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US Republican Carson: Muslim shouldn't be elected president

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Just look at the freedoms enjoyed by countries that have a majority Muslim population and then ask yourself if that is a progressive, or even an acceptable path for America. An honest review would find that, although in rapid decline, largely due to jihadis, human rights and freedoms in America are in much better shape than those in Muslim majority nations.

So if you are considering a leader for your nation would you not quickly disregard someone who adheres to a worldview which contrasts starkly with American values and the constitution.

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Just look at the freedoms enjoyed by countries that have a majority Muslim population and then ask yourself if that is a progressive, or even an acceptable path for America. An honest review would find that, although in rapid decline, largely due to jihadis, human rights and freedoms in America are in much better shape than those in Muslim majority nations.

So if you are considering a leader for your nation would you not quickly disregard someone who adheres to a worldview which contrasts starkly with American values and the constitution.

So you wouldn't want a Christian either.


Carson is right but 7 years too late!

Can you be slightly more explicit in what you are saying. Not everybody understands your stupid undertone!


It's embarassing being an American and having to hear the ignorant opinions of people like Trump and Carson, and indeed most of the TV posters in this thread.

It embarrasses me that you are unable to articulate a position and can only flame the posters who have taken the time like myself to watch the debates and research the issues and can talk intelligently without resorting to personal attacks. (You are stupid - no you are more stupid than me - no you are stupider than me - TV debate example)

I think Trump is doing a good job and Hillary is hiding in the corner afraid to debate.


Carson is right but 7 years too late!

Can you be slightly more explicit in what you are saying. Not everybody understands your stupid undertone!

43% of Republicans think Obama like his father is/was a Muslim.


Just look at the freedoms enjoyed by countries that have a majority Muslim population and then ask yourself if that is a progressive, or even an acceptable path for America. An honest review would find that, although in rapid decline, largely due to jihadis, human rights and freedoms in America are in much better shape than those in Muslim majority nations.

So if you are considering a leader for your nation would you not quickly disregard someone who adheres to a worldview which contrasts starkly with American values and the constitution.

So you wouldn't want a Christian either.

Please expand on this assumption.


Obama is obviously not a practicing Muslim. Did he have deep personal experiences with Islamic culture. Yes of course. He did not hide that. He also enjoyed curry of dog as a boy. True story. No he is not a Muslim president.


Obama is obviously not a practicing Muslim. Did he have deep personal experiences with Islamic culture. Yes of course. He did not hide that. He also enjoyed curry of dog as a boy. True story. No he is not a Muslim president.

So who are you? The grand poo bah of Muslims being Presidents of America? I'm not a Catholic but my family was Catholic. Many would make the point that I'm Catholic. What is the difference between a Catholic and a practicing Catholic in the mind of the average American voter? I'm a Mexican but since I came to America I identify with the non Mexican Americans. Do most people still think I'm a Mexican?

So I can see and it makes sense to me if a person's family was Muslim that they are Muslim. Who are you to tell me I'm wrong?


In a truly secular country it shouldn't matter what religion the president has. What Carson is saying is that the US is not truly secular. And I agree. Hence all devout religious people should be barred from holding office. So that's a no no for Carson as well in my opinion.

Absolutely! It's about time you had a POTUS who does not believe in fairy tales

I thought the country was supposed to be secular?


These candidates, if elected, would swear to uphold the Constitution. Perhaps reading it first might help them understand what is in it. I would prefer to vote for a candidate based on the content of his or her character rather than which imaginary sky being they profess to worship, or even not worship at all. Bush 2 said Christian God told him to invade Iraq. Religion poisons everything.


It's embarassing being an American and having to hear the ignorant opinions of people like Trump and Carson, and indeed most of the TV posters in this thread.

And how do you think the world feels when America elects idiot Presidents?


I wish Meet the Press had followed up by asking Carson is he was OK with an atheist being elected President.

The fellow who made MTP famous, Tim Russert, died a few years ago and the show hasn't been so good since. There were times he had people on and confronted them on their self-contradicting positions with direct quotes, something that takes guts for US journalists. The current MTP host is a lightweight.

Most impressive thing about Carson IMO is his calm, bedside-manner voice. Best thing about being a surgeon is access to ether. whistling.gif


It's embarassing being an American and having to hear the ignorant opinions of people like Trump and Carson, and indeed most of the TV posters in this thread.

And how do you think the world feels when America elects idiot Presidents?

Depends on who is invading them at the time.


Islam is a political system which its adherents attempt to bring with them and impose on people. It's that part that Carson was probably referring to and I agree with him.

Anyone who claims an intent to change the whole world to his political system and laws would be a traitor in the US.

Re. "Islam is a political system which its adherents attempt to bring with them and impose on people." This sounds like many Christians to me ... i.e., attempting to convert non-Christians to Christianity and the desire to spread Democracy throughout the world.

Re. "Anyone who claims an intent to change the whole world to his political system and laws would be a traitor in the US." No ... If they do so without breaking any laws they're not traitors, they are free citizens practicing their democratic rights.


I think Trump is doing a good job and Hillary is hiding in the corner afraid to debate.

Have to fully agree with both points.

Hillary is likely cramming as she expected a free ride to nomination but Bernie caught her off guard. This alone should worry anyone willing to vote for her.

Trump is doing exceptionally well which has to be a worry for the GOP because he was employed as a shill in order to make the other candidates seem less crazy. Back up plan was to have lots and lots of 'runners' so none of them had time during debates to show how bereft of policy any given one is. They are obviously bricking it hence the pledge during GOP #1 followed by the bizarre signing a week or two later.

I actually feel sorry for Carson as he is being used a tethered goat but it is not working as yet. A Christian not being eaten by the lion for some reason. I saw during GOP #2 that Fiorina was thrown into the pit yet again but no interest in the small fish.

If Trump has turned, which seems likely. The Koch brothers dream is screwed.


I agree with him, but it didn't need to be said. I seriously doubt the US would ever elect a Muslim president for many years to come.

Well I agree with him too if he was a REAL Muslim and didn't think Sharia law was total crap.

Finally, some one who's not publicly correct and is calling a spade, a spade...

Not the "non PC" thing again. You only like the comment because you agree, has nothing to do with whether it's PC or not. What if Carson were to say "Republicans need to nominate a black man because white folks can't govern!" Would that be sufficiently non-PC for you?

What would be very PC-incorrect is to talk about that black man and use "call a spade a spade" in the same message.


Fundamentalist Christians who agree with the Kentucky bigot lady that the so called laws of God supercede the US supreme court and constitution also should not be president.

Disdain for extremist fundamentalism in any religion is the way to go. The inconvenient non PC truth is that Islam is stuck much more in the dark ages than the other major world religions. It's a problem internationally. No point pretending it isn't.


Obama is obviously not a practicing Muslim. Did he have deep personal experiences with Islamic culture. Yes of course. He did not hide that. He also enjoyed curry of dog as a boy. True story. No he is not a Muslim president.

So who are you? The grand poo bah of Muslims being Presidents of America? I'm not a Catholic but my family was Catholic. Many would make the point that I'm Catholic. What is the difference between a Catholic and a practicing Catholic in the mind of the average American voter? I'm a Mexican but since I came to America I identify with the non Mexican Americans. Do most people still think I'm a Mexican?

So I can see and it makes sense to me if a person's family was Muslim that they are Muslim. Who are you to tell me I'm wrong?

I will be the first to tell you that you are wrong.

Religion is something that you can change. You can convert. Obama isn't a Muslim. He drinks and attends Church services. In the Muslim world he could be sentenced to death or these things if he was or had been a Muslim.


Fundamentalist Christians who agree with the Kentucky bigot lady that the so called laws of God supercede the US supreme court and constitution also should not be president.

Disdain for extremist fundamentalism in any religion is the way to go. The inconvenient non PC truth is that Islam is stuck much more in the dark ages than the other major world religions. It's a problem internationally. No point pretending it isn't.

While I do think most Muslims worldwide are good people, I also must condemn Muslim leaders and those Muslims who sit quietly and don't publicly condemn radical Muslims. Personally I think all religions are f___ed up, but presently the Muslim religion has a very large, fast-growing cancer that's out to destroy all non-radical people of all faiths (Muslims included) and to take civilization back to the dark ages.


Who ever thought there will be a Black president in the White House ? Who ever thought woman can be a Presidnt candidate and who knows she might even become the first female President of USA, and then who knows maybe soon some day thee will be a Muslim president in USA, anything is possible, literally.


Obama is obviously not a practicing Muslim. Did he have deep personal experiences with Islamic culture. Yes of course. He did not hide that. He also enjoyed curry of dog as a boy. True story. No he is not a Muslim president.

So who are you? The grand poo bah of Muslims being Presidents of America? I'm not a Catholic but my family was Catholic. Many would make the point that I'm Catholic. What is the difference between a Catholic and a practicing Catholic in the mind of the average American voter? I'm a Mexican but since I came to America I identify with the non Mexican Americans. Do most people still think I'm a Mexican?

So I can see and it makes sense to me if a person's family was Muslim that they are Muslim. Who are you to tell me I'm wrong?

I will be the first to tell you that you are wrong.

Religion is something that you can change. You can convert. Obama isn't a Muslim. He drinks and attends Church services. In the Muslim world he could be sentenced to death or these things if he was or had been a Muslim.

Looking at the backlash on the question can a Muslim be President it is obvious why an expedient politician would change from a Muslim to another religion for the purposes of getting elected.

I think in my heart I'll always be a Mexican Catholic and Barrack Hussein Obama will always be a Muslim. I don't mind you telling me I'm wrong. Did he have a Muslim family? Did he live as a Muslim in Muslim countries? OK now he's a Christian. I get it.


Looking at the backlash on the question can a Muslim be President it is obvious why an expedient politician would change from a Muslim to another religion for the purposes of getting elected.

I think in my heart I'll always be a Mexican Catholic and Barrack Hussein Obama will always be a Muslim. I don't mind you telling me I'm wrong. Did he have a Muslim family? Did he live as a Muslim in Muslim countries? OK now he's a Christian. I get it.

Are you now or have you ever been, a Communist?


Who ever thought there will be a Black president in the White House ? Who ever thought woman can be a Presidnt candidate and who knows she might even become the first female President of USA, and then who knows maybe soon some day thee will be a Muslim president in USA, anything is possible, literally.

Not likely.

Obama is obviously not a practicing Muslim. Did he have deep personal experiences with Islamic culture. Yes of course. He did not hide that. He also enjoyed curry of dog as a boy. True story. No he is not a Muslim president.

So who are you? The grand poo bah of Muslims being Presidents of America? I'm not a Catholic but my family was Catholic. Many would make the point that I'm Catholic. What is the difference between a Catholic and a practicing Catholic in the mind of the average American voter? I'm a Mexican but since I came to America I identify with the non Mexican Americans. Do most people still think I'm a Mexican?

So I can see and it makes sense to me if a person's family was Muslim that they are Muslim. Who are you to tell me I'm wrong?

I will be the first to tell you that you are wrong.

Religion is something that you can change. You can convert. Obama isn't a Muslim. He drinks and attends Church services. In the Muslim world he could be sentenced to death or these things if he was or had been a Muslim.

Looking at the backlash on the question can a Muslim be President it is obvious why an expedient politician would change from a Muslim to another religion for the purposes of getting elected.

I think in my heart I'll always be a Mexican Catholic and Barrack Hussein Obama will always be a Muslim. I don't mind you telling me I'm wrong. Did he have a Muslim family? Did he live as a Muslim in Muslim countries? OK now he's a Christian. I get it.

Obama's mother and her family were/are Christian and he's spent most of his life in America. But you think he's a Muslim and "will always be a Muslim"???



Who next, Negro, Hispanics, Women, Indigenous Americans (Red Indians and Eskimos), None Christians.

May be better that the the republican party subject presidential candidates to a IQ test first.

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