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Prayut blames political leaders for problems

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Do you think that's why they chose this week to break the story about the current government preventing free speech for all on the INTERNET?

I think that was just timed with USA Presidential Hopeful Carly Fiorina stating while CEO of a well-known Computer Company she helped the NSA with a rerouted shipment of servers so the NSA could start their Domestic Surveillance Program.


Why the two have nothing in common? Thailand wants to stop Free INTERNET access and NSA wants you all to talk more. Seems like the two are at least 180 degrees apart.

... or one program wants you to stop chatting too much and go back to work and the other program wants to listen to what you say in 'private'?

A program that would prevent journalists and college professors and students free acess to knowledge and world events is preventing them from working? The INTERNET is about freedom of expression not chatting. You do realize that the majority of the free world uses internet in their daily work? I have no problem with anyone reading what I post. I however can understand your concern. Equating censorship with work ethic? No I would not want anyone reading that.

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Are you unable to concede the obvious?

You are the one who brought up government spending, trains and lunch boxes, after your off-topic "bad, bad, Thaksin" post. Also, I didn't ignore "the crazy government spending", I pointed out the insane injustice in how the government was spending much more comprehensively than you ever have. However I do think that elections provide a better long-term solution to problems than frequent military coups.

As to the junta being bad, I'll let the means by which it came to power, its means for staying in power, and its lack of accomplishments other than staying in power speak for itself.

The fact that the junta is once again casting blame elsewhere--"but, but, but....politicians!"--indicates that even the generals know their performance has been underwhelming.

The topic is PM Prayut blaming politicians for abuse of power and betraying voters' trust. I merely indicate example of such betrayal (squander away money) and abuse (going for a blanket amnesty for own actions like squandering away taxpayers money).

As for underwhelming performance, up-to-a-point. There does seem to be a certain distraction, like the demand to behave as if they're a normal, democratically elected government while showing strength and push projects to speedy start (while keeping up with Environmental Impact Studies and the wishes of the local population of course). Requests to wave magic wands and requests not to do so. Requests for elections and no reforms progressed yet to ensure the result wouldn't be a return to 'buffet' governments again. Criminal fugitives telling his red-shirts to bide their time indicates nothing has changed yet. Both normal and criminal politicians still on edge to leap in and make a mess again.

"I merely indicate example of such betrayal (squander away money) and abuse (going for a blanket amnesty for own actions like squandering away taxpayers money)."

Squander away money? Are you referring to the farmer subsidies and other actions that the PTP promised in their election campaign? If so, those issues should have been addressed in a new election campaign.

I will not allow you to derail the topic again with your "amnesty" nonsense, you have already made it clear that you don't think the amnesty bill could be properly killed except by a military coup, suspension of the constitution, dissolving of all democratic institutions, and the coup leaders granting themselves amnesty for action most would consider treason. Most don't hold this hypocritical view.

"As for underwhelming performance, up-to-a-point. There does seem to be a certain distraction, like the demand to behave as if they're a normal, democratically elected government while showing strength and push projects to speedy start (while keeping up with Environmental Impact Studies and the wishes of the local population of course)."

When has the junta in any way behaved like a democratically elected government? It is an Article 44-ship that bans free speech, free press, freedom of assembly, and rules by decree without checks and balances and any opposition. In spite of this they can't get anything done other than to stay in power, which is their primary objection. They routinely blame all ills on politicians of the past in an increasingly futile attempt to hide their own incompetence.

The rest of your off-topic nonsense--Thaksin the bogeyman and reference to mysterious and still undefined reforms-- I won't bother to reply to. I'd like to comment on your final foolishness about criminals making a mess of things, but it would run afoul of the censorship we have to deal with.

So, Prayut blames politicians and others here blame Prayut. In another topic someone even suggested Ms. Yingluck had the voters mandate to lose 500++ billion Baht on her 'self-financing' RPPS. Some posters seem unwilling to accept that responsibility and accountability also applies to politicians.

Mind you unlike the defenders I'm a taxpayer here in Thailand who's rather see proper infrastructure build to open access to the outside parts of Thailand to allow work, capital, knowledge to flow in. Simple handout every few years don't add up much, only on State debts and turning expectation of handouts into a 'right to handouts'.

PS did you know that this week is "Banned Books Week"?

"Some posters seem unwilling to accept that responsibility and accountability also applies to politicians."

I definitely accept that, if the courts and the voters are the ones to hold politicians accountable. It is not the job of the military to decide when a government is allowed to stand and when it should be toppled.

I also think military officers should be held accountable and all amnesties they grant themselves revoked. Thailand will never progress until the military can no longer stage coups with impunity

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