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Biden: Trump's view on immigration 'will not prevail'

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Biden: Trump's view on immigration 'will not prevail'
JULIE PACE, AP White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden lashed out at Republican front-runner Donald Trump on immigration Tuesday, accusing him of reverting to "xenophobia" to garner support in the 2016 election.

Biden, who is weighing a late entry into the Democratic presidential race, called Trump's message "sick" and predicted it "will not prevail."

"This will pass — the Trump stuff and that stuff that you're hearing on the other team," Biden said at a Hispanic Heritage Month event at his residence in Washington.

Trump has roiled the Republican field with his call to remove the millions of people living in the U.S. illegally before allowing some to return. He's also accused some Mexican immigrants of being rapists and vowed to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

Biden's comments mark a rare instance of top White House officials singling Republican presidential candidates out by name. On a visit to Iowa Monday, President Barack Obama avoided mentioning individual candidates even as he drew distinctions between Democratic and Republican positions, including on immigration.

But while Obama definitely won't be on the ballot in 2016, Biden is still contemplating a run. He's spoken movingly in recent days about the impact of his son Beau's death earlier this year and how his decision rests on whether he can make the emotional commitment to running for president.

If Biden runs, his remarks Tuesday could serve as a template for his argument against Republicans in a general election. Both parties will be fighting for support from Hispanics, a fast-growing voting bloc that overwhelmingly supported Obama in the last presidential election.

Biden, a Catholic, drew a distinction between Trump and Pope Francis, who is visiting the United States later this month. The popular pope has been a vocal advocate for humane treatment of immigrants and has spoken specifically about the conditions facing people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

"Watch the response that Pope Francis gets," said Biden, who called the pontiff "the single most popular man in the world."

As Biden closed his remarks, participants yelled "Run, Joe, Run."

"Oh, no, no, no, no," Biden said, brushing their cheers aside and offering no new insights on his political future.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-16

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Survey: 92% Call Illegal Immigration a 'Problem,' 77% Say It's 'Serious'
Ashley Rae Goldenberg | 16 hours ago
A recent survey shows a majority of Americans think illegal immigration is a “very serious” problem and would support measures to deport illegal immigrants currently living within the country - such as creating a hotline to report “activity connected to illegal immigration.”
The survey also found that:
Half of Americans would report an employer they suspected of hiring illegal immigrants to the government,
Nearly half of Americans would support the government “actively searching for illegal immigrants who have not committed any other crimes to deport them from the United States,” and
39% of respondents would report their neighbors for being illegal immigrants.



Survey: 92% Call Illegal Immigration a 'Problem,' 77% Say It's 'Serious'

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | 16 hours ago

A recent survey shows a majority of Americans think illegal immigration is a “very serious” problem and would support measures to deport illegal immigrants currently living within the country - such as creating a hotline to report “activity connected to illegal immigration.”

The survey also found that:

Half of Americans would report an employer they suspected of hiring illegal immigrants to the government,

Nearly half of Americans would support the government “actively searching for illegal immigrants who have not committed any other crimes to deport them from the United States,” and

39% of respondents would report their neighbors for being illegal immigrants.


Here's more from the link to the well funded rightwing journal online..

Despite viewing illegal immigration as a large problem and supporting measures to deport illegal immigrants, 45% of respondents answered that mass deportation would have “no real impact” on their lives and their families, while 5% answered it would “hurt a little” and 7% stated mass deportation would “hurt a lot.”

The belief that mass deportation would have “no real impact” on individuals and their families seems to cross party lines as 51% of Democrats, 47% of Republicans, and 39% of Independents responded mass deportation would have “no real impact” on their lives and their families.

At the same time, 52% of respondents claimed they would support a pathway to citizenship, as defined as “a way for illegal immigrants currently in the country to gain legal citizenship if they pass background checks, pay fines, and have jobs.”

This coincides with the notion that it is not possible to deport the illegal immigrants currently in the country.



Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

Trump's business practices are well known and successful... How else do you think he got rich? Like any good business person, he isolates his risk to each property, with each asset isolated within it's own corporate structure... So, if one asset / property fails to produce or goes belly up, it does not take down the rest of his portfolio... If you call taking advantage of the current tax / corporate law structure evil, then you are not far from wrong, but you are blaming the player, not the game...


I find it odd, any American would be in favor of illegal aliens flowing across our southern borders. This has nothing to do with "xenophobia" as Biden suggested but plain old common sense.


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

Trump's business practices are well known and successful... How else do you think he got rich? Like any good business person, he isolates his risk to each property, with each asset isolated within it's own corporate structure... So, if one asset / property fails to produce or goes belly up, it does not take down the rest of his portfolio... If you call taking advantage of the current tax / corporate law structure evil, then you are not far from wrong, but you are blaming the player, not the game...

Oh, stop reading conventional media, for your information. It is very well known how scheming, and conniving this guy is. He absolutely refuses to leave $1 on the table. If you call that fair and reasonable, well so be it. But he did not get rich by isolating his risk. He got rich by climbing on the backs of hundreds and hundreds. Just a few examples:

But now, Donald Trump is being sued by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for highly unethical business practices. Attorney General Schneiderman has accused Trump of "engaging in persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct in connection with the operation of Trump University," which is Trump's unlicensed, for-profit education company.1


another example:

Donald Trump: Not As Great A Businessman As He Claims To Be


and yet another:

Growing up with this kind of crass, unethical, self-promotion, it doesn’t take long to realize that while Donald Trump is a very successful salesman, he’s also a clownish businessman and a horrific human being.


and yet another:

Trump, however, still faces a similar lawsuit that includes 81 plaintiffs demanding the return of $8 million in unreturned deposits due to the same deception. A resolution to this case is expected toward the end of the year.


The list goes on, and on, and on, of the people he has taken for a ride in his career. And now, in his biggest scam to date, he is attempting to take the entire American public for a ride, based on a completely false characterization of himself.


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

So what do you suggest? No problem with illegal immigrants then?


Trump has the Dems running scared...his in-your-face...take no prisoners style...flies in the face of the normal politicians big smile and pat you on the back while they lie through their teeth and stab you in the back...

It will be difficult for the Repubs to win due to the numbers of people receiving government checks for doing nothing...will always vote Dem...

The Dems would elect a monkey if they thought it would not interfere with their government paid for life...oh...that's right...


We will see!!! You don't get it do you? the name TRUMP is his brand. People pay to use his brand. Many of the business he endorses he has no direct involvement in other than they pay him to use his name.

It is not fair on the people who go to the USA using legal channels just for a government to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration. Why even use the word legal if this is the case.


Donald Trump hates blacks? This is news to me.... Atlantic City is only a few miles from my home and from way back in the 80's there was stories of Donald Trump giving away cars to those in need. Pulling over to the side of the road and giving a lift to stranded motorist on interstate 95 and later giving them a car. My brother in-law told me that the woman he had rented a room from in Atlantic City had her mortgage paid off by Mr. Trump and yes, the woman was and still is a black woman.

I think it will be interesting to hear the acts of charity and kindness Mr. Trump has displayed over the years.

Hates blacks, Latino's and Women? Show me the evidence of his acts of hate.....


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

So what do you suggest? No problem with illegal immigrants then?

One of the reasons we have such a problem with illegal immigration, is due to a completely broken immigration policy. Nobody from the third world gets into the US legally anymore, unless they are wealthy. The quota system is outdated, broken and dysfunctional. Policy needs to be updated so that some of these people can legally come to the US. That is not possible now. And, we are turning away nuclear physicists, due to silly quotas. Look into it. It is a joke.

This is the aspect Trump will not discuss, nor touch. Nor will most anyone else, including his faithful devotees.


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

He doesn't hate money


I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

Trump's business practices are well known and successful... How else do you think he got rich? Like any good business person, he isolates his risk to each property, with each asset isolated within it's own corporate structure... So, if one asset / property fails to produce or goes belly up, it does not take down the rest of his portfolio... If you call taking advantage of the current tax / corporate law structure evil, then you are not far from wrong, but you are blaming the player, not the game...

Oh, stop reading conventional media, for your information. It is very well known how scheming, and conniving this guy is. He absolutely refuses to leave $1 on the table. If you call that fair and reasonable, well so be it. But he did not get rich by isolating his risk. He got rich by climbing on the backs of hundreds and hundreds. Just a few examples:

But now, Donald Trump is being sued by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for highly unethical business practices. Attorney General Schneiderman has accused Trump of "engaging in persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct in connection with the operation of Trump University," which is Trump's unlicensed, for-profit education company.1


another example:

Donald Trump: Not As Great A Businessman As He Claims To Be


and yet another:

Growing up with this kind of crass, unethical, self-promotion, it doesn’t take long to realize that while Donald Trump is a very successful salesman, he’s also a clownish businessman and a horrific human being.


and yet another:

Trump, however, still faces a similar lawsuit that includes 81 plaintiffs demanding the return of $8 million in unreturned deposits due to the same deception. A resolution to this case is expected toward the end of the year.


The list goes on, and on, and on, of the people he has taken for a ride in his career. And now, in his biggest scam to date, he is attempting to take the entire American public for a ride, based on a completely false characterization of himself.

Well you've proved that Trump has a lot of enemies for sure but if he is convicted of a felony he could not possibly run for President, I don't really like the guy, he seems to be a loose cannon but at least he funds his own campaign not like his opposition who are dependent on donations and bought by third party interests and are never free of having to represent banks etc. Didn't Hillary destroy all her incriminating emails in a cover up? Like Trump or not, he is independent and offers something more than the same old, same old Bush/Clinton politics. Biden is unproven and holding back even if he has good reason does himself no favors if he's gonna run.Trump would calm down if he won once the realities of Office became real .


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

Trump's business practices are well known and successful... How else do you think he got rich? Like any good business person, he isolates his risk to each property, with each asset isolated within it's own corporate structure... So, if one asset / property fails to produce or goes belly up, it does not take down the rest of his portfolio... If you call taking advantage of the current tax / corporate law structure evil, then you are not far from wrong, but you are blaming the player, not the game...

He got rich by inheriting an estimated $40 million to $200 million from his father, but he does know how to properly indemnify his assets while playing with other people's money. With 4 bankruptcies under his belt, he has had enough practice to perfect his methods. If he had, however, invested that inheritance in the S&P 500 and just let it ride, it would now be worth $8.3 billion.


Lefty, Liberal politicians the world over are having a bad time at the moment over immigration as the people are finally waking up to the con of unfettered immigration that has been going on for over a decade now. people are starting to listen to people like Trump who are saying what the average man / woman on the street have been saying for years but have simply been ignored by the politicians. They are all fed up to the back teeth of political correctness and all that goes with it. After telling all the immigrants that germany had its door wide open they are starting to get slammed shut at a very rapid rate as the people are stirring at last.

Why is it OK to illegally enter the USA but not OK to rob a store to eat ?

Trump has his faults as we all do but I would rather trust him than any politician on offer at the moment


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

So what do you suggest? No problem with illegal immigrants then?

One of the reasons we have such a problem with illegal immigration, is due to a completely broken immigration policy. Nobody from the third world gets into the US legally anymore, unless they are wealthy. The quota system is outdated, broken and dysfunctional. Policy needs to be updated so that some of these people can legally come to the US. That is not possible now. And, we are turning away nuclear physicists, due to silly quotas. Look into it. It is a joke.

This is the aspect Trump will not discuss, nor touch. Nor will most anyone else, including his faithful devotees.

Well what you have said does not make Joe Biden correct and Trump wrong. You yourself have just admitted there is a broken immigration policy yet you criticize the only man who is addressing the issue. And i disagree with you totally when you say that trump is not discussing it, on the contrary he is doing nothing other than discussing it. Whichever way this pans out, Mr Trumps campaigning will have a direct effect when the next president is appointed because Trump has made a valid point about Americas immigration policy and made it part of both the republican and democrat manifesto for the next presidential candidate. You can not deny that the USA is now acutely more aware of this illegal immigration and this my friend is down to Donald Trump, like it or not.


Trump is corrupt, as they all are...the difference is that Trump knows how to deal with slimy competitors and skirt legal issues...IOW, he is a superb mafiosa..his opponents respect him. Would Putin do so as well? .Does anyone think that he accrued his 12 billion USD without paying off the organized crime and union bosses in NYC? America needs a kick-ass, tough minded prez (with an amazingly gorgeous wife) if only to restore some measure of balance and try to negate the horrible depressive state that exists in the U.S. today-under the traitorous rule of the black Muslim at 1600 Pennsylvania Av.

If America was content, and even admiring of the Clintons, those trailer trash sexual deviates and murderers, why not accept a leader with eyes open who understands that the Progressive platform is a total failure....witness Europe, or call it more accurately, "Eurabia"-as Orianna Fallaci described.

However, if Trump insists on taking on the Central banks, as presidents JFK and Lincoln and Jackson did openly, then he would not finish his first 90 days in office..if elected.


Biden waits for his CFR masters to tell him to "JUMP, Joe...jump high and grab the brass ring".... some call him likeable because he suffered a tragic death in his family...no shit; tell that to those families of military men who died chasing after that deserter Bergdahl, who Obama calls a hero.


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

So what do you suggest? No problem with illegal immigrants then?

One of the reasons we have such a problem with illegal immigration, is due to a completely broken immigration policy. Nobody from the third world gets into the US legally anymore, unless they are wealthy. The quota system is outdated, broken and dysfunctional. Policy needs to be updated so that some of these people can legally come to the US. That is not possible now. And, we are turning away nuclear physicists, due to silly quotas. Look into it. It is a joke.

This is the aspect Trump will not discuss, nor touch. Nor will most anyone else, including his faithful devotees.

Well what you have said does not make Joe Biden correct and Trump wrong. You yourself have just admitted there is a broken immigration policy yet you criticize the only man who is addressing the issue. And i disagree with you totally when you say that trump is not discussing it, on the contrary he is doing nothing other than discussing it. Whichever way this pans out, Mr Trumps campaigning will have a direct effect when the next president is appointed because Trump has made a valid point about Americas immigration policy and made it part of both the republican and democrat manifesto for the next presidential candidate. You can not deny that the USA is now acutely more aware of this illegal immigration and this my friend is down to Donald Trump, like it or not.

You completely missed my point. Trump is discussing the volume of illegal immigration. He is ranting about the problems caused by these illegal immigrants. I have never once heard him mention the need to reform immigration policy, nor change the quota system, nor address the need to make it simpler and more attainable for immigrants to be allowed legal entry into the U.S. Nor reform the process. He is not sophisticated enough politically to discuss something like that. His solution to this vastly complex problem: build a wall.


^^^ Mass illegal immigration isn't a "complex problem". Build a wall and enforce immigration laws within the country.

It appears to be so hard for "some people" to define or understand illegal.


All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

Trump's business practices are well known and successful... How else do you think he got rich? Like any good business person, he isolates his risk to each property, with each asset isolated within it's own corporate structure... So, if one asset / property fails to produce or goes belly up, it does not take down the rest of his portfolio... If you call taking advantage of the current tax / corporate law structure evil, then you are not far from wrong, but you are blaming the player, not the game...

Oh, stop reading conventional media, for your information. It is very well known how scheming, and conniving this guy is. He absolutely refuses to leave $1 on the table. If you call that fair and reasonable, well so be it. But he did not get rich by isolating his risk. He got rich by climbing on the backs of hundreds and hundreds. Just a few examples:

But now, Donald Trump is being sued by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for highly unethical business practices. Attorney General Schneiderman has accused Trump of "engaging in persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct in connection with the operation of Trump University," which is Trump's unlicensed, for-profit education company.1


another example:

Donald Trump: Not As Great A Businessman As He Claims To Be


and yet another:

Growing up with this kind of crass, unethical, self-promotion, it doesn’t take long to realize that while Donald Trump is a very successful salesman, he’s also a clownish businessman and a horrific human being.


and yet another:

Trump, however, still faces a similar lawsuit that includes 81 plaintiffs demanding the return of $8 million in unreturned deposits due to the same deception. A resolution to this case is expected toward the end of the year.


The list goes on, and on, and on, of the people he has taken for a ride in his career. And now, in his biggest scam to date, he is attempting to take the entire American public for a ride, based on a completely false characterization of himself.

You seem to overlook that since 2008 the US has been headed by a man that has attempted to take the entire American public for a ride, based on lies ( if you like your Dr etc ).


Biden is correct. Disgusting Don is a hater. He hates women. He hates foreigners. He hates blacks. He hates Mexicans. He hates most anything and everything. Just the scowl on that fantastically ugly face is proof of that. Hating is what he does best.

All this rage for someone whose core message is to secure the borders and expel anyone that entered and stays in the country illegally... My you do have an imagination if nothing else...

I am referring to his track history, not the silly comments he has made in the last few weeks. This man has a long and illustrious history of hatred, hostility, theft, bankrupting his companies, and walking away with hundreds of millions, etc. This thief is a charlatan. He is snookering a lot of people with his disgusting dialogue. He is a fraud.

You seem bitter towards the Donald. Did he fire you?

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