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Iran's president claims his military best defense against IS

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Iran's president claims his military best defense against IS

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The Iranian president says his country's military is the most reliable force to take on "terrorists in the region" — a reference to the extremist Islamic State group.

Hassan Rouhani says Iranian troops are willing to help both Iraq and Syria in the struggle against IS militants, but insisted Tehran has no military intentions toward other nations.

Rouhani's speech at an annual parade Tuesday in Tehran was broadcast live on state TV.

He says that if the "terrorists begin to expand in the region, the only hope will be Iran's army and the Revolutionary Guards."

Rouhani said Mideast nations should not put too much faith in "Western powers as their defenders."

Iran has already sent military advisers to both Iraq and Syria to help in the battle with IS militants.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-22


After years of stupid sanctions and economic warfare, the West still has a problem with Iran, primarily being that the Israelis don't like them.

Maybe the West should stop trying to control the world. they're not Rome....are they?


Easy peazy lemon squeezie... How to stop Isis? Hhhhmmm, let's see - got it! Two phone calls: One to Saudi Arabia telling them to stop funding, or else... And one call to the white house demanding a stop to the supply of weapons and ammunition by "accidentally" dropping mega tons of weaponry right into Isis controlled territory, or else... Problem solved! thumbsup.gif


Damn! Forgot the most important thing: Propaganda and psychological warfare! Step 3: Dropping hundreds of Charlie Hebdo Cartoonists equipped with enough food, water, pencils and A4 paper to last for two weeks. biggrin.png


No one understands the ME conundrum better than a Muslim living there... Iran has snubbed their noses at the West and especially the US...amassed a formidable well equipped military force and could take on IS and win IMHO...

The problem...as viewed from the uninformed Western diplomats...is to determine what Iran's ambition is in that region once IS is dispatched...would Iran become the new default leader in that region of the world...with all that oil...and Russia to back them...likely Yes!

The West will not disengage in the ME region...there is way too much at stake to leave it to the Iranians to sort out...


No one understands the ME conundrum better than a Muslim living there... Iran has snubbed their noses at the West and especially the US...amassed a formidable well equipped military force and could take on IS and win IMHO...

The problem...as viewed from the uninformed Western diplomats...is to determine what Iran's ambition is in that region once IS is dispatched...would Iran become the new default leader in that region of the world...with all that oil...and Russia to back them...likely Yes!

The West will not disengage in the ME region...there is way too much at stake to leave it to the Iranians to sort out...

The US think that if Iran do not have nuclear weapons will be easy to defeat at war, but the US will have to fight with Russia too. Russia NEVER will let the US to have a puppet government in Syria and Iran. Asad knows that, and NEVER will surrender. The US needs Asad to defeat ISIS, and needs the help of Iran. The Us needs to end its conflicts with Iran for good. It is the best formula to keep peace in the region.


If the US real intentions are to stop ISIS and not defeat Asad, the best ally its can have now is Iran.

ISIS is Sunni radical and Iran is Sheta radical, religious enemies for millenniums. Iran had enough with Sadam Husseim, and its not interested in have ISIS countries at its borders. After defeating and killing Sadam Hussein, Western nations created a new and very upset enemy, the Sunies. Western countries cannot defeat ISIS in Syria fighting with Asad at the same time. That will be a massacre, and do not make any sense, but worst than that, Russia will get involved.

It is time for the US and UK to leave Muslim countries problems in the hands of Muslims.


No one understands the ME conundrum better than a Muslim living there... Iran has snubbed their noses at the West and especially the US...amassed a formidable well equipped military force and could take on IS and win IMHO...

The problem...as viewed from the uninformed Western diplomats...is to determine what Iran's ambition is in that region once IS is dispatched...would Iran become the new default leader in that region of the world...with all that oil...and Russia to back them...likely Yes!

The West will not disengage in the ME region...there is way too much at stake to leave it to the Iranians to sort out...

We could trust Iran who has not invaded another country since 1798, or the leaders of the free world, who have invaded over 50 since WWII and are funding ISIS.


From a purely technical military viewpoint Iran's military would be one of the best solutions to go in and effectively take out all the IS troops. Since the US, pushed by Israel, has taken the aggressor stand against Iran, Iran has followed a time honored tradition of "si vis pacem, para bellum" as a result and they have a pretty effective machine at the moment backed by Russia, China, et al. Now no one for a minute believes that the US or their friends will let Iran in there to sort IS out but that would be a viable option IMO.

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