used in the country. Great example of the madness is the KT trial going on right now where the police are using DNA that does not match to try and convict innocent people.

You need to think about the whole picture before you spout off with your comments. They are incorrect.

Were you at the restaurant, have you seen they bill, do you actually know the persons involved, do you know anything about it other than reading the thread?

If the answer to the above is no, then your comment is incorrect as like most people on this thread, you also simply have no idea either.

Soooooo smart guy, have you seen any of it? If not then like you say "you simply have no idea either". Lol

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i think everyone should read the review's on this place before commenting,2out of 3 that i read,cheated,very very unfreindly.

the first being 2yrs.ago must have been a bad yr.for them.

A mixed experience, one that will take me some time to get over

Please read this review from Sara, an Australian who stayed there with her two children in June 2015, she ended up getting arrested too, the owner is obvious big time mafia in Phuket and controls the corrupted Patong police. bah.gif


Perhaps you should read the review again, she didn't get arrested.

Wow, this reviewer dropped 18K here. She must be so smart, rich and successful.

I wonder if she prefers JavaScript or Perl. I heard Digital Nomads who cut-n-paste can make some serious kanom pang in Thailand, 555

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All these guys here complaining that they got arrested and Thais get away with it. That is besides the point they cheated and did not pay a bill. This is a bad offence, I run a business and its real bad when a customer refuses to pay a bill. Shows a lot about the morals of the foreigners here.

However in the past I have seen many stories about foreigners running up bank debts and then moving here never paying up. So it says a lot about the kind of foreigners that come here. Supporting theft and such.

Sure Thais need to be prosecuted too but that does not mean these guys should get a free pas.

Ever heard about something called "due process"? In a western and lawful society, people go to small claims court over such trivial amounts of money, and damn sure they dont go to immigration to circumvent the rule of law.

They care criminals and I am happy they got caught like this. They were just flagged for prosecution and they decided to settle outside of court. Quite normal to flag passports of offenders in other countries too. This way at least the company got their money and the crooks paid. They got of light.

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What it has everything to do about is due process of the law. Using immigration to settle small claims court issues without a trial or judgement is wrong.

And if you spent 14000 baht by yourself at a restaurant....thats a story all by itself smile.png

This was in Phuket, and by the looks of these two "hi rollers" I dont think they ever spend much time in snooty hi-so restaurants like maybe you do.

Why is it wrong ? the guys decided to run away no way the restaurant could prosecute them with them not being in the country. Seems you wanted them to get away. You should check your moral compass. The whole thing could have been avoided if they just paid for their meal. Should restaurants suffer for criminals like this I dont think so.

Also one member posted about the history of these guys running up debts in their home country and then letting the company go down with the debt. That makes these two guys career criminals who have done this in Thailand and their home countries. Just swindlers only like minded people would defend them.

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Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

You are so wrong. This is Thailand where money buys these kind of things. Seriously, how about the guy who got blacklisted when he went toe to toe with a student who stole his writings and was blacklisted. The "student" had legal charges against himself and still managed to pay off an immigration official to blacklist the professor.

No way in hell does a person rack up a 15000 baht restaurant bill in Thailand unless hes at the top of the Conrad Hilton in BKK, it just isnt possible. And to blacklist a person for an "ALLEGED" crime, not substantiated is typical of the crazy tactics used in the country. Great example of the madness is the KT trial going on right now where the police are using DNA that does not match to try and convict innocent people.

You need to think about the whole picture before you spout off with your comments. They are incorrect.

Were you at the restaurant, have you seen they bill, do you actually know the persons involved, do you know anything about it other than reading the thread?

If the answer to the above is no, then your comment is incorrect as like most people on this thread, you also simply have no idea either.

Soooooo smart guy, have you seen any of it? If not then like you say "you simply have no idea either". Lol

No I haven't seen any of it at all. I agree that I have no idea but then again I never said that I did nor did and neither did I post that I did.

Now will YOU answer my question instead of changing the subject?


" Were you at the restaurant, have you seen they bill, do you actually know the persons involved, do you know anything about it other than reading the thread?

If the answer to the above is no, then your comment is incorrect as like most people on this thread, you also simply have no idea either."

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That restaurant owner must have some big connections. Immigration officers plus 4 Kathu police needed to get these criminals. I would also want to pose proudly behind these hardened criminals and smile knowing that I've made Thailand a safer place. After all, it's a well known fact that those who are accused of cheating on a restaurant bill are likely to kill.

criminals ?cheesy.gif

The poster was being sarcastic. I would have thought a Glaswegian would know that.

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Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

Accordind to NZ news reports 2 days ago the bill was 1500 BHT and has ben paid with the restuarant owners not wanting to press charges.

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Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

You are so wrong. This is Thailand where money buys these kind of things. Seriously, how about the guy who got blacklisted when he went toe to toe with a student who stole his writings and was blacklisted. The "student" had legal charges against himself and still managed to pay off an immigration official to blacklist the professor.

No way in hell does a person rack up a 15000 baht restaurant bill in Thailand unless hes at the top of the Conrad Hilton in BKK, it just isnt possible. And to blacklist a person for an "ALLEGED" crime, not substantiated is typical of the crazy tactics used in the country. Great example of the madness is the KT trial going on right now where the police are using DNA that does not match to try and convict innocent people.

You need to think about the whole picture before you spout off with your comments. They are incorrect.

Were you at the restaurant, have you seen they bill, do you actually know the persons involved, do you know anything about it other than reading the thread?

If the answer to the above is no, then your comment is incorrect as like most people on this thread, you also simply have no idea either.

Soooooo smart guy, have you seen any of it? If not then like you say "you simply have no idea either". Lol

No I haven't seen any of it at all. I agree that I have no idea but then again I never said that I did nor did and neither did I post that I did.

Now will YOU answer my question instead of changing the subject?


" Were you at the restaurant, have you seen they bill, do you actually know the persons involved, do you know anything about it other than reading the thread?

If the answer to the above is no, then your comment is incorrect as like most people on this thread, you also simply have no idea either."

Ok ill answer your question....nope wasnt there so, as I said before that makes both of our comments incorrect according to your illogic anyways

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Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

Accordind to NZ news reports 2 days ago the bill was 1500 BHT and has ben paid with the restuarant owners not wanting to press charges.

I can believe 1500. For sure wasnt 15000

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If they were staying at the resort and the restaurant is part of it, they would normally ask to have it put on their bill, to be paid at their leaving. I stay at a large hotel in B'kok and I put everything on the bill to be paid at the end and that includes the resto. I read many of the reviews and many of them complained of (amongst other things) the complete incompetence of the Reception staff. Maybe it wasn't on their bill and the men didn't realise, or maybe they did but decided to profit by it.

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