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Thaksin tells Thailand's red shirt opposition - 'play dead'... for now

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It was not mere corruption it was the scale at witch it was done and how he expected everyone to be so stupid not to see it. The 90 days also was not fun was on the books before but he started enforcing it again.

You should have been there around his time and read the news stories then.

Likely the bombing will provide the Govt reason to reinforce the fear of foreigners with the result making the Visa process even more draconian

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Is this media misreporting, because it's kind of a strange political statement.

"Playing dead" is a deception tactic. Why would you announce to the world what your deception tactic is?

Unless Thaksin's real goal is a for military to continue to control everything. This new peace will just make the military government more paranoid.


I would guess play dead until next election means just that. maintain a low, quiet profile, make the govt think the previous T support has waned to the point that they allow an election and then go to the polls and give the elected power back to the majority


Any verification that this conversation actually took place? Is this a marginalized Red leader reincarnating the name for self promotion? Does Mr T have shares in TV? Would make sense considering the 'click bait' opportunities that the mere mention on the name presents.


"lay low for now, don't panic, "play dead" "

'Might be nice for the guy to take his own advice ...

The truth is, he really can't afford to not keep stirring the pot, or to let his image continue to fade.


Thais in the villages are more interested in their daily lives than national politics. I means planting, harvesting and making ends meet. The world has moved on and Taksin is history. It would take a lot for Taksin to win their hearts and minds again. Now we have peace and stability; much better than before. People prefer that.


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

If you don't understand the political economy of a feudal society within the context of Thai history, then you need to do some learning before making absurd statements


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

fancy that! A population having to pay for rice!

Any special reason you can think of why the Thai population should pay 50+% more than say the Cambodians, Vietnamese or Indians?

Other than a large portion of the population took an electoral bribe, thinking they might benefit.

I think you need to brush up on rice production and subsidies before post nonsense like that.

Thailand is the usually largest exporterbof rice in the worldworld.


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

I have question for you? what are you going to eat if the farmers stop producing? everything you at is produced by the "farmers" who keep your belly fat!


Playing dead for democracy means democracy is and shall remain dead.

Democracy must be nurtured by a spirit of the body, heart and mind. Look at the Singapore Umbrella movement. It is not something you wait for at the train station.


The root of the matter is that the financial blood transfusions that were being received by Thaksin, his family and their cronies on a regular basis not so long back went to a drip feed and has now dried up.

In fact it is now being seen that the recipients of that financial transfusion are now being asked to become a donors via the repayment of sums of money associated with the rice pledging matter.

Oh yes the patient is now in panic mode and of course he is trying to reignite the flow of financial corruption and political violence in order to restore his , his family and their cronies to rude health in order to regain their despotic position.


It is about time he laid down dead

My wife's friends (supposedly educated people) thought that it meant that Thaksin was dead!


World wide people have been moving from the countryside to the cities for more than 100 years.

But in Thailand Thaksin wants to move the city to the country.

This is Mao and Pol Pot Communism.


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What did Thaksin do to inspire such frothing venom in the farang community while the actual voters of Thailand would likely elect the next "Thaksin proxy" in a free election?

The answer is that Taksin represents a future that is not beneficial to many of the expats and sexpats on this thread. They write in fear -- and fear induces incoherent writing. Hence, the venom. The mistake these terrified chaps make is that Taksin is only an incarnation of the future. Whether he is a player or not is irrelevant. The future will arrive with him or without him. The Thaitanic sails on.


Wow, any headline with Thaksin is like a red rag to the TV frothers!

Thing that really irks them is that they know what he said is true; when finally an election is permitted the people will simply reiterate the same message. We want Thaksin!

Some people. A minority of the population and electorate.

Actually, it is the majority of the electorate who have voted the PTP into power in every election for the last 9 years. No amount of nitpicking will alter that fact.

Go read the Dictionary definition of what a "majority" or even "majority of the electorate" is and not the Pheu Thai/Shinawatra propaganda version please.

It's not nitpicking to correct someone when their information is completely inaccurate and skewing the way their brains (and facts) work.


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

I have question for you? what are you going to eat if the farmers stop producing? everything you at is produced by the "farmers" who keep your belly fat!

There is over production, haven't you heard about the rice storage. God if there was no over production things would be more expensive and the farmers would complain less. I have no fat belly, I no beer guzzling old farang. Just like every self employed person in the world farmers should accept the market. Others do and suffer or thrive.. why not farmers.


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

I don't understand all the angst about the rice policy. Every Western government provides fairly generous agricultural subsidies to their farmers. As far as such policies being "vote buying," that's the way democratic politics is supposed to work. If the politicians perform in a manner to please the voters, they get the votes. If they don't, they don't get the votes. What could be simpler?


It was not mere corruption it was the scale at witch it was done and how he expected everyone to be so stupid not to see it. The 90 days also was not fun was on the books before but he started enforcing it again.

You should have been there around his time and read the news stories then.

Likely the bombing will provide the Govt reason to reinforce the fear of foreigners with the result making the Visa process even more draconian

Quite possible, and I would hate that as much as the 90 days that was revived under Thaksin. I just had a divorce and switched from marriage to elite visa. So for now I am safe. But I do hate how they make things harder. That said in the 9 years I have been here I haven't seen much change on the visa based on marriage, and havent read much about the retirement visa. Just tourist and ED visa's.


And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

How odd as I though Thaksin was "like it or not" a legitimately elected PM as opposed to the current wannabee who took the post of PM. Sadly the Thai people are not getting the chance to shape their own future by making choices good and bad.

TS was legitimately elected by whom? No PM is elected.

In fact YS never stood for election at anytime during her short political career. She got a pass in to parliament via the party list and was handed the job of PM by her big brother.

So it would seem both the current and previous PM's share something in common.

Of course he was elected. he was elected by the majority of people in Thailand. Where do you get your opinions from? The Beano?


"The military government has slashed rural subsidies"

Not true.

Within 14 months the military government has made subsidies to

- rubber farmers

- cassava growers

- rice farmers

- palm oil producers

- egg producers

- milk producers

And when you add them all together, and they don't even come close to the rice scam numbers, slashed is quite accurate. Of course, the junta don't need to bribe people to stay in office.

Of course they don't need to bribe people.

They just have to hold the country hostage by the barrel of a gun.

I don't see any guns could you point me to where you see soldiers pointing guns and threatening civilians


"Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail sentence for graft, was ousted in a coup in 2006,"

No he wasn't.

So what is it then Deidre, a long holiday?

He actually skipped bail no one can deny that! So effectively he is a run away criminal


"The military government has slashed rural subsidies"

Not true.

Within 14 months the military government has made subsidies to

- rubber farmers

- cassava growers

- rice farmers

- palm oil producers

- egg producers

- milk producers

And when you add them all together, and they don't even come close to the rice scam numbers, slashed is quite accurate. Of course, the junta don't need to bribe people to stay in office.

Of course they don't need to bribe people.

They just have to hold the country hostage by the barrel of a gun.

I don't see any guns could you point me to where you see soldiers pointing guns and threatening civilians

By the way farm subsidies have been around for a long time but the rice scheme was a scam as it robbed USD20 billion from Thai coffers. The current government have kept existing subsidies and added some new ones but these are to help the rice farmers whom were affected by the rice scheme. But the amount of money is peanuts


Wow, any headline with Thaksin is like a red rag to the TV frothers!

Thing that really irks them is that they know what he said is true; when finally an election is permitted the people will simply reiterate the same message. We want Thaksin!

Some people. A minority of the population and electorate.

Actually, it is the majority of the electorate who have voted the PTP into power in every election for the last 9 years. No amount of nitpicking will alter that fact.

Go read the Dictionary definition of what a "majority" or even "majority of the electorate" is and not the Pheu Thai/Shinawatra propaganda version please.

It's not nitpicking to correct someone when their information is completely inaccurate and skewing the way their brains (and facts) work.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, best/better part, most, more than half; More
  2. 2.
    the age when a person is legally considered a full adult, in most contexts either 18 or 21.
    synonyms: legal age, adulthood, manhood/womanhood, maturity; More



"Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail sentence for graft, was ousted in a coup in 2006,"

No he wasn't.

Quite right you are.

Now, could someone on this Forum explain why most Western journalists and politicians seem to earnestly believe that Thaksin was ousted in a coup and then flew the country for fear of becoming a political prisoner ? How and when did such a complete and outrageous lie become truth for so many people in the West (and even some here too, apparently) ?

The fact that Thaksin was (is?) a media tycoon surely must have something to do with it. If you want to control information, buy the media, right ? And once you understand how information works, how easily people can be manipulated into believing just about anything, then use it and lie until you're blue in the face.


Rice farmers..........My Thai girlfriend was contracted by NIDA University to complete a FOUR MONTH long survey travelling to rural communities and interviewing rice farmers in rural areas gathering information on how they really feel about how they are being treated. She was promised 80,000 baht for this FOUR MONTH long job. She had to use her own money to live on during this period. When the project was completed and all hard copy reports were submitted to NIDA...."She did not receive payment". She made repeated calls to get this PROMISED amount since she was in debt and paying interest on that debt. This survey was completed over one year ago now and still no sign of payment after repeated calls. I guess the parties involved requesting the survey didn't like the results ?????? NIDA you should be ASHAMED of your actions

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