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Jeb Bush wants Margaret Thatcher on $10 note

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That picture of her with her fist raised in triumph after sinking the Belgrano was a disgrace!!

If you are going to use military force then use it completely with all its consequences or don't bother.

.....and then pose for photographers, celebrating the killing of 300 odd people. It was a potential war crime.

hahahahaha cheesy.gifcheesy.gif brilliant nikmar - that is absolute quality!!!

defending your own soil from invaders is a war crime???

Go get your bumps read fella


In Britain, Thatcher was one of those Marmite people (love or hate, but everyone has an opinion on it). If you go to any town that used to be a coal mining area and ask their opinion, they'll almost certainly answer you with a question "are you taking the p1ss?" as they get up off their barstool ready for a fight. She ruined lives and families. If you go to a City then you might find people who admired her.

I used to like the Netherlands money before the Euro, with pictures of the local wildlife. I think that would be better than dead presidents (or prime ministers from other countries).

EDIT: On further thought, why not just put pictures of the head of the FED/JP Morgan or something, it would be more honest.

Hi Shiver. I lived in an ex mining village in Yorkshire for 10 years up until February this year. I actually started a conversation about the times of the miner's strike in a local WMC.

I basically said that a lot of miners are bitter about those times for the following reason . . .

They received redundancy and instead of using their money as a redundancy, the felt they had won the lottery and many of them pi$$ed it all against the ceramics. Obviously not all, but many of the bitter ones.

I have a friend who was a pit lad and he set up his own company steel erecting and is now doing very well, infact, he is looking to retire to LOS for 6 months of the year from 2016.

I also mentioned that, although ALL of them blamed and hate Thatcher, they did not have the foresight to see that Arthur Scargill was as much involved in it all. He knew the pits were not financially viable, but had to look like he was backing the miners even though he knew how it would end. Many fail to see that. I thought I was going to get a kicking but a couple of the blokes said i was right as they knew people I had described.

They advised me though that a lot went on in the villages that the news did not report that didn't happen on the picket lines . . .

eg) lads going home pi$$ed from the pub and the rozzers ordered the street lights off and they would pull up in the cop vans and just dish out proper beatings to the lads who they knew were always on the picket lines.

Sad stories too that most families didn't even have a Christmas that year

Point is, I'm sure Maggie did not order these beatings that rumours round those areas suggest. The pits needed closing for the good of the 'country' not for a locality.

However, when Maggie bought it, there was one pub I saw had banners outside celebrating her death. I just thought to myself . . . "<deleted> just move on!!" It was 33 years ago! Sad existence using something like that from so long ago to help you get your kicks today ;)


Jeb Bush wants Maggie on a 10 dollar note?????

How big is a 10 dollar note?

Would a rug not be more convenient?

Can they print pics on rugs?

Is maggie still alive?

Would that matter to jeb bush?

Questions, questions.


Whenever I see Jeb I think of Tyler Perry. Whenever I see Tyler Perry I think "there's the guy who does Madea." I think if Jeb dressed like an old woman he would look just like his mama. The new Maude Frickett, but not funny.

I wonder if Jeb is as much of a mama's boy as his brother. I have the impression he is a stronger person than his bro -- to be a fly on the wall when he told his blue-blood father and DAR mother that he was going to marry a Mexican!


Well, the plan is to put a lady on some paper money.

Obviously it shouldn't be any foreign lady. That's daft.

Some alternative ideas:

Annie Sprinkle

Dolly Parton

Thank you for not saying Liza.

Speaking of noteworthy females, I think Divine should get a posthumous Oscar for her portrayal of Kim Kardashian in John Waters' "Female Trouble." And to think, KK wasn't even born yet!

Back to the money business, when Fiorina was asked I suspected she would do a Trump and say "me!"


Whenever I see Jeb I think of Tyler Perry. Whenever I see Tyler Perry I think "there's the guy who does Madea." I think if Jeb dressed like an old woman he would look just like his mama. The new Maude Frickett, but not funny.

I wonder if Jeb is as much of a mama's boy as his brother. I have the impression he is a stronger person than his bro -- to be a fly on the wall when he told his blue-blood father and DAR mother that he was going to marry a Mexican!

Indeed and Jeb musta smoked some wicked bad stuff 40 years ago to not be able today to think of one American woman to put on a US bill. After the debate Jeb even tried to board the plane. laugh.png Waving and always with his nervous smile.

Momma Bush who almost everyone likes can't be too pleased by his campaign thus far.

Jeb showed a lot of humor in this debate but his funniest stuff came when he wuz trying to be his most serious. "He kept us safe," he said of his hapless idiot bother. Sounds like Jeb also has suffered from the weed he smoked when it comes to 9/11 too.

Irony was the winner last night as CNN put Carly Fiorina on the sage with a bunch of men opposed to equality for women.

Humor did very well too (despite this post).


Well, the plan is to put a lady on some paper money.

Obviously it shouldn't be any foreign lady. That's daft.

Some alternative ideas:

Annie Sprinkle

Dolly Parton

Thank you for not saying Liza.

Speaking of noteworthy females, I think Divine should get a posthumous Oscar for her portrayal of Kim Kardashian in John Waters' "Female Trouble." And to think, KK wasn't even born yet!

Back to the money business, when Fiorina was asked I suspected she would do a Trump and say "me!"

Methinks Trump would like to put Carly on the back of the $10 bill.

Reclining on her side at the base of the pyramid and smiling.

Ms Fiorina probably would like to put Trump in the pyramid. Right next to King Tut.

. carn-carson.gifQuestion: What is a clock, a jock and a crock.

Answer: Ahmed Mohamed, Tom Brady and the Donald Trump campaign.


That picture of her with her fist raised in triumph after sinking the Belgrano was a disgrace!!

If you are going to use military force then use it completely with all its consequences or don't bother.

.....and then pose for photographers, celebrating the killing of 300 odd people. It was a potential war crime.

hahahahaha cheesy.gifcheesy.gif brilliant nikmar - that is absolute quality!!!

defending your own soil from invaders is a war crime???

Go get your bumps read fella

The ship was outside the exclusion zone previously drawn up and made clear to the Argentinian government.

In other words , the Belgrano was sunk in waters that were not "our own soil."

Anyway, the point I was making initially was about the photo showing her obvious delight at killing 300 odd Argentinians was a disgrace.


Best remark IMO was at the happy hour, Lindsay Graham made a comment that this was the most time he ever spent in library in his entire life. He also opened a can of whoopass on Santorum. I guess that I found it entertaining because I didn't expect it, but it seems that boy's got a wit to him.

But it's a change of seasons, seems the US media is growing a pair of cojones and beginning to call Trump on his blather, no more of the "be careful what you say or he'll call you names" strategy. Trump's insults don't work if the attacked person laughs along with the crowd, because then he becomes Don RIckles, for whom insults are a form of affection. Even Rand Paul figured that out. wink.png

Strictly IMO, but I think Trump wants out. He's tired, he's been running the same prattle for months, and the questions are getting too involved. I think he's looking for an exit strategy. Sick relative is always good, but I'm expecting something bolder and flimsy-er. A few hours ago he did a town hall in NH and started getting wing-nut stuff, you've probably heard about it by now. He just bluffed his way through it, I think he was kind of taken aback (but of course he didn't show it).

And then, when Trump's gone, the people who tried to out-outrage him (like Walker and his wall along the Canadian border) get called on the idiotic things they've said. More fun! I want Walker to be the GOP nominee. If Trump manages to knock Jeb out of the race I'll never say another bad thing about him.


16 candidates are still fighting for air inside the GOP clown car. Not one brain between them. Sigh.

Screw it. Let's put Peggy Bundy on the $10 bill and be done with it.



Those two answers, Thatcher and my brother made America safe, should have sent Bush to the showers. What a complete idiot. Stick a fork in the guy, he's done. As dumb as his bro.

As dumb as Gonzo or Big Bird, but as dumb as Dubbya? That's a bit too harsh.

Helen Keller could be a contender.

For a Woman on the $10 note, I mean.


During her run for VP in 2008 it was revealed that Sarah Palin did not understand the role of the British PM, she thought it was the queen who ran the UK government.

And this was a state governor! I have to wonder what percentage of people in the US also don't understand this.

In the 1980s I was sometimes able to catch a little bit of the House of Commons sessions on TV in the US, probably on PBS. First time I saw Thatcher standing up and dealing with the opposition speakers one-on-one made my jaw drop, and I was envious! You'll never see that kind of leadership in the US, especially evident back then when Reagan was pres. You can only get away with "there you go again!" so many times a day. W wouldn't have lasted a minute.



Helen Keller could be a contender.

For a Woman on the $10 note, I mean.

She wouldn't hear of it! gigglem.gif

I guess that if she had been asked, she would have said that she can't see it ever happening.


That picture of her with her fist raised in triumph after sinking the Belgrano was a disgrace!!

If you are going to use military force then use it completely with all its consequences or don't bother.

.....and then pose for photographers' date=' celebrating the killing of 300 odd people. It was a potential war crime.

hahahahaha cheesy.gifcheesy.gif brilliant nikmar - that is absolute quality!!!

defending your own soil from invaders is a war crime???

Go get your bumps read fella

The ship was outside the exclusion zone previously drawn up and made clear to the Argentinian government.
In other words , the Belgrano was sunk in waters that were not "our own soil."

Anyway, the point I was making initially was about the photo showing her obvious delight at killing 300 odd Argentinians was a disgrace.

The exclusion zone was an area that neutral shipping and aircraft were warned not to enter or face being fired upon, argentine ships and aircraft were legitimate targets wherever they be for the simple reason that their nation had entered into a state of war with the UK.

Methinks Trump would like to put Carly on the back of the $10 bill.

Reclining on her side at the base of the pyramid and smiling.

Ms Fiorina probably would like to put Trump in the pyramid. Right next to King Tut.


Naw, she's too old for him. He wants Carly to change his diaper. rolleyes.gif

Difference of opinion and partisanship, well, that's what politics is about. Fabrication and false interpretation, well, that's where I draw the line -- for all sides. When Carly went into that thing about Planned Parenthood she joined the jackass league, now she's in the same category as Cruz, Santorum and Bachmann. Well, at least she is now categorizable, as opposed to the outsider who just wandered in. I think she blew her chances at VP slot.


Got the message "You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text" so I'll cut and paste what is pertainent to my response.

The exclusion zone was an area that neutral shipping and aircraft were warned not to enter or face being fired upon, argentine ships and aircraft were legitimate targets wherever they be for the simple reason that their nation had entered into a state of war with the UK.

In the parlance of Star Trek, it's called The Neutral Zone.

Anyway, the point I was making initially was about the photo showing her obvious delight at killing 300 odd Argentinians was a disgrace.

Everybody in UK who was over the age of 50 at the time of the Fauklands War had memories of WWII, of bombing raids and missiles hitting Old Blighty. Cheering the death of the enemy, well why not? You don't mourn the loss of life on the enemy's side until years after you've won.

War is hell, but if you have to engage you do it right, not like the US gov't did in Vietnam where there were rules as if it were a sport.


Oh dear Tony must be really p____d off... all he did for his brother. gigglem.gif


I was waiting for someone to point out that one had to be long deceased before being featured on a US Dollar bill...

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