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Gay couples want Kentucky clerk to reissue marriage licenses

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If they want a different licence, they will have to go to court. Case closed.

But they don't want a different license.. they want the same and it's spelled license BTW.

Case closed indeed according to this:

The Supreme Court's Justice Kennedy wrote for the Court:

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization's oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.

it's spelled license BTW.

I'm not American.

Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization's oldest institutions.

Kennedy must think he's living in the 1950s! No one is denying them the opportunity to live together nowadays.

BTW, few "respect" marriage these days. They lie through their teeth when they say "till death do us part", as 50% will get divorced.

What is this "fulfilment" that he speaks of? Is the sex better because you have permission to have a bonk from the state?

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I am beginning to think that the problem is one of haste. So many in this world want everything NOW, NOW, NOW.

No patience anymore.

Not so long ago, homosexuals were imprisoned for doing it, and shunned if they admitted it, now they are accepted. However, attitudes that were acceptable years ago don't vanish overnight, and perhaps we have to wait for a generation to die out before real change happens.

Women took a long time to get the vote, but it happened and now it's accepted. Blacks in the States were discriminated against, but now the younger generation probably doesn't even think about discrimination.

Perhaps people just need to slow down and accept that some things take time. If they can't get a piece of paper that they like from her, just write her off as a silly misguided person and go elsewhere to get one they like. All this putting people in jail for their beliefs is too OTT for me. Too much like dictatorship.

The county clerk was incarcerated by the court because she was in contempt of the court. The reason why the clerk was in contempt may be relevant but it is not material. In other words, the reason explains it but does not justify it.

It matters not what the clerk believes or does not believe. It matters what the clerk does or does not do regarding the law, the Constitution.

Attorneys for the couples are seeking another ruling by the federal judge. It does not matter why the clerk chooses to violate the law because violating the law is the issue. One can say the clerk is violating the law and the Constitution because of her religion and because she is an anarchist who in fact has contempt of the rule of law.

If she truly believes in God and his word as given in the Bible, then God's law trumps earthly law.

However, as most people are heathen now, and believe in nothing but self gratification, she will not win, and yes, she should resign rather than refuse mammon or she will suffer too much from the sinners. In a past age she would be respected for her stance, but we live in a Godless world and nothing is respected any more.

BTW, does the Supreme Court swear on the Bible? If they do, they are hypocrites, as is Congress, with it's "God bless America" and not believing at all.


If they want a different licence, they will have to go to court. Case closed.

But they don't want a different license.. they want the same and it's spelled license BTW.


The spelling police might need a refresher course.

The poster (thaibeachlovers) is NOT an American.

Usage notes[edit]
  • In British English, Canadian English, Irish English, Australian English, and New Zealand English the noun is spelled licence and the verb is license.
  • The spelling licence is not used for either part of speech in the United States.



"The new licenses say they were issued not under the authority of the county clerk, but "pursuant to federal court order."

This is furthering discriminatory behavior by a public official. It is only for gay couples that this provision is being placed.

Furthermore, the license is a state form established under state law. As such the clerk's alteration of the form is a violation of state law. The State Attorney General should bring criminal charges against the Clerk for defacing the form.



I am beginning to think that the problem is one of haste. So many in this world want everything NOW, NOW, NOW.

No patience anymore.

Not so long ago, homosexuals were imprisoned for doing it, and shunned if they admitted it, now they are accepted. However, attitudes that were acceptable years ago don't vanish overnight, and perhaps we have to wait for a generation to die out before real change happens.

Women took a long time to get the vote, but it happened and now it's accepted. Blacks in the States were discriminated against, but now the younger generation probably doesn't even think about discrimination.

Perhaps people just need to slow down and accept that some things take time. If they can't get a piece of paper that they like from her, just write her off as a silly misguided person and go elsewhere to get one they like. All this putting people in jail for their beliefs is too OTT for me. Too much like dictatorship.

The county clerk was incarcerated by the court because she was in contempt of the court. The reason why the clerk was in contempt may be relevant but it is not material. In other words, the reason explains it but does not justify it.

It matters not what the clerk believes or does not believe. It matters what the clerk does or does not do regarding the law, the Constitution.

Attorneys for the couples are seeking another ruling by the federal judge. It does not matter why the clerk chooses to violate the law because violating the law is the issue. One can say the clerk is violating the law and the Constitution because of her religion and because she is an anarchist who in fact has contempt of the rule of law.

If she truly believes in God and his word as given in the Bible, then God's law trumps earthly law.

Just curious, but where does "God's law" come from exactly? I'm pretty sure it was man's interpretation, if not man's own law, to begin with. So it's all "earthly law."


This lady took an oath when accepting her position (voted into office requires an oath) to up hold the laws of the land. Now she is breaking that oath. She swears an oath to the same God to do something and then decided to not do it ....

If she was really true to her beliefs she would quit her job and then not break her oath and also not break her beliefs in that gay marriage is wrong.

If you feel so strong about one you should also feel strong about the other as you would be breaking Gods laws (as she believes) breaking either.


"The new licenses say they were issued not under the authority of the county clerk, but "pursuant to federal court order."

This is furthering discriminatory behavior by a public official. It is only for gay couples that this provision is being placed.

Furthermore, the license is a state form established under state law. As such the clerk's alteration of the form is a violation of state law. The State Attorney General should bring criminal charges against the Clerk for defacing the form.

The state attorney general and the state legislature probably support HER. Why would he charge her with anything?



I am beginning to think that the problem is one of haste. So many in this world want everything NOW, NOW, NOW.

No patience anymore.

Not so long ago, homosexuals were imprisoned for doing it, and shunned if they admitted it, now they are accepted. However, attitudes that were acceptable years ago don't vanish overnight, and perhaps we have to wait for a generation to die out before real change happens.

Women took a long time to get the vote, but it happened and now it's accepted. Blacks in the States were discriminated against, but now the younger generation probably doesn't even think about discrimination.

Perhaps people just need to slow down and accept that some things take time. If they can't get a piece of paper that they like from her, just write her off as a silly misguided person and go elsewhere to get one they like. All this putting people in jail for their beliefs is too OTT for me. Too much like dictatorship.

The county clerk was incarcerated by the court because she was in contempt of the court. The reason why the clerk was in contempt may be relevant but it is not material. In other words, the reason explains it but does not justify it.

It matters not what the clerk believes or does not believe. It matters what the clerk does or does not do regarding the law, the Constitution.

Attorneys for the couples are seeking another ruling by the federal judge. It does not matter why the clerk chooses to violate the law because violating the law is the issue. One can say the clerk is violating the law and the Constitution because of her religion and because she is an anarchist who in fact has contempt of the rule of law.

If she truly believes in God and his word as given in the Bible, then God's law trumps earthly law.

Just curious, but where does "God's law" come from exactly? I'm pretty sure it was man's interpretation, if not man's own law, to begin with. So it's all "earthly law."

God's law is written in the Bible, the Jewish holy books and the Koran. Of course you have to believe in a divine being to believe that they were given by God, rather than just by old men with funny hats that wanted to have power and lots of free food.


This lady took an oath when accepting her position (voted into office requires an oath) to up hold the laws of the land. Now she is breaking that oath. She swears an oath to the same God to do something and then decided to not do it ....

If she was really true to her beliefs she would quit her job and then not break her oath and also not break her beliefs in that gay marriage is wrong.

If you feel so strong about one you should also feel strong about the other as you would be breaking Gods laws (as she believes) breaking either.

Actually, if she really believes in it she should be stoning them. If she won't do that, then she should sign the stupid pieces of paper. 50% of them will probably be getting divorced anyway.

If she was a Muslim it'd be easier for her as Islam allows you to do things against God's law if it's necessary.



You have missed me again in your deeply touching personal response #24.

Licence is not the same as license. One is a noun, the other is a verb. Is a word noun known to you? Obviously not. From this I guess you must be an American (just an innocent guess, I may be wrong).

But this is besides the point. As English is my second language I am allowed to make mistakes. It happens to the best of us. But in this case you volunteered for a role of an ignoramus. Congrats.

Do you want me to lecture you also on a difference between proper use and meanings of 'than' and 'then'? ... I'm afraid you have landed in a puddle again.

You've asked for a lesson, - you've got it. And from a person whose English is not his native tongue.tongue.png Shame!...

Now I really have to start quoting you from post #24:

"Oh dear." - I must admit I visualize this feminine exclamation. But you can again assign it to my 'poor' English biggrin.png

"Gays are a minority. You think it's a problem (of the world) to give them rights." - Now this is a damn lie! Where and when did I said this? If you want to argue here on TV with any member do not use perversion of truth.

Or do not be surprised when called a pervert.

" Slavery and segregation are minority equality issues." - Now you really prove you missed a few days at school. In Ancient Rome slaves were majority! In the American South prior to Abolition slaves were majority!

Going back to topic of this thread - today's gays and lesbians are a minority! They have equal legal and political rights but not equality: different means not equal!

You, Seastallion, are a perfect proof of this 'equality issue', - you are trying to argue with a man not equal to you. Big mistake. Huge! coffee1.gif

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