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PM slams remarks by an ambassador

Lite Beer

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Not only did the Ambassador not understand, but it is very apparent that some of the people in Thaivisa also. It is a problem with some some people want to make the country they are in be like the counter they left. Respect the country and it customs, culture and laws you are in. This is part of the problem in the EU, many new arrivals want there laws to override the laws of the country. If you do not like it plans fly out of Thailand also.

How does one respect corruption. Jailing innocents with no money yet allowing murderers to roam free if they have money ?

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"What I care most is that we should not allow foreigners to interfere with our country. This is our home, our country. Don't forget that we have our own laws. Outsiders do not understand what's going on in our country," he said.

He is clearly referencing the Koh Tao farce yet again. And yes mate, we remember, pretty women shouldn't wear bikinis..........

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Okay now I'm worried about staying in Thailand. The situation is getting worst for foreigners. Bombs, lack of human rights, immigration rules changing, borders monitored and now this. Time to get out, before the lynch mobs arrive.

Yes, time for you to go. Your attitude belongs to old-style medieval Thailand which we all hope will be phased out after the reforms.

I will stay because the only lynch mobs I have ever seen here have been red-shirts - and since the coup, they have been kept at home because the people who pay them can't trust the police to protect them now.

Plus I am safe to walk anywhere in Bangkok without fear of a grenade attack and the only people whose rights have been restricted are those intent on taking things back how they were.

The immigration situation will sort itself out once the petulant egos have been satisfied. It's been the same whoever is in charge and always will be with the ridiculous Thai 'Face'.

Oh - you didn't go anywhere. What a surprise.

He has a point.
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PM upset over remarks by ambassador



Urges Thais to not allow foreigners to interfere in domestic affairs

BANGKOK: -- PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday hit out at an unnamed foreign diplomat for "reporting wrongly" about Thailand.

He also reiterated that Thailand's problems should be solved domestically and there should be no intervention from outside the country.

"What I care most is that we should not allow foreigners to interfere with our country. This is our home, our country. Don't forget that we have our own laws. Outsiders do not understand what's going on in our country," he said.

The prime minister said, "I don't know if he understood what I said. I hear that he can speak Thai. But it seemed he didn't understand me. He reported back wrongly."

Prayut made his remarks while presiding over the Thailand Innovation and Design Expo 2015 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, where he presented the Prime Minister's Export Awards to the country's outstanding exporters.

On Tuesday, the International Day of Democracy, British Ambassador Mark Kent had criticised Thailand's democracy in his article on the website of the British government's Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

"Following last year's military coup in Thailand, the UK and other members of the international community, including the secretary-general of the UN, called for the early restoration of democracy. That seems even further away now than it did then," he wrote.

"In Thailand, a particularly worrying manifestation is the use of criminal defamation laws to instil fear and prevent people from raising legitimate concerns about wrongdoing and the abuse of power."

The envoy's article concludes, "The important thing is that there is space for debate, and opposition. As Thailand once again begins the process of agreeing a new Constitution I hope there will be a full and free public debate on the implications for democracy."

Kent, who took over as ambassador in August 2012, can read, write and speak Thai.

General Prayut yesterday said that conflict between different groups of people would weaken the country's productivity and competitiveness.

He said his government was removing the "piles of garbage hidden under the carpet" in an attempt to strengthen economy and the country as a whole. "We are focusing on the economy, to improve the people's well-being, and then we can start boosting the competitiveness."

Regarding the country's security, the prime minister said that there were "cockroaches gnawing and damaging" the country's stability.

"If things go on like this, there will be no investment. Our country won't be able to move forward. If the country is not peaceful, we won't be able to advance," he said.

Prayut said he was not attempting to woo support from the public, as he had no plan to stay on in power. He said that during his visit to Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had asked him if he was interested in entering politics. He said he had told Abe that he preferred to be a "spectator", as he was not a politician.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/PM-upset-over-remarks-by-ambassador-30269042.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-18

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I hope they will never, yes, NEVER use "outside knowledge" and build the first Thai Nuclear Plant. In case they use their OWN knowledge in building such a plant, I can relax in my beach chair, coz they will never finish the job.

Outside "help" has not always been good for Thailand. Let him have the satisfaction of not needing outside advice or such. Products brought to Thailand from "outside" have spoiled the whole country : it is littered with plastic bags.

Maybe he wants to say: We don't need your advice. In our Thailand, water flows uphill and university degrees can be bought, but that's the THAI - way and we don't want you to interfere.

I am just amazed at the consistency of these words he uttered, words that are known to everybody in this country. Every analphabetic and uneducated farmer can recite the same words. WE don't need farang tell us what to do

I think the Thai People have lost their heart somewhere some time ago, to money, profit gain, lust and the attempt to sound clever. It makes me sick to watch how they cheat each other

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Is this guy for real? The very worst kind of le#der [a total xenophobe] for a country that is trying to develop and move forward. 'We welcome help, advice, and expertise from around the world to help solve our many problems', should be the way to go.

Sadly, here,...common sense, isn't that common.

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Not only did the Ambassador not understand, but it is very apparent that some of the people in Thaivisa also. It is a problem with some some people want to make the country they are in be like the counter they left. Respect the country and it customs, culture and laws you are in. This is part of the problem in the EU, many new arrivals want there laws to override the laws of the country. If you do not like it plans fly out of Thailand also.

"Respect the country and it customs, culture and laws you are in." Seriously? Respect? Culture? Please explain. Oh and respect laws? WHAT!!!! I think foreigners do that and the Thai population laugh b/c they certainly do not understand laws or following/enforcing them Am I wrong?

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I think it mainly the thais & the PM himself who don't understand or reporting incorrectly :-)

How I want to see this Junta & current political opposition crash & burn & someone with substance step into the limelight ...

What would do Obama if the Thai Ambassador has some rant how the political system in USA is rotten and not democratic and they should do a military coup.

I guess he would get the boot into his back side......

Here it is the same.....

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It appears the good general cant handle the truth, Thais need to wake up as these decisions will directly affect them

How many Thais can handle the Truth? If they could the "save face" b/s would be null and void.

TRUTH!!!! in Thailand!!!!! lol lol good one.

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Whilst I respect your opinion, I find it telling that your post suggests everyone should simply ignore the oppression of opinion in the 21st century anywhere in the world.

The goalposts have been moved here since I first moved here 18 years ago. If I want to moan about it and stay here I shall. If someone wants me to leave, I shall not get overly upset about it.

Not only did the Ambassador not understand, but it is very apparent that some of the people in Thaivisa also. It is a problem with some some people want to make the country they are in be like the counter they left. Respect the country and it customs, culture and laws you are in. This is part of the problem in the EU, many new arrivals want there laws to override the laws of the country. If you do not like it plans fly out of Thailand also.

Edited by Sunderland
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I think it mainly the thais & the PM himself who don't understand or reporting incorrectly :-)

How I want to see this Junta & current political opposition crash & burn & someone with substance step into the limelight ...

What would do Obama if the Thai Ambassador has some rant how the political system in USA is rotten and not democratic and they should do a military coup.

I guess he would get the boot into his back side......

Here it is the same.....

Happens every day at the UN and the USA still pays the rent for the UN building so no you are incorrect. One of the differences between a country with free speech and one without.

Edited by lostoday
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From the comments of that article, is this totally apt snippet, funnily enough, made before the General's comments! Ironic.

"I am reminded about what someone wrote in Foreign Affairs journal earlier this year: an outsider’s criticism of authoritarian systems risks creating defensive nationalism; it hardly helps to generate indigenous liberalism.

The Magna Carta was brought about by English barons."

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From the comments of that article, is this totally apt snippet, funnily enough, made before the General's comments! Ironic.

"I am reminded about what someone wrote in Foreign Affairs journal earlier this year: an outsider’s criticism of authoritarian systems risks creating defensive nationalism; it hardly helps to generate indigenous liberalism.

The Magna Carta was brought about by English barons."

That's why nobody said anything to Pol Pot.

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I think it mainly the thais & the PM himself who don't understand or reporting incorrectly :-)

How I want to see this Junta & current political opposition crash & burn & someone with substance step into the limelight ...

What would do Obama if the Thai Ambassador has some rant how the political system in USA is rotten and not democratic and they should do a military coup.

I guess he would get the boot into his back side......

Here it is the same.....

the comments were not particularly incorrect or a direct misunderstanding due to language or culture, Prayut just ticked off as annoyed so many can see through the charade so easily.

Thailand is no where close to same ...

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"Outsiders do not understand"

yup we 'outsiders', we lowly 'farang' and 'aliens' do not understand about precious Thailand that xenophobic of countries

truth is... most Thais don't 'get it' either... but DAMN you Ambassadors!!! go home !!!!!!!!!!!! I AM THAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes we do understand. The problem is we don't agree with you simple as that. A big difference. if this man is to become a real PM then he needs to grow thick skin, a backbone and stop offering to have a 'straightener' with anyone who disagrees with him. Very childish IMO.

I often here from Thai that outsiders don't understand Thailand. Many of us have been here long enough to fully understand. It is we just don't agree with you. Please deal with it. I deal with the fact that your views are often different to mine.

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Please let us get involved with the Security Council so Thainess can help other countries but we don't need other countries to think about us.

Actually we don't care about anyone other than ourselves and the Security Council bid is just for face.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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British ambassador criticises amongst other things use of Thailand's defamation laws.

Junta angrily criticises British Ambassador's assessment of Thai democracy.

The platform for the criticism was the Thailand Innovation and Design Expo 2015.

The ex-director of the Thai Innovation Agency used the defamation laws to suppress criticism of his plagiarism of the work of a foreign academic.

That academic was British and was assisted by the British Ambassador, Mark Kent.

I rather imagine this is a situation of Thailand's own making.

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Not only did the Ambassador not understand, but it is very apparent that some of the people in Thaivisa also. It is a problem with some some people want to make the country they are in be like the counter they left. Respect the country and it customs, culture and laws you are in. This is part of the problem in the EU, many new arrivals want there laws to override the laws of the country. If you do not like it plans fly out of Thailand also.

Quite right, respect Thailand and its customs, culture and law. Ambassador stick to your day job, your views on democracy have only damaged your countries relationship with Thailand. Well done, hope you get a thousand likes on facebook and retweeted a thousand times on twitter. Is that why you put your foot in your mouth? Reckless diplomacy, go back to your cocktail parties and business functions, leave the democracy speeches out.

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Unfortunately, Thailand has always been, and always will be the small-minded, corrupt and greedy, backwards little culture that it is. Anything else would be a genetic impossibility.

You can throw all the money, education, and laws you want at it...but you can't change a cultures' DNA.

Lying, cheating, and stealing (with a smile) has always been the 'silent' mantra. Any attempt at outside influence is just be a waste of time. We, as 'outsiders' sometimes find it 'cute or amusing' how the locals go about it. But at the end of the day, there is nothing 'cute' about any of it. Facts are...T.I.T. will always be...T.I.T.

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Sounds like Glyn Davies written all over it. If it was him he would have understood exactly what Prayut said in Thai especially since Glyn and his wife and kids did the intense Thai language training. They even introduced themselves to the Thai people on video showing off those new polished language skills.

When one comes from a background like Davies that has seen him meddling in Korean politics he must be forgiven for thinking that it is normal for America to have complete and utter control and manipulation over another country like they have over South Korea.

Maybe Davies should have spent more time studying Thai politics and history and less time studying the language.

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